À Beckett, Gilbert (M)

Surname: À Beckett
Forename(s): Gilbert Arthur
b. 7 April 1837. d. 15 October 1891. Nationality: English. VIAF.
Poet, editor, and magistrate. Called to the bar on 27 January 1841. From 6 September 1828 to 4 April 1829 published The Censor with his older brothers, William and Thomas. Founded and edited a number of short lived journals, including the Literary Beacon (1831), the Evangelical Penny Magazine (1832), The Thief (1833), and The Wag (1837). In 1831, founded Figaro in London, which he edited until 1834, when he made Edward Mayhew editor. Frequent contributor to Punch, eventually becoming part of the periodical’s permanent staff. Contributed to The Times, the Morning Herald, and the Illustrated London News. Biographical information: ODNB. (JS)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 1
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
Found Twenty Years After 1862-08-30 Once a Week Poet 915