The Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry Schema (BETA)
Schema and guidelines for encoding poems from the Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry database
The DVPP Team

Table of contents

1. The Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry Schema and Guidelines for Encoding

This document provides documentation and encoding examples for the project. The schema and documentation are in steady development, and are expected to change continuously, so check the repository for the latest versions of this document. The technical documentation is the work of the entire DVPP team, and is currently at a ‘beta’ stage, as is the digital edition site itself.

2. Using the Subversion Repository

We keep all our XML file and related documents in a Subversion Repository. This is a version-control system that ensures that every version of every file can be retrieved if necessary, and prevents one person from inadvertently overwriting changes to a file made by someone else.

Subversion runs on one of our HCMC servers, which is accessed at In order to use it, you will need to install a Subversion client on your computer, and also learn a couple of simple command-line commands. Subversion is usually abbreviated to ‘svn’.

2.1. Installing a Subversion client

How you will do this depends on which operating system you are using.

2.1.1. Install Subversion Client on Windows

Obtain a command-line client from SilkSVN. There is no cost to download the client. Make sure to download the correct version; there are versions for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. Once the program is downloaded, install it by double-clicking the downloaded installer and following its instructions.

2.1.2. Macintosh

Though earlier Mac operating systems included Subversion command-line tools by default, recent versions do not, and you will need to install the package management tool HomeBrew and use that to install SVN. First check if you have HomeBrew installed on your computer. Go to Terminal and type brew doctor then press return. If Terminal returns Your system is ready to brew then HomeBrew is installed, and you can proceed to the second step in the list below (installing svn). If not, then you need to install Brew on your machine.

  • In Terminal, copy and paste the below command, then press the return key: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Wait for the installation to finish, and test whether Brew has been installed by typing brew doctor then pressing return and checking for the following message: Your system is ready to brew. Note that even after a successful installation, you might need to change the path of HomeBrew. You can tell by skimming the installation output script (in Terminal). If you do need to change the path, the script will contain messages such as those below: Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH. ==> Installation successful! ==> Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate formulae and cask analytics. Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here: No analytics data has been sent yet (or will be during this `install` run). ==> Homebrew is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Please consider donating: ==> Next steps: - Add Homebrew to your PATH in /Users/usermachine/.profile: echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/usermachine/.profile eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" - Run `brew help` to get started You need to follow the steps recommended under ‘Next steps’. It is important to follow the messages in your own Terminal because these will be personalized to your own machine and current path.
  • Once HomeBrew has been installed on your machine, and the path set appropriately, proceed to install Subversion by typing brew install Subversion in Terminal then pressing the return key. Wait for the process to complete then test to see whether the installation was successful, by typing svn checkout into Terminal and pressing return. If you get a message saying Not enough arguments provided then the installation was successful.

If you run into some issues, try restarting Terminal (fully quitting then launching again) and start the process again – beginning with checking whether or not Subversion then HomeBrew are installed on your machine.

If you are still running into technical difficulties, please get in touch with the programmer.

2.1.3. Linux

Subversion is installed as part of a regular desktop on most Linux distributions.

2.2. Checking out the repository for the first time

Once your subversion client is installed, the first thing we need to do is to check out the repository. To do this, you need to open a terminal window:

  • On Windows, click on the Start menu and type cmd into the search box.
  • On a Mac, select Terminal from the Utilities folder in Applications.
  • On Linux, press Control + Alt + T.

Now we'll check that svn is installed and working. Type svn checkout and press return. If the terminal responses that there are Not enough arguments provided, then svn is working OK.

And now we'll check out the files from the repository into our directory. Make sure you don't forget the space and period at the end of this command:

svn checkout

This should create a new folder called dvpp and all the files from the repository should appear in it.

2.3. Using SVN in your daily work

These are the basic rules when you're working with svn:

Before you start work, update your local files:

  • Open a terminal
  • cd dvpp
  • svn update

You can leave the terminal open while you work. Then, when you're ready to commit your changes:

  • svn update
    (again, just in case anything else has been committed by someone else)
  • svn commit xml -m "A message explaining the changes you have made"

(Aside: we include ‘xml’ after the word ‘commit’ to specify that we only want to commit any changes that are in the xml folder. That way, if we've accidentally made changes to program code or other files in the repo, those changes won't be committed.)

That's basically it. If you see any warnings or error messages from svn, check that you're in the right folder in your terminal. You may also see error messages if two people have been editing the same file at the same time, and Subversion needs you to make a decision about whose changes should be kept.

2.4. Tips for using the terminal

Finding out where you are right now on Linux/Mac:


On Windows:

echo %cd%

Moving up the tree one level (Windows, Mac and Linux):

cd ../

List files in a folder on Linux/Mac:


and on Windows:


List files in a folder with full information:

ls -al

3. Working with Oxygen

Your encoding work will all be done in the Oxygen XML Editor. When you install Oxygen, there are lots of applications that come with it: Oxygen Author, Oxygen Developer, Compare Files, Compare Directories and others. But the one you want to work with is always Oxygen XML Editor, which has the blue icon with the red cross on it. Here's how to get started:

  1. Open the Oxygen XML Editor.
  2. Click on Project / Open Project...
  3. Navigate to the dvpp folder in your home directory.
  4. Choose the file dvpp.xpr.

You should see a tree of folders and files down the left of your Oxygen editor. This includes all the files in the project. You can ignore most of them. The folder that matters is the xml folder, where all the TEI files and schemas are kept.

If you expand the xml folder, you'll see a folder for each journal, and inside each journal, a folder for each year. Inside each year-folder is a TEI file for each poem, with a long filename/id which reflects what it is (pom = poem), what its database id is (3269), and what the first few words of its title are (consolation_for_mortality), giving a filename that looks like this:


If you open one of these files in Oxygen, you'll see that it has a lot of information in it already, even if it has not yet been edited or transcribed. All of that information comes from the database.

While working on a poem in Oxygen, there are three ways to view the poem. The normal working view is to look at the XML code and edit it directly. This is always the preferred approach when editing. However, once in a while, it is useful to have a look at the poem as a poem, without all the distracting angle brackets and other code. You can do this by clicking on the Author button at the bottom of the Oxygen editing window. This will show you a quick-and-dirty view of the poem as you've transcribed and encoded it. This will be helpful for checking your transcription.

When you're getting close to finishing a transcription task, you can also choose to view a fully-rendered version of the poem in your web browser. Do this by clicking on the red triangle button on the Oxygen toolbar (or, through the menus, Document / Transformation / Apply Transformation Scenario(s)). The browser view provides a number of visual signals to help you check your encoding, and tries to diagnose common encoding errors. The transformation will also check your CSS using the W3C's validator. This is what it does:

If it does not succeed, you'll see a ‘Transformation problems’ tab at the bottom of your Oxygen window, and if you then switch to the tab before it, you'll see the output from the build/validation process, which may contain something like this:

error: CSS: “margin-left”: only “0” can
be a “unit”. You must put a unit after
your number.

This should be enough of a clue for you to find the error and fix it. The line numbers are the line numbers in the HTML, though, not the XML (just as they are in the Jenkins build when similar errors happen).

3.1. Oxygen code templates

Our Oxygen project file has a number of useful keyboard shortcuts built into it, which you can use to speed up your encoding. Generally speaking, to use these, you select some text in the editor, then press the keystroke shortcut shown in the table below. The table uses the following key names:

M1 represents the Command key on MacOS X, and the Ctrl key on other platforms.
M2 represents the Shift key.
M3 represents the Option key on MacOS X, and the Alt key on other platforms.
M4 represents the Ctrl key on MacOS X, and is undefined on other platforms.
Name Description Result Keystroke
Ash (capital) Ash (capital A+E ligature) Æ M3 M2 A
ash ash (a+e ligature) æ M3 A
Capital delta Greek capital letter delta Δ M3 M2 D
Curly apostrophe Curly apostrophe M3 QUOTE
Double curly quotes Surround the selected text with curly double quotes “${selection}” M3 M2 QUOTE
Em dash Em dash M3 M
En dash En dash M3 N
Insert dropcap rendition Insert a rendition for a drop-capital <rendition xml:id="pom_xxx_incid_dropCap_1">font-size: ${xpath_eval(1.3 * ${ask('How many lines does it drop down? (enter a number)', generic, '2')})}em; display: block; float: left; margin: -0.2rem 0 0 .25rem; padding: 0 0.25rem 0 0; line-height: 1;</rendition> M1 M2 R
Insert utility renditions Insert the three most commonly-used renditions in 2022 re-encoding <rendition xml:id="pom_${xpath_eval(tokenize(ancestor::*:TEI/@xml:id, '_')[2])}_incid_uppercase">text-transform: uppercase;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="pom_${xpath_eval(tokenize(ancestor::*:TEI/@xml:id, '_')[2])}_hidden">display: none;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="pom_${xpath_eval(tokenize(ancestor::*:TEI/@xml:id, '_')[2])}_incid_showInline">display: inline;</rendition> M3 R
Internal rhyme Add a seg tag marking a line-internal rhyme <seg ana="dvpp:sdInRhyme">${selection}</seg>${caret} M1 M3 I
Long s Long s ſ M3 S
Lowercase and tag with hi Use with care: attempts to lowercase a title and tag it with a pointer to a rendition you must already have added. <hi rendition="#pom_${xpath_eval(tokenize(ancestor::*:TEI/@xml:id, '_')[2])}_incid_uppercase">${xpath_eval(let $words := (for $w in tokenize('${selection}', '\s+') return if (matches($w, '^(A|AND|THE|TO|OF|FOR)$')) then lower-case($w) else concat(substring($w, 1, 1), lower-case(substring($w, 2)))) return string-join($words, ' '))}</hi> M1 M2 H
OE ligature (capital) OE ligature (capital) Œ M3 M2 O
oe ligature (lower-case) oe ligature (lower-case) œ M3 O
Rhyme tag Tag selected text with a rhyme element <rhyme type="dvpp:rhyme${xpath_eval(if (matches('${selection}', '[aeiouy][^aeiouy]+[aeiouy]') and not(matches('${selection}', '^[^aeiouy]*[aeiouy][^aeiouy]+ed?$'))) then 'Feminine' else 'Masculine')}" label="${ask('What label?', generic, 'a')}">${selection}</rhyme>${caret} M1 M3 0
Single curly quotes Surround the selected text with curly single quotes ‘${selection}’ M1 M3 M2 QUOTE
Small-caps Tag selected text with a hi element styled to small-caps <hi style="font-variant: small-caps;">${selection}</hi>${caret} M1 M3 S
Tag 'so-called' (pseudonym etc.) Tag a name or nym as a soCalled element <soCalled>${xpath_eval(replace('${selection}', '[“"”]+', ''))}</soCalled>${caret} M1 M2 S
Tag analytic (article, poem etc.) title Tag a string as an article title, removing any quotes <title level="a">${xpath_eval(replace('${selection}', '[“"”]+', ''))}</title>${caret} M1 M2 A
Tag incidental period Tag a period which should only be shown in diplomatic view <hi rendition="#pom_${xpath_eval(tokenize(ancestor::*:TEI/@xml:id, '_')[2])}_hidden #pom_${xpath_eval(tokenize(ancestor::*:TEI/@xml:id, '_')[2])}_incid_showInline">.</hi> M1 M2 PERIOD
Tag journal or periodical title Tag selected text as a periodical/journal title <title level="j">${xpath_eval(replace('${selection}', '[\*]+', ''))}</title>${caret} M1 M2 J
Tag monograph title Tag selected text as a monograph title <title level="m">${xpath_eval(replace('${selection}', '[\*]+', ''))}</title>${caret} M1 M2 M
Tag quote with q Wrap a <q> tag around text and remove double quotes <q>${xpath_eval(replace('${selection}', '[“"”]+', ''))}</q>${caret} M1 M2 Q

3.2. Using ‘QuickFix’ in Oxygen

We're able to make use of the Schematron QuickFix functionality supported by Oxygen to provide some convenient encoding shortcuts. QuickFixes are listed and described below.

Basically, the way a QuickFix works is that you do something which contravenes a Schematron rule; this causes you to see a warning or an error. Then you right-click (or Control-click) on the element which is showing the error, and you will see the option to ‘Quick Fix’ in the popup menu. Click on this, and then choose the QuickFix you want to apply (usually there is only one). You can also press Alt (or Option) + 1 (the digit one) to apply a QuickFix.

3.2.1. Tagging stanzas with QuickFix

This QuickFix can add basic tagging to one or more stanzas of transcribed text. If you have the text of stanzas in a text file or in a comment, you can copy/paste it into the <div type="poem">. This will cause an error, because text is not allowed as a direct child of the <div> element. Choose the QuickFix ‘Tag this block as a stanza’ and you should see an <lg> element and <l> element appear around the text. To make this work correctly, ensure that there is one linebreak between each line in a stanza, and two linebreaks between stanzas. You may find it easier to run this process stanza by stanza.

3.2.2. Adding a <respStmt> with QuickFix

As soon as you start encoding a poem in the <div type="poem">, you will see a new warning appear, saying ‘Don't forget to insert <respStmt> elements to describe the roles played by team members in creating this file.’ You can do this with a QuickFix. Right-click (or Control-click) on the <titleStmt> element and choose the QuickFix. You will need to set the correct id for yourself in the <persName>/ref attribute (find yourself in the personography.xml file to get your xml:id), and you'll need to supply your own name.

3.2.3. Converting straight apostrophes with QuickFix

Our style guide bans the use of straight apostrophe characters in transcriptions or editorial annotations, so you will see a Schematron warning if you use one. Click on the parent element and choose the QuickFix to convert straight apostrophes to curly apostrophes.

3.2.4. Inserting a <change> element into <revisionDesc>

This QuickFix is described in The revision description.

4. Person Record Work

4.1. Part 1: Person Research and Person Tagging on XML Poem Files

Initial metadata collection is done using a spreadsheet in MS Teams. After poems have been proofed by Alison in the spreadsheet, batches of volumes are transformed into XML files by Martin. Each XML poem record needs to be tagged with the correct person id, as applicable, for poet, translator, and illustrator.

4.1.1. Step 1: Do we have the correct person already in the personography?

  • Search the personography:
    • CONTROL+F the personography listing [note this will only find what’s in the Display name field]. If no obvious hits, then...
    • Look in Search for People, which searches everything in the person records. Depending on what kind of name you’re working with and how complete it is, try the whole name (surname + first name) and then variants of the name (e.g. surname, surname + initial). Watch for married names, maiden names (née), names with variant spellings, names that are honorifics (Dean of Canterbury, Lord Highhorse).
    • Look up any pseudonyms in the Search for Poems pseudonyms field. You cannot automatically assume that pseudonyms are shared across periodicals (and even within periodicals).
  • When you find a possible match, use your judgement as to whether this is the correct person. How common/unique complete is the name? Do the birth/death dates match up (remembering that sometimes poems were published posthumously, but usually for the more canonical poets)? Have you found a person associated with the correct role (although some people worked as poets and translators, or poets and illustrators, or translators and illustrators, or even all three, don’t automatically assume this and for example assign to a poem a poet who is only known as an illustrator)?
  • If you find a record already in the personography for this person, then you can add them to the poem file. Full details of this are in Title and responsibility statements.

4.2. Part 2: Person Record Editing Guidelines

The Prosopography (historical personography) is stored in the xml/prosopography folder, and is divided into files by alphabetical letter (everyone whose surname begins with A appears in the prosopography_a.xml file). If you are researching the author, translator, or illustrator of a poem, and you cannot find them in the prosopography, then you will probably have to add a new entry. Note that each individual has only one record, whether they are a poet, a translator, and illustrator, or any combination of these. This is an example of a very rich and full person record, relating to a real person whose identity is known:

<person xml:id="ashb1sex="1">  <persName>   <forename>Joseph</forename>   <surname>Ashby-Sterry</surname>   <name type="displayName">Ashby-Sterry, Joseph</name>  </persName>  <birth when="1836"/>  <death when="1917-06-01"/>  <nationality>English</nationality>  <idno type="VIAF">34457918</idno>  <note type="shortBio">Poet, novelist, and journalist. Alternative signature: <soCalled>J. Ashby-Sterry.</soCalled> Born in London. Contributed to <title level="j">Punch</title> and <title level="j">The Graphic</title>. Author of several poetry volumes including <title level="m">Boudoir Ballads</title> (1876). Biographical information: <title level="m">Curran Index</title>; Reilly, <title level="m">Mid-Victorian Poetry</title>, p. 16. (CC, JS)</note> </person>
First is the xml:id attribute. This is created by taking the first four letters of the surname and adding a numeric value which ensures the id is unique. If you create a new person element in a prosopography file in Oxygen and type the four letters:
<person xml:id="ashb"/>
you will see a note at the bottom of the window telling you what digits to use:
NOTE: ashb2 is the next available id for the letter prefix ashb.
If you are creating a person record for the first time, add the resp attribute with your personal id so that we know you added the record:
<person xml:id="ashb2"  resp="dvpp:prs_ed_mdh"/>

The sex attribute is an impoverished method of recording what appears to be the assigned gender of the person; here we use the values from the ISO/IEC 5218 specification:

  • 0 = Not known;
  • 1 = Male;
  • 2 = Female;
  • 9 = Not applicable.

Next is the <persName>, or personal name, which contains <surname> and <forename> elements, along with a <name> type=displayName. This is what will be used for display on DVPP web pages which mention the person. It should be the most common name used by the poet/illustrator as a signature, or by which the poet is known historically, the form of [SURNAME], [FORENAMES]. If a person is usually or commonly known by their pseudonym, add it at the end of the display name in parentheses, e.g. Evans, Marian (pseudonym: “George Eliot”). Surname/First Names: the full historical names of the author/illustrator.

If there are other people with the same name, add the birth and death dates (where known) to the display name. Where dates aren’t known, add another distinguishing feature (e.g. there are two John Browns, neither of whom have known dates, so one has the display name Brown, John (Corporal). 

Honorifics are encoded before the surname using an <addName> element:
<addName type="honorific">Sir</addName>
<addName type="honorific">Dean of Canterbury</addName>
<addName type="honorific">Rev.</addName>
Note that we don’t consider ‘Esquire’ (or ‘Esq’) as an honorific. Format example: ‘First Baron’ (not 1st Baron), and add the date of coming to title in the person notes field; e.g.: ‘Became Baron Ashtown on 27 December 1800.’ For display names with Lord, Lady, etc. use their surname/first name. If honours are complicated, add essential info to notes field with dates of titles conferred (e.g. John Manners). If there is more than one aristocratic title, separate these with commas:
<addName type="honorific">Lady Dufferin, Countess of Gifford</addName>
Next there are <birth> and <death> elements. If you don’t know the birth date or the death date, don’t include the element at all. If the exact date is unclear, then you can use the precision attribute with the value low. The when attribute can take a complete or partial date, in the forms yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyy. If there is any uncertainty (e.g. if the source just has the baptism date), explain in the notes field. For example, this record shows an imprecise date and adds a note in the <note> element to explain that the exact date is not known:
<person xml:id="addi1sex="1">  <persName>   <forename>John</forename>   <surname>Addis</surname>   <name type="displayName">Addis, John</name>  </persName>  <birth when="1831precision="low"/>  <death when="1876"/>  <nationality>English</nationality>  <note type="shortBio">Poet. Born c. 1831. From Rustington, Sussex. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Author of <title level="m">Elizabethan Echoes: or, Poems, Songs, and Sonnets</title> (1879). Biographical information: Reilly, <title level="m">Mid-Victorian Poetry</title>, p. 6. (AC)</note> </person>

If you can ascertain the nationality of the person, include it in a <nationality> element. Don’t add British as a nationality unless you really don’t know if they’re English, Scottish, Irish, or Welsh. Terms for nationality like Anglo-Irish, Anglo-French etc. are also used sparingly.

If you can find the person in VIAF, you can include their VIAF number using an <idno>tag.

Finally, you will need to add the <note>, which contains short biographical note along with any other information that you need to specify relating to uncertainty, ambiguity, and so on.

At the other end of the scale from the rich record above, there will be many cases where we know little or nothing about the poet, and a very limited record will be all that you can create:

<person xml:id="scot2sex="0">  <persName>   <forename>L. M.</forename>   <surname>Scott</surname>   <name type="displayName">Scott, L. M.</name>  </persName>  <note type="shortBio">Poet.</note> </person>
<person n="prs_3684xml:id="apro1sex="0">  <persName>   <name type="displayName">A Provincial Aspirant</name>  </persName>  <note type="shortBio">Pseudonymous poet.</note> </person>
<person n="prs_3697xml:id="albp1sex="0">  <persName>   <name type="displayName">A. L. B. (poet; <title level="j">Cornhill</title>)</name>  </persName>  <note type="shortBio">Pseudonymous poet. (AC)</note> </person>

In these cases:

  • Do not assume any metadata from their fictitious name. E.g ‘An English Lady’ is not necessarily English nor a Lady. The sex attribute will be 0 (not known).
  • Omit any elements which cannot be completed.
  • Initialised pseudonyms are given in the display name field as printed on the poem (e.g.
    A. B. C.
    C., A. B.
    ) Also, for poets and translators add the periodical and role, and for illustrators just add the role (e.g.
    A. B. C. (poet; Argosy)
    A. B. C. (translator, Argosy)
    A. B. C. (illustrator)
  • If a poet is given as ‘By the Author of xxx’: can you find the name of the author obviously, such as through the periodical volume’s contents/index or by a quick Google search? If the real name isn’t obvious, give ‘The Author of xxx’ as the display name.

4.2.1. Resources for Researching People

These are sources for researching historical people, listed in order of importance. Please bookmark these sources. You first want to google the name, and that will lead you to the best source or to an idea about where next to look (eg ODNB for British people), but don’t end with the google search. You’ll quickly be able to guess which British poets are likely to have “made it” into the ODNB or Orlando!

5. Rules for transcription

In many cases, in the DVPP project, you will not be directly transcribing from an image; instead, a rough transcription will already have been created using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software, and your job will be to edit and correct that transcription. However, sometimes the OCR output may be very poor, or the OCR process may not be practical, so you may have to directly transcribe portions of the text. In either case, the same rules apply.

The DVPP editorial principles, guidelines and rules for transcription are very straightforward. The idea is to create a diplomatic transcription; in other words, we try to reproduce every feature of the original text as precisely as possible.

Capitalization in poem headings should be changed to title case, so that all our poem titles appear in the same format across the anthology. Also, look out for instances of small-caps; small-caps are not really capitals, they are just a decorative typographical feature. So, for instance:

You see this: A POEM FOR THE AGES
You transcribe it like this: A Poem for the Ages
You see this: A Poem for the Ages
You transcribe it like this: A Poem for the Ages

Spacing should be reproduced. It's quite common in 19th-century print texts to see spaces both before and after punctuation, where nowadays we would expect only a space after it. For example:

You see this: The heart hears angels sing, that “ Christ was born ! ”

You transcribe exactly as you see, including all the spaces, and including any errors that may have been made by the original compositor. Errors will be tagged and corrections provided later in the encoding process.

Unusual characters should be reproduced. A range of archaic and unusual glyphs may appear in your texts. All of them should be available in Unicode, so you should be able to find them by searching in the Oxygen Character Map tool (on the Edit menu). Examples are:

Long s: ſ
Ligatures: æ, œ, ff, fi, fl, ffi, ffl, ſt, st
Quotation marks: “ ” (curly double), ‘ ’ (curly single), " (straight double), ' (straight single)

Line breaks should be reproduced, even inside poetic lines. You will need to encode these later.

Original spelling should be reproduced. Sometimes we don't even notice that a word is spelled in an archaic or unusual way, and transcribe it in the modern form. Watch out for this.

Typographical decorations should not be reproduced in your transcription. This includes features such as bold, italic, and underline. We do encode these features, but we do it with CSS code later on; we don't try to do it in the actual transcription. For example:

You see this: “...And are ye all?” I whispered
You transcribe it like this: “...And are ye all?” I whispered
You see this (superscript e in archaic "ye" for "the"): ye
You transcribe it like this: ye

6. Basic poem file structure

Each poem that you encode will begin life as a basic framework with most of its metadata already included. This is generated from the relational database where all the information about poems has been collected over the last few years. This is the main structure of a poem file:

<TEI xml:id="pom_3269_consolation_for_mortality"  version="5.0" xmlns="">  <teiHeader> <!-- Lots of metadata. -->  </teiHeader>  <facsimile> <!-- Links to page-images. -->  </facsimile>  <text>   <front> <!-- Place for editorial introductory material. -->   </front>   <body> <!-- Place for the poem itself. -->   </body>   <back> <!-- Place for editorial back matter such as references. -->   </back>  </text> </TEI>

7. The teiHeader

The <teiHeader> is where metadata about the poem is stored. This includes information about the title and author (linking to the project personography), publication and licensing information for this electronic version, details of the original source publication, and a set of category references which characterize the poem according to several taxonomies the project is developing.

7.1. The title statement

7.1.1. Title and responsibility statements

Information about the title and author(s) of the poem is stored in the <teiHeader>/<fileDesc>/<titleStmt>. Here is an example:

<author ref="pros:wolc1">  <persName type="pseudo">Peter Pindar</persName> </author>

The information about the poet/author is fairly rudimentary, but it includes a link to the prosopography file, in which a full profile of the author will be available, including their canonical names. All that is required here is the ref attribute pointing to the authors id, and in cases where a pseudonym or an allonym is attached to the poem, a <persName> element with type=pseudo or type=allo holding that name. If a name used as a signature on a poem is different from the display name of the person in the prosopography, please note it in the notes field to the poem as an authorial signature variant (format:

Poem signed “#.”


In cases where attribution is not certain, you can use the cert attribute on the <author> element to specify certainty as high (75%), medium (50%), or low (25%).

  • provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it.
    cert (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.

In cases of uncertainty, you should provide additional information through an attribution <note> as follows (note this is to be used sparingly, for genuine cases where there is some good evidence for attribution; if the evidence us really uncertain, leave the poem without attribution):

  • When you’re 75% sure:
    Poet attribution: poem is probably by [insert display name and give reason]. (Your initials)
  • When you’re 50% sure:
    Poet attribution: poem is possibly by [insert display name and give reason]. (Your initials)
  • When you’re 25% sure:
    Poet attribution: poem is perhaps by [insert display name and give reason.] (Your initials)

7.1.2. Statements of responsibility: Illustrators and translators

Statements of responsibility (<respStmt>s) are used to encode information about illustration and translation. Each consists of a <resp> element and a <persName> element:
<respStmt>  <resp ref="resp:ill">Illustrator</resp>  <persName ref="pros:morg1"/> </respStmt>
<respStmt>  <resp ref="resp:trl">Translator</resp>  <persName ref="pros:bulw1"/> </respStmt>
As with authors, the ref attribute points to an entry in the prosopography. The <resp> element has a standard ref attribute specifying the type of responsibility provided, but it also has text content, so if a more granular description of the nature of the work is suitable for the context, it can be more specific.

7.1.3. Statements of responsibility: Work by the DVPP team Responsibility for major contributions

The <titleStmt> in the <teiHeader> also includes statements of responsibility for DVPP team contributions; this is one of two methods by which we track who has done what on each poem file; responsibility statements cover the major components of work done on a poem. Each responsibility statement includes a description of the action the person has taken, along with the date or date-range during which the work was done, along with their name, which is linked to their entry in the personography. Here is an example:

<respStmt>  <resp ref="resp:pdr">Project Director <date from="2011"/>  </resp>  <persName ref="dvpp:prs_ed_ac">Alison Chapman</persName> </respStmt> <respStmt>  <resp ref="resp:trc">Transcriber <date when="2014"/>  </resp>  <persName ref="dvpp:prs_ed_kyh">Kylee-Anne Hingston</persName> </respStmt> <respStmt>  <resp ref="resp:mrk">Encoder <date when="2014"/>  </resp>  <persName ref="dvpp:prs_ed_kyh">Kylee-Anne Hingston</persName> </respStmt> <respStmt>  <resp ref="resp:prg">Programmer <date when="2014"/>  </resp>  <persName ref="dvpp:prs_ed_mdh">Martin Holmes</persName> </respStmt>

Each responsibility assignment is done separately, so Kylee-Anne appears twice, once as transcriber and once as encoder. Note that strictly speaking, the description of the task and the person's name are redundant, since this information is available from the linked taxonomy and personography, but it's helpful to include a text description of the role, and the description can be more nuanced or detailed than the information provided by the taxonomy. The <date> element does not have any text content; the information about the date or range can be supplied through any of the dating attributes, when, notBefore, notAfter, from and to. Minor editing responsibilities

In addition to the major work (transcription and encoding), we also do lots of minor tweaks and encoding passes on poem documents. Rather than amassing large and complicated collections of <respStmt> elements, we claim credit for these by using the resp attribute on the element(s) involved in that particular work. For example, an encoder may be responsible for adding a couple of <catRef> elements to the header:
<catRef target="dvpp:illustrationAbove"  resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"/> <catRef target="dvpp:illustrationCentral"  resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"/>
Similarly, you may have been responsible for adding <figure> and/or <figDesc> elements to a poem already encoded by someone else:
<figure resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"  ana="dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdultMan">  <figDesc resp="dvpp:prs_ed_sp">[description of the figure...]</figDesc> </figure>
Here one encoder has been responsible for adding the ana value on <figure>, while another has provided the figure description.

Finally, responsibility for proofing a poem is claimed using the who attribute on a <change> element in the <revisionDesc>, as explained in The revision description.

7.2. The publication statement

Every TEI file should include information which tells any potential reader or user of the file who created it and who owns it, and also provides some guidelines as to what kind of use is permitted. The information in our files is currently provisional, because we have not discussed licensing yet. When decisions are made, all publication statements in all files will be updated (or more likely linked to a single central block of information in another file).

7.3. The source description

Information about the original source publication is provided in <teiHeader>/<fileDesc>/<sourceDesc>. Here is an example:

<sourceDesc>  <bibl corresp="dvpp:bib_19">   <title level="j">Chambers's Edinburgh Journal</title>   <biblScope unit="series">4</biblScope>   <biblScope unit="volume">17</biblScope>   <biblScope unit="issue">836</biblScope>   <biblScope unit="pagefrom="16to="16">16</biblScope>   <date when="1880-01-03"/>  </bibl> </sourceDesc>

You should not directly change any of this information, since it comes from the database.

7.4. The encoding description

We currently only create or edit <encodingDesc> when doing XSS styling; see Avoiding repetitive CSS below. More information on encodingDesc will be provided in the future.

7.5. The profile description

In the <teiHeader>/<profileDesc>/<textClass> element, we provide a set of links to a range of different taxonomies that the project is developing for the description of the form, structure, and topics of the poems. Here is an example:

<profileDesc>  <textClass>   <catRef target="dvpp:authorshipAttributed"/>   <catRef target="dvpp:genreLyricElegy"/>   <catRef target="dvpp:genreLyricDescriptive"/>   <catRef target="dvpp:illustrationAbove"/>   <catRef target="dvpp:lgQuatrainTennysonian"/>   <catRef target="dvpp:layoutFractionpageonecol"/>  </textClass> </profileDesc>

These <catRef> elements have only one piece of information, in the target attribute: a pointer to a category which is defined in our taxonomies.xml file. You can look at the taxonomies.xml file to see how that works, and there is a rendering of the complete set of taxonomies below but the basic idea is that there are several taxonomies (for genre, layout, authorship etc.). Each of these taxonomies has a hierarchical structure, so for instance there is a category genreLyric, and that contains genreLyricSonnet, which in turn contains genreLyricSonnetPetrarchan. When adding <catRef>s to a file, you need only add the longest (i.e. the deepest-nested) one in the tree which applies; if you add e.g. genreLyricSonnetPetrarchan, you don't need to add genreLyric or genreLyricSonnet, because these are inherited.

Through an automated process, the taxonomies are incorporated into the project ODD file and schema, so when you add a <catRef> element and start typing its target attribute, Oxygen will prompt you with a complete list of all the available values, along with descriptions of what they mean. Try to add at least one <catRef> from each taxonomy.

Ultimately, these categories will be used to create a sophisticated search system which allows users to retrieve poems based on a wide variety of different features and characteristics.

7.6. The revision description

The <revisionDesc> element is the last component of the <teiHeader> element. It is optional, but until it is added, no document can be published. It has a mandatory attribute status, whose values can be generated, encoded, proofed, and published, and a mandatory child element <change>.

Once you have encoded a poem, you may choose to add a <revisionDesc> if you wish, but it only really becomes important when the proofing stage takes place (see Proofing and publishing). After proofing a document, you should create a <revisionDesc> that looks like this:
<revisionDesc status="proofed">  <change when="2019-06-10"   who="dvpp:prs_ed_mdh">Document is proofed.</change> </revisionDesc>
A Schematron QuickFix is available to make this easier for you. All you need to do is to add <revisionDesc> and give it the status attribute (or change the existing value to proofed), and then you can right-click on the invalid element and choose Quick Fix / Insert a change element into revisionDesc. The QuickFix will ask for your project id, then it will insert the change element with the correct values for who and when. You can then edit the content of the <change> element if you need to add any more information arising out of your proofing.

Note that the word ‘proofed’, which is equal to the value of status, appears in the text of the <change> element. This is enforced by Schematron, to ensure that any change to the status value has a corresponding <change> element to match it.

When there is no <revisionDesc> in a document, it is presumed to be either empty (no transcription or encoding), or, if it has an encoded poem, it is presumed to have the encoded status. Any document with the proofed status is ready for checking by Alison, prior to publication; any document with the published status will be shown on the next release of the website as a completed text. Unpublished documents will still appear, but will have a clear signal that they are not yet formally published.

7.7. Taxonomies and categories

This is the current set of taxonomies and categories in the project, taken from the taxonomies.xml file. These are used for various purposes, including the classification of documents using <catRef>, and the generation of value lists for attributes.


Show listing Hide listing Action required Illustrator attribution (dvpp:arIllustratorAttribution) Is this a translation? (dvpp:arQueryTranslation) Make related poem linkGroup (dvpp:arMakeRelatedPoems) Missing page image(s) (dvpp:arMissingPageImage) Needs attention (dvpp:arNeedsAttention) Poet attribution (dvpp:arPoetAttribution) Re-scan required (dvpp:arReScan) Translator attribution (dvpp:arTranslatorAttribution) Authorship Allonymous (dvpp:authorshipAllonymous)

Attributed falsely to another historical person.

Allonymous poems falsely adopt the name of a historical person as the poet. Poet attribution of allonymous poems, where we have identified authorship, is explained in the editorial notes. Anonymous (dvpp:authorshipAnonymous)

Explicitly marked as ‘anonymous’ or equivalent.

Poems in this category have the authorial signature as ‘anonymous,’ or an abbreviation for ‘anonymous.’ We designate poems without any signature at all as unsigned. Poet attribution of anonymous poems, where we have identified authorship, is explained in the editorial notes. Attributed (dvpp:authorshipAttributed)

Explicitly attributed to the author by name.

Attributed poems include an explicit authorial signature that is not obviously pseudonymous or allonymous. Pseudonymous (dvpp:authorshipPseudonymous)

Attributed to a pseudonym rather than the author’s real name.

We define pseudonymous poems generously to include a range of types of pseudonyms, including initials, fictitious names, ‘By the Author of …,’ and any signature that disguises authorship. Poet attribution of pseudonymous poems is explained in the editorial notes, where we have identified authorship, except for pseudonymous poems in Household Words that are identified from Anne Lohrli’s identification of contributors in her Household Words: A Weekly Journal 1850-1859 (University of Toronto Press, 1959). Unsigned (dvpp:authorshipUnsigned)

Lacking any attribution, but not explicitly ‘anonymous’.

Unsigned poems have no authorship signature. Poet attribution of unsigned poems, where we have identified authorship, is explained in the editorial notes, except for unsigned poems in Household Words that are identified from Anne Lohrli’s identification of contributors in her Household Words: A Weekly Journal 1850-1859 (University of Toronto Press, 1959). Components of illustrative figures Actions (dvpp:fcActions)

Verbal or physical actions being performed. Crying (dvpp:fcActionCrying)

Crying. Eating (dvpp:fcActionEating)

Eating or drinking. Embrace (dvpp:fcActionEmbrace)

Embrace among living things. Gesture (dvpp:fcActionGesture)

Non-verbal gesture. Manual Labour (dvpp:fcActionManualLabour)

An action done or performed with the hands, involving physical rather than mental exertion (OED). Praying (dvpp:fcActionPraying)

The act or practice of offering or engaging in prayer (OED). Reading (dvpp:fcActionReading)

Reading. Does not include books in illustrations that are not actively being read. Sleeping (dvpp:fcActionSleeping)

Depiction of a living thing sleeping. Speech and Song (dvpp:fcActionSpeechandSong)

Verbal utterance including speech and song. Walking (dvpp:fcActionWalking)

Walking. Includes activities such as hiking, skipping, and running. Writing (dvpp:fcActionWriting)

Writing. Concepts and Themes (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemes)

Illustrations of abstract ideas relating to broader subjects. Death (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesDeath)

Depiction of death and/or a dead body. Can include personifications of death. Disability (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesDisability)

A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities (OED). Domestic (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesDomestic)

Attached to home; devoted to home life or duties; domesticated (OED). Poverty (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesPoverty)

Depiction of extreme destitution or lack of wealth. Relationship (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesRelationship)

Depicts a relationship among two or more living things. Familial (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesRelationshipFamilial)

A relationship between family members. Romantic (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesRelationshipRomantic)

Romantic relationship. Religion (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesReligion)

Depiction of religion, faith, or spirituality. Includes religious figures and buildings. Christmas (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesReligionChristmas)

The festival of the nativity of Christ, kept on the 25th of December (OED). Figure (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesReligionFigure)

Illustrated religious figures such as monks, bishops, the Pope. Can include non-Christian religious figures. Sickness (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesSickness)

Depicts a living thing with ill-health or another form of illness. Travel (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesTravel)

Depicts the action of journeying or travelling. Wealth (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesWealth)

Depiction of richness, extravagance, and/or opulence, generally associated with money or material items. Work (dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesWork)

Depicts a labour or work task in process. Fantasy and Supernatural (dvpp:fcFantasySupernatural)

Can include beings, objects, and themes that belong to a realm that transcends the material world; includes divine, magical, or ghostly beings (OED). Being (dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalBeing)

A non-human entity. Angel (dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalBeingAngel)

In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: a celestial being considered intermediate between God and humanity; typically acting as attendant or messengers (OED). Cherub (dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalBeingCherub)

Angelic child or baby. Fairy (dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalBeingFairy)

Supernatural being with human form (OED). Legend (dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalLegend)

Derives from a sacred text (e.g. the bible, a saint's life) (OED). Myth (dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalMyth)

Traditional story, involving supernatural beings or forces, which embodies and provides an explanation for something such as the early history of a society, a religious belief, or a natural phenomenon. (OED). Object (dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalObject)

Fantastical or supernatural object. Does not materially exist. Living thing (dvpp:fcLivingThing)

All living things, including humans, flora and fauna. Animal (dvpp:fcLivingThingAnimal)

Animal. Bird (dvpp:fcLivingThingBird)

Bird. Insect (dvpp:fcLivingThingInsect)

Insect. Person (dvpp:fcLivingThingPerson)

One or more human beings. Adult (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdult)

Adult. Gender unknown or unspecified. Elder (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdultElder)

Elderly person. Can be used with man and/or woman tags. Man (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdultMan)

Adult Man. Woman (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdultWoman)

Adult Woman. Child (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonChild)

Child. Gender unknown or unspecified. Baby (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonChildBaby)

Baby. Boy (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonChildBoy)

Boy. Girl (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonChildGirl)

Girl. Crowd (10+) (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonCrowd)

Group of 10 or more people. Can include differents ages and genders. Historical Person (pre-Victorian) (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonHistorical)

Pre-Victorian person(s). Can include portraits presented as historical figures. Multiple (2-9) (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonMultiple)

Group of 2 to 9 people. Can include differents ages and genders. Portrait (dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonPortrait)

Illustration of a person that usually depicts the head and shoulders (OED). Plant (dvpp:fcLivingThingPlant)

Plant. Flower (dvpp:fcLivingThingPlantFlower)

Flower. Tree (dvpp:fcLivingThingPlantTree)

Tree. Object (dvpp:fcObject)

A material thing that can be seen, touched, or otherwise perceived (OED). Artwork (dvpp:fcObjectArtwork)

Any work of art (e.g. paintings, sculptures). Book (dvpp:fcObjectBook)

Book (also includes periodicals, bibles, sheet music). Domestic Object (dvpp:fcObjectDomestic)

Object primarily used in a domestic setting (e.g. timepieces, cookware, cutlery). Food (dvpp:fcObjectFood)

Consumable object (also includes beverages and food consumed by birds/animals). Musical Instrument (dvpp:fcObjectMusicalInstrument)

Musical instrument. Religious Object (dvpp:fcObjectReligious)

Object primarily used in a religious context. Cross (dvpp:fcObjectReligiousCross)

Religious cross. Tool (dvpp:fcObjectTool)

Object primarily used as a tool (context-dependent). Transportation (dvpp:fcObjectTransportation)

Object primarily used for transportation. Bicycle (dvpp:fcObjectTransportationBicycle)

Bicycle or related vehicle (also includes unicycles and tricycles). Boat (dvpp:fcObjectTransportationBoat)

Boat (e.g. row-boats and passenger ships). Horse (dvpp:fcObjectTransportationHorse)

Horse used for transportation. Horse-drawn Vehicle (dvpp:fcObjectTransportationHorseDrawnVehicle)

Horse-drawn vehicle (e.g. carriages and omnibuses). Train (dvpp:fcObjectTransportationTrain)

Train. Weapon (dvpp:fcObjectWeapon)

Object primarily used as a weapon (context-dependent). Setting (dvpp:fcSetting)

The environment or surroundings in which a person, thing, or scene is ‘setʼ (OED). Body of Water (dvpp:fcSettingBodyofWater)

Any body of water (e.g. pond, lake, ocean). Seascape (dvpp:fcSettingBodyofWaterSeascape)

Illustration entirely of the sea and/or shore (OED). Building (dvpp:fcSettingBuilding)

Building. Building Exterior (dvpp:fcSettingBuildingExterior)

Exterior of one building. Building Interior (dvpp:fcSettingBuildingInterior)

Interior of one building. Countryside (dvpp:fcSettingCountryside)

Illustration set in the country. Landscape (dvpp:fcSettingCountrysideLandscape)

Illustration of natural inland scenery, taken from one point-of-view, with a wide vista (OED). Domestic Setting (dvpp:fcSettingDomestic)

Domestic setting (e.g. in a home). Foreign (non-British) Setting (dvpp:fcSettingForeign)

Overtly set outside of Britain. Absence of value does not mean illustration is set in Britain. Garden (dvpp:fcSettingGarden)

Overtly cultivated natural space, often enclosed and usually adjoining a building (OED). Historical Setting (pre-Victorian) (dvpp:fcSettingHistorical)

Pre-Victorian setting. Mountain (dvpp:fcSettingMountain)

Mountain. Settlement (dvpp:fcSettingSettlement)

Human settlement. Rural Settlement (dvpp:fcSettingSettlementRural)

Rural settlement (e.g. farm, country). As opposed to urban settlement. Urban Settlement (dvpp:fcSettingSettlementUrban)

Urban settlement (e.g. town, city). As opposed to rural settlement. Cityscape (dvpp:fcSettingSettlementUrbanCityscape)

Artistic representation of a city or urban area. Genres Light verse (dvpp:genreLight)

Light verse is poetry designed to celebrate an occasion; poetry of everyday life. Has come to include folk verse, nonsense poetry, kitsch, etc. No set form, but relies on the formal conventions of poetry. Comic verse (dvpp:genreLightComic)

Comic light verse: designed to amuse. Comic ballad (dvpp:genreLightComicBallad)

Mimics the formal features of the ballad, but renders them ridiculous in some way, usually though theme; often written in ballad meter. Light epigram (dvpp:genreLightEpigram)

A short memorable piece of light verse often 2 to 4 lines that aim for a particular point or turn. Limerick (dvpp:genreLightLimerick)

Light verse in limerick form: five lines of accental verse (lines 1, 3, and 5 having 3 stresses; lines 2 and 4 having two) with a rhyme scheme of aabba. Nonsense verse (dvpp:genreLightNonsense)

Nonsense poetry often creates a fantastical world that follows its own rules and/or disrupts the conventional operation of language. Turns sillness, incomprehensibility, childishness, and triviality into virtues. Riddle (dvpp:genreLightRiddle)

Light verse in the form of a riddle. Lyric (dvpp:genreLyric)

Generic lyric: often expresses personal feeling in a concentrated form and is addressed to a private reader. Aubade (dvpp:genreLyricAubade)

Morning song, usually between two lovers, no regular form. Descriptive lyric (dvpp:genreLyricDescriptive)

Expressive lyric that describes a place or an event. Elegy (dvpp:genreLyricElegy)

Lamentation for the dead; no regular associated form. Homage lyric (dvpp:genreLyricHomage)

Tribute poem to a living person, no regular associated form. Hymn (dvpp:genreLyricHymn)

Religious song to be sung, usually self-identified, sometimes gives the tune, usually in hymn meter. Lullaby (dvpp:genreLyricLullaby)

Song for a child, soothing and repetitive, no specific form. Pastoral lyric (dvpp:genreLyricPastoral)

Expressive lyric about nature, shepherds, often antiquated and picturesque. Personal lyric (dvpp:genreLyricPersonal)

“I” voice expressive lyric. Rondeau (dvpp:genreLyricRondeau)

Closed form with 2 rhymes only; first word or first line is refrain that does not usually rhyme. Rondel (dvpp:genreLyricRondel)

13- or 14-line poem: 2 quatrains then either a quintet [13 lines] or a sestet [14 lines]. The first two lines of the first stanza are repeated as a refrain, repeating as the last lines of the second and third stanza [sometimes only the first line is repeated]. Serendade (dvpp:genreLyricSerendade)

Evening song, usually between two lovers, no regular associated form. Song (dvpp:genreLyricSong)

Self-identified as a song, as a lyric to be set to music. Triolet (dvpp:genreLyricTriolet)

Fixed form of 8 lines and 2 rhymes, and 2 refrain rhymes: ABaAabAB. Villanelle (dvpp:genreLyricVillanelle)

Closed French form: 19-line poem, 5 tercets followed by a quatrain; 1st and 3rd line of the first tercet are repeated alternately until the last stanza which includes both repeated lines. Narrative (dvpp:genreNarrative)

Narrative poetry: mixes elements of poetic form (i.e. rhyme, meter, etc.) with features commonly associated with narrative prose (i.e. linear, chronological narratives). Ballad (dvpp:genreNarrativeBallad)

Poem that tells a single story, often rooted in oral or popular culture, with impersonal statements and third person speaker; often in ballad meter; frequently presented as a translation from Breton, German, etc., especially in Once a Week. Ballade (dvpp:genreNarrativeBallade)

A fixed form of one or more triplets of 7- (or 8-) line stanzas, each ending with the same line as the refrain; sometimes there is an envoi repeating the rhymes. Dialogue (dvpp:genreNarrativeDialogue)

Poem in the form of speech. Dramatic monologue (dvpp:genreNarrativeMonologue)

Dramatic monologue: fictional or historical speaker addresses a silent listener, usually in confessional mode; also known as dramatic lyric. Epic (dvpp:genreNarrativeEpic)

A continuous narrative of heroic actions of one or more personages, often set in history. Epyllion (dvpp:genreNarrativeEpyllion)

A little epic often associated with Hellenistic topics and written in dactylic hexameters. Idyll (dvpp:genreNarrativeIdyll)

Related to the pastoral poem; conventionally applied to poems that present picturesque rural sceneray and a life of innocence and tranquillity, though this is not always the case. Narrative ode (dvpp:genreNarrativeOde)

Lyric address on a dignified or exalted subject matter, feeling, and style. Verse drama (dvpp:genreNarrativeDrama)

Verse drama; drama in poetry; no associated regular form. Verse novel (dvpp:genreNarrativeNovel)

A verse novel; a poem in novel form. Parody (dvpp:genreParody)

A parody; an imitative work sending up another, probably well-known, work. Satire (dvpp:genreSatire)

Satirical verse adopts a critical mode towards its target with the goal of censuring human folly. Sonnet (dvpp:genreLyricSonnet)

14 lines of intricate rhyme. Hybrid sonnet (dvpp:genreLyricSonnetHybrid)

A hybrid of Petrarchan and Shakespearean form. Petrarchan sonnet (dvpp:genreLyricSonnetPetrarchan)

Petrarchan (octave then sestet). Shakespearean sonnet (dvpp:genreLyricSonnetShakespearean)

Shakespearean (4 quatrains then couplet). Hashtags AC will check Chambers's archives in the NLS (dvpp:htCheckNLS)

AC will check Chambers's archives in the NLS to verify and complete the record. Faux Translation (dvpp:htFauxTranslation)

A poem that falsely claims to be a translation. Fix dates (dvpp:htFixDates)

One or more dates in the record needs to be checked and corrected; or the dates are BCE or approximate. Indexed as one poem but could be multiple poems (dvpp:htQueryRelatedPoems)

This entry is indexed as one poem but it could be indexed as more than one separate but related poems, and needs more work by AC. Make related poems (dvpp:htMakeRelatedPoems)

This poem is related to other poems in the index, and the relation fields have not yet been created and/or the relation needs to be better articulated in the xml and/or poem notes. Original language of translation is different from the language it was translated from (dvpp:htFixOriginalLanguage)

Poem is a translation of a translation. The "original language" field gives the language from which it was immediately translated, but the TEI needs to include the original language as well. (e.g. poem id 523). Person record is proofed by AC (dvpp:htPersonProofed)

Use for persons without VIAF number to indicate that the person record has been proofed by AC. Poet attribution is uncertain (dvpp:htPoetAttribution)

The poet attribution involves a degree of uncertainty. See poem notes. To be fixed in XML by Alison. Query translation (dvpp:htQueryTranslation)

This poem may be a translation; do appropriate research to establish whether this is true or not, and if true, what the original text, author, and language are. Rescan (dvpp:htReScan)

One or more page-images for this poem are of insufficient quality. The page(s) should be re-photographed. Translator attribution involves a degree of uncertainty (dvpp:htTranslAttribution)

Translator attribution involves a degree of uncertainty. See poem notes. To be fixed in XML by Alison. poetry translation from a prose original source (dvpp:htTranslProse)

Track these examples in the database using this #, adding a note to the poem record about the original author and language, and later add a TEI tag. record requires more work (dvpp:htNeedsAttention)

. Illustration placement At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementFullPage)

At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text. The illustration is in portrait orientation. Note distinction from Frontispiece and FullPageRotated. At least one illustration is a frontispiece. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementFullPageFrontispiece)

At least one illustration is a frontispiece (a full-page illustration opposite the issue/volume title page). The illustration is in portrait orientation. Note distinction from FullPage and FrontispieceRotated. At least one illustration is a frontispiece and is rotated 90 degrees. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementFullPageFrontispieceRotated)

At least one illustration is a frontispiece (a full-page illustration opposite the issue/volume title page) and is rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise in relation to the poem text. The illustration is in landscape orientation. Note distinction from Frontispiece and FullPageRotated. At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text, and is rotated 90 degrees. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementFullPageRotated)

At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text, and is rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise in relation to the poem text. The illustration is in landscape orientation. Note distinction from FullPage and FrontispieceRotated. At least one illustration occupies a portion of a poem page. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInset)

At least one illustration occupies a portion of a poem page. This catRef should only be used if none of its descendants can be applied. At least one illustration contains the poem. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetContains)

At least one illustration is placed around the poem text on one periodical page, so that the illustration appears to contain the poem in part or in full. Includes illustrations that make room for the poem or a part of the poem (let in). At least one decorative border. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetContainsBorder)

At least one decorative border contains or partially contains the poem, poem page, or another illustration. Excludes textual ornament borders. At least one illustration is in a complex interrelationship with poem text. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetComplex)

The poem text and the illustration(s) are in a complex interrelationship, where the illustration and text appear inseparable. At least one illustration is placed above the poem text. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetAbove)

At least one illustration is placed above the poem text. Note more specific values for Headpiece, HeadpieceHistoriated, and HeadpieceInhabited. At least one illustration is a headpiece. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetAboveHeadpiece)

At least one illustration is a headpiece placed above the poem text. A headpiece is placed at the beginning of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the full width of the poem text. Can include illustrated titles. At least one illustration is a historiated headpiece. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetAboveHeadpieceHistoriated)

At least one illustration is a historiated headpiece. A headpiece is placed at the beginning of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the full width of the poem text. A historiated headpiece depicts a scene. At least one illustration is an inhabited headpiece. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetAboveHeadpieceInhabited)

At least one illustration is an inhabited headpiece. A headpiece is placed at the beginning of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the full width of the poem text. An inhabited headpiece includes an animal or human figure (can include mythical, legendary, or supernatural animals and human figures). At least one illustration is placed adjacent to the poem. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetAdjacent)

At least one illustration is placed adjacent to the poem, to the right or left. At least one illustration is placed below the poem text. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetBelow)

At least one illustration is placed below the poem text. Note more specific values for Tailpiece, TailpieceHistoriated, and TailpieceInhabited. At least one illustration is a tailpiece. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetBelowTailpiece)

At least one illustration is a tailpiece. A tailpiece is placed at the end of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the width of the poem. At least one illustration is a historiated tailpiece. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetBelowTailpieceHistoriated)

At least one illustration is a historiated tailpiece. Rectangular llustration is placed after the poem and runs the width of the poem. Depicts a scene. At least one illustration is an inhabited tailpiece. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetBelowTailpieceInhabited)

At least one illustration is an inhabited tailpiece. Rectangular illustration is placed after the poem and runs the width of the poem. Includes an animal or human figure. At least one illustration is placed centrally on the page. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetCentral)

At least one illustration is placed centrally on the page (placed above/below/adjacent to the poem). At least one illustration is placed within the poem. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetWithin)

At least one illustration is placed within the poem, interrupting it or being surrounded by it. Poem text may appear to be formatted around the illustration. At least one illustration is rotated 90 degrees. (dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetRotated)

At least one illustration is placed sideways to the poem, requiring rotation of the page to view. At least one illustration relates directly to the poem but appears on a preceding or following page (dvpp:illustrationPlacementRelatedPage)

At least one illustration relates directly to the poem but appears on a preceding or following page, normally within the page run of a series of related poems. The illustration can be in either portrait or landscape orientation, but it does not occupy a full periodical page. Note distinction from FullPage and Frontispiece values. Illustration type At least one caption to poem is illustrated. (dvpp:illustrationTypeCaption)

A caption can be a line from a poem, a portion of a line, or even just a word. At least one illustration is a portrait. (dvpp:illustrationTypePortrait)

At least one illustration is a portrait. An illustration of a person (or more) that usually depicts the head and shoulders. Often appears "posed". At least one illustration is a portrait of a poet. (dvpp:illustrationTypePortraitPoet)

At least one illustration is a portrait of a poet. An illustration of a poet (or more) that usually depicts the head and shoulders. Often appears "posed". At least one illustration is an illustrated initial letter or word. (dvpp:illustrationTypeInitial)

Poem has at least one illustrated initial letter, which does not appear to be generic, and can be at the beginning of the poem or throughout it. Sometimes an entire word is illustrated. Note more specific values. At least one illustration is a historiated illustrated initial letter or word. (dvpp:illustrationTypeInitialHistoriated)

Poem has at least one decorated initial letter that depicts a scene. At least one illustration is an inhabited illustrated initial letter or word. (dvpp:illustrationTypeInitialInhabited)

Poem has at least one decorated initial letter that contains a human or animal figure. At least one illustration is specifically identified as being from a photograph. (dvpp:illustrationTypePhotograph)

At least one illustration is specifically identified as being from a photograph (i.e. a reproduction of...). Facsimile of poet's signature. (dvpp:illustrationTypeSigFacsimile)

There is a facsimile of the poet's signature. Generic-appearing decoration. (dvpp:illustrationTypeTextualOrnament)

Poem has at least one decoration, which appears to be generic. Note more specific values. Includes glyphs. Generic-appearing decorative border. (dvpp:illustrationTypeTextualOrnamentBorder)

Poem, poem page, or illustration includes a generic-appearing decorative border. This value does not include plain single- or double-ruled borders, and it should not be applied when the border is the regular page-border used throughout a periodical. Note distinction from IllustrationPlacementInsetContainsBorder. Generic-appearing initial letter. (dvpp:illustrationTypeTextualOrnamentInitial)

Poem has at least one decorative initial letter, which appears to be generic, and can be at the beginning of the poem or throughout it. Note distinction from IllustrationTypeInitial. Hand-drawn lettering. (dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLettering)

Poem includes hand-drawn lettering (i.e. not printed type). Hand-drawn lettering may be present in the poem text, title, caption, and in any other text that is associated with the poem/illustration. Note more specific values for calligraphic, Gothic, and handwriting/cursive styles. Instances that do not adhere to these three specified values will fall under this broad parent value. Hand-drawn lettering in a Gothic style. (dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLetteringGothic)

Poem includes hand-drawn lettering in a Gothic style. Hand-drawn lettering in a calligraphic style. (dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLetteringCalligraphic)

Poem includes hand-drawn lettering in a calligraphic style. Hand-drawn lettering in the style of handwriting or cursive. (dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLetteringHandwriting)

Poem includes hand-drawn lettering in the style of handwriting or cursive. Multiple illustrations. (dvpp:illustrationTypeMultiPart)

The poem has multiple illustrations. Note more specific value for Series. Multiple illustrations that are related. (dvpp:illustrationTypeMultiPartSeries)

The poem has multiple illustrations that are overtly related to one another, for example in a sequential narrative. Title to poem is illustrated. (dvpp:illustrationTypeTitle)

Poem title is illustrated. Layout 1 col, full page (dvpp:layoutFullpageonecol)

Poem takes up full page; a single column. 1 col, half page (dvpp:layoutHalfpageonecol)

Poem takes up half a page; a single column. 1 col, less than half page (dvpp:layoutFractionpageonecol)

Poem takes up less than half a page; a single column. 2 col, half page (dvpp:layoutHalfpagetwocol)

Poem takes up half a page; two columns. 2 col, less than half page (dvpp:layoutFractionpagetwocol)

Poem takes up less than half a page; two columns. 2col, full page (dvpp:layoutFullpagetwocol)

Poem takes up full page; two columns. 3 col, full page (dvpp:layoutFullpagethreecol)

Poem takes up full page; three columns. 3 col, half page (dvpp:layoutHalfpagethreecol)

Poem takes up half a page; three columns. 3 col, less than half page (dvpp:layoutFractionpagethreecol)

Poem takes up less than half a page; three columns. Linegroup types Couplet (dvpp:lgCouplet)

2 lines that rhyme. Octave (dvpp:lgOctave)

8-line stanza. Ottava rima (dvpp:lgOctaveOttava)

Ottava rima; eight-line iambic stanza rhyming abababcc. Quatrain (dvpp:lgQuatrain)

4-line stanza. Ballad quatrain (dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad)

Quatrain, either abab or abcb, in iambic lines alternative 4 stresses and 3 stresses. English quatrain (dvpp:lgQuatrainEnglish)

4-line stanza which ???. Hymn common meter (dvpp:lgQuatrainHymn)

Hymn common meter; quatrain with a rhyme of abab in iambic lines of either 4:4 or 4:3. Sometimes hymnists join their quatrains, turning them into an octave. Quatrain in couplets (dvpp:lgQuatrainCouplets)

Quatrain rhyming aabb. Tennysonian quatrain (dvpp:lgQuatrainTennysonian)

Quatrain rhyming abba, as used for example in In Memoriam. Quintain (dvpp:lgQuintain)

5-line stanza. Septet (dvpp:lgSeptet)

7-line stanza. Sestet (dvpp:lgSestet)

6-line stanza. Sonnet (dvpp:lgSonnet)

14 lines of intricate rhyme. Hybrid sonnet (dvpp:lgSonnetHybrid)

A hybrid of Petrarchan and Shakespearean form. Petrarchan sonnet (dvpp:lgSonnetPetrarchan)

Petrarchan (octave then sestet). Shakespearean sonnet (dvpp:lgSonnetShakespearean)

Shakespearean (4 quatrains then couplet). Spenserian (dvpp:lgSpenserian)

Nine iambic lines, the first eight written in pentameter with the last line written in either hexameter or alexandrine; ababbcbcc rhyme scheme. Tercet (dvpp:lgTercet)

3-line stanza. Unclassified line group (dvpp:lgUnclassified)

A line group which resists categorization. Link group types Consecutive poems (dvpp:lkConsecutivePoems)

Poems published consecutively in a single issue (or, for literary annuals, a single volume) sharing the same page, but without any linked title or numbering. Linked as a series (dvpp:lkLinkedSeries)

Poems in an overtly linked series. Note that, to avoid confusing proliferation, we encode the largest set of linked groups for a poem series. For example, in the case of a set of poems published across nonconsecutive issues, we do not create linked groups for any subset of poems that are published in consecutive issues. Linked as a series in consecutive issues (dvpp:lkLinkedSeriesConsecutiveIssues)

Poems which are in a linked series in consecutive periodical issues (or, for literary annuals, in consecutive volumes), where there are no interruptions between issues. Linked as a series in non-consecutive issues (dvpp:lkLinkedSeriesNonConsecutiveIssues)

Poems which are in a linked series in periodical issues (or, for literary annuals, in volumes) which have at least one interruption between issues. Linked as a series in the same issue (dvpp:lkLinkedSeriesSameIssue)

Poems which are in a linked series in the same periodical issue, where the series does not continue beyond the issue. Multi-part poem (dvpp:lkPoemInstallments)

A single multi-part poem, by a single author and published in instalments over more than one issue (or, for literary annuals, more than one volume). Note the difference from an overtly linked series of separate poems. These are often narrative poem instalments. Poetic replies (dvpp:lkPoeticReplies)

Poems which give rise to poetic responses and the responses to them. Quoted in the same prose item (dvpp:lkSameProseItem)

Poems which are quoted in the same prose contribution. Subcollection (dvpp:lkSubcollection)

A series of poems gathered together to form a curated subcollection. The same poem published more than once (dvpp:lkSamePoem)

Duplicate poems of various types. Translations of the same poem (dvpp:lkSamePoemTranslations)

Translations of the same source poem. Print context Published in a Christmas issue (dvpp:contextChristmasIssue)

The poem appears in a Christmas issue of the periodical. Quoted in prose contribution (dvpp:contextQuotedInProse)

The poem appears as a quotation in the context of an article or other prose contribution in the periodical issue. School Aestheticism (dvpp:schoolAestheticism)

Aestheticism. Anti-decadent (dvpp:schoolAntidecadent)

Anti-decadent. Arthurian (dvpp:schoolArthurian)

Arthurian. Augustan (dvpp:schoolAugustan)

Augustan. Celtic (dvpp:schoolCeltic)

Celtic revival. Decadent (dvpp:schoolDecadent)

Decadent. Dialect (dvpp:schoolDialect)

Dialect poetry. Domestic (dvpp:schoolDomestic)

Domestic. Idyllic (dvpp:schoolIdyllic)

Idyllic. Kailyard (dvpp:schoolKailyard)

Kailyard. Medievalist (dvpp:schoolMedievalist)

Medievalist. Poetess (dvpp:schoolPoetess)

Written by or about self-identified poetesses. Pre-Raphaelite (dvpp:schoolPreraphaelite)

Pre-Raphaelite. Romantic (dvpp:schoolRomantic)

Romantic. Spasmodic (dvpp:schoolSpasmodic)

Spasmodic. Tractarian (dvpp:schoolTractarian)

Tractarian. Working class (dvpp:schoolWorkingclass)

By the working classes, including Chartist poetry. Sonic devices Anaphora: Repetition of the first word or words of a segment. (dvpp:sdAnaphora)

A sonic device in which the first component of a segment is repeated: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”. Minor variation may occur between repetitions. Epistrophe: Repetition of the last word or words in a segment. (dvpp:sdEpistrophe)

A sonic device in which the last component of a segment is repeated: “…government of the people, by the people, for the people…”. Minor variation may occur between repetitions. Internal rhyme: rhyming components within a line. (dvpp:sdInRhyme)

An instance of overt and obvious rhyme within a single line or across lines, with two words rhyming together. Refrain: Repetition of one or more lines, sentences or phrases anywhere in a poem, and often but not only at the end of a stanza. (dvpp:sdRefrain)

A sonic device in which a phrase, partial line, whole line, or multiple lines in a stanza or a sub-stanza is repeated, sometimes with minor variation, across multiple stanzas. Variant: Specifies that the tagged sonic device is not identical to its precursor, merely similar. (dvpp:sdVariant)

An additional specifier to be combined with one of the sonic device types to specify that the repetition is not identical but a variant of the original instance. Speaker Authorial (dvpp:speakerAuthorial)

Authorial voice. Fictional (dvpp:speakerFictional)

Fictional speaker. Historical (dvpp:speakerHistorical)

Historical figure as speaker. Subject Children (dvpp:subjectChildren)

Children. Childhood (dvpp:subjectChildrenChildhood)

Childhood. Children at home (dvpp:subjectChildrenDomesticity)

Relationship to parents and home; often didactic in nature. Fairy tales (dvpp:subjectChildrenFairytale)

Fairy tales. Cities (dvpp:subjectCities)

Cities. Classical (dvpp:subjectClassical)

Classical themes; the ancient world. Classical myth (dvpp:subjectClassicalMyth)

Classical myth. Hellenic (dvpp:subjectClassicalHellenic)

Ancient Greece and the Greeks. Roman (dvpp:subjectClassicalRoman)

Ancient Rome and the Romans. Comical (dvpp:subjectComical)

Comical subject or topic. Domesticity (dvpp:subjectDomesticity)

Mother and fatherhood, marriage, family reading practices. Ekphrastic (dvpp:subjectEkphrastic)

The subject of the poem is a work of art. Museum (dvpp:subjectEkphrasticMuseum)

The poem is based in or relates to a museum or a work in a museum. Gender (dvpp:subjectGender)

Poems related to Victorian conceptions of gender. AngeloftheHouse (dvpp:subjectAngeloftheHouse)

Poems that present women either as the ideal Angels of the house or as failing in the role. Death (dvpp:subjectDeath)

A poem that references death in some manner. FallenWoman (dvpp:subjectFallenWoman)

a poem discussing a woman who has been abandoned by her lover, had a child out of wedlock, etc. Fatherhood (dvpp:subjectFatherhood)

the role and responsibilities of fatherhood in the middle and working classes. Husband (dvpp:subjectHusband)

the role of the husband amoung the middle and working classes. MotherlyDuty (dvpp:subjectMotherhoodDuty)

a poem describing a woman's role or duty in life is to be a mother. New Woman (dvpp:subjectNewWoman)

late-nineteenth cenutry women questioning intsitution of conventional marriage, entering the workforce, striving for independence. ProfessionalGentleman (dvpp:subjectProfessionalGentleman)

The new model for middle-class masculinity; professions involved a particular set of ethics associated with the specialist. Wife (dvpp:subjectWife)

a poem describing a woman's role as that of wife. grief (dvpp:subjectGrief)

Grief caused by the death of another. Historical event (dvpp:subjectEvent)

The poem is about a specific historical event. Industrialization (dvpp:subjectIndustrialization)

Industrialization. Chartism (dvpp:subjectIndustrializationChartism)

Chartism (a working-class movement of political reform between 1838–1850). Factories (dvpp:subjectIndustrializationFactories)

Factories or mills. Industrial labour (dvpp:subjectIndustrializationLabour)

Industrial labour issues. Love (dvpp:subjectLove)

Love. Adultery (dvpp:subjectLoveAdultery)

Adultery. Courtship (dvpp:subjectLoveCourtship)

Courtship. Eroticism (dvpp:subjectLoveEroticism)

Eroticism. Lesbianism (dvpp:subjectLoveLesbianism)

Lesbianism. Male homosexuality (dvpp:subjectLoveMalehomosexuality)

Male homosexuality. Marriage (dvpp:subjectLoveMarriage)

Marriage. MotherlyLove (dvpp:subjectLoveMotherhood)

a poem describing mother's love for her children. Sex (dvpp:subjectLoveSex)

Sex. Nature (dvpp:subjectNature)

The natural world. Landscape (dvpp:subjectNatureLandscape)

The landscape. Pastoral (dvpp:subjectNaturePastoral)

The pastoral world. Seasons (dvpp:subjectNatureSeasons)

The seasons. Patriotism (dvpp:subjectPatriotism)

Patriotism. Petrarchanism (dvpp:subjectPetrarchanism)

Petrarchanism. Poetry (dvpp:subjectPoetry)

Poetry itself. Meta-textual (dvpp:subjectPoetryMetatextual)

Meta-textual. Politics (dvpp:subjectPolitics)

The poem is about a political event or issue. British empire politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsEmpire)

The poem is about an event or issue related to the politics of the British Empire and/or the poet's reaction to said politics. British politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsBritish)

The poem is about an event or issue related to British politics and/or the poet's reaction to British politics. European politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropean)

The poem is about an event or issue related to European politics and/or the poet's reaction to European politics. French politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanFrance)

The poem is about an event or issue related to French politics and/or the poet's reaction to French politics. German politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanGermany)

The poem is about an event or issue related to German politics and/or the poet's reaction to German politics;. Italian politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanItaly)

The poem is about an event or issue related to Italian politics, especially Garabaldi and/or the poet's reaction to Italian politics. Spanish politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanSpain)

The poem is about an event or issue related to Spanish politics and/or the poet's reaction to Spanish politics. Four nations politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsFournations)

The poem is about the politics of culture of the four nations of the UK [Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales]. Global politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsGlobal)

The poem is about an event or issue related to global politics and/or the poet's reaction to global politics. Irish politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsIrish)

The poem is about an event or issue related to Irish politics and/or the poet's reaction to Irish politics. Local politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsLocal)

The poem is about a specific local political event or issue, usually related to the periodical's place of publication. Scottish politics (dvpp:subjectPoliticsScottish)

The poem is about an event or issue related to Scottish politics and/or the poet's reaction to Scottish politics. Race (dvpp:subjectRace)

Race issues. Relationships (dvpp:subjectRelationships)

Human relationships. Familial relations (dvpp:subjectRelationshipsFamilial)

Familial relations. Female relationships (dvpp:subjectRelationshipsFemale)

Female friendships. Male relationships (dvpp:subjectRelationshipsMale)

Male friendships. Religious (dvpp:subjectReligious)

Religious issues including faith (and crises of faith), acts of devotion, God's role in the world, non-Christian faiths/gods. Agnosticism (dvpp:subjectReligiousAgnosticism)

Agnosticism. Anglican (dvpp:subjectReligiousAnglican)

Anglicanism; faith founded on the Bible, apostolic succession, and the writings of the Church fathers; a number of dissenting demoninations fall under it. Atheism (dvpp:subjectReligiousAtheism)

Atheism. BroadChurch (dvpp:subjectReligiousBroadChurch)

Broad Church; moral behaviour was emphasized over spirituality. Catholic (dvpp:subjectCatholic)

Roman Catholicism; beleive in the special authority of the pope and the ability of saints to intercede on one's behalf. Evangelical (dvpp:subjectReligiousEvangelical)

Evangelical religion; leaned towards Puritanism and Methodism in doctrine; emphasized personal conversion, justification by faith, and the authority of the Bible. MuscularChristianity (dvpp:subjectReligiousMuscularChristianity)

Muscular Christianity; associated the healthy body and healthy spirit. Non-conformist (dvpp:subjectReligiousNonconformism)

Religious poetry outside the Anglican Church. Nondenominational (dvpp:subjectReligiousNondenominational)

Religious poetry not associated with any particular denomination. Scottish Free Church (dvpp:subjectReligiousFreechurch)

The Scottish Free Church. Tractarian (dvpp:subjectReligiousTractarian)

Tractarianism or the Oxford Movement; use of reserve and analogy in poetry; called for a closer following of the Church of England’s Thirty-Nine articles; stressed the doctrinal closeness of their movement with Catholicism and Catholic rituals. Science (dvpp:subjectScience)

Science. Sentimental (dvpp:subjectSentimental)

Excess of emotion and feeling. Technology (dvpp:subjectTechnology)

Technological innovations of the Victorian period. VisualTechnology (dvpp:subjectVisualTechnologies)

Camera Obscura, Panorama, Diorama, etc. Topical (dvpp:subjectTopical)

Topical issues, often something in the news cycle or the seasons. War (dvpp:subjectWar)

War and warfare. Battles (dvpp:subjectWarBattles)

Battles. Heroism (dvpp:subjectWarHeroism)

Military heroism. Sailors (dvpp:subjectWarSailors)

Poem references sailors involved in war efforts / the British Navy. Soldiers (dvpp:subjectWarSoldiers)

Soldiers. travel (dvpp:subjectTravel)

Travel between geographical locations.

8. The <facsimile> element

The <facsimile> element is currently very simple, although we may decide to make it more complex in future. It consists of a list of the page-images showing the poem:

<facsimile>  <graphic url="https://[path-to-the-image].jpg"/>  <graphic url="https://[path-to-the-image].jpg"/> </facsimile>

These are automatically generated from the relational database information. You should check that these links are correct, but other than that, there's no need to do anything here. If any of the links are wrong, fix them in the database, not in the XML file. In future, it is possible that we may decide to define <surface> and <zone> elements which specify the exact regions of each image where a poem appears.

9. The <text> element

9.1. The front matter

Any front matter for any individual poem will be created by you, the transcriber/editor/encoder. It may consist of a brief introduction to the poem, in the form of one or two paragraphs, or it might be a complete critical introduction on a much larger scale. It should be encoded in a <div> element, possibly with nested <div>s if it has multiple sections, and should consist of the usual TEI prose structures (<head>s, <p>s, <quote>s, etc.)

9.2. The back matter

The back matter will consist of any textual notes or other information that does not belong in the body of the document. However, note that you should not put footnotes in the back matter; a footnote is a TEI <note> element, which should be included in full at exactly the point in the text where you would expect to see the footnote number in a print document. See 15.2. Editorial notes for more information.

10. The body: transcribing and encoding the poem

Most of your work will be done in the <body> element of the file, transcribing, encoding and annotating the poem. This is the basic structure of this section:

<body>  <div type="poem">   <head>[The title of the poem]</head>   <lg> <!-- A complete poem will go in here a single lg element. -->    <lg type="dvpp:lgTercet">     <l>[line 1]</l>     <l>[line 2]</l>     <l>[line 3]</l>    </lg>    <lg type="dvpp:lgTercet">     <l>[line 4]</l>     <l>[line 5]</l>     <l>[line 6]</l>    </lg>   </lg>  </div> </body>

10.1. The main poem <div>

A single <div> with type=poem should enclose the entire work. If it is a cycle of poems, use type=cycle. You can use the style attribute on this <div> to describe the space within which the poem is printed. Normally, this will be a page or a column. For instance, a poem printed within a column might be encoded like this:

<div type="poemstyle="width: 23em;">  <head>A "MERCENARY" MARRIAGE</head> <!-- poem goes here. --> </div>

This specifies that the column within which the poem was printed is about 23ems wide.

10.1.1. Adding the dominant rhyme scheme to the poem div

We add rhyme to each poem <div>. This is automatically handled for poems that follow three criteria: (1) only one unique rhyme-scheme is found; (2) stanzas are less than 21 lines; and (3) there are no complicating factors. However, for any poem that does not fit that criteria, we must manually add the poem <div> rhyme following a set of principles that we have agreed upon, using the poem’s rhyme-scheme report.

The rhyme-scheme report breaks down the different patterns found across a poem’s different stanzas. Each pattern for each stanza is converted into a normalized pattern so that our process can compare them. For example, "abab" will remain "abab", but "cdcd" will convert to "abab". When you mouse over a stanza, you will see both the true rhyme pattern and the normalized rhyme pattern.

First, check the rhyme-scheme report. For poems with stanzas that follow the same rhyme pattern more than 50 percent of the time, that becomes the dominant rhyme pattern, which you can then add to the poem <div> rhyme.

Sometimes, poems will follow a pattern, but with stanzas of irregular lengths. This occurrence is common with rhyming couplets and quatrains. Because we consider these patterns meaningful (despite the differing stanza lengths), we use "aa" for the dominant rhyme pattern in cases where there are stanzas of differing lengths comprised of rhyming couplets (for example, poem 12481), and “abab” or "-a-a" for the dominant rhyme pattern in cases where there are stanzas of differing lengths comprised of quatrains (for example, poem 7785). Keep in mind that our dominant rule still applies here, so if a poem follows "aa" more than 50 percent of the time, "aa" will be the dominant rhyme pattern.

In some cases, some rhyme patterns will be a subset of another pattern. For example, a poem might be a mixture of "abab" and "-a-a". In these cases, the dominant rhyme scheme will be "-a-a" as "abab" is a subset of "-a-a". Similarly, sometimes a rhyme will repeat itself within a stanza which changes the dominant rhyme-scheme results. For example, poem 4541 has two stanzas where one is "ababcdcdefefgg" and the other is "ababcdcd​efefcc". Here, we use "ababcdcdefefgg" as "ababcdcd​efefcc" is a variation of that.

Encoders can also use the values NONE and IRREGULAR. NONE is used when there is no rhyme in a poem, for example, poem 7822, or when the poem dominantly has no rhyme pattern, for example, poem 13888. IRREGULAR is used when there is no regular rhyme pattern in a poem.

Encoders should also use IRREGULAR when there is a 50 percent split across two different patterns, such as in poem 1966, as this shows that neither pattern is dominant. We may add an additional value for this rhyme pattern occurrence in the future.

Sometimes, each stanza in a poem will finish in a chorus or refrain, and sometimes this chorus or refrain is replaced by ellipses or "etc." In these cases, the dominant rhyme pattern is the one that includes the entire chorus or refrain, as it is implied in the other stanzas. Examples of this occurrence include poems 4388 and 4385.

Note: check the closed form documentation for a list of poems forms that should have a parent line group that includes the rhyme for the entire poem. This rhyme should also be the one included in the <div> rhyme.

10.2. Titles and headings (<head>)

The title of the poem (if there is one) will go inside a <head> element in the main poem <div>. If the poem is divided into sections with their own headings, each one of these sections will constitute a <lg> (line-group) element, and the section heading will go in a <head> element at the beginning of the <lg>:

<div type="cycle">  <head>Half the Year Round.</head>  <lg>   <lg type="dvpp:lgSonnetShakespearean"    rhyme="ababcdcdefefgg">    <head>January</head> <!--- lines etc. -->   </lg>   <lg type="dvpp:lgSonnetShakespearean"    rhyme="ababcdcdefefgg">    <head>February</head> <!--- lines etc. -->   </lg>  </lg> </div>

Poems in a cycle are treated as a single text for the purposes of encoding, which means that in addition to appearing in the same file, they also share the same rhyme labelling sequence. So if the labels a, b and c are used in the first poem, the second poem will start its rhyme labelling from d.

10.2.1. Capitalization and final punctuation in headings

It is common in Victorian periodicals for the title of a poem to be in all-capitals, with a final period. We view these features as incidental and stylistic, and in our default normalized rendering, we don't represent them. This means that the transcription should use title case, and the capitalization must be handled through a <rendition> element in the header. Similarly, a final period at the end of a title should be marked as hidden by default. Here is a fully-worked example:

<TEI xmlns=""> <!--[...]--> <!-- In the header. -->  <rendition xml:id="pom_20999_incid_1">text-transform: uppercase;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="pom_20999_hidden">display: none;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="pom_20999_incid_showInline">display: inline;</rendition> <!-- [...] --> <!-- In the poem. -->  <head rendition="#pom_20999_incid_1">A Dark and Stormy Night<hi rendition="#pom_20999_hidden #pom_20999_showInline">.</hi>  </head> <!--[...]--> </TEI>

This means that the default rendering will show title case without a period, but when the incidental styles are turned on, the title will become all-upper-case and the period will appear.

10.3. Prose components

Some poems will be preceded by, or will include, some explanatory prose such as an introduction or a letter. There are two ways to encode this material, depending on where it appears.

If the prose appears after the title of the poem, then we treat it as part of the poem, and encode it inside the poem div:
<div type="poem">  <head>Title of the poem</head>  <p>This is a paragraph introducing the poem.</p>  <lg>   <l>Line one...</l>   <l>Line two...</l>  </lg> </div>
However, if the introductory text is before the poem title, then we treat it as a separate division (<div> element):
<div>  <head>Notices to Correspondents.</head>  <p>   <hi style="font-variant: small-caps;">We</hi> have much to say to you, gentle Correspondents ; but we must devise a<lb/> new mode of address, now that our Brother-Editor of Baldwin’s London Ma-<lb/> gazine has adopted our ancient style.[...] Meanwhile, we have room for one Sonnet only.<lb/>  </p> </div> <div type="poem">  <head>Sonnet, by the Ettrick Shepherd ;<lb/> (Addressed to <hi style="font-variant: small-caps;">Christopher North</hi>, Esq. on receiving the last Number of<lb/> this Magazine, by the hands of John Dow, Esq. W. S.)</head>  <lg>   <l>...</l>  </lg> </div>

10.4. Line groups and lines

We normally think of line-groups (<lg>) as stanzas, but we should actually encode all convenient or useful groupings of lines, both larger and smaller than actual stanzas, as line groups. For instance, we might encode a Shakespearean stanza like this:

<lg type="dvpp:lgSonnetShakespearean">  <lg type="dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"> <!-- lines -->  </lg>  <lg type="dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"> <!-- lines -->  </lg>  <lg type="dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"> <!-- lines -->  </lg>  <lg type="dvpp:lgCouplet"> <!-- lines -->  </lg> </lg>

Note that this implies some degree of interpretation of the poem; some scholars might enclose the quatrains in a line-group on the same level as the couplet; others might divide a sonnet into an eight-line group and a four-line group.

10.5. Broken lines

Sometimes a poetic line is broken across a stanza boundary, or a speech boundary in the case of a drama. We encode this by creating two separate <l> elements, then linking them together with the next and prev attributes, like this:
<lg> <!-- ... -->  <l>Old Mark away, I’ve lost my right-hand man ;</l>  <l xml:id="pom_11427_broken_1_1"   next="#pom_11427_broken_1_2">You must replace him.”—</l> </lg> <lg>  <l xml:id="pom_11427_broken_1_2"   prev="#pom_11427_broken_1_1">Off the striplings ran,</l>  <l>Proud happy boys ! forth rushing in their haste,</l> <!-- ... --> </lg>
  • First, give each fragment line its own xml:id attribute, based on the pom_xxxx_ id of the poem itself.
  • Then add the next attribute to the first line, with a value which is the hash character (#) followed by the id of the second line.
  • Finally, add the prev attribute to the second line, pointing it back at the first line in the same way.
Note that when encoding the rhyme for a stanza, you ignore the final line fragment, since it is not complete, and its rhyme will be accounted for in the following stanza. So instead of the <lg> element’s rhyme ending in a dash (for an unrhymed line), the fragment line is ignored:
<lg rhyme="aa"> <!-- ... -->  <l>This is just to <rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">show</rhyme>  </l>  <l>An example so you <rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">know</rhyme>  </l>  <l xml:id="pom_25_broken_1_1"   next="#pom_25_broken_1_2">How you should</l> </lg> <lg rhyme="bb">  <l xml:id="pom_25_broken_1_2"   prev="#pom_25_broken_1_1">en<rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">code</rhyme>  </l>  <l>A broken line <rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">node</rhyme>  </l> </lg>

10.6. Refrains and other sonic devices

We use the term "sonic device" to refer to a number of rhetorical devices in which words, phrases or whole lines are repeated for effect.

A refrain is a repeated fragment of one or more lines. Refrains are common in songs and ballads, but may occur in any poem. It can be difficult to identify or define refrains precisely; sometimes a single line may function as a refrain, sometimes a whole stanza, and occasionally a fragment may be repeated with minor variations. For this reason, tagging of refrains may occur through several different elements, including <lg>, <l> and <seg>, but always using the ana attribute. Here is a very simple example, with all extraneous tagging removed for simplicity. The last line of each stanza is the refrain.
<lg>  <lg>   <l>Jehovah, King of Kings, </l>   <l>Spread thy protecting wings </l>   <l>O’er Britain’s throne ! </l>   <l>Crown’d with thy grace immense, </l>   <l>Long may King William thence </l>   <l>Justice in love dispense— </l>   <l ana="dvpp:sdRefrain">God save the King !</l>  </lg> </lg> <lg>  <lg>   <l>Throned in his people’s hearts, </l>   <l>Despising faction’s arts, </l>   <l>May William reign! </l>   <l>True son of George the Third </l>   <l>Who axe and block preferr’d </l>   <l>To forfeit of his holy word— </l> pdate <l ana="dvpp:sdRefrain">God save the King !</l>  </lg> </lg>
In this example, only part of the line is repeated, so we use the <seg> element instead, and we specify that the sonic device is an epistrophe (repetition of the end of a line or sentence):
<lg>  <l>Sir, in your last work you the logic display</l>  <l>Of Aldrich* or Burgerdick, Crousaz or Hamel,</l>  <l>But I think that you err very much when you say,</l>  <l>That the fashion of drinking is past, <seg ana="dvpp:sdEpistrophe">Mr Campbell</seg>.</l> </lg> <lg>  <l>If fashion rejects jolly topers, ’tis plain,</l>  <l>That fashion’s an ignorant sort of a strammel ; †</l>  <l>And a fashion so senseless, so dull, will remain</l>  <l>But a short time in vigour, I think, <seg ana="dvpp:sdEpistrophe">Mr Campbell</seg>.</l> </lg> <lg>  <l>In Ireland, I’m sure, many ages must roll</l>  <l>Before with such rules our free spirits we trammel,</l>  <l>Before the bright lights of the bottle and bowl</l>  <l>Will cease o’er our tables to shine, <seg ana="dvpp:sdEpistrophe">Mr Campbell</seg>.</l> </lg>
This example might be considered a very short refrain, since it occurs at the end of every stanza; this is a judgement call.
In the examples above, the repetition is exact; however, where a word, phrase, line or stanza is repeated with variation, we can add a second value to the ana attribute to show this:
<lg>  <l>   <seg ana="dvpp:sdAnaphora">Joy ! joy ! to old England</seg>—her slumber is broken ; </l>  <l>Again to her lion-hearts freedom hath spoken ;— </l>  <l>   <seg ana="dvpp:sdAnaphora dvpp:sdVariant">Joy! joy! to “ Auld Scotland,”</seg> her might and her glory</l>  <l>Again will be more than a famed olden story.</l> </lg>
This is an example of anaphora (repetition of the beginning, the reverse of epistrophe), but in this case, the repetition is not exact; the last two words are different, although clearly echoing. Therefore we add the value dvpp:sdVariant to the second instance to specify that it is not identical to the original. As is the case with rhyme, we assume that the first instance of a phenomenon establishes its template; subsequent instances either echo it precisely, or they vary from it to some degree (in which case they carry the extra value).

10.7. Encoding rhyme

In this project, we encode two different aspects of rhyme: the rhyme-scheme pertaining to a line-group, and the actual rhyming words or syllables that constitute each individual rhyme. Rhyme-scheme is encoded using the rhyme attribute:

<lg type="dvpp:lgSonnetShakespearean"  rhyme="ababcdcdefefgg">  <lg type="dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"   rhyme="abab"> <!-- lines -->  </lg>  <lg type="dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"   rhyme="cdcd"> <!-- lines -->  </lg>  <lg type="dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"   rhyme="efef"> <!-- lines -->  </lg>  <lg type="dvpp:lgCoupletrhyme="gg"> <!-- lines -->  </lg> </lg>

Where a line in the structure does not rhyme with anything else, use a dash (hyphen) instead of a letter of the alphabet.

In cases where a stanza has no rhyming lines at all, we need to signal this so we can differentiate between poems which have been fully encoded and those which don't have rhyme encoded yet. This is done by setting the rhyme attribute on the <lg> element to NONE:
<lg rhyme="NONE">  <l>This stanza has three lines</l>  <l>But it doesn't have any</l>  <l>That rhyme at all.</l> </lg>

Rhyming words or components of words are tagged with the <rhyme> element:

<lg type="dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"  rhyme="abab">  <l> Slow-paced and solemn, through the drifting <rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">snow</rhyme>, </l>  <l> With heart uplifted comes the hopeful <rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">year</rhyme>, </l>  <l> Breathing like a voice of waves in ebb and <rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">flow</rhyme>, </l>  <l> To mourners all, O! be ye of good <rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">cheer</rhyme>! </l> </lg>

The letter in the label attribute should match a letter in the rhyme attribute on the containing <lg> element. The type attribute has a limited set of values representing types of rhyme; these are documented in the taxonomy and included in the schema.

10.7.1. Repeated rhymes and long poems

Note that we tag every instance of a specific rhyming component with the same label, even when they occur in different stanzas. Look at this example:

<div type="poem">  <head>A ROUNDEL OF <persName>    <surname>RABELAIS</surname>   </persName>  </head>  <lg>   <lg rhyme="abab">    <l>     <placeName>Theleme</placeName> is afar on the waters, adrift and a<rhyme label="a">far</rhyme>,</l>    <l>Afar and afloat on the waters that flicker and <rhyme label="b">gleam</rhyme>,</l>    <l>And we feel but her fragrance and see but the shadows that <rhyme label="a">mar</rhyme>    </l>    <l>     <placeName>The<rhyme label="b">leme</rhyme>     </placeName>.</l>   </lg>   <lg rhyme="bab">    <l>In the sun-coloured mists of the sunrise and sunset that <rhyme label="b">steam</rhyme>    </l>    <l>As incense from urns of the twilight, her portals a<rhyme label="a">jar</rhyme>    </l>    <l>Let pass as a shadow the light or the sound of a <rhyme label="b">dream</rhyme>.</l>   </lg>   <lg rhyme="abab">    <l>But the laughter that rings from her cloisters that know not a <rhyme label="a">bar</rhyme>    </l>    <l>So kindles delight in desire that the souls in us <rhyme label="b">deem</rhyme>    </l>    <l>He erred not, the seer who discerned on the seas as a <rhyme label="a">star</rhyme>    </l>    <l>     <placeName>The<rhyme label="b">leme</rhyme>     </placeName>.</l>   </lg>  </lg> </div>

The same sounds (labelled a and b) appear in multiple stanzas, so they have been tagged with the same letter.

If you are encoding a long poem, you may run out of letters of the alphabet. In that case, start again from a, but now append the digit 1:

<lg rhyme="a1b1a1b1"> <!-- Four lines with alternating rhyme. --> </lg>

However, when you are a couple of hundred lines into encoding a long poem, it can be very difficult to remember whether a particular rhyming sound has already occurred in the poem or not. We have a tool to help you find any possible preceding instances of matching rhymes in a poem you're encoding:

  • Find your poem in the Project window of Oxygen (on the left).
  • Right-click on it, and choose Transform / Transform with...
  • Choose the scenario Find rhymes in this poem.
  • In the pop-up box, enter the rhyming part of the word you're currently encoding.

The transformation should give you back a list of existing tagged rhymes that may match the one you're encoding. It does this by first looking through all the rhymes we have already tagged in the whole collection, and retrieving all matches for your rhyme; then for all of those, it retrieves all of the matching rhymes in the collection (so it does two levels of retrieval). From that complete set of rhymes, it returns only the ones that are inside the poem you're working on now.

Note that this is intended as an aid rather than a complete solution; if may retrieve forms that don't quite rhyme with your candidate, and it may fail to retrieve a tagged rhyme that should match. But for most straightforward cases, it will be quicker than looking through hundreds of lines yourself. Half-rhymes, eye rhymes and identical rhymes

Half-rhymes, eye rhymes and identical rhymes are all instances of the same scenario: a rhyme template is established by an initial line-end, setting up an expectation in the reader, and a following line-end which is supposed to rhyme with it turns out not to be a perfect rhyme, violating the reader's expectations. In all of these cases, our practice is to tag the first instance, which establishes the template, as a masculine, feminine or dactylic rhyme, capturing both the nature of the intended rhyme pattern and the fact that from the reader's point of view nothing is yet amiss; then we tag the subsequent violating line-end as a half-rhyme, eye rhyme or identical rhyme. The explanation below uses half-rhyme as an example, but the principles are the same for the other two types of imperfect rhyme.

Half-rhymes are cases where a line is expected to rhyme with a preceding line, and it almost does, but not quite. Practically speaking, this means that it has matching vowel sound(s), but it has different final consonant(s); or it has the right final consonant(s) but slightly different vowel sound(s). In this case, we categorize this as a half-rhyme.

Consider how you might encode the rhyme in this poem (it's not much worse than some of the real poems):
 Here are some rhymes
That happen three times
In only three lines.

The first is the rule;
The second one's cool,
But the third one is vile.

If there are only two,
The first can't be wrong cos it’s new,
So the second gets tagged as half,
But only the second, not both.
In the case of the first two stanzas, a rhyme pattern is established by the first line, and the second line complies with it; the third line is obviously intended to rhyme, but it doesn't quite match, so we would tag the first two as masculine rhymes and the last as half-rhymes:
<lg rhyme="aaa">  <l>Here are some <rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">rhymes</rhyme>  </l>  <l>That happen three <rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">times</rhyme>  </l>  <l>In only three <rhyme label="atype="dvpp:rhymeHalf">lines</rhyme>.</l> </lg> <lg rhyme="bbb">  <l>The first is the <rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">rule</rhyme>;</l>  <l>The second one's <rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">cool</rhyme>,</l>  <l>But the third one is <rhyme label="btype="dvpp:rhymeHalf">vile</rhyme>.</l> </lg>
In the case of the third stanza, which is a pair of couplets, the final couplet also has a half-rhyme. The first of the two is establishing the new rhyme template, so it can't actually be wrong; only the second is tagged as a half-rhyme, because it deviates from the template. (Note that this is a change from previous policy, in which we would have tagged both lines as half-rhymes.)
<lg rhyme="ccdd">  <l>If there are only <rhyme label="c"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">two</rhyme>,</l>  <l>The first can't be wrong cos it’s <rhyme label="c"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">new</rhyme>,</l>  <l>So the second gets tagged as <rhyme label="d"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine">half</rhyme>,</l>  <l>But only the second, not <rhyme label="dtype="dvpp:rhymeHalf">both</rhyme>.</l> </lg>

10.7.2. Syllable boundaries

Rhyme is a phenomenon which is tied to syllables, so when you're tagging a rhyme which begins in the middle of a word, you'll need to decide where one syllable ends and the next one begins. In English, this is notoriously difficult. From a phonological point of view, many phonologists would consider that ambisyllabicity or ‘blurred syllabification’ is the most effective approach, but that of course is problematic for our purposes, because we're forced to choose a single point within the stream of characters to place the starting tag for the <rhyme> element. The situation is further complicated by the fact that we're not dealing with phonemes in our texts, but with graphemes, which don't have a one-to-one correspondence with phonemes anyway.

Because of all this, the decision on where to place an opening <rhyme> element inside a word is frequently going to be problematic. People have different instincts in this regard, and may feel strongly about them. Nevertheless, we would like to be consistent in our encoding as far as possible, so here are some guiding principles that we should all try to follow:

  1. The Maximal Onset Principle. The general idea here is that consonants should form part of the following syllable as long as the resulting cluster is a cluster that could appear at the beginning of a word. So restrain becomes
    re | strain
    because str can appear as a word-initial consonant cluster.
  2. Doubled Consonant Splitting. This rule says that where a consonant is doubled at a syllable boundary, the opening <rhyme> element should be placed between the two, so accept becomes
    ac | cept
    and correct becomes
    cor | rect
    (This actually aligns with the Maximal Onset Principle since English words do not typically start with a double consonant.)
  3. Morpheme Boundary Splitting. This principle is normally subordinate to the other two, but there are cases where we put the break between morpheme boundaries because the constraints of the typographical representation don't allow us to put it where it really belongs. For example, consider extract, which in a phonemic representation would be /ekstrækt/. The Maximal Onset Principle would have us place the boundary between /k/ and /s/, but we can't do that because that boundary falls inside the single grapheme [x], so instead, we use the morpheme boundary (prefix ex + root tract) to place it:
    ex | tract

There will inevitably be cases where we feel uncomfortable with the results of applying these rules. Consider for example display. splay is a perfectly good English word, so following the M. O. P. we should break after [i], but some people will feel very strongly that the morpheme boundary should take precedence (possibly because the short /ɪ/ sound normally only occurs in closed syllables in many dialects of English, so it feels wrong to detach the /s/), so may really prefer

*dis | play

However, for consistency, we should try to stick to the rules. We may be able to add more rules for ambiguous cases as we come across them and discuss them.

10.7.3. Cross-stanza rhyme

You may occasionally come across a situation where a line does not rhyme with anything else in its stanza, but it does (clearly and intentionally) rhyme with one or more lines in other stanzas. We call this cross-stanza rhyme, and it needs to be handled in a particular fashion:
<lg rhyme="aa-">  <l>In a poem about Mario <rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeFeminine">Lanza</rhyme>  </l>  <l>This line rhymes in-<rhyme label="a"    type="dvpp:rhymeFeminine">stanza</rhyme>  </l>  <l>But this rhymes with an outside <rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza">line</rhyme>.</l> </lg> <lg rhyme="cc-">  <l>He once was a Hollywood <rhyme label="c"    type="dvpp:rhymeFeminine">actor</rhyme>  </l>  <l>And his voice was a major <rhyme label="c"    type="dvpp:rhymeFeminine">factor</rhyme>  </l>  <li>Being reputedly very <rhyme label="b"    type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza">fine</rhyme>.</li> </lg>
Note that the rhyme attribute on the <lg> elements shows a dash for those lines, since they're not part of the rhyme-scheme for the stanza, but they do have the label attribute. In the <rhyme> element, the type attribute has two values, one showing the normal rhyme type, and one (dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza) specifying that this rhyme operates across stanzas.

Where a regular rhyme in a stanza is later echoed in another stanza by a line which has no rhymes in its own stanza, the first instance is tagged in the normal way, but also receives the dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza value. Also, note that refrains may also make use of cross-stanza rhyme, and these should be tagged as well. We also tag cross-stanza rhymes which are identical, but where this repetition is in the context of a refrain, we do not tag it since the notion of repetition is already captured by the refrain tagging. Only where a refrain uses non-identical rhyme should its final components be tagged as cross-stanza rhymes.

10.8. Page breaks and column breaks

We would like to be able to retrieve poems based on the number of pages or columns they span, so it's important to encode this information. Whenever a page or column break appears in the text, mark it with a <pb> or <cb> tag. This actually includes the beginning of the poem itself: we need to signal that the poem begins on a page, or (if there are columns) in a column, so the first thing in your encoding will be a <pb> tag, and if there are columns, there will need to be an appropriate number of <cb> tags too. Here's an example of a poem that begins on the second column of a page, and runs over to the next page:

<body>  <pb n="36"/> <!-- page 36 starts. -->  <cb/> <!-- First column on p. 36. -->  <cb/> <!-- Second column, which contains the poem. -->  <div type="poem"> <!-- First few stanzas go here... -->   <pb n="37"/> <!-- Page 37 starts here. -->   <cb/> <!-- First column on page 37. --> <!-- Remaining stanzas go here... -->  </div> </body>

Note that you will sometimes encounter mixed-column layouts, in which parts of the poem span multiple columns while other parts respect the column divisions. See Mixed column layouts for detailed guidelines for such cases.

10.9. Bylines

Many poems have bylines at the head or foot of them, like this:
A byline in a Chartist 1840 poem.
Figure 1. A byline in a Chartist 1840 poem.
Here there are two byline blocks, one right-aligned, containing the initials of the poet, and one left-aligned, containing the place and date of composition. We will tag these as separate <byline> elements for convenience:
<byline style="text-align: right; margin-right: 3rem;">  <persName>E. P.</persName> </byline> <byline style="margin-left: 2rem;">  <placeName>Paisley</placeName>, <date when="1840-02-26">26th Feb. 1840</date>. </byline>

Note that this project’s use of <byline> is very broad; we do not distinguish between datelines and bylines, but instead we use <byline> for any such component. Within bylines, though, we tag <persName>, <placeName> and <date>.

Sometimes a byline will include the life-dates for an author (birth and death dates). In this case, do not tag these as dates; we only tag a date of composition in as a date in the byline.

10.10. Closed (fixed) form

Poems with a closed (or fixed) form follow strict patterns that require specific handling when encoding. These poems will sometimes be separated into stanzas, but they will need a parent <lg> element with an rhyme attribute that surrounds and includes the entire poem. Sometimes, these poems will have their closed form in the title; however, this is not always the case. Closed forms to watch out for include:

  • Ballade: Features an envoi (usually as an address). Usually 3 octaves and a 4-line envoi. The last line of the first stanza is usually the refrain, repeated in the last line of each stanza and the envoi. Octaves usually rhyme "ababbcbC", and envoi "bcbC". Ballade example.
  • Rondeau: ​12-line or 15-line poem that features 2 rhymes. Usually the first word or phrase of the first line is the refrain (the rentrement) and does not rhyme. Often printed in 2 or 3 stanzas (often 5 lines, 4 lines, 6 lines). Example rhyme scheme (but varies): "aabba aabR aabbaR" (R=refrain). Rondeau example.
  • Rondel: Usually a 14-line poem (sometimes 13-line) with 2 rhymes ( 2-line refrain that repeats 2 or 3 times). Example of rhyme scheme: "ABba abAB abbaA(B)". Note: sometimes looks like (but is not) a sonnet. Rondel example.
  • Sonnet: Often printed as one line group, but sometimes there is a gap between the octave and the sestet. When there is not a space, nested line groups still need to be added around the octave and the sestet or the quatrains and couplet. Some example patterns are “abab cdcd efef gg” (Shakespearean) and “abbaabba cdecde" (or "cdcdcd)” (Petrarchan). Sonnet example.
  • Triolet: ​8-line poem with 2 rhymes and 2 refrain lines. Pattern: "ABaAabAB." Triolet example.
  • Villanelle: Usually a 19-line poem with 2 rhymes and 2 refrains. Usually "aba" stanzas and final stanza "abaa." Usually the first and third lines of the first stanza are repeated alternatively throughout the poem and then end up as the final two lines of last stanza. Villanelle example.

10.11. Verse dramas

Verse dramas require specific encoding that differs from our usual poems. The outer <div> type attribute should have the drama value, and for verse dramas made up of various acts and scenes, multiple nested <div> elements with act and scene values should be used.

We use <speaker> tags to surround the speakers name and <sp> tags to surround <speaker> and <l> tags.

<sp>  <speaker style="float: left; margin-right: 0.5rem;">Soph.</speaker>  <l>See, now the evening red has died<lb/>away—</l>  <l>Stars glimmer thro’ the broken clouds—and<lb/>still</l>  <l>My son is not returned.</l> </sp>

Sometimes verse dramas will include a cast list. Each <castList> is made up of <castItem>s, which can include <role>s (the role title or character name) and <roleDesc>s (the description of that role), when present. Sometimes cast lists will include a <head>.

<castList>  <head>The Dramatis Personæ are,</head>  <castItem>   <role>Don Luis de Camoëns.</role>  </castItem>  <castItem>   <role>Don Jose Quevedo Castel Branco,</role>   <roleDesc>a rich merchant.</roleDesc>  </castItem>  <castItem>   <role>Perez,</role>   <roleDesc>his son.</roleDesc>  </castItem>  <castItem>   <role>The Governor of the Great Hospital in Lisbon.</role>  </castItem> </castList>

We tag stage directions with <stage>. Each <stage> tag must have at least one type that indicates the type of stage direction, but more than one can be selected when a single stage direction performs multiple functions. The type values, with examples, are as follows:

  • Business: describes stage business.
    <stage type="business">Pointing to his breast.</stage>
  • Entrance: describes an entrance.
    <stage type="entrance">PLUTO enters.</stage>
  • Exit: describes an exit.
    <stage type="exit">Exit the Master of the Hospital.</stage>
  • Delivery: describes how a character speaks
    <sp>  <speaker>Soph.</speaker>  <l>   <stage type="delivery">(Weeping)</stage>Alas ! my daughter !</l> </sp>
    <sp>  <speaker>Wal.</speaker>  <l>   <stage type="delivery">aside.</stage>  </l> </sp>
  • Location: describes a location.
  • Modifier: gives some detail about a character.
  • Novelistic: is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
  • Setting: describes a setting.
    <stage type="setting">Scene, Drury-Lane Theatre — Time, Midnight.</stage>

In the above examples, each stage direction performs one function. In the following example, the stage direction performs multiple functions, so more than one value is applied:

<stage type="business setting entrance">He raises himself up, supported by Perez. While he<lb/>speaks, a cloud descends upon the stage, amidst<lb/>distant music. It separates, and displays a female<lb/>figure, bearing in one hand a laurel wreath, in the<lb/>other, the colours of Portugal, which she waves<lb/>above Camoëns.</stage>

11. Special textual features

11.1. Illustrated poems

11.1.1. Illustration type and placement

We use the <catRef> element to describe the types of illustrations present in an illustrated poem as well as the placement of illustrations on the poem page (in relation to the poem text). One <catRef> describes one kind of illustration type or placement, however, there are no limits on the number of illustration <catRef>s an encoder can add to a poem. Note that, in contrast to <figure> and its descendant <figDesc>, an illustration <catRef> provides broad, poem-centric information. When a poem contains two illustrations and they are both positioned to the right of the poem text, we add one <catRef> to signify that the poem includes one or more illustrations that are adjacent to the poem.

Note: these <catRef>s are added to all illustrated poems, not just the poems we have encoded.

In addition to the above, we use the <catRef> element to describe the type and placement of typographical ornaments. Typographical ornaments are distinct from illustrations because they are generic (rather than original) illustrative matter produced by type. Note that we classify illustrative matter that looks potentially generic but is produced by other print technologies (e.g. wood engraving) as an illustration. Illustrations and typographical ornaments form different taxonomies but follow the same handling procedures with <catRef> and its respective attributes.

How to add catRefs: illustration and typographical ornament <catRef>s are descendants of <textClass>, <profileDesc>, and the <teiHeader>. They are self-contained elements that require two attributes: resp and target. The value of resp will be the project ID for the person who is adding the catRef information (e.g. dvpp:prs_ed_kshf). The value of target will be populated from a preconfigured list in the DVPP taxonomies file. See the following example:

<profileDesc>  <textClass>   <catRef target="dvpp:illustrationAbove"    resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"/>  </textClass> </profileDesc>

The following values form our illustration type and placement taxonomy. These values all begin with the string "dvpp:illustration".

  • dvpp:illustrationPhotograph: at least one illustration is identified as a photograph. (See poem 2029.)
  • dvpp:illustrationFromPhotograph: at least one illustration is identified as from a photograph. Note that this is not an actual photograph. (See poem 2671.)
  • dvpp:illustrationWithinPoem: at least one illustration is placed within the poem on the poem page, interrupting it or being surrounded by it. (See poem 262.)
  • dvpp:illustrationAbove: at least one illustration is above the poem. Note distinction from headpiece. Excludes typographical ornaments. (See poem 13485.)
  • dvpp:illustrationBelow: at least one illustration is below the poem. Note distinction from tailpiece. Excludes typographical ornaments. (See second page of poem 337.)
  • dvpp:illustrationAdjacent: at least one illustration is next to the poem on the same page, for example on the left or right hand side. Excludes typographical ornaments. (See poem 251.)
  • dvpp:illustrationFacing: at least one illustration is on facing page to poem. Note distinction from frontispiece. (See first page of poem 337.)
  • dvpp:illustrationFrontispiece: at least one illustration is frontispiece (full page illustration opposite issue/volume title page). Note distinction from illustrationFacing. (See poem 1641.)
  • dvpp:illustrationSideways: at least one illustration is placed sideways to the poem, requiring rotation of the page to view. (See first page of poem 337.)
  • dvpp:illustrationCentral: at least one illustration is placed centrally on the page (with the poem placed above/below/adjacent). Excludes typographical ornaments. (See poem 279.)
  • dvpp:illustrationContaining: an illustration contains the poem. Note that the poem is still letterpress and a separate graphic unit. (See poem 2043.)
  • dvpp:illustrationIntegrated: placement of illustration(s) is integrated with the poem (for complex page layouts, as one graphic unit). poem is intrinsically part of the same graphic unit as the poem. (See poem 2036.)
  • dvpp:illustrationCaption: caption to at least one illustration is illustrated. (See poem 2059.)
  • dvpp:illustrationTitle: poem title is illustrated. (See poem 1939.)
  • dvpp:illustrationPortraitAuthor: at least one illustration contains a portrait of an author. (See poem 320.)
  • dvpp:illustrationBorderDecorative: poem, at least one poem page, and/or illustration have a decorative border. Excludes typographical borders. (See poem 2280.)
  • dvpp:illustrationInitial: Poem has at least one initial letter that is decorative or illustrated. Note that subcategories should be used where possible. (See following examples.)
  • dvpp:illustrationInitialHistoriated: poem has at least one enlarged initial that contains an illustration. (See poem 2007.)
  • dvpp:illustrationInitialDecorated: poem has at least one decorated or illustrated capital letter. Note distinction from illustrationHistoriatedInitial. (See poem 251.)
  • dvpp:illustrationInitialInhabited: at least one enlarged initial contains a human or animal figure. (See poem 1963.)

The following values form our typographical ornament type and placemet taxonomy. These values all begin with the string "dvpp:typographicalOrnament".

  • dvpp:typographicalOrnamentVariant: poem has at least one typographical ornament (placed neither above nor below). (See poem 2039.)
  • dvpp:typographicalOrnamentHeadpiece: poem has at least one typographical ornament placed above it. (See first ornament in poem 3606.)
  • dvpp:typographicalOrnamentTailpiece: poem has at least one typographical ornament placed below it. (See second ornament in poem 3606.)
  • dvpp:typographicalOrnamentInitial: poem has at least one typographical capital letter. (See poem 13765.)
  • dvpp:typographicalOrnamentBorder: poem, at least one poem page, and/or illustration have a typographical border. (See poem 13765.)

When completed, the <profileDesc> and the list of <catRef>s will look something like the following example (from poem 267):

<profileDesc>  <textClass> <!-- Text classification information goes here. We will deal with this if we have time, but don't worry about it for now. -->   <catRef target="dvpp:illustrationCentral"    resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"/>   <catRef target="dvpp:illustrationAbove"    resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"/>   <catRef target="dvpp:illustrationBorderDecorative"    resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kshf"/>  </textClass> </profileDesc>

* When adding illustration <catRef>s, double-check the TEI Header to ensure that there is an illustrator listed in the poem metadata. The presence of an illustrator <respStmt> indicates that the DVPP PI considers the poem to be illustrated. Poems with typographical ornament <catRef>s may not include illustrators.

11.1.2. Encoding illustrations and adding keywords

Figures identify illustrations and ornaments related to poems in our database including facing-page illustrations, headpieces, tailpieces, illustrated initials and titles, and other illustrations within or around poems. <Figures> should not include illustrations unrelated to the poem such as illustrations included as part of prose contributions or illustrations associated with other poems.

Figures should contain <figDesc> elements to describe the illustrations and provide other relevant information about illustration placement, size, and contents. If a poem contains a <figure> element, it should also include a <catRef> statement capturing its placement in relation to the periodical page.

<Figure>s also contain ana keywords to specify the following categories that have meaningful connections to the illustration and/or poem: living things, fantasy and supernatural, settings, objects, concepts and themes, and actions. These categories are nested and can increase in specificity. The following example demonstrates how these categories increase in specificity:

<figure resp="dvpp:prs_ed_sp"  ana="dvpp:fcSettingSettlement dvpp:fcSettingBuildingExterior dvpp:fcObjectTool dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonMultiple dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonChildGirl dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdultMan dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdultWoman dvpp:fcLivingThingPersonAdultElder dvpp:fcLivingThingAnimal dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesPoverty">  <figDesc>A woman places coins in the outstretched hand of a man wearing all black and facing away and carrying a cane. The man's profile is partially visible underneath his hat. There is a child standing to the woman's right. The man tips his hat to the woman. A leashed dog sits at the man's left side and scratches its ear with its back leg. 2/3 page.</figDesc> </figure>

Ana keywords allow researchers to search all our database of illustrations for subjects and concepts that intertest them. The project has developed a list of ana keywords for consistency across all <figure>s.

Make sure to add your resp statement if you add ana attributes to the <figure>.

11.1.3. Illustration descriptions

<FigDesc>s serve two important functions. First, they provide a means for researchers to search within our collection of illustrations. Second, they make our project more accessible.

Each <figDesc> should include a quick description of the important details of an illustration. To help make searching more efficient, make sure to refer to our project list of synonyms to use (as opposed to other words that mean the same thing).

Finally, your <figDesc> should include a quick description of the illustration's size in relation to the page, following the format of either "1/4 page." or "Full-page illustration." If there is a border surrounding the illustration, include it within that sentence.

If the illustration and the letterpress are integrated in some way (i.e. part of the same graphic unit), make sure to include a description of that relationship as well.

<figure resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"  ana="dvpp:fcSettingSettlementUrban dvpp:fcSettingBodyofWater dvpp:fcLivingThingPlantTree dvpp:fcLivingThingBird dvpp:fcLivingThingInsect dvpp:fcConceptsandThemesDeath dvpp:fcSettingSettlementUrbanCityscape">  <figDesc>Illustration depicts various scenes that intersect with one another. Moving clockwise, the top-left corner shows an urban street at eye level; there is a bird and a butterfly above the street. There are more butterflies in the top-right corner. The hand-drawn title is placed under this section, and a butterfly rests on the “R” and the “O.” The centre-right section shows a shoreline along a large body of water. The bottom-right corner shows a cemetery with many tombstones and large trees. The centre-left section shows birds mid-flight; the birds get larger as they get closer to the bottom of the page. The poem is placed in a double-ruled border in the centre of the illustration. The poem is a separate graphic unit from the illustration; however, parts of the illustration extend within the border, separating the poem between stanzas. Full-page illustration contained within a single-ruled border.</figDesc> </figure>

Note: we always use curly quotation marks and apostrophes in <figDesc>s, as opposed to most computers' default straight ones.

If someone else worked on the <figure> ana keywords, you will need to add your resp to the <figDesc>. However, if you completed both <figure> and <figDesc>, your resp only needs to be on <figure>. In the below example, one RA completed the keywords, while the other wrote the description:

<figure resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"  ana="dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalBeing dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalBeingCherub dvpp:fcObjectWeapon dvpp:fcObjectDomestic">  <figDesc resp="dvpp:prs_ed_sp">A winged cherub sits atop a bearded man with large wings. The cherub holds a lightbulb in his right hand and a bowl with an unintelligible inscription in its left hand. The man is barefoot and clothed in a robe and holds a scythe. Stars and circular shapes surround the two figures. The cherub is blowing bubbles out of a pipe. 1/4 page.</figDesc> </figure>

11.1.4. Illustration captions

We use <ab type="caption"> for captions:
<figure resp="dvpp:prs_ed_kaf"  ana="dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalBeing dvpp:fcFantasySupernaturalMyth dvpp:fcObjectMusicalInstrument dvpp:fcLivingThingBird dvpp:fcLivingThingPlant dvpp:fcSettingBodyofWater">  <figDesc>The god Pan lying on its stomach on the ground and playing a musical instrument. There are birds flying around Pan. 1/3 page contained in a single-ruled rectangular border.</figDesc>  <ab type="caption">HOW THEY LEARN THE NEW SPRING TUNES.</ab> </figure>
In the above example, the caption appears below the illustration, so the <ab type="caption"> is below the <figDesc>. Captions can also appear above illustrations.

11.2. Ornaments

Ornaments are features such as horizontal lines and decorative figures which enhance the text but do not form part of it.

The simplest form of ornament is a horizontal line, which is encoded using the <milestone> element:
<milestone type="lineunit="transition"  style="width: 95%;"/>
This encodes a horizontal line across the page or column, which takes up 95% of the width of the page or column. We assume that a line is centred by default; if it is not, you can add text-align: left; to the style attribute value. The type attribute (whose only legal values so far are line and asteriskLine) specifies what kind of milestone it is. The unit attribute specifies what kind of textual division is symbolized by the line (absent, canto, poem, section, speaker, stanza, or transition). Horizontal lines typically separate the main body of a poem from its corresponding <note> elements. We frequently pair them with the transition value on the unit attribute.
Another type of ornamental divider is a row of asterisks. This can be encoded as follows:
<milestone type="asteriskLine"  unit="absentn="3style="width: 60%;"/>
This encodes a line of three asterisks across the page or column, which takes up 60% of the specified width. The n attribute shows how many asterisks are in the line. Asterisk lines typically represent (or satirically suggest) a textual elision. We frequently pair them with the absent value on the unit attribute. Occasionally, you will find that a different character (such as a middle dot, · Unicode 00B7) is used instead of an asterisk. In this case, put that character into the subtype attribute:
<milestone type="asteriskLine"  unit="absentn="5style="width: 80%;subtype="·"/>

11.3. Marginal braces

Sometimes you may see a number of lines which are distinguished by having a marginal brace, typically a curly brace in the right margin. This is usually done to signal when a rhyming triplet appears in the context of a sequence of couplets.

To encode this, first enclose the lines in a linegroup (<lg>) element, then add rendition=dvpprnd:dvppRightBraced:
<lg rhyme="ccc"  rendition="dvpprnd:dvppRightBraced">  <l> [...] </l>  <l> [...] </l>  <l> [...] </l> </lg>
The private URI scheme dvpprnd points to a rendition element in the taxonomies.xml file which provides a prose description of the phenomenon, since there is no simple CSS property that can be used. When the poem file is transformed into a web page, a rough rendering will be created using CSS and a background image. The value dvpprnd:dvppRightBraced can be combined with other rendition pointers in a space-separated sequence if necessary.

11.4. Drop-capitals

To encode drop-capitals (large initial capitals that extend below the line), which often appear at the beginning of a poem, we use a structure like this:
<lg rhyme="-a-a">  <l>   <hi rendition="#pom_2022_incid_dropCap_1">T</hi>   <hi style="font-variant: small-caps;">he</hi> old man sate beside the fire,</l>  <l style="margin-left: 2em;">His years fourscore and two,</l>  <l>His locks were thin and wintry-white,</l>  <l>But his eyes were bright and blue.</l> </lg>
These are the key points:
  • First you need to insert a special <rendition> in the <tagsDecl> in the header. Place the cursor where you want to insert the rendition, press Control + Shift + R (Command + Shift + R on Mac), and when asked, supply the number of lines that the capital occupies (2 if the drop-cap extends over two lines). The required rendition will be inserted, and then you can fix its xml:id by adding the appropriate poem number etc.
  • Select the character(s) which constitute the drop-cap; usually it is only one character, but sometimes a leading quotation mark and/or space will also be included. Tag them with a <hi> element, and point its rendition attribute at the <rendition> you have created in the header.
  • Any following lines which are pushed over by the drop-cap may need an appropriate margin-left value to position them correctly.

NOTE: This is a crude approach to a potentially very complex problem, so if you're having trouble making it work, talk to the programmer.

11.5. Epigraphs

An epigraph is a quotation that appears at the beginning of the poem. The source information is usually included with the quoted material, but not always. We use <quote> to surround the quoted text and <bibl> to surround the bibliographic material (when included). We use <epigraph> to surround both <quote> and <bibl>:
<epigraph>  <quote>“ Persephone appeared to him in a dream, and complained that she alone of all <lb/> the gods had had no hymn made by him in her honour ; but added that he should <lb/> yet praise her in the land of the dead. Ten days after this the poet died at Argos <lb/> Immediately after, his spectre appeared to an aged dame at Thebes, and recited a <lb/> new hymn to Persephone ; some portion of which she was able to commit to writing.”<lb/>  </quote>  <bibl>—See ‘ Life of Pindar’ in “ Ancient Classics for English Readers.”</bibl> </epigraph>

Sometimes there will be more than one epigraph at the beginning of a poem. In these cases, each are tagged separately with their own <epigraph>, <quote>, and <bibl> tags.

Epigraphs often include poetic lines instead of (or in addition to) prose. We encode these poetic lines using the <l> and <lg> tags within the <quote> tags. We do not encode rhyme or sonic devices within epigraphs.
<epigraph>  <quote style="margin-bottom: 0;">   <l>“ Wandering about in forests old, </l>   <l>When the last purple colour is waxing faint.”</l>  </quote>  <bibl>Barry Cornwall.</bibl> </epigraph>

11.6. Foreign Languages

We use <foreign> when some text appears stylistically different from the surrounding text (typically in italics), and the apparent reason is that the text is in a language other than English. Non-English text often appears in epigraphs.

In these cases, it is good practice to tag the text with <foreign> instead of <emph> or <hi>. When using <foreign>, add the global attribute xml:lang and use a language subtag as the value (see the IANA Language Subtag Registry). This encoding will enable our DVPP language consultants to isolate, translate, and when needed, transcribe non-English text.

<l>In glad <foreign style="font-style: italic;"   xml:lang="la">Te Deum</foreign> for the Spring !</l>

The following language subtags are common in our project.

  • la Latin
  • grc Ancient Greek
  • el Modern Greek
  • fr French
  • it Italian
  • de German
  • es Spanish
  • gd Scottish Gaelic
  • tr Turkish

11.7. Compositor errors

Occasionally, you will come across situations where the printer has made an error. The original error should be transcribed accurately, but you should tag it and supply a correction using the elements <choice>, <sic> and <corr>:
<choice>  <sic>error</sic>  <corr resp="dvpp:id_of_encoder">correction</corr> </choice>
Here is an example:
A typographical error: two lines are incomplete.
Figure 2. A typographical error: two lines are incomplete.
This would be tagged as follows:
<!-- ... --><l>Then rest thee in our porter’s keep,</l> <l>While our brother Francis will <choice>   <sic>re<rhyme type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine"     label="s1">pa</rhyme>   </sic>   <corr resp="dvpp:prs_ed_sk">re<rhyme type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine"     label="s1">pair</rhyme>   </corr>  </choice> </l> <l>To the house of woe, and soothe the <choice>   <sic>sou</sic>   <corr resp="dvpp:prs_ed_sk">soul</corr>  </choice> </l> <l>Of the dying man with <rhyme type="dvpp:rhymeMasculine"   label="s1">prayer</rhyme> !”</l>
The tagging of such errors is done at the word level or above; in other words, the smallest unit of text to be tagged this way is a word. ‘repa’ is first tagged as normal, with its final syllable marked as a rhyme with the <rhyme> element. Next, the word is wrapped in a <sic> tag. The <sic> is wrapped in a <choice> element, and a <corr> element is added as a sibling of <sic>. The complete replacement for the contents of the <sic> is included in the <corr> element, and the resp is added to specify who is responsible for the correction.

12. Text appearance, layout and formatting

As well as transcribing the text and identifying important components of it such as rhyming words, we also want to describe its appearance and layout. To do this, we use Cascading Style Sheet language (CSS). CSS is a language primarily used for formatting documents for display on the World Wide Web, but it is also used in other contexts including the generation of print documents (through XSL:FO), and its terminology has deep roots in the history of typography and print culture. Learning CSS will teach you not only about the language itself, but also much about traditional print technology.

There are two main aspects to our use of CSS: describing layout (margins, indents, padding etc.), and describing text (font sizes, styles and variants).

CSS code consists of individual rules. Each rule consists of a property and a value. The property name is followed by a colon, then the value. Each rule is terminated by a semi-colon. Here are some examples:

font-style: italic;
margin-left: 2em;
font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 120%;

There are a great many different textual features that may appear in your source texts, and a large number of CSS properties that can be used to describe them, so this section cannot be exhaustive, but there are lots of useful online resources that can help you in learning CSS. Here are two good places to start:

12.1. Substantive formatting versus incidental formatting

The DVPP project aims to present a relatively consistent rendering of poetry across the whole collection, but of course individual periodicals have different idiosyncracies in the ways they choose to lay out and style their poems. Some aspects of layout can be viewed as crucial components of the poem itself: for example, when line-indents vary within a stanza, the reader’s experience of the stanza will be different, because relationships between lines or sets of lines are made explicit. We view this kind of styling as substantive, and we always show it in the default rendered view. Italics used for emphasis would be another example of a substantive feature.

Other types of styling are incidental (not substantive): examples include illustrated capitals, small-caps rendering of the poem's initial word, layout changes caused by intrusive or enclosed graphical features and figures, periodical-specific styling of headings or titles, periods at the end of poem titles, and so on. We encode such features so that we can render them in a diplomatic view of the poem, but we also need to be able to suppress them in the regular view. This means that we need to distinguish the CSS for the incidental features from the CSS for the substantive features. We do this by using <rendition> elements with a specific string '_incid_' in its xml:id. You will see examples of this below.

12.2. Connecting CSS with the text

Our current practice requires that all CSS be provided using <rendition> elements in the header of the poem file. In earlier phases of the project, we allowed CSS to be included directly on elements in the text using the style attribute, but this approach is now deprecated and we will be converting all our legacy encoding.

Imagine that there is a short run of text which is rendered in ‘small-caps’ on the periodical page. Small-caps is a font variant in which capital letters are rendered as normal capitals, but lower-case letters are replaced by smaller versions of capital letters. It is quite common for the first part of the first line of a poem to be rendered in small-caps during the Victorian period. In order to capture this, we need to know:

  • What is the CSS code for this? (Answer: font-variant: small-caps;.)
  • Is this incidental or substantive? (Answer: this is incidental; it is a feature of the house style of some periodicals, and does not really alter the reader's experience of the poem.)
  • Where do we put the CSS code? (Answer: in a <rendition> element in the <teiHeader>, as we'll demonstrate below.)
  • How do we connect the string of text to the small-caps style? (Answer: by tagging the text with a suitable element, and then pointing its rendition attribute at the xml:id of the <rendition> element in the header.)

This is how it works:

In the <teiHeader>/<encodingDesc>/<tagsDecl> element, you create a <rendition> element like this:

<rendition xml:id="pom_22345_incid_small-caps">font-variant: small-caps;</rendition>

The <rendition> element must have an xml:id which is unique throughout the project. To create the xml:id value, take part of the value of the xml:id attribute on the root <TEI> element, and add an underscore, then a brief descriptive word or phrase. The part you need to take from the xml:id is the first bit: pom_xxxx. That's enough to ensure that the xml:id of your <rendition> is unique. In the case of incidental styles, the xml:id must include _incid_ (which specifies that it's incidental), followed by something usefully descriptive. For substantive styles, just use something descriptive, without _incid_.

Next, in the first line of the poem, we add a <hi> element wrapping the relevant text:

<l>  <hi rendition="#pom_22345_incid_small-caps">It was a dark</hi> and stormy night, </l>

The rendition attribute points to the xml:id of the <rendition> element.

12.3. CSS for layout

Layout information is usually associated with block-level elements. These are elements which form a block on the page (in other words, they have a line-break before and after them). In our TEI encoding, the principal block-level elements are:

There are a number of features we may want to capture for any block-level element:

  • width: width: 25em;
  • margin-left: margin-left: 0.5em;
  • margin-right: margin-right: 1em;
  • margin-top: margin-top: 2em;
  • margin-bottom: margin-left: 2.5em;
  • text-align: text-align: center;

This example encodes a stanza which has a top margin of 1em, and is indented (margin-left) by 3em (the width of 3 "m" characters); it has four lines, and the second and fourth lines are indented a further 1em:

<!-- In the header --><tagsDecl>  <rendition xml:id="pom_22345_stanza">margin-left: 3em; margin-top: 1em;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="pom_22345_line">margin-left: 1em;</rendition> </tagsDecl> <!-- In the poem --> <lg type="stanza"  rendition="#pom_22345_stanza">  <l> <!-- line -->  </l>  <l rendition="#pom_22345_line"> <!-- line -->  </l>  <l> <!-- line -->  </l>  <l rendition="#pom_22345_line"> <!-- line -->  </l> </lg>

(Note that the requirement to repeat the line indent rendition attribute on every second line in the poem can be avoided; see below for more details.)

12.4. CSS for text styles

CSS for layout (margins, widths etc.) can only be applied to block-level elements, but CSS for describing text styles (italics, small-caps, etc.) can be applied at any level, including block-level elements. When you see text which is distinguished in some way, first see if you can apply a useful tag to describe it; then create a suitable <rendition> element in the header (if you don't already have one which describes the same features) and add the rendition attribute to that tag, to show how it appears. Imagine that the phrase ‘a soul’ is in italics in the original. You may decide that this is because the author wants to emphasize it, so you can use the TEI <emph> element to tag it:

<l>But it has <emph>a soul</emph> within:</l>

Then, in the header, you can add this:

<!-- In the header --><rendition xml:id="pom_22345_emph">font-style: italic;</rendition>

and then add the rendition attribute to point to it:

<l>But it has <emph rendition="#pom_22345_emph">a soul</emph> within:</l>

Sometimes you can use a convenient tag that is already in place:

<!-- In the header: --><rendition xml:id="pom_22345_incid_head">font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 1rem;</rendition> <!-- In the text: --> <head rendition="#pom_22345_incid_head">An Ode to Elephants</head>

Sometimes, however, it's not clear why a particular piece of text is formatted in a special way, so you need to use a generic tag to wrap it. Use the <hi> tag for this:

<l>  <hi style="#pom_22345_incid_small-caps">Papers</hi> must not contain above </l>

These are a few examples of CSS properties and values you might use to describe text formatting:

  • font-style: italic;
  • font-variant: small-caps; (used when all text is in capitals, but "capital" letters are bigger than "small" letters)
  • font-size: 120%; (size is relative to the existing inherited font size; also you can use 1.2em for the same result)
  • text-decoration: underline;
  • font-weight: bold;

12.5. Avoiding repetitive CSS

Often you will find that the same block of CSS code is repeated throughout your poem. Perhaps the last line of the poem is a refrain, which is always in italics, and indented by 2 ems:

<lg type="stanza">  <l> <!-- line -->  </l>  <l> <!-- line -->  </l>  <l> <!-- line -->  </l>  <l rendition="#pom_22345_lastLines">Hurrah! Hurrah!</l> </lg>

It is tiresome to copy and paste that code repeatedly in the file. There is a simpler solution.

Go to your <rendition> element, and add a selector attribute like this:

<rendition xml:id="pom_22345_lastLines"  selector="l:last-of-type">margin-left: 2em;</rendition>

What this says is ‘apply this style to every <l> element which is the last <l> in its parent element.’ Now you can simply remove the rendition attributes from all those lines.

Other useful forms you can use in the selector attribute include:
  • selector=lg (all <lg> elements)
  • selector=l:first-of-type (all <l> elements which are the first <l> children of their parent element)
  • selector=l:nth-of-type(even) (all <l> elements which in positions 2,4,6,8 etc. in their parent element)
  • selector=l:nth-of-type(odd) (all <l> elements which in positions 1,3,5,7 etc. in their parent element)
You can also chain selectors together with commas in the selector attribute:
<rendition selector="l:nth-of-type(2), l:nth-of-type(5)"> margin-left: 1em; </rendition>
In other words, without any encoding at all in the body of your poem, every second and fourth line in every stanza will be indented. Obviously you can only use this feature for cases where all or most of the stanzas are laid out in the same way, but that is often the case with the poems we are encoding.

What’s new and difficult here is the language used in the selector attribute. This is the language of CSS Selectors, which you can learn about on any of the sites which teach basic CSS. It can be a bit tricky to master, but in most cases on this project, learning a few simple recipes will enable you to do a lot of effective CSS encoding right in the header of the document.

13. Advanced CSS

This section introduces some more sophisticated uses of CSS and shows some common methods of hiding and showing features and content based on whether it is incidental or not.

13.1. Upper case versus title case, periods and linebreaks

Our site styleguide calls for poem titles and bylines to be rendered in sentence case, but the original print poems are often all-upper-case. In addition, our site styles provide standard font sizes for poem headings and bylines, but the original size and peculiarities such as letter-spacing should also be captured for the diplomatic view. Finally, titles in the Victorian period were often terminated with a period, but we no longer do that, so we need to make it possible for a final period to appear in the diplomatic view, but not in the normalized view. Here is a worked example.

Imagine the title you see on the page looks something like this:


However, we need to present the title in the normalized view as:

The Vision

First of all, we transcribe in sentence case, including the period:

<head>The Vision.</head>

Now we create a <rendition> element in the header and link to it:

<!-- In the header. --><rendition xml:id="pom_22346_incid_head">text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: 0.1em;</rendition> <!-- In the poem. --> <head rendition="#pom_22346_incid_head">The Vision.</head>

This ensures that when the reader switches to the diplomatic view, the text will appear in upper-case, and the font size will be set to the base font size (1rem), which will match the poem text itself, and the letter-spacing feature will be accurately represented. That just leaves us with the problem of the final period. Here we need to create two <rendition> elements, one to hide and one to show the period:

<!-- In the header. --><rendition xml:id="pom_22346_hidden">display: none;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="pom_22346_incid_displayInline">display: inline;</rendition> <!-- In the poem. --> <head rendition="#pom_22346_incid_head">The Vision<hi rendition="#pom_22346_hidden #pom_22346_incid_display_inline">.</hi> </head>

The result of this will be that the period is hidden by default, but when the diplomatic view is selected, the incidental stylesheet will be switched on, and the second rendition will go into effect, showing the period.

We can take a similar approach to linebreaks appearing inside poem titles. In our normalized view, we usually present poem titles as a single line, but the original may include linebreaks we want to capture. We use the same strategy as before, but now we need display: block; rather than display: inline;:

<!-- In the header. --><rendition xml:id="pom_22347_hidden">display: none;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="pom_22347_incid_displayBlock">display: block;</rendition> <!-- In the poem. --> <head> Song of the <lb rendition="#pom_22347_hidden #pom_22347_incid_displayBlock"/> Chartist Emigrant </head>

Now the title will appear on one line in the normalized view, but the linebreak will appear as soon as the diplomatic view is selected.

13.2. Mixed-column layouts

Some periodicals present poems at the full page-width, while others place them in a normal column layout in which the whole poem is contained within one column or runs from column to column. Neither of these cases is problematic; we write our layout CSS on the basis that the column is the containing ‘page’, and although we record column breaks with the <cb> element, we don’t worry about rendering them.

However, there are problematic cases in which a single poem has some components which span multiple columns, but has others that are contained within columns. For example, a poem might have its title, author and epigraph arranged so they span two columns, while the stanzas themselves are in columns. This is problematic because we have decided that both the normalized and diplomatic views should present the poem as a single column; we need a wide page to render the title matter, but a narrower page to arrange the stanzas in a single column. This section explains how we handle this in the CSS.

The first thing we do is to set the page width on the basis of the main title matter:
<rendition xml:id="pom_11310_incid_poem">font-size: 1rem; width: 37em;</rendition>
Then we check that the title matter is styled and rendering appropriately. If we now look at the stanzas in the diplomatic view, they will appear aligned to the left, leaving a lot of whitespace on the right, which is no good. So, assuming that the stanzas are in two columns, we give them a much narrower area in which to appear:
<rendition xml:id="pom_11310_incid_column"  selector="lg lg">width: 50%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;</rendition>
In this example, the main stanzas are contained within an outer <lg> element, so what we’re doing here is to set the width of the stanzas to 50%, then give them auto-margins left and right, which will arrange them so they look ‘centred’ within the main page space.
This should solve the immediate problem, but in many cases, you’ll find that there are other components of the poem flow that, like the title matter, span two columns. Some of these, such as footnotes, may even appear within stanzas themselves. We can handle this by adding CSS to reverse the effect of the ruleset shown above:
<rendition xml:id="pom_11310_incid_fullWidth"  selector="lg lg note">margin-left: -50%; margin-right: -50%;</rendition>
This says that any <note> element appearing within a stanza should have negative left and right margins, stretching it back out to the full page width.

14. Inverted line wrap and hung word

‘Inverted line wrap’ is our term for the situation in which a poetic line is too long for the space and so one or more words are wrapped, but they are wrapped to the line above rather than the line below. See the first stanza of this poem for an example. The formal term for this is a hungword; when the word, part-word or phrase is wrapped above the line, it's a turnover, and below the line it’s a turnunder. When the turnover or turnunder shares a typographical line with another poetic line, a square bracket is usually used to signal that it belongs to the preceding or following line.

Since we want to transcribe the text in its logical order, rather than in its typographical order, we have to move the turnover or turnunder to its typographical position using CSS. There are normally two things we need to do: first, we need to encode the fact that the line wraps above or below, and capture its position correctly. Secondly, we need to use a special encoding pattern for the square bracket, because it is not part of the poem text; it is merely a typographical symbol. The original poet surely did not write the square bracket, and when we index the poem for search purposes, or render it in a modernized or regularlized form, we don't want to include it. Thirdly, since the turnunder or turnover is not a substantive feature, we need to encode it as an ‘incid’, so that it only appears rendering the poem in diplomatic view.

First, we need to create a <rendition> in the header which describes how the text is moved relative to the position in which we would expect to see it. This is an example of how you would do that:
<rendition xml:id="pom_11429_incid_wrapUp">display: block; position: relative; margin-top: -2.3em; margin-left: 12.2em;</rendition>
To style the inverted line wrap, we need to specify that it is behaving as a block; that it appears above where we would normally expect to see it; and that it has a large left margin (to bring it over towards the right side of the column or page).
Now we tag the wrapped component, and point it at the <rendition> element:
<l>And makest the cliffs with sunshine <hi rendition="#pom_11429_incid_wrapUp">[bright ;</hi> </l>
The final requirement is to tag the square bracket that appears before the word in its wrapped position. We need to make it disappear in the normalized view. We can do this with a <pc> element:
<pc type="hung"  rendition="#pom_11429_hidden #pom_11429_incid_showInline">[</pc>
Here we use the standard <rendition> elements that should appear in the header of all transcribed poems, hiding the character by default, and then showing it again when the diplomatic view is selected.

The same process can be undertaken with a turnunder, although the margin values will be different, of course; by default, when the end of a line is rendered as a block, it will automatically appear below the current line, so the vertical margin adjustment will probably be a minor tweak, but the left margin values will be similar.

15. Notes

There are two kinds of notes that need to be encoded in the text: original notes (usually footnotes, appearing on the printed page) and editorial notes (notes made by members of the project team, explaining, elucidating, annotating and so on). These are encoded slightly differently.

15.1. Original notes

This page shows a typical example of an original note, signified by an asterisk in the text and a footnote at the bottom of the page. Transcribe these exactly as they appear, with the asterisk as a regular character in the text, and the footnote encoded as a <note> element at the bottom:
<head>THE BUILDING OF THE PALACE OF THE LAMP *.</head> <!-- ... --> <milestone type="lineunit="transition"  style="width: 45%;"/> <note>* Or, as it might be rendered, of the Illuminati.</note>
Use style attributes (not included here for simplicity's sake) to capture the typographical features of the note. This use of the <note> element does not use the rest attribute.

15.2. Editorial notes

You will sometimes need to add an editorial note to the text you are editing. Use the <note> element to do this, with the resp attribute to specify who is responsible for the note. Here is an example:

<l>The tin advertisements</l> <l>For cocoa and twist,<note resp="dvpp:prs_ed_mdh">Twist is chewing tobacco.</note> and the pubs</l> <l>Wide open all day—</l>

Use the resp attribute to point to your own entry in the project personography.

16. Standoff Markup

Much of our encoding takes the form of standoff markup, in that we use pointers to link to definitions of things outside individual poem files. In this section, we discuss some of the files which are pointed to, and how they are maintained and edited.

16.1. Link Groups

In the xml/linkGrps.xml file, there is a set of <linkGrp> elements that look like this:
<linkGrp ana="dvpp:lkSameProseItem">  <ptr target="dvpp:pom_1095_a_duet"/>  <ptr target="dvpp:pom_1096_four_quatrains"/> </linkGrp>
The purpose of these link groups is to build collections of things which are related, along with an explanation of their relatedness. This is a significant improvement over the ‘Related poems’ field in the database, which simply links two or more poems together that (aside from editorial notes on the poem record pages) did not specify their precise relatedness. When a large collection of poems is related in some way, exhaustively adding links in the database is a painful process. It makes more sense to describe those links in the TEI, and then bring them into the web output mechanically. Each link group will have its own page in the site, using its heading and explanation, and a list of all the things linked; and each thing linked will have an entry on its page pointing to the link group. On individual poem pages, each link group of which the poem is a member will have an entry consisting of a brief explanation of the link type and a set of links to all the other poems in that group.

The ana attribute is the mechanism that categorizes the linkGrp (in other words, describes the relationship which links them all). This set of values is built into the schema from a taxonomy which is stored in the xml/taxonomies.xml file. Each category in the taxonomy includes a short caption (the n attribute) and a longer explanation (in the <catDesc> element). As an encoder working on linkGrps, you do not need to worry about this; just assign the appropriate value to the ana attribute when you create the <linkGrp>.

Researching this grouping information can be tricky, and is best accomplished by using as many useful resources as possible, including the facsimile viewer and search page on the latest Jenkins build of the DVPP site.

Note that there is one additional use of the <linkGrp> element, where it has ana=lkSubcollection. That usage is discussed in 18. Site information pages.

17. Proofing and publishing

After a document has been encoded, it needs to be proofed, and then undergo a final check before being published. Part of the encoder's job is to proof the encoding of other members of the team (so you can't proof your own encoding). This is a basic checklist of things to look at when proofing:

If you encounter encoding of a type we have not yet worked on in this phase of the project (such as <catRef> elements in <textClass>), simply leave it alone. On the other hand, if you see something which we would definitely not do according to our current praxis (such as a lengthy editorial note attached to the poem), just comment it out.

When you have finished proofing a document, you need to add or modify the <revisionDesc> element to record what you have done; see the section on The revision description for details.

18. Site information pages

Poems are not the only pages on the DVPP website, of course. There are many pages which are generated automatically, consisting of lists of poems for each specific periodical and/or year. There are also straightforward information pages, such as the About DVPP page and the Our team page. These pages are also generated from TEI sources, stored in the dvpp/pages folder.

If you examine the XML in these pages, you‘ll see that it is mostly very straightforward TEI, with a couple of exceptions. Sometimes you will see something like this:
<divGen type="poetsByNationality"  n="Scottish"/>
This is a special type of TEI <div> whose purpose is to trigger the automatic generation of a real TEI <div> containing a specific kind of content or listing. The example above causes the generation of a table of poets who are assigned the nationality ‘Scottish’; any similar <divGen> could be used to cause the generation of a list of poets with any of the nationalities in our prosopography. The obvious advantage over a hard-coded list of people is that, as more Scottish poets are added to the prosopography, they automatically appear in the list.

Obviously these things are not magic; the programmer has to know what is required, and write the code to generate the content. But this is usually quite straightforward, so if you have any need to generate lists of this sort in an information page, just let the programmer know what you need, and it will happen.

Sometimes you may want to create a poem listing which is purely curated rather than auto-generated in some way. This can be done using a <linkGrp> with ana=lkSubcollection, like this:
<linkGrp ana="dvpp:lkSubcollection">  <ptr target="dvpp:pom_9689_the_ring_and_the_stream_a"/>  <ptr target="dvpp:pom_1477_a_womans_question"/>  <ptr target="dvpp:pom_1757_in_memoriam_adelaide_anne"/> </linkGrp>
Here, all you need to do is to list pointers to the poems required, and a table will be constructed in the output page listing those poems with their full details.

19. For programmers: How to do stuff

The lead programmer is Martin Holmes, so ask him first if he's around. If he's not, and stuff needs to be done, this is how to do it. Before trying to do programmer-type things, make sure you've configured your machine thusly:

The project has two main components:

The svn repository also includes backups of the MySQL database in SQL and XML format, which are used in various build processes and refreshed regularly (see below).

Most project work is done in Oxygen, and the entire team shares the same dvpp.xpr file, which includes a lot of useful configuration stuff such as Author mode CSS, code templates, file associations and so on. When working on DVPP, always load the project file in Oxygen.

There is a complex set of dependencies between the database (which is the canonical source of most of the metadata) and the TEI XML files, which are the canonical source for encoding work and some other components. This relationship will eventually dissolve, when the database is retired and the XML becomes the final repository for all data, but for the moment, both sources are needed. More information on this is provided below.

19.1. How to refresh the database dumps and statistics

The MySQL database which stores all the indexing information is called ‘vpn’. Dumps from this database, in both SQL (vpn_live_latest.sql) and XML (vpn_live_latest.sql) format, are regularly put into SVN so that we have lots of options for recovery, rollback and forensics if we need it. The database server is set up to dump the two files every night at midnight into my home1t account, and you can get them from|(xml)) (note that the filenames are slightly different from those in svn). You can do this refresh automatically by running this in the root of the svn checkout:

ant adminRemote

This brings down fresh versions of the dbs, and also refreshes the statistics file, stats.sts, which is used to track our progress over the long term. The ant task will attempt to commit the changes back to the repository, but that may fail if you don't have SSH keys set up with the svn server, so you may need to commit manually at the end of the process.

19.2. Refreshing the XML

This process must be undertaken regularly as long as the MySQL database is being edited. It is quite fraught with danger and complicated, so don't try it on a Friday afternoon with only ten minutes to spare; choose a time when no-one will be editing anything (db or XML), and give yourself plenty of time to check the results and fix any oddities.

First, it's important to explain what this process does and why it exists. The DVPP project has two distinct canonical data repositories: one is the MySQL database, in which all metadata about all poems is collected and edited, and the other is an XML document collection, in which transcriptions and encoding of actual poems is stored. The eventual aim is to store all data in the XML files only; they can easily handle all the metadata alongside the transcription, and they're must easier to process. But while the indexing process is still continuing, the database must be maintained, and the data collected and corrected in it is the canonical source for metadata for all the poems. At the same time, the XML files are the canonical repository for the transcription and annotation data. So inside the same TEI file, there will be data which is maintained by editing that file, and data which is maintained externally in the MySQL database.

Periodically, therefore, we need to refresh the XML collection to update the data in it with the latest changes and additions from the MySQL database. This involves:

  • Creating a new TEI file for each new poem which has been added to the index;
  • Updating the metadata in the <teiHeader> of any poem whose metadata in the database has changed since the last time the process was run;
  • Creating a new TEI file with a new name for any poem whose title has changed in the database, because the title is canonical db metadata, and the TEI XML file name is generated directly from the title. When a new file is created for a poem which already had a TEI file, any transcription in the old file must be incorporated into the new file, and the old file must be deleted from svn when the new one is added.
  • Any TEI files previously created for poems which have now been deleted from the database must be identified and purged from the TEI collection.

As you can imagine, this is both complicated and risky, so it is undertaken in stages, with human oversight.

19.2.1. How the process works

Stage 1: generating TEI files
  • An XSLT file called xsl/sql_to_tei_master.xsl is run. This loads the latest XML version of the MySQL database dump.
  • The process does all of its work in temporary folders; nothing in the original xml folder is touched until the end of the process.
  • For each poem it finds in the database, it uses the poem database id to find whether there is an existing TEI file. Because the TEI files have names and xml:id attributes starting with pom_xxxx_, where xxxx is the id number of the poem in the database, it is possible to find a matching file even if the poem title has changed, so the rest of the filename would also have changed.
  • If there is no matching existing file, then the process simply creates a brand-new TEI file in the temporary collection folder.
  • If an existing file is found, then a new file is still created, because other metadata such as the title, the issue, the year, or any other component that controls the filename or its location in the folder tree may have changed. The content of that new file consists of freshly-processed metadata from the database, along with all the existing canonical TEI encoding from the original file.
  • All the newly-created files are validated with RELAX NG and Schematron, and if any don't validate, the process stops.

Once Stage 1 is complete, there is a new temporary folder called tempXml which contains a new collection of TEI files. Most of these will not have changed in any meaningful way, but the process makes a point of adding a comment which includes the current date, so that every single file should be different from its original. This is necessary for Stage 2:

Stage 2: Merging the new files back into the SVN collection
  • The newly-created collection is copied back into the real xml folder. This results in four kinds of file:
    1. Brand-new files which did not exist before, because they have only recently been added to the database.
    2. Existing files which have changed. This includes all files which previously existed, and whose filename/id has not changed as a result of changes to the database.
    3. New files which were not in existence before, but whose contents partly derive from old files that already existed. These files appear because the metadata in the database which controls the filename of the TEI file has changed. Because the id is consistent, the data can be harvested from the old file and merged into the new.
    4. Files which have not changed at all, because either they no longer exist in the MySQL database for some reason (and should therefore disappear from the XML collection), or because their original metadata changed, and a new file with a slightly different name has been created to replace them.
  • A shell script called is now run. Its job is to analyze the merged repository, and generate two more scripts, based on the dates of files in the repo. The shell scripts it generates are:
    1. This script lists any files which are new to the repo, and thus not being tracked yet, and calls svn add to add each one to the repository. This takes care of types 1 and 3.
    2. this script lists files of type 4, which should no longer be in the repo. However, it does not delete them; it simply moves them to a folder called obsolete. We do this out of an abundance of caution, and based on long experience.

The human programmer should then examine both of these generated scripts carefully, and pick out some examples from each to check the actual files against the database records to make sure that nothing has gone wrong. When convinced that the process has worked correctly, he/she can run those two scripts to make the svn changes, then do ant -f buildTEI.xml updatePoemIds followed by svn commit to push everything to the repository. The former step is required because the poemIds.xml file, in the root of the repository, provides a quick lookup map between the db's numeric ids and the longer and more descriptive XML ids; if a poem’s title has changed, then its XML id will change, causing an svn delete of the old file and an svn add of the new file, and that process will invalidate the lookups, as will the removal of poems or the addition of new ones.

Note that type two files don't require any special intervention; the svn commit will handle them.

19.2.2. How to run the process

Although it is possible to run this process to refresh the entire collection of TEI files, that is not recommended because of the scale of checking involved. Instead, it makes more sense to run this process for a specific year of a specific periodical, especially after an indexing process or proofing check has been completed for that year and periodical.

This is how to execute the process:

In a terminal, inside the root project folder, first make sure you have the latest version of the database dumps:

ant adminRemote

Then, to refresh the XML for a specific periodical and year (the recommended approach), run this:

ant -f buildTEI.xml -Dperiodical=chambers_series -Dyear=1840

If the process completes successfully, you should see the following messages:

A file called has been created.
Check its contents; if there are no oddities,
make it executable and run it to move
obsolete files out of the xml folder.
A file called has been created.
Check its contents.
If there are no oddities, make it executable and run
it to add new files to the svn repository.

Once you have checked to make sure all is well, you can run those two files, then:

svn commit -m "TEI file collection refreshed from MySQL database data."

If there is some pressing reason to re-process the entire collection, you can do this by omitting the year and periodical parameters in the above ant command.

19.3. How to OCR a year

Our transcription and encoding process is able to go much faster when we provide OCRs of the page-images for transcribers to take as the basis for their work. The process is set up to run for all poems in the collection for a specific year, in a single operation; so you can OCR all of (e.g.) 1870 in one go. After making sure that your local svn copy is up to date, just do this in the root of the svn repo:

ant -f buildOCR.xml -Dyear=1870

supplying the required target year. You can also OCR a single periodical for a single year, like this:

ant -f buildOCR.xml -Dyear=1870 -Dperiodical=chambers_series

which passes the exact name of the folder for that periodical inside the xml folder. This is what the process actually does:

  • Start building a shell script which will do the actual work.
  • Check the TEI file for each poem in the collection which dates from the target year.
  • If the poem already has transcription or OCR, ignore it.
  • If the poem hasn't yet been transcribed or OCRed, process it as follows.
  • Analyze the XML file to get the paths to page-images for the poem.
  • Add lines to the shell script to curl the images for that poem, then run tesseract to create OCR output.
  • Run the shell script to do all the OCR (this takes a while).
  • Insert the results of the OCR into copies of the poem XML files, as a comment.
  • Validate all the transformed XML files.
  • If they're all valid, copy them back over the originals.

If this completes successfully, there's nothing else you need to do except commit the changes back to the repository. It's safe to run this process on the same year over and over again, as new poems get added to the index and eventually find their way into the XML collection, because poems that have already been OCRed or encoded are ignored, and only new files will be processed. However, if you need to re-process old files (perhaps because better images have been captured, or the original OCR process was unsatisfactory for some reason), you can add the flag


when running the Ant task.

Appendix A

Appendix A.1 Elements

Appendix A.1.1 <TEI>

<TEI> (TEI document) contains a single TEI-conformant document, combining a single TEI header with one or more members of the model.resource class. Multiple <TEI> elements may be combined within a <TEI> (or <teiCorpus>) element. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module textstructure
version specifies the version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.version

Major editions of the Guidelines have long been informally referred to by a name made up of the letter P (for Proposal) followed by a digit. The current release is one of the many releases of the fifth major edition of the Guidelines, known as P5. This attribute may be used to associate a TEI document with a specific release of the P5 Guidelines, in the absence of a more precise association provided by the source attribute on the associated <schemaSpec>.

Member of
Contained by
core: teiCorpus
textstructure: TEI
May contain
header: teiHeader
linking: standOff
textstructure: TEI text
transcr: facsimile

This element is required. It is customary to specify the TEI namespace on it, for example: <TEI version="4.4.0" xml:lang="it" xmlns="">.

<TEI version="3.3.0" xmlns="">  <teiHeader>   <fileDesc>    <titleStmt>     <title>The shortest TEI Document Imaginable</title>    </titleStmt>    <publicationStmt>     <p>First published as part of TEI P2, this is the P5          version using a namespace.</p>    </publicationStmt>    <sourceDesc>     <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>    </sourceDesc>   </fileDesc>  </teiHeader>  <text>   <body>    <p>This is about the shortest TEI document imaginable.</p>   </body>  </text> </TEI>
<TEI version="2.9.1" xmlns="">  <teiHeader>   <fileDesc>    <titleStmt>     <title>A TEI Document containing four page images </title>    </titleStmt>    <publicationStmt>     <p>Unpublished demonstration file.</p>    </publicationStmt>    <sourceDesc>     <p>No source: this is an original work.</p>    </sourceDesc>   </fileDesc>  </teiHeader>  <facsimile>   <graphic url="page1.png"/>   <graphic url="page2.png"/>   <graphic url="page3.png"/>   <graphic url="page4.png"/>  </facsimile> </TEI>
<sch:ns prefix="tei"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="xs"  uri=""/>
<sch:ns prefix="rng"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="rna"  uri=""/>
<sch:ns prefix="sch"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="sch1x"  uri=""/>
Content model
  <elementRef key="teiHeader"/>
    <classRef key="model.resource"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <elementRef key="TEI" minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="TEI" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element TEI
   attribute version { text }?,
   ( tei_teiHeader, ( ( tei_model.resource+, tei_TEI* ) | tei_TEI+ ) )

Appendix A.1.2 <ab>

<ab> (anonymous block) contains any component-level unit of text, acting as a container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the same constraints as, a paragraph. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors]
Module linking
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(The caption for a figure.) A figure caption should be encoded using <ab> with type=caption; if the caption appears above the figure, place the <ab> before the <figDesc>, and if it's below, place it after.
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The <ab> element may be used at the encoder's discretion to mark any component-level elements in a text for which no other more specific appropriate markup is defined. Unlike paragraphs, <ab> may nest and may use the type and subtype attributes.

<div type="bookn="Genesis">  <div type="chaptern="1">   <ab>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.</ab>   <ab>And the earth was without form, and void; and      darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the      spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.</ab>   <ab>And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.</ab> <!-- ...-->  </div> </div>
<sch:rule context="tei:ab"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:figure"> The ab element may only appear within a figure element.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:report test="(ancestor::tei:l or ancestor::tei:lg) and not( ancestor::tei:floatingText |parent::tei:figure |parent::tei:note )"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level divisions such as p or ab, unless ab is a child of figure or note, or is a descendant of floatingText. </sch:report>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.abContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element ab
   attribute type { "caption" },

Appendix A.1.3 <abbr>

<abbr> (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. [3.6.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
Module core
type (type) allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

The type attribute is provided for the sake of those who wish to classify abbreviations at their point of occurrence; this may be useful in some circumstances, though usually the same abbreviation will have the same type in all occurrences. As the sample values make clear, abbreviations may be classified by the method used to construct them, the method of writing them, or the referent of the term abbreviated; the typology used is up to the encoder and should be carefully planned to meet the needs of the expected use. For a typology of Middle English abbreviations, see 6.2.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

If abbreviations are expanded silently, this practice should be documented in the <editorialDecl>, either with a <normalization> element or a <p>.

<choice>  <expan>North Atlantic Treaty Organization</expan>  <abbr cert="low">NorATO</abbr>  <abbr cert="high">NATO</abbr>  <abbr cert="highxml:lang="fr">OTAN</abbr> </choice>
<choice>  <abbr>SPQR</abbr>  <expan>senatus populusque romanorum</expan> </choice>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element abbr
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.4 <abstract>

<abstract> contains a summary or formal abstract prefixed to an existing source document by the encoder. [2.4.4. Abstracts]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain

This element is intended only for cases where no abstract is available in the original source. Any abstract already present in the source document should be encoded as a <div> within the <front>, as it should for a born-digital document.

<profileDesc>  <abstract resp="#LB">   <p>Good database design involves the acquisition and deployment of      skills which have a wider relevance to the educational process. From      a set of more or less instinctive rules of thumb a formal discipline      or "methodology" of database design has evolved. Applying that      methodology can be of great benefit to a very wide range of academic      subjects: it requires fundamental skills of abstraction and      generalisation and it provides a simple mechanism whereby complex      ideas and information structures can be represented and manipulated,      even without the use of a computer. </p>  </abstract> </profileDesc>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
  <elementRef key="listBibl"/>
Schema Declaration
element abstract
   ( tei_model.pLike | tei_model.listLike | tei_listBibl )+

Appendix A.1.5 <add>

<add> (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

In a diplomatic edition attempting to represent an original source, the <add> element should not be used for additions to the current TEI electronic edition made by editors or encoders. In these cases, either the <corr> or <supplied> element are recommended.

In a TEI edition of a historical text with previous editorial emendations in which such additions or reconstructions are considered part of the source text, the use of <add> may be appropriate, dependent on the editorial philosophy of the project.

The story I am going to relate is true as to its main facts, and as to the consequences <add place="above">of these facts</add> from which this tale takes its title.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element add

Appendix A.1.6 <addName>

<addName> (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(An honorific such as "Sir" or "Rev.".) Used to encode the honorific part of a name in the personography. Examples are "Sir", "Rev.", "Dean of Rochester", "Professor".
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<persName>  <forename>Frederick</forename>  <addName type="epithet">the Great</addName>  <roleName>Emperor of Prussia</roleName> </persName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element addName
   attribute type { "honorific" },

Appendix A.1.7 <addrLine>

<addrLine> (address line) contains one line of a postal address. [3.6.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
core: address
May contain

Addresses may be encoded either as a sequence of lines, or using any sequence of component elements from the model.addrPart class. Other non-postal forms of address, such as telephone numbers or email, should not be included within an <address> element directly but may be wrapped within an <addrLine> if they form part of the printed address in some source text.

<address>  <addrLine>Computing Center, MC 135</addrLine>  <addrLine>P.O. Box 6998</addrLine>  <addrLine>Chicago, IL</addrLine>  <addrLine>60680 USA</addrLine> </address>
<addrLine>  <ref target="tel:+1-201-555-0123">(201) 555 0123</ref> </addrLine>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element addrLine {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.8 <address>

<address> (address) contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual. [3.6.2. Addresses 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

This element should be used for postal addresses only. Within it, the generic element <addrLine> may be used as an alternative to any of the more specialized elements available from the model.addrPart class, such as <street>, <postCode> etc.

Example Using just the elements defined by the core module, an address could be represented as follows:
<address>  <street>via Marsala 24</street>  <postCode>40126</postCode>  <name>Bologna</name>  <name>Italy</name> </address>
Example When a schema includes the names and dates module more specific elements such as country or settlement would be preferable over generic <name>:
<address>  <street>via Marsala 24</street>  <postCode>40126</postCode>  <settlement>Bologna</settlement>  <country>Italy</country> </address>
<address>  <addrLine>Computing Center, MC 135</addrLine>  <addrLine>P.O. Box 6998</addrLine>  <addrLine>Chicago, IL 60680</addrLine>  <addrLine>USA</addrLine> </address>
<address>  <country key="FR"/>  <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>  <postCode>69002</postCode>  <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>  <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>  <street>   <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</street> </address>
Content model
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.addrPart"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element address
   (*, ( tei_model.addrPart,* )+ )

Appendix A.1.9 <affiliation>

<affiliation> (affiliation) contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If included, the name of an organization may be tagged using either the <name> element as above, or the more specific <orgName> element.

<affiliation>Junior project officer for the US <name type="org">National Endowment for    the Humanities</name> </affiliation>
Example This example indicates that the person was affiliated with the Australian Journalists Association at some point between the dates listed.
<affiliation notAfter="1960-01-01"  notBefore="1957-02-28">Paid up member of the <orgName>Australian Journalists Association</orgName> </affiliation>
Example This example indicates that the person was affiliated with Mount Holyoke College throughout the entire span of the date range listed.
<affiliation from="1902-01-01"  to="1906-01-01">Was an assistant professor at Mount Holyoke College.</affiliation>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element affiliation
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.10 <age>

<age> (age) specifies the age of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
value supplies a numeric code representing the age or age group
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

This attribute may be used to complement a more detailed discussion of a person's age in the content of the element

Member of
Contained by
May contain

As with other culturally-constructed traits such as sex, the way in which this concept is described in different cultural contexts may vary. The normalizing attributes are provided as a means of simplifying that variety to Western European norms and should not be used where that is inappropriate. The content of the element may be used to describe the intended concept in more detail, using plain text.

<age value="2notAfter="1986">under 20 in the early eighties</age>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element age
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute value { text }?,

Appendix A.1.11 <analytic>

<analytic> (analytic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. an article or poem) published within a monograph or journal and not as an independent publication. [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels]
Module core
Contained by
May contain

May contain titles and statements of responsibility (author, editor, or other), in any order.

The <analytic> element may only occur within a <biblStruct>, where its use is mandatory for the description of an analytic level bibliographic item.

<biblStruct>  <analytic>   <author>Chesnutt, David</author>   <title>Historical Editions in the States</title>  </analytic>  <monogr>   <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>   <imprint>    <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>   </imprint>   <biblScope>25.6</biblScope>   <biblScope>377–380</biblScope>  </monogr> </biblStruct>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="author"/>
  <elementRef key="editor"/>
  <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
  <elementRef key="title"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <elementRef key="date"/>
  <elementRef key="textLang"/>
  <elementRef key="idno"/>
  <elementRef key="availability"/>
Schema Declaration
element analytic
    | tei_editor
    | tei_respStmt
    | tei_title
    | tei_model.ptrLike
    | tei_date
    | tei_textLang
    | tei_idno
    | tei_availability

Appendix A.1.12 <anchor>

<anchor> (anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element. [8.4.2. Synchronization and Overlap 16.5. Correspondence and Alignment]
Module linking
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

On this element, the global xml:id attribute must be supplied to specify an identifier for the point at which this element occurs within a document. The value used may be chosen freely provided that it is unique within the document and is a syntactically valid name. There is no requirement for values containing numbers to be in sequence.

<s>The anchor is he<anchor xml:id="A234"/>re somewhere.</s> <s>Help me find it.<ptr target="#A234"/> </s>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element anchor {, tei_att.typed.attributes, empty }

Appendix A.1.13 <annotation>

<annotation> represents an annotation following the Web Annotation Data Model. [16.10. The standOff Container]
Module linking
xml:id (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
Derived from
Status Required
Datatype ID
target specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
Derived from att.pointing
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
intent is to assess the target resource in some way, rather than simply make a comment about it
intent is to create a bookmark to the target or part thereof
intent is to classify the target in some way
intent is to comment about the target
intent is to describe the target, rather than (for example) comment on it
intent is to request an edit or a change to the target resource
intent is to highlight the target resource or a segment thereof
intent is to assign an identity to the target
intent is to link to a resource related to the target
intent is to assign some value or quality to the target
intent is to ask a question about the target
intent is to reply to a previous statement, either an annotation or another resource
intent is to associate a tag with the target

For further detailed explanation of the suggested values, see the Web Annotation Vocabulary (WAV). The motivations described here map to URIs defined by the WAV and when exported to RDF or JSON-LD must have the URI prepended.

As an RDF vocabulary, WADM permits the definition of new motivations (see Appendix C of the WAV). In TEI, new motivations may be defined in a custom ODD (see section New motivations must also map to URIs defined by an RDF ontology extending the WAV.

Member of
Contained by
May contain
<annotation xml:id="ann1"  motivation="linkingtarget="#Gallia"> <!-- See and -->  <respStmt xml:id="fred">   <resp>creator</resp>   <persName>Fred Editor</persName>  </respStmt>  <revisionDesc>   <change status="created"    when="2020-05-21T13:59:00Zwho="#fred"/>   <change status="modified"    when="2020-05-21T19:48:00Zwho="#fred"/>  </revisionDesc> <!-- See -->  <licence target=""/> <!-- Multiple bodies --> <!-- Pointers to sections of text in the same document -->  <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s1,0,6)"/>  <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s6,19,7)"/> </annotation>
<annotation xml:id="TheCorrectTitle"  motivation="commentingtarget="#line1">  <note>The correct title of this specification, and the correct full name of XML, is    "Extensible Markup Language". "eXtensible Markup Language" is just a spelling error.    However, the abbreviation "XML" is not only correct but, appearing as it does in the title    of the specification, an official name of the Extensible Markup Language. </note> </annotation>
Content model
  <elementRef key="respStmt" minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="revisionDesc"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="licence" minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.annotationPart.body"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element annotation
   attribute xml:id { text },
   attribute target { list { + } },
   attribute motivation
          | "bookmarking"
          | "classifying"
          | "commenting"
          | "describing"
          | "editing"
          | "highlighting"
          | "identifying"
          | "linking"
          | "moderating"
          | "questioning"
          | "replying"
          | "tagging"

Appendix A.1.14 <appInfo>

<appInfo> (application information) records information about an application which has edited the TEI file. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
header: application
<appInfo>  <application version="1.24ident="Xaira">   <label>XAIRA Indexer</label>   <ptr target="#P1"/>  </application> </appInfo>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.applicationLike"
  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element appInfo {, tei_model.applicationLike+ }

Appendix A.1.15 <application>

<application> provides information about an application which has acted upon the document. [2.3.11. The Application Information Element]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
ident supplies an identifier for the application, independent of its version number or display name.
Status Required
version supplies a version number for the application, independent of its identifier or display name.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.versionNumber
Member of
Contained by
header: appInfo
May contain
linking: ab
<appInfo>  <application version="1.5"   ident="ImageMarkupTool1notAfter="2006-06-01">   <label>Image Markup Tool</label>   <ptr target="#P1"/>   <ptr target="#P2"/>  </application> </appInfo>
This example shows an appInfo element documenting the fact that version 1.5 of the Image Markup Tool1 application has an interest in two parts of a document which was last saved on June 6 2006. The parts concerned are accessible at the URLs given as target for the two <ptr> elements.
Content model
  <classRef key="model.labelLike"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.ptrLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element application
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute ident { text },
   attribute version { text },
   ( tei_model.labelLike+, ( tei_model.ptrLike* | tei_model.pLike* ) )

Appendix A.1.16 <argument>

<argument> (argument) contains a formal list or prose description of the topics addressed by a subdivision of a text. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions 4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<argument>  <p>Monte Video — Maldonado — Excursion    to R Polanco — Lazo and Bolas — Partridges —    Absence of Trees — Deer — Capybara, or River Hog —    Tucutuco — Molothrus, cuckoo-like habits — Tyrant    Flycatcher — Mocking-bird — Carrion Hawks —    Tubes formed by Lightning — House struck</p> </argument>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.headLike"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.common"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element argument
      ( | tei_model.headLike )*,
      ( tei_model.common,* )+

Appendix A.1.17 <author>

<author> (author) in a bibliographic reference, contains the name(s) of an author, personal or corporate, of a work; for example in the same form as that provided by a recognized bibliographic name authority. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement]
Module core
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
May contain

Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use a generally recognized name authority file to supply the content for this element. The attributes key or ref may also be used to reference canonical information about the author(s) intended from any appropriate authority, such as a library catalogue or online resource.

In the case of a broadcast, use this element for the name of the company or network responsible for making the broadcast.

Where an author is unknown or unspecified, this element may contain text such as Unknown or Anonymous. When the appropriate TEI modules are in use, it may also contain detailed tagging of the names used for people, organizations or places, in particular where multiple names are given.

<author>British Broadcasting Corporation</author> <author>La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de (1634–1693)</author> <author>Anonymous</author> <author>Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation</author> <author>  <persName>Beaumont, Francis</persName> and <persName>John Fletcher</persName> </author> <author>  <orgName key="BBC">British Broadcasting    Corporation</orgName>: Radio 3 Network </author>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element author
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.18 <authority>

<authority> (release authority) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
core: monogr
May contain
<authority>John Smith</authority>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element authority

Appendix A.1.19 <availability>

<availability> (availability) supplies information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module header
status (status) supplies a code identifying the current availability of the text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(free) the text is freely available.
(unknown) the status of the text is unknown.
(restricted) the text is not freely available.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
header: licence
linking: ab

A consistent format should be adopted

<availability status="restricted">  <p>Available for academic research purposes only.</p> </availability> <availability status="free">  <p>In the public domain</p> </availability> <availability status="restricted">  <p>Available under licence from the publishers.</p> </availability>
<availability>  <licence target="">   <p>The MIT License      applies to this document.</p>   <p>Copyright (C) 2011 by The University of Victoria</p>   <p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy      of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal      in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights      to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell      copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is      furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p>   <p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in      all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p>   <p>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR      IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,      FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE      AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER      LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,      OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN      THE SOFTWARE.</p>  </licence> </availability>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.availabilityPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element availability
   attribute status { "free" | "unknown" | "restricted" }?,
   ( tei_model.availabilityPart | tei_model.pLike )+

Appendix A.1.20 <back>

<back> (back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text. [4.7. Back Matter 4. Default Text Structure]
Module textstructure
Contained by
textstructure: floatingText text
transcr: facsimile
May contain

Because cultural conventions differ as to which elements are grouped as back matter and which as front matter, the content models for the <back> and <front> elements are identical.

<back>  <div type="appendix">   <head>The Golden Dream or, the Ingenuous Confession</head>   <p>TO shew the Depravity of human Nature, and how apt the Mind is to be misled by Trinkets      and false Appearances, Mrs. Two-Shoes does acknowledge, that after she became rich, she      had like to have been, too fond of Money <!-- .... -->   </p>  </div> <!-- ... -->  <div type="epistle">   <head>A letter from the Printer, which he desires may be inserted</head>   <salute>Sir.</salute>   <p>I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the Vatican, if you please;    <!-- ... -->   </p>  </div>  <div type="advert">   <head>The Books usually read by the Scholars of Mrs Two-Shoes are these and are sold at Mr      Newbery's at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-yard.</head>   <list>    <item n="1">The Christmas Box, Price 1d.</item>    <item n="2">The History of Giles Gingerbread, 1d.</item> <!-- ... -->    <item n="42">A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations,        10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.</item>   </list>  </div>  <div type="advert">   <head>By the KING's Royal Patent, Are sold by J. NEWBERY, at the Bible and Sun in St.      Paul's Church-Yard.</head>   <list>    <item n="1">Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &amp;c. 2s.        6d</item>    <item n="2">Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, 1s.</item> <!-- ... -->   </list>  </div> </back>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.frontPart"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike.front"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0">
    <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key="model.frontPart"/>
     <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
     <classRef key=""/>
    <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key="model.frontPart"/>
     <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
     <classRef key=""/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <classRef key="model.divBottomPart"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.divBottomPart"/>
    <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element back
       | tei_model.pLike.front
       | tei_model.pLike
       | tei_model.listLike
            ( tei_model.frontPart | tei_model.div1Like | )*
       | (
            ( tei_model.frontPart | tei_model.divLike | )*
         ( tei_model.divBottomPart | )*

Appendix A.1.21 <bibl>

<bibl> (bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged. [3.12.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Contains phrase-level elements, together with any combination of elements from the model.biblPart class

<bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to Literature in English (Yale, 1990)</bibl>
<bibl>  <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>. <publisher>OUP</publisher>  <date>1968</date>. </bibl>
<bibl type="articlesubtype="book_chapter"  xml:id="carlin_2003">  <author>   <name>    <surname>Carlin</surname>      (<forename>Claire</forename>)</name>  </author>, <title level="a">The Staging of Impotence : France’s last    congrès</title> dans <bibl type="monogr">   <title level="m">Theatrum mundi : studies in honor of Ronald W.      Tobin</title>, éd.  <editor>    <name>     <forename>Claire</forename>     <surname>Carlin</surname>    </name>   </editor> et  <editor>    <name>     <forename>Kathleen</forename>     <surname>Wine</surname>    </name>   </editor>,  <pubPlace>Charlottesville, Va.</pubPlace>,  <publisher>Rookwood Press</publisher>,  <date when="2003">2003</date>.  </bibl> </bibl>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.highlighted"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.edit"/>
  <classRef key="model.segLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.biblPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element bibl
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.highlighted
    | tei_model.pPart.edit
    | tei_model.segLike
    | tei_model.ptrLike
    | tei_model.biblPart

Appendix A.1.22 <biblFull>

<biblFull> (fully-structured bibliographic citation) contains a fully-structured bibliographic citation, in which all components of the TEI file description are present. [3.12.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2. The File Description 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<biblFull>  <titleStmt>   <title>The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: women writers from the middle ages      to the present</title>   <author>Blain, Virginia</author>   <author>Clements, Patricia</author>   <author>Grundy, Isobel</author>  </titleStmt>  <editionStmt>   <edition>UK edition</edition>  </editionStmt>  <extent>1231 pp</extent>  <publicationStmt>   <publisher>Yale University Press</publisher>   <pubPlace>New Haven and London</pubPlace>   <date>1990</date>  </publicationStmt>  <sourceDesc>   <p>No source: this is an original work</p>  </sourceDesc> </biblFull>
Content model
    <elementRef key="titleStmt"/>
    <elementRef key="editionStmt"
    <elementRef key="extent" minOccurs="0"/>
    <elementRef key="publicationStmt"/>
    <elementRef key="seriesStmt"
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <elementRef key="notesStmt"
   <elementRef key="sourceDesc"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <elementRef key="fileDesc"/>
   <elementRef key="profileDesc"/>
Schema Declaration
element biblFull
    | ( tei_fileDesc, tei_profileDesc )

Appendix A.1.23 <biblScope>

<biblScope> (scope of bibliographic reference) defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, for example as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work. [ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations]
Module core
unit identifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume, entry.
Derived from att.citing
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Series number) Series number for a serial publication that has more than one series.
(Volume number) Number or title of a volume in a serial publication.
(Issue number) Number or title of an issue (component of a volume) in a serial publication.
(Special issue designation) Title of a special issue such as a Christmas issue.
(Page or page-range) The page or pages on which an item appears. Use the @from and @to attributes to record the pages for processing purposes, but also include a textual rendering of the page-range for ease of reading.
Member of
Contained by
May contain

When a single page is being cited, use the from and to attributes with an identical value. When no clear endpoint is provided, the from attribute may be used without to; for example a citation such as ‘p. 3ff’ might be encoded <biblScope from="3">p. 3ff</biblScope>.

It is now considered good practice to supply this element as a sibling (rather than a child) of <imprint>, since it supplies information which does not constitute part of the imprint.

<biblScope>pp 12–34</biblScope> <biblScope unit="pagefrom="12to="34"/> <biblScope unit="volume">II</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">12</biblScope>
<sch:rule context="tei:biblScope[@unit='page']"> <sch:assert test="@from and @to"> ERROR: The @from and @to attributes must both be included when using biblScope[@unit='page']. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:biblScope[@unit='page']"> <sch:assert test="matches(., '\*?[\divxlcmab]+\*?(–\*?[\divxlcmab]+\*?)?')"> ERROR: The page-range does not appear to conform to our -f rules (digits or roman numerals separated by an en-dash). </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:biblScope[@unit='page']"> <sch:assert test="matches(@from, '^((\*?\d+([ab])?\*?)|([ivxlcm]+))$') and matches(@to, '^(\*?(\d+([ab])?\*?)|([ivxlcm]+))$')"> ERROR: The @from and @to attributes must conform to a pattern consisting of digits or roman numerals. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:biblScope[@unit=('series', 'volume', 'issue')]"> <sch:assert test="normalize-space(.) ne ''"> ERROR: Series, volume and issue biblScopes must have text content. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element biblScope
   attribute unit { "series" | "volume" | "issue" | "specialIssue" | "page" }?,

Appendix A.1.24 <biblStruct>

<biblStruct> (structured bibliographic citation) contains a structured bibliographic citation, in which only bibliographic sub-elements appear and in a specified order. [3.12.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<biblStruct>  <monogr>   <author>Blain, Virginia</author>   <author>Clements, Patricia</author>   <author>Grundy, Isobel</author>   <title>The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: women writers from the middle ages      to the present</title>   <edition>first edition</edition>   <imprint>    <publisher>Yale University Press</publisher>    <pubPlace>New Haven and London</pubPlace>    <date>1990</date>   </imprint>  </monogr> </biblStruct>
<biblStruct type="newspaper">  <analytic>   <author>    <forename>David</forename>    <surname>Barstow</surname>   </author>   <author>    <forename>Susanne</forename>    <surname>Craig</surname>   </author>   <author>    <forename>Russ</forename>    <surname>Buettner</surname>   </author>   <title type="main">Trump Took Part in Suspect Schemes to Evade Tax Bills</title>   <title type="sub">Behind the Myth of a Self-Made Billionaire, a Vast Inheritance From His Father</title>  </analytic>  <monogr>   <title level="j">The New York Times</title>   <imprint>    <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>    <publisher>A. G. Sulzberger</publisher>    <date when="2018-10-03">Wednesday, October 3, 2018</date>   </imprint>   <biblScope unit="volume">CLXVIII</biblScope>   <biblScope unit="issue">58,104</biblScope>   <biblScope unit="page">1</biblScope>  </monogr> </biblStruct>
Content model
  <elementRef key="analytic" minOccurs="0"
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="monogr"/>
   <elementRef key="series" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
   <elementRef key="relatedItem"/>
   <elementRef key="citedRange"/>
Schema Declaration
element biblStruct
      ( tei_monogr, tei_series* )+,
       | tei_model.ptrLike
       | tei_relatedItem
       | tei_citedRange

Appendix A.1.25 <binaryObject>

<binaryObject> provides encoded binary data representing an inline graphic, audio, video or other object. [3.10. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components]
Module core
encoding The encoding used to encode the binary data. If not specified, this is assumed to be Base64.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
May contain Character data only
<binaryObject mimeType="image/gif"> R0lGODdhMAAwAPAAAAAAAP///ywAAAAAMAAwAAAC8IyPqcvt3wCcDkiLc7C0qwy GHhSWpjQu5yqmCYsapyuvUUlvONmOZtfzgFzByTB10QgxOR0TqBQejhRNzOfkVJ +5YiUqrXF5Y5lKh/DeuNcP5yLWGsEbtLiOSpa/TPg7JpJHxyendzWTBfX0cxOnK PjgBzi4diinWGdkF8kjdfnycQZXZeYGejmJlZeGl9i2icVqaNVailT6F5iJ90m6 mvuTS4OK05M0vDk0Q4XUtwvKOzrcd3iq9uisF81M1OIcR7lEewwcLp7tuNNkM3u Nna3F2JQFo97Vriy/Xl4/f1cf5VWzXyym7PH hhx4dbgYKAAA7</binaryObject>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element binaryObject
   attribute encoding { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.26 <birth>

<birth> (birth) contains information about a person's birth, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<birth>Before 1920, Midlands region.</birth>
<birth when="1960-12-10">In a small cottage near <name type="place">Aix-la-Chapelle</name>, early in the morning of <date>10 Dec 1960</date> </birth>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element birth
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.27 <body>

<body> (text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. [4. Default Text Structure]
Module textstructure
Contained by
textstructure: floatingText text
May contain
<body>  <l>Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard</l>  <l>metudæs maecti end his modgidanc</l>  <l>uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gihuaes</l>  <l>eci dryctin or astelidæ</l>  <l>he aerist scop aelda barnum</l>  <l>heben til hrofe haleg scepen.</l>  <l>tha middungeard moncynnæs uard</l>  <l>eci dryctin æfter tiadæ</l>  <l>firum foldu frea allmectig</l>  <trailer>primo cantauit Cædmon istud carmen.</trailer> </body>
Content model
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key=""/>
    <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key=""/>
    <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key=""/>
     <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key=""/>
     <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
    <sequence minOccurs="1"
     <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
      <elementRef key="schemaSpec"/>
      <classRef key="model.common"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0">
     <sequence minOccurs="1"
      <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
      <alternate minOccurs="0"
       <classRef key=""/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
     <sequence minOccurs="1"
      <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
      <alternate minOccurs="0"
       <classRef key=""/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element body
      ( tei_model.divTop, ( | tei_model.divTop )* )?,
      ( tei_model.divGenLike, ( | tei_model.divGenLike )* )?,
         ( tei_model.divLike, ( | tei_model.divGenLike )* )+
       | ( tei_model.div1Like, ( | tei_model.divGenLike )* )+
       | (
            ( ( schemaSpec | tei_model.common ),* )+,
                  ( | tei_model.divGenLike )*
             | (
                  ( | tei_model.divGenLike )*
      ( tei_model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.28 <byline>

<byline> (byline) contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers 4.5. Front Matter]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
msdescription: msItem
May contain

The byline on a title page may include either the name or a description for the document's author. Where the name is included, it may optionally be tagged using the <docAuthor> element.

<byline>Written by a CITIZEN who continued all the while in London. Never made publick before.</byline>
<byline>Written from her own MEMORANDUMS</byline>
<byline>By George Jones, Political Editor, in Washington</byline>
<byline>BY <docAuthor>THOMAS PHILIPOTT,</docAuthor> Master of Arts, (Somtimes) Of Clare-Hall in Cambridge.</byline>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <elementRef key="docAuthor"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element byline
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_docAuthor

Appendix A.1.29 <cRefPattern>

<cRefPattern> (canonical reference pattern) specifies an expression and replacement pattern for transforming a canonical reference into a URI. [ Milestone Method 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration Search-and-Replace Method]
Module header
Contained by
header: refsDecl
May contain
core: p
linking: ab

The result of the substitution may be either an absolute or a relative URI reference. In the latter case it is combined with the value of xml:base in force at the place where the cRef attribute occurs to form an absolute URI in the usual manner as prescribed by XML Base.

<cRefPattern matchPattern="([1-9A-Za-z]+)\s+([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"  replacementPattern="#xpath(//div[@type='book'][@n='$1']/div[@type='chap'][@n='$2']/div[@type='verse'][@n='$3'])"/>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element cRefPattern

Appendix A.1.30 <caesura>

<caesura> marks the point at which a metrical line may be divided. [6.2. Components of the Verse Line]
Module verse
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element
<l>Hwæt we Gar-Dena <caesura/> in gear-dagum</l> <l>þeod-cyninga <caesura/> þrym gefrunon,</l> <l>hy ða æþelingas <caesura/> ellen fremedon.</l>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element caesura {, empty }

Appendix A.1.31 <calendar>

<calendar> (calendar) describes a calendar or dating system used in a dating formula in the text. [2.4.5. Calendar Description]
Module header
Contained by
header: calendarDesc
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<calendarDesc>  <calendar xml:id="julianEngland">   <p>Julian Calendar (including proleptic)</p>  </calendar> </calendarDesc>
<calendarDesc>  <calendar xml:id="egyptian"   target="">   <p>Egyptian calendar (as defined by Wikipedia)</p>  </calendar> </calendarDesc>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element calendar

Appendix A.1.32 <calendarDesc>

<calendarDesc> (calendar description) contains a description of the calendar system used in any dating expression found in the text. [2.4. The Profile Description 2.4.5. Calendar Description]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
header: calendar

In the first example above, calendars and short codes for xml:ids are from W3 guidelines at

<calendarDesc>  <calendar xml:id="cal_AD">   <p>Anno Domini (Christian Era)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_AH">   <p>Anno Hegirae (Muhammedan Era)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_AME">   <p>Mauludi Era (solar years since Mohammed's birth)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_AM">   <p>Anno Mundi (Jewish Calendar)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_AP">   <p>Anno Persici</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_AS">   <p>Aji Saka Era (Java)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_BE">   <p>Buddhist Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_CB">   <p>Cooch Behar Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_CE">   <p>Common Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_CL">   <p>Chinese Lunar Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_CS">   <p>Chula Sakarat Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_EE">   <p>Ethiopian Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_FE">   <p>Fasli Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_ISO">   <p>ISO 8601 calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_JE">   <p>Japanese Calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_KE">   <p>Khalsa Era (Sikh calendar)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_KY">   <p>Kali Yuga</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_ME">   <p>Malabar Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_MS">   <p>Monarchic Solar Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_NS">   <p>Nepal Samwat Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_OS">   <p>Old Style (Julian Calendar)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_RS">   <p>Rattanakosin (Bangkok) Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_SE">   <p>Saka Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_SH">   <p>Mohammedan Solar Era (Iran)</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_SS">   <p>Saka Samvat</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_TE">   <p>Tripurabda Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_VE">   <p>Vikrama Era</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_VS">   <p>Vikrama Samvat Era</p>  </calendar> </calendarDesc>
<calendarDesc>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Gregorian">   <p>Gregorian calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Julian">   <p>Julian calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Islamic">   <p>Islamic or Muslim (hijri) lunar calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Hebrew">   <p>Hebrew or Jewish lunisolar calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Revolutionary">   <p>French Revolutionary calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Iranian">   <p>Iranian or Persian (Jalaali) solar calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Coptic">   <p>Coptic or Alexandrian calendar</p>  </calendar>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Chinese">   <p>Chinese lunisolar calendar</p>  </calendar> </calendarDesc>
<calendarDesc>  <calendar xml:id="cal_Egyptian"   target="">   <p>Egyptian calendar (as defined by Wikipedia)</p>  </calendar> </calendarDesc>
Content model
 <elementRef key="calendar" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element calendarDesc {, tei_calendar+ }

Appendix A.1.33 <castGroup>

<castGroup> (cast list grouping) groups one or more individual <castItem> elements within a cast list. [7.1.4. Cast Lists]
Module drama
Contained by
May contain

The rend attribute may be used, as here, to indicate whether the grouping is indicated by a brace, whitespace, font change, etc.

Note that in this example the role description ‘friends of Mathias’ is understood to apply to both roles equally.

<castGroup rend="braced">  <castItem>   <role>Walter</role>   <actor>Mr Frank Hall</actor>  </castItem>  <castItem>   <role>Hans</role>   <actor>Mr F.W. Irish</actor>  </castItem>  <roleDesc>friends of Mathias</roleDesc> </castGroup>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.headLike"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="castItem"/>
    <elementRef key="castGroup"/>
    <elementRef key="roleDesc"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="trailer"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element castGroup
      ( | tei_model.headLike )*,
      ( ( tei_castItem | tei_castGroup | tei_roleDesc ),* )+,
      ( tei_trailer,* )?

Appendix A.1.34 <castItem>

<castItem> (cast list item) contains a single entry within a cast list, describing either a single role or a list of non-speaking roles. [7.1.4. Cast Lists]
Module drama
type characterizes the cast item.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Default role
Contained by
May contain
<castItem>  <role>Player</role>  <actor>Mr Milward</actor> </castItem>
<castItem type="list">Constables, Drawer, Turnkey, etc.</castItem>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.castItemPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element castItem
   attribute type { text }?,
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.castItemPart
    | tei_model.phrase

Appendix A.1.35 <castList>

<castList> (cast list) contains a single cast list or dramatis personae. [7.1.4. Cast Lists 7.1. Front and Back Matter ]
Module drama
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<castList>  <castGroup>   <head rend="braced">Mendicants</head>   <castItem>    <role>Aafaa</role>    <actor>Femi Johnson</actor>   </castItem>   <castItem>    <role>Blindman</role>    <actor>Femi Osofisan</actor>   </castItem>   <castItem>    <role>Goyi</role>    <actor>Wale Ogunyemi</actor>   </castItem>   <castItem>    <role>Cripple</role>    <actor>Tunji Oyelana</actor>   </castItem>  </castGroup>  <castItem>   <role>Si Bero</role>   <roleDesc>Sister to Dr Bero</roleDesc>   <actor>Deolo Adedoyin</actor>  </castItem>  <castGroup>   <head rend="braced">Two old women</head>   <castItem>    <role>Iya Agba</role>    <actor>Nguba Agolia</actor>   </castItem>   <castItem>    <role>Iya Mate</role>    <actor>Bopo George</actor>   </castItem>  </castGroup>  <castItem>   <role>Dr Bero</role>   <roleDesc>Specialist</roleDesc>   <actor>Nat Okoro</actor>  </castItem>  <castItem>   <role>Priest</role>   <actor>Gbenga Sonuga</actor>  </castItem>  <castItem>   <role>The old man</role>   <roleDesc>Bero's father</roleDesc>   <actor>Dapo Adelugba</actor>  </castItem> </castList> <stage type="mix">The action takes place in and around the home surgery of Dr Bero, lately returned from the wars.</stage>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.common"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="castItem"/>
    <elementRef key="castGroup"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.common"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element castList
      ( tei_model.divTop | )*,
      ( tei_model.common,* )*,
      ( ( tei_castItem | tei_castGroup ),* )+,
      ( tei_model.common,* )*

Appendix A.1.36 <catDesc>

<catDesc> (category description) describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, either in the form of a brief prose description or in terms of the situational parameters used by the TEI formal <textDesc>. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Module header
Contained by
header: category
May contain
<catDesc>Prose reportage</catDesc>
<catDesc>  <textDesc n="novel">   <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel>   <constitution type="single"/>   <derivation type="original"/>   <domain type="art"/>   <factuality type="fiction"/>   <interaction type="none"/>   <preparedness type="prepared"/>   <purpose type="entertaindegree="high"/>   <purpose type="informdegree="medium"/>  </textDesc> </catDesc>
<sch:assert test="matches(., '\.\s*$')"> ERROR: catDesc element content must end with a period. </sch:assert>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.catDescPart"/>
Schema Declaration
element catDesc
   ( text | tei_model.limitedPhrase | tei_model.catDescPart )*

Appendix A.1.37 <catRef>

<catRef> (category reference) specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
Module header
Status Required
Legal values are:
(Illustrator attribution)
(Make related poem linkGroup)
(Missing page image(s))
(Needs attention)
(Poet attribution)
(Is this a translation?)
(Re-scan required)
(Translator attribution)
(Allonymous) Attributed falsely to another historical person.
(Anonymous) Explicitly marked as anonymous or equivalent.
(Attributed) Explicitly attributed to the author by name.
(Pseudonymous) Attributed to a pseudonym rather than the author’s real name.
(Unsigned) Lacking any attribution, but not explicitly anonymous.
(Published in a Christmas issue) The poem appears in a Christmas issue of the periodical.
(Quoted in prose contribution) The poem appears as a quotation in the context of an article or other prose contribution in the periodical issue.
(Light verse) Light verse is poetry designed to celebrate an occasion; poetry of everyday life. Has come to include folk verse, nonsense poetry, kitsch, etc. No set form, but relies on the formal conventions of poetry.
(Comic verse) Comic light verse: designed to amuse.
(Comic ballad) Mimics the formal features of the ballad, but renders them ridiculous in some way, usually though theme; often written in ballad meter.
(Light epigram) A short memorable piece of light verse often 2 to 4 lines that aim for a particular point or turn.
(Limerick) Light verse in limerick form: five lines of accental verse (lines 1, 3, and 5 having 3 stresses; lines 2 and 4 having two) with a rhyme scheme of aabba.
(Nonsense verse) Nonsense poetry often creates a fantastical world that follows its own rules and/or disrupts the conventional operation of language. Turns sillness, incomprehensibility, childishness, and triviality into virtues.
(Riddle) Light verse in the form of a riddle.
(Lyric) Generic lyric: often expresses personal feeling in a concentrated form and is addressed to a private reader.
(Aubade) Morning song, usually between two lovers, no regular form.
(Descriptive lyric) Expressive lyric that describes a place or an event.
(Elegy) Lamentation for the dead; no regular associated form.
(Homage lyric) Tribute poem to a living person, no regular associated form.
(Hymn) Religious song to be sung, usually self-identified, sometimes gives the tune, usually in hymn meter.
(Lullaby) Song for a child, soothing and repetitive, no specific form.
(Pastoral lyric) Expressive lyric about nature, shepherds, often antiquated and picturesque.
(Personal lyric) “I” voice expressive lyric.
(Rondeau) Closed form with 2 rhymes only; first word or first line is refrain that does not usually rhyme.
(Rondel) 13- or 14-line poem: 2 quatrains then either a quintet [13 lines] or a sestet [14 lines]. The first two lines of the first stanza are repeated as a refrain, repeating as the last lines of the second and third stanza [sometimes only the first line is repeated].
(Serendade) Evening song, usually between two lovers, no regular associated form.
(Song) Self-identified as a song, as a lyric to be set to music.
(Sonnet) 14 lines of intricate rhyme.
(Hybrid sonnet) A hybrid of Petrarchan and Shakespearean form.
(Petrarchan sonnet) Petrarchan (octave then sestet).
(Shakespearean sonnet) Shakespearean (4 quatrains then couplet).
(Triolet) Fixed form of 8 lines and 2 rhymes, and 2 refrain rhymes: ABaAabAB.
(Villanelle) Closed French form: 19-line poem, 5 tercets followed by a quatrain; 1st and 3rd line of the first tercet are repeated alternately until the last stanza which includes both repeated lines.
(Narrative) Narrative poetry: mixes elements of poetic form (i.e. rhyme, meter, etc.) with features commonly associated with narrative prose (i.e. linear, chronological narratives).
(Ballad) Poem that tells a single story, often rooted in oral or popular culture, with impersonal statements and third person speaker; often in ballad meter; frequently presented as a translation from Breton, German, etc., especially in Once a Week.
(Ballade) A fixed form of one or more triplets of 7- (or 8-) line stanzas, each ending with the same line as the refrain; sometimes there is an envoi repeating the rhymes.
(Dialogue) Poem in the form of speech.
(Verse drama) Verse drama; drama in poetry; no associated regular form.
(Epic) A continuous narrative of heroic actions of one or more personages, often set in history.
(Epyllion) A little epic often associated with Hellenistic topics and written in dactylic hexameters.
(Idyll) Related to the pastoral poem; conventionally applied to poems that present picturesque rural sceneray and a life of innocence and tranquillity, though this is not always the case.
(Dramatic monologue) Dramatic monologue: fictional or historical speaker addresses a silent listener, usually in confessional mode; also known as dramatic lyric.
(Verse novel) A verse novel; a poem in novel form.
(Narrative ode) Lyric address on a dignified or exalted subject matter, feeling, and style.
(Parody) A parody; an imitative work sending up another, probably well-known, work.
(Satire) Satirical verse adopts a critical mode towards its target with the goal of censuring human folly.
(AC will check Chambers's archives in the NLS) AC will check Chambers's archives in the NLS to verify and complete the record.
(Faux Translation) A poem that falsely claims to be a translation.
(Fix dates) One or more dates in the record needs to be checked and corrected; or the dates are BCE or approximate.
(Original language of translation is different from the language it was translated from) Poem is a translation of a translation. The "original language" field gives the language from which it was immediately translated, but the TEI needs to include the original language as well. (e.g. poem id 523).
(Make related poems) This poem is related to other poems in the index, and the relation fields have not yet been created and/or the relation needs to be better articulated in the xml and/or poem notes.
(record requires more work) .
(Person record is proofed by AC) Use for persons without VIAF number to indicate that the person record has been proofed by AC.
(Poet attribution is uncertain) The poet attribution involves a degree of uncertainty. See poem notes. To be fixed in XML by Alison.
(Indexed as one poem but could be multiple poems) This entry is indexed as one poem but it could be indexed as more than one separate but related poems, and needs more work by AC.
(Query translation) This poem may be a translation; do appropriate research to establish whether this is true or not, and if true, what the original text, author, and language are.
(Rescan) One or more page-images for this poem are of insufficient quality. The page(s) should be re-photographed.
(Translator attribution involves a degree of uncertainty) Translator attribution involves a degree of uncertainty. See poem notes. To be fixed in XML by Alison.
(poetry translation from a prose original source) Track these examples in the database using this #, adding a note to the poem record about the original author and language, and later add a TEI tag.
(At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text.) At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text. The illustration is in portrait orientation. Note distinction from Frontispiece and FullPageRotated.
(At least one illustration is a frontispiece.) At least one illustration is a frontispiece (a full-page illustration opposite the issue/volume title page). The illustration is in portrait orientation. Note distinction from FullPage and FrontispieceRotated.
(At least one illustration is a frontispiece and is rotated 90 degrees.) At least one illustration is a frontispiece (a full-page illustration opposite the issue/volume title page) and is rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise in relation to the poem text. The illustration is in landscape orientation. Note distinction from Frontispiece and FullPageRotated.
(At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text, and is rotated 90 degrees.) At least one illustration occupies a full page that either precedes or follows poem text, and is rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise in relation to the poem text. The illustration is in landscape orientation. Note distinction from FullPage and FrontispieceRotated.
(At least one illustration occupies a portion of a poem page.) At least one illustration occupies a portion of a poem page. This catRef should only be used if none of its descendants can be applied.
(At least one illustration is placed above the poem text.) At least one illustration is placed above the poem text. Note more specific values for Headpiece, HeadpieceHistoriated, and HeadpieceInhabited.
(At least one illustration is a headpiece.) At least one illustration is a headpiece placed above the poem text. A headpiece is placed at the beginning of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the full width of the poem text. Can include illustrated titles.
(At least one illustration is a historiated headpiece.) At least one illustration is a historiated headpiece. A headpiece is placed at the beginning of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the full width of the poem text. A historiated headpiece depicts a scene.
(At least one illustration is an inhabited headpiece.) At least one illustration is an inhabited headpiece. A headpiece is placed at the beginning of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the full width of the poem text. An inhabited headpiece includes an animal or human figure (can include mythical, legendary, or supernatural animals and human figures).
(At least one illustration is placed adjacent to the poem.) At least one illustration is placed adjacent to the poem, to the right or left.
(At least one illustration is placed below the poem text.) At least one illustration is placed below the poem text. Note more specific values for Tailpiece, TailpieceHistoriated, and TailpieceInhabited.
(At least one illustration is a tailpiece.) At least one illustration is a tailpiece. A tailpiece is placed at the end of the poem. It is usually a rectangular illustration that runs the width of the poem.
(At least one illustration is a historiated tailpiece.) At least one illustration is a historiated tailpiece. Rectangular llustration is placed after the poem and runs the width of the poem. Depicts a scene.
(At least one illustration is an inhabited tailpiece.) At least one illustration is an inhabited tailpiece. Rectangular illustration is placed after the poem and runs the width of the poem. Includes an animal or human figure.
(At least one illustration is placed centrally on the page.) At least one illustration is placed centrally on the page (placed above/below/adjacent to the poem).
(At least one illustration is in a complex interrelationship with poem text.) The poem text and the illustration(s) are in a complex interrelationship, where the illustration and text appear inseparable.
(At least one illustration contains the poem.) At least one illustration is placed around the poem text on one periodical page, so that the illustration appears to contain the poem in part or in full. Includes illustrations that make room for the poem or a part of the poem (let in).
(At least one decorative border.) At least one decorative border contains or partially contains the poem, poem page, or another illustration. Excludes textual ornament borders.
(At least one illustration is rotated 90 degrees.) At least one illustration is placed sideways to the poem, requiring rotation of the page to view.
(At least one illustration is placed within the poem.) At least one illustration is placed within the poem, interrupting it or being surrounded by it. Poem text may appear to be formatted around the illustration.
(At least one illustration relates directly to the poem but appears on a preceding or following page) At least one illustration relates directly to the poem but appears on a preceding or following page, normally within the page run of a series of related poems. The illustration can be in either portrait or landscape orientation, but it does not occupy a full periodical page. Note distinction from FullPage and Frontispiece values.
(At least one caption to poem is illustrated.) A caption can be a line from a poem, a portion of a line, or even just a word.
(Hand-drawn lettering.) Poem includes hand-drawn lettering (i.e. not printed type). Hand-drawn lettering may be present in the poem text, title, caption, and in any other text that is associated with the poem/illustration. Note more specific values for calligraphic, Gothic, and handwriting/cursive styles. Instances that do not adhere to these three specified values will fall under this broad parent value.
(Hand-drawn lettering in a calligraphic style.) Poem includes hand-drawn lettering in a calligraphic style.
(Hand-drawn lettering in a Gothic style.) Poem includes hand-drawn lettering in a Gothic style.
(Hand-drawn lettering in the style of handwriting or cursive.) Poem includes hand-drawn lettering in the style of handwriting or cursive.
(At least one illustration is an illustrated initial letter or word.) Poem has at least one illustrated initial letter, which does not appear to be generic, and can be at the beginning of the poem or throughout it. Sometimes an entire word is illustrated. Note more specific values.
(At least one illustration is a historiated illustrated initial letter or word.) Poem has at least one decorated initial letter that depicts a scene.
(At least one illustration is an inhabited illustrated initial letter or word.) Poem has at least one decorated initial letter that contains a human or animal figure.
(Multiple illustrations.) The poem has multiple illustrations. Note more specific value for Series.
(Multiple illustrations that are related.) The poem has multiple illustrations that are overtly related to one another, for example in a sequential narrative.
(At least one illustration is specifically identified as being from a photograph.) At least one illustration is specifically identified as being from a photograph (i.e. a reproduction of...).
(At least one illustration is a portrait.) At least one illustration is a portrait. An illustration of a person (or more) that usually depicts the head and shoulders. Often appears "posed".
(At least one illustration is a portrait of a poet.) At least one illustration is a portrait of a poet. An illustration of a poet (or more) that usually depicts the head and shoulders. Often appears "posed".
(Facsimile of poet's signature.) There is a facsimile of the poet's signature.
(Generic-appearing decoration.) Poem has at least one decoration, which appears to be generic. Note more specific values. Includes glyphs.
(Generic-appearing decorative border.) Poem, poem page, or illustration includes a generic-appearing decorative border. This value does not include plain single- or double-ruled borders, and it should not be applied when the border is the regular page-border used throughout a periodical. Note distinction from IllustrationPlacementInsetContainsBorder.
(Generic-appearing initial letter.) Poem has at least one decorative initial letter, which appears to be generic, and can be at the beginning of the poem or throughout it. Note distinction from IllustrationTypeInitial.
(Title to poem is illustrated.) Poem title is illustrated.
(1 col, less than half page) Poem takes up less than half a page; a single column.
(3 col, less than half page) Poem takes up less than half a page; three columns.
(2 col, less than half page) Poem takes up less than half a page; two columns.
(1 col, full page) Poem takes up full page; a single column.
(3 col, full page) Poem takes up full page; three columns.
(2col, full page) Poem takes up full page; two columns.
(1 col, half page) Poem takes up half a page; a single column.
(3 col, half page) Poem takes up half a page; three columns.
(2 col, half page) Poem takes up half a page; two columns.
(Couplet) 2 lines that rhyme.
(Octave) 8-line stanza.
(Ottava rima) Ottava rima; eight-line iambic stanza rhyming abababcc.
(Quatrain) 4-line stanza.
(Ballad quatrain) Quatrain, either abab or abcb, in iambic lines alternative 4 stresses and 3 stresses.
(Quatrain in couplets) Quatrain rhyming aabb.
(English quatrain) 4-line stanza which ???.
(Hymn common meter) Hymn common meter; quatrain with a rhyme of abab in iambic lines of either 4:4 or 4:3. Sometimes hymnists join their quatrains, turning them into an octave.
(Tennysonian quatrain) Quatrain rhyming abba, as used for example in In Memoriam.
(Quintain) 5-line stanza.
(Septet) 7-line stanza.
(Sestet) 6-line stanza.
(Sonnet) 14 lines of intricate rhyme.
(Hybrid sonnet) A hybrid of Petrarchan and Shakespearean form.
(Petrarchan sonnet) Petrarchan (octave then sestet).
(Shakespearean sonnet) Shakespearean (4 quatrains then couplet).
(Spenserian) Nine iambic lines, the first eight written in pentameter with the last line written in either hexameter or alexandrine; ababbcbcc rhyme scheme.
(Tercet) 3-line stanza.
(Unclassified line group) A line group which resists categorization.
(Aestheticism) Aestheticism.
(Anti-decadent) Anti-decadent.
(Arthurian) Arthurian.
(Augustan) Augustan.
(Celtic) Celtic revival.
(Decadent) Decadent.
(Dialect) Dialect poetry.
(Domestic) Domestic.
(Idyllic) Idyllic.
(Kailyard) Kailyard.
(Medievalist) Medievalist.
(Poetess) Written by or about self-identified poetesses.
(Pre-Raphaelite) Pre-Raphaelite.
(Romantic) Romantic.
(Spasmodic) Spasmodic.
(Tractarian) Tractarian.
(Working class) By the working classes, including Chartist poetry.
(Authorial) Authorial voice.
(Fictional) Fictional speaker.
(Historical) Historical figure as speaker.
(AngeloftheHouse) Poems that present women either as the ideal Angels of the house or as failing in the role.
(Catholic) Roman Catholicism; beleive in the special authority of the pope and the ability of saints to intercede on one's behalf.
(Children) Children.
(Childhood) Childhood.
(Children at home) Relationship to parents and home; often didactic in nature.
(Fairy tales) Fairy tales.
(Cities) Cities.
(Classical) Classical themes; the ancient world.
(Hellenic) Ancient Greece and the Greeks.
(Classical myth) Classical myth.
(Roman) Ancient Rome and the Romans.
(Comical) Comical subject or topic.
(Death) A poem that references death in some manner.
(Domesticity) Mother and fatherhood, marriage, family reading practices.
(Ekphrastic) The subject of the poem is a work of art.
(Museum) The poem is based in or relates to a museum or a work in a museum.
(Historical event) The poem is about a specific historical event.
(FallenWoman) a poem discussing a woman who has been abandoned by her lover, had a child out of wedlock, etc.
(Fatherhood) the role and responsibilities of fatherhood in the middle and working classes.
(Gender) Poems related to Victorian conceptions of gender.
(grief) Grief caused by the death of another.
(Husband) the role of the husband amoung the middle and working classes.
(Industrialization) Industrialization.
(Chartism) Chartism (a working-class movement of political reform between 1838–1850).
(Factories) Factories or mills.
(Industrial labour) Industrial labour issues.
(Love) Love.
(Adultery) Adultery.
(Courtship) Courtship.
(Eroticism) Eroticism.
(Lesbianism) Lesbianism.
(Male homosexuality) Male homosexuality.
(Marriage) Marriage.
(MotherlyLove) a poem describing mother's love for her children.
(Sex) Sex.
(MotherlyDuty) a poem describing a woman's role or duty in life is to be a mother.
(Nature) The natural world.
(Landscape) The landscape.
(Pastoral) The pastoral world.
(Seasons) The seasons.
(New Woman) late-nineteenth cenutry women questioning intsitution of conventional marriage, entering the workforce, striving for independence.
(Patriotism) Patriotism.
(Petrarchanism) Petrarchanism.
(Poetry) Poetry itself.
(Meta-textual) Meta-textual.
(Politics) The poem is about a political event or issue.
(British politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to British politics and/or the poet's reaction to British politics.
(British empire politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to the politics of the British Empire and/or the poet's reaction to said politics.
(European politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to European politics and/or the poet's reaction to European politics.
(French politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to French politics and/or the poet's reaction to French politics.
(German politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to German politics and/or the poet's reaction to German politics;.
(Italian politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to Italian politics, especially Garabaldi and/or the poet's reaction to Italian politics.
(Spanish politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to Spanish politics and/or the poet's reaction to Spanish politics.
(Four nations politics) The poem is about the politics of culture of the four nations of the UK [Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales].
(Global politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to global politics and/or the poet's reaction to global politics.
(Irish politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to Irish politics and/or the poet's reaction to Irish politics.
(Local politics) The poem is about a specific local political event or issue, usually related to the periodical's place of publication.
(Scottish politics) The poem is about an event or issue related to Scottish politics and/or the poet's reaction to Scottish politics.
(ProfessionalGentleman) The new model for middle-class masculinity; professions involved a particular set of ethics associated with the specialist.
(Race) Race issues.
(Relationships) Human relationships.
(Familial relations) Familial relations.
(Female relationships) Female friendships.
(Male relationships) Male friendships.
(Religious) Religious issues including faith (and crises of faith), acts of devotion, God's role in the world, non-Christian faiths/gods.
(Agnosticism) Agnosticism.
(Anglican) Anglicanism; faith founded on the Bible, apostolic succession, and the writings of the Church fathers; a number of dissenting demoninations fall under it.
(Atheism) Atheism.
(BroadChurch) Broad Church; moral behaviour was emphasized over spirituality.
(Evangelical) Evangelical religion; leaned towards Puritanism and Methodism in doctrine; emphasized personal conversion, justification by faith, and the authority of the Bible.
(Scottish Free Church) The Scottish Free Church.
(MuscularChristianity) Muscular Christianity; associated the healthy body and healthy spirit.
(Non-conformist) Religious poetry outside the Anglican Church.
(Nondenominational) Religious poetry not associated with any particular denomination.
(Tractarian) Tractarianism or the Oxford Movement; use of reserve and analogy in poetry; called for a closer following of the Church of England’s Thirty-Nine articles; stressed the doctrinal closeness of their movement with Catholicism and Catholic rituals.
(Science) Science.
(Sentimental) Excess of emotion and feeling.
(Technology) Technological innovations of the Victorian period.
(Topical) Topical issues, often something in the news cycle or the seasons.
(travel) Travel between geographical locations.
(VisualTechnology) Camera Obscura, Panorama, Diorama, etc.
(War) War and warfare.
(Battles) Battles.
(Heroism) Military heroism.
(Sailors) Poem references sailors involved in war efforts / the British Navy.
(Soldiers) Soldiers.
(Wife) a poem describing a woman's role as that of wife.
scheme identifies the classification scheme within which the set of categories concerned is defined, for example by a <taxonomy> element, or by some other resource.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contained by
core: imprint
header: textClass
May contain Empty element

The scheme attribute needs to be supplied only if more than one taxonomy has been declared.

<catRef scheme="#myTopics"  target="#news #prov #sales2"/> <!-- elsewhere --> <taxonomy xml:id="myTopics">  <category xml:id="news">   <catDesc>Newspapers</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="prov">   <catDesc>Provincial</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="sales2">   <catDesc>Low to average annual sales</catDesc>  </category> </taxonomy>
<sch:rule context="tei:catRef"> <sch:assert test="@scheme or @resp"> ERROR: catRef elements must have @resp or @scheme. If you have added or edited this catRef manually, please add the @resp attribute with your id.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element catRef
   attribute target
    | "dvpp:arMakeRelatedPoems"
    | "dvpp:arMissingPageImage"
    | "dvpp:arNeedsAttention"
    | "dvpp:arPoetAttribution"
    | "dvpp:arQueryTranslation"
    | "dvpp:arReScan"
    | "dvpp:arTranslatorAttribution"
    | "dvpp:authorshipAllonymous"
    | "dvpp:authorshipAnonymous"
    | "dvpp:authorshipAttributed"
    | "dvpp:authorshipPseudonymous"
    | "dvpp:authorshipUnsigned"
    | "dvpp:contextChristmasIssue"
    | "dvpp:contextQuotedInProse"
    | "dvpp:genreLight"
    | "dvpp:genreLightComic"
    | "dvpp:genreLightComicBallad"
    | "dvpp:genreLightEpigram"
    | "dvpp:genreLightLimerick"
    | "dvpp:genreLightNonsense"
    | "dvpp:genreLightRiddle"
    | "dvpp:genreLyric"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricAubade"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricDescriptive"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricElegy"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricHomage"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricHymn"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricLullaby"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricPastoral"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricPersonal"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricRondeau"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricRondel"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricSerendade"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricSong"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricSonnet"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricSonnetHybrid"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricSonnetPetrarchan"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricSonnetShakespearean"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricTriolet"
    | "dvpp:genreLyricVillanelle"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrative"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeBallad"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeBallade"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeDialogue"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeDrama"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeEpic"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeEpyllion"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeIdyll"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeMonologue"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeNovel"
    | "dvpp:genreNarrativeOde"
    | "dvpp:genreParody"
    | "dvpp:genreSatire"
    | "dvpp:htCheckNLS"
    | "dvpp:htFauxTranslation"
    | "dvpp:htFixDates"
    | "dvpp:htFixOriginalLanguage"
    | "dvpp:htMakeRelatedPoems"
    | "dvpp:htNeedsAttention"
    | "dvpp:htPersonProofed"
    | "dvpp:htPoetAttribution"
    | "dvpp:htQueryRelatedPoems"
    | "dvpp:htQueryTranslation"
    | "dvpp:htReScan"
    | "dvpp:htTranslAttribution"
    | "dvpp:htTranslProse"
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    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementFullPageFrontispiece"
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    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetAboveHeadpieceInhabited"
    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetAdjacent"
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    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetBelowTailpiece"
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    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetComplex"
    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetContains"
    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetContainsBorder"
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    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementInsetWithin"
    | "dvpp:illustrationPlacementRelatedPage"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeCaption"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLettering"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLetteringCalligraphic"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLetteringGothic"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeHanddrawnLetteringHandwriting"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeInitial"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeInitialHistoriated"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeInitialInhabited"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeMultiPart"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeMultiPartSeries"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypePhotograph"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypePortrait"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypePortraitPoet"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeSigFacsimile"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeTextualOrnament"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeTextualOrnamentBorder"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeTextualOrnamentInitial"
    | "dvpp:illustrationTypeTitle"
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    | "dvpp:layoutFractionpagetwocol"
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    | "dvpp:layoutFullpagethreecol"
    | "dvpp:layoutFullpagetwocol"
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    | "dvpp:layoutHalfpagethreecol"
    | "dvpp:layoutHalfpagetwocol"
    | "dvpp:lgCouplet"
    | "dvpp:lgOctave"
    | "dvpp:lgOctaveOttava"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrain"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainCouplets"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainEnglish"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainHymn"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainTennysonian"
    | "dvpp:lgQuintain"
    | "dvpp:lgSeptet"
    | "dvpp:lgSestet"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnet"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnetHybrid"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnetPetrarchan"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnetShakespearean"
    | "dvpp:lgSpenserian"
    | "dvpp:lgTercet"
    | "dvpp:lgUnclassified"
    | "dvpp:schoolAestheticism"
    | "dvpp:schoolAntidecadent"
    | "dvpp:schoolArthurian"
    | "dvpp:schoolAugustan"
    | "dvpp:schoolCeltic"
    | "dvpp:schoolDecadent"
    | "dvpp:schoolDialect"
    | "dvpp:schoolDomestic"
    | "dvpp:schoolIdyllic"
    | "dvpp:schoolKailyard"
    | "dvpp:schoolMedievalist"
    | "dvpp:schoolPoetess"
    | "dvpp:schoolPreraphaelite"
    | "dvpp:schoolRomantic"
    | "dvpp:schoolSpasmodic"
    | "dvpp:schoolTractarian"
    | "dvpp:schoolWorkingclass"
    | "dvpp:speakerAuthorial"
    | "dvpp:speakerFictional"
    | "dvpp:speakerHistorical"
    | "dvpp:subjectAngeloftheHouse"
    | "dvpp:subjectCatholic"
    | "dvpp:subjectChildren"
    | "dvpp:subjectChildrenChildhood"
    | "dvpp:subjectChildrenDomesticity"
    | "dvpp:subjectChildrenFairytale"
    | "dvpp:subjectCities"
    | "dvpp:subjectClassical"
    | "dvpp:subjectClassicalHellenic"
    | "dvpp:subjectClassicalMyth"
    | "dvpp:subjectClassicalRoman"
    | "dvpp:subjectComical"
    | "dvpp:subjectDeath"
    | "dvpp:subjectDomesticity"
    | "dvpp:subjectEkphrastic"
    | "dvpp:subjectEkphrasticMuseum"
    | "dvpp:subjectEvent"
    | "dvpp:subjectFallenWoman"
    | "dvpp:subjectFatherhood"
    | "dvpp:subjectGender"
    | "dvpp:subjectGrief"
    | "dvpp:subjectHusband"
    | "dvpp:subjectIndustrialization"
    | "dvpp:subjectIndustrializationChartism"
    | "dvpp:subjectIndustrializationFactories"
    | "dvpp:subjectIndustrializationLabour"
    | "dvpp:subjectLove"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveAdultery"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveCourtship"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveEroticism"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveLesbianism"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveMalehomosexuality"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveMarriage"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveMotherhood"
    | "dvpp:subjectLoveSex"
    | "dvpp:subjectMotherhoodDuty"
    | "dvpp:subjectNature"
    | "dvpp:subjectNatureLandscape"
    | "dvpp:subjectNaturePastoral"
    | "dvpp:subjectNatureSeasons"
    | "dvpp:subjectNewWoman"
    | "dvpp:subjectPatriotism"
    | "dvpp:subjectPetrarchanism"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoetry"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoetryMetatextual"
    | "dvpp:subjectPolitics"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsBritish"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsEmpire"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropean"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanFrance"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanGermany"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanItaly"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsEuropeanSpain"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsFournations"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsGlobal"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsIrish"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsLocal"
    | "dvpp:subjectPoliticsScottish"
    | "dvpp:subjectProfessionalGentleman"
    | "dvpp:subjectRace"
    | "dvpp:subjectRelationships"
    | "dvpp:subjectRelationshipsFamilial"
    | "dvpp:subjectRelationshipsFemale"
    | "dvpp:subjectRelationshipsMale"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligious"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousAgnosticism"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousAnglican"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousAtheism"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousBroadChurch"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousEvangelical"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousFreechurch"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousMuscularChristianity"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousNonconformism"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousNondenominational"
    | "dvpp:subjectReligiousTractarian"
    | "dvpp:subjectScience"
    | "dvpp:subjectSentimental"
    | "dvpp:subjectTechnology"
    | "dvpp:subjectTopical"
    | "dvpp:subjectTravel"
    | "dvpp:subjectVisualTechnologies"
    | "dvpp:subjectWar"
    | "dvpp:subjectWarBattles"
    | "dvpp:subjectWarHeroism"
    | "dvpp:subjectWarSailors"
    | "dvpp:subjectWarSoldiers"
    | "dvpp:subjectWife"
   attribute scheme { text }?,

Appendix A.1.38 <category>

<category> (category) contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Module header
Contained by
May contain
core: desc gloss
<category xml:id="b1">  <catDesc>Prose reportage</catDesc> </category>
<category xml:id="b2">  <catDesc>Prose </catDesc>  <category xml:id="b11">   <catDesc>journalism</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="b12">   <catDesc>fiction</catDesc>  </category> </category>
<category xml:id="LIT">  <catDesc xml:lang="pl">literatura piękna</catDesc>  <catDesc xml:lang="en">fiction</catDesc>  <category xml:id="LPROSE">   <catDesc xml:lang="pl">proza</catDesc>   <catDesc xml:lang="en">prose</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="LPOETRY">   <catDesc xml:lang="pl">poezja</catDesc>   <catDesc xml:lang="en">poetry</catDesc>  </category>  <category xml:id="LDRAMA">   <catDesc xml:lang="pl">dramat</catDesc>   <catDesc xml:lang="en">drama</catDesc>  </category> </category>
Content model
   <elementRef key="catDesc" minOccurs="1"
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
    <elementRef key="equiv"/>
    <elementRef key="gloss"/>
  <elementRef key="category" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element category
      ( tei_catDesc+ | ( tei_model.descLike | equiv | tei_gloss )* ),

Appendix A.1.39 <cb>

<cb> (column beginning) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

On this element, the global n attribute indicates the number or other value associated with the column which follows the point of insertion of this <cb> element. Encoders should adopt a clear and consistent policy as to whether the numbers associated with column breaks relate to the physical sequence number of the column in the whole text, or whether columns are numbered within the page. The <cb> element is placed at the head of the column to which it refers.

Example Markup of an early English dictionary printed in two columns:
<pb/> <cb n="1"/> <entryFree>  <form>Well</form>, <sense>a Pit to hold Spring-Water</sense>: <sense>In the Art of <hi rend="italic">War</hi>, a Depth the Miner    sinks into the Ground, to find out and disappoint the Enemies Mines,    or to prepare one</sense>. </entryFree> <entryFree>To <form>Welter</form>, <sense>to wallow</sense>, or <sense>lie groveling</sense>.</entryFree> <!-- remainder of column --> <cb n="2"/> <entryFree>  <form>Wey</form>, <sense>the greatest Measure for dry Things,    containing five Chaldron</sense>. </entryFree> <entryFree>  <form>Whale</form>, <sense>the greatest of    Sea-Fishes</sense>. </entryFree>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element cb

Appendix A.1.40 <cell>

<cell> (cell) contains one cell of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
Module figures
Contained by
figures: row
May contain
<row>  <cell role="label">General conduct</cell>  <cell role="data">Not satisfactory, on account of his great unpunctuality    and inattention to duties</cell> </row>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element cell

Appendix A.1.41 <change>

<change> (change) documents a change or set of changes made during the production of a source document, or during the revision of an electronic file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.4.1. Creation 11.7. Identifying Changes and Revisions]
Module header
when supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Derived from att.datable.w3c
Status Required
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
target (target) points to one or more elements that belong to this change.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
header: revisionDesc
May contain

The who attribute may be used to point to any other element, but will typically specify a <respStmt> or <person> element elsewhere in the header, identifying the person responsible for the change and their role in making it.

It is recommended that changes be recorded with the most recent first. The status attribute may be used to indicate the status of a document following the change documented.

<titleStmt>  <title> ... </title>  <editor xml:id="LDB">Lou Burnard</editor>  <respStmt xml:id="BZ">   <resp>copy editing</resp>   <name>Brett Zamir</name>  </respStmt> </titleStmt> <!-- ... --> <revisionDesc status="published">  <change who="#BZwhen="2008-02-02"   status="public">Finished chapter 23</change>  <change who="#BZwhen="2008-01-02"   status="draft">Finished chapter 2</change>  <change n="P2.2when="1991-12-21"   who="#LDB">Added examples to section 3</change>  <change when="1991-11-11who="#MSM">Deleted chapter 10</change> </revisionDesc>
<profileDesc>  <creation>   <listChange>    <change xml:id="DRAFT1">First draft in pencil</change>    <change xml:id="DRAFT2"     notBefore="1880-12-09">First revision, mostly        using green ink</change>    <change xml:id="DRAFT3"     notBefore="1881-02-13">Final corrections as        supplied to printer.</change>   </listChange>  </creation> </profileDesc>
<sch:assert test="string-length(.) gt 0"> ERROR: The change element must contain some text. </sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="string-length(@when) = 10"> ERROR: The change/@when attribute must have a full date (yyyy-mm-dd). </sch:assert>
<sch:let name="thisDate"  value="xs:date(@when)"/> <sch:assert test="not(following-sibling::tei:change[xs:date(@when) gt $thisDate])"> ERROR: change elements must be listed in descending date order (newest first). </sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element change
   attribute when { text },
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute target { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.42 <choice>

<choice> (choice) groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Because the children of a <choice> element all represent alternative ways of encoding the same sequence, it is natural to think of them as mutually exclusive. However, there may be cases where a full representation of a text requires the alternative encodings to be considered as parallel.

Note also that <choice> elements may self-nest.

Where the purpose of an encoding is to record multiple witnesses of a single work, rather than to identify multiple possible encoding decisions at a given point, the <app> element and associated elements discussed in section 12.1. The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses should be preferred.

Example An American encoding of Gulliver's Travels which retains the British spelling but also provides a version regularized to American spelling might be encoded as follows.
<p>Lastly, That, upon his solemn oath to observe all the above articles, the said man-mountain shall have a daily allowance of meat and drink sufficient for the support of <choice>   <sic>1724</sic>   <corr>1728</corr>  </choice> of our subjects, with free access to our royal person, and other marks of our <choice>   <orig>favour</orig>   <reg>favor</reg>  </choice>.</p>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="2"
  <classRef key="model.choicePart"/>
  <elementRef key="choice"/>
Schema Declaration
element choice
   ( tei_model.choicePart | tei_choice )+

Appendix A.1.43 <cit>

<cit> (cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts Examples]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<cit>  <quote>and the breath of the whale is frequently attended with such an insupportable smell,    as to bring on disorder of the brain.</quote>  <bibl>Ulloa's South America</bibl> </cit>
<entry>  <form>   <orth>horrifier</orth>  </form>  <cit type="translationxml:lang="en">   <quote>to horrify</quote>  </cit>  <cit type="example">   <quote>elle était horrifiée par la dépense</quote>   <cit type="translationxml:lang="en">    <quote>she was horrified at the expense.</quote>   </cit>  </cit> </entry>
<cit type="example">  <quote xml:lang="mix">Ka'an yu tsa'a Pedro.</quote>  <media url="soundfiles-gen:S_speak_1s_on_behalf_of_Pedro_01_02_03_TS.wav"   mimeType="audio/wav"/>  <cit type="translation">   <quote xml:lang="en">I'm speaking on behalf of Pedro.</quote>  </cit>  <cit type="translation">   <quote xml:lang="es">Estoy hablando de parte de Pedro.</quote>  </cit> </cit>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.egLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.entryPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.attributable"/>
  <elementRef key="pc"/>
  <elementRef key="q"/>
Schema Declaration
element cit
    | tei_model.egLike
    | tei_model.entryPart
    | tei_model.graphicLike
    | tei_model.ptrLike
    | tei_model.attributable
    | tei_pc
    | tei_q

Appendix A.1.44 <citeData>

<citeData> (citation data) specifies how information may be extracted from citation structures. [3.11.4. Declaring Reference Systems Citation Structures]
Module header
property (property) A URI indicating a property definition.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contained by
May contain Empty element
<citeStructure unit="book"  match="//body/divuse="@n">  <citeData property=""   use="head"/> </citeStructure>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element citeData
   attribute property { text },

Appendix A.1.45 <citeStructure>

<citeStructure> (citation structure) declares a structure and method for citing the current document. [3.11.4. Declaring Reference Systems Citation Structures]
Module header
delim (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string preceding the structural component.
Status Optional
Datatype string

delim must contain at least one character.

match (match) supplies an XPath selection pattern using the syntax defined in [[undefined XSLT3]] which identifies a set of nodes which are citable structural components. The expression may be absolute (beginning with /) or relative. match on a <citeStructure> without a <citeStructure> parent must be an absolute XPath. If it is relative, its context is set by the match of the parent <citeStructure>.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.xpath
<sch:rule context="tei:citeStructure[not(parent::tei:citeStructure)]"> <sch:assert test="starts-with(@match,'/')">An XPath in @match on the outer <sch:name/> must start with '/'.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:citeStructure[parent::tei:citeStructure]"> <sch:assert test="not(starts-with(@match,'/'))">An XPath in @match must not start with '/' except on the outer <sch:name/>.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
unit (unit) describes the structural unit indicated by the <citeStructure>.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
Contained by
May contain
core: desc
<citeStructure unit="book"  match="//body/divuse="@n">  <citeStructure unit="chaptermatch="div"   use="position()delim=" ">   <citeStructure unit="versematch="div"    use="position()delim=":"/>  </citeStructure> </citeStructure>
Content model
  <elementRef key="citeData" minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="citeStructure"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.descLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element citeStructure
   attribute delim { text }?,
   attribute match { text },
   attribute unit { text }?,
   ( tei_citeData*, tei_citeStructure*, tei_model.descLike* )

Appendix A.1.46 <citedRange>

<citedRange> (cited range) defines the range of cited content, often represented by pages or other units [ Scopes and Ranges in Bibliographic Citations]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

When a single page is being cited, use the from and to attributes with an identical value. When no clear endpoint is provided, the from attribute may be used without to; for example a citation such as ‘p. 3ff’ might be encoded <citedRange from="3">p. 3ff</citedRange>.

<citedRange>pp 12–13</citedRange> <citedRange unit="pagefrom="12to="13"/> <citedRange unit="volume">II</citedRange> <citedRange unit="page">12</citedRange>
<bibl>  <ptr target="#mueller01"/>, <citedRange target="">vol. 3, pp.    4-5</citedRange> </bibl>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element citedRange

Appendix A.1.47 <classCode>

<classCode> (classification code) contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
Module header
scheme identifies the classification system in use, as defined by, e.g. a <taxonomy> element, or some other resource.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contained by
core: imprint
header: textClass
May contain
<classCode scheme="">410</classCode>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element classCode
   attribute scheme { text },

Appendix A.1.48 <classDecl>

<classDecl> (classification declarations) contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
header: taxonomy
<classDecl>  <taxonomy xml:id="LCSH">   <bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings</bibl>  </taxonomy> </classDecl> <!-- ... --> <textClass>  <keywords scheme="#LCSH">   <term>Political science</term>   <term>United States -- Politics and government —      Revolution, 1775-1783</term>  </keywords> </textClass>
Content model
 <elementRef key="taxonomy" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element classDecl {, tei_taxonomy+ }

Appendix A.1.49 <closer>

<closer> (closer) groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
figures: figure table
May contain
<div type="letter">  <p> perhaps you will favour me with a sight of it when convenient.</p>  <closer>   <salute>I remain, &amp;c. &amp;c.</salute>   <signed>H. Colburn</signed>  </closer> </div>
<div type="chapter">  <p> <!-- ... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p>  <closer>   <dateline>    <name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name>    <date>1914–1921</date>   </dateline>  </closer> </div>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="signed"/>
  <elementRef key="dateline"/>
  <elementRef key="salute"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element closer
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_signed
    | tei_dateline
    | tei_salute
    | tei_model.phrase

Appendix A.1.50 <conversion>

<conversion> defines how to calculate one unit of measure in terms of another. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
fromUnit indicates a source unit of measure that is to be converted into another unit indicated in toUnit.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pointer
toUnit the target unit of measurement for a conversion from a source unit referenced in fromUnit.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contained by
header: unitDef
May contain Empty element

The conversion element is designed to store information about converting from one unit of measurement to another. The formula attribute holds an XPath expression that indicates how the measurement system in fromUnit is converted to the system in toUnit. Do not confuse the usage of the dating attributes (from and to) in the examples with the attributes (fromUnit and toUnit) designed to reference units of measure.

<conversion fromUnit="#shilling"  toUnit="#penceformula="$fromUnit * 12from="1707"  to="1971"/>
<conversion fromUnit="#pound"  toUnit="#shillingformula="$fromUnit * 20from="1701"  to="1971"/>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element conversion
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute fromUnit { text },
   attribute toUnit { text },

Appendix A.1.51 <corr>

<corr> (correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text. [3.5.1. Apparent Errors]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the fact that the copy text has been corrected, <corr> may be used alone:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <corr>can we</corr> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
Example It is also possible, using the <choice> and <sic> elements, to provide an uncorrected reading:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <choice>  <sic>we can</sic>  <corr>can we</corr> </choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element corr

Appendix A.1.52 <correction>

<correction> (correction principles) states how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the text. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
status indicates the degree of correction applied to the text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
the text has been checked at least once.
the text has not been checked.
the correction status of the text is unknown.
method indicates the method adopted to indicate corrections within the text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
corrections have been made silently[Default]
corrections have been represented using markup
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab

May be used to note the results of proof reading the text against its original, indicating (for example) whether discrepancies have been silently rectified, or recorded using the editorial tags described in section 3.5. Simple Editorial Changes.

<correction>  <p>Errors in transcription controlled by using the WordPerfect spelling checker, with a user    defined dictionary of 500 extra words taken from Chambers Twentieth Century    Dictionary.</p> </correction>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element correction
   attribute status { "high" | "medium" | "low" | "unknown" }?,
   attribute method { "silent" | "markup" }?,

Appendix A.1.53 <correspAction>

<correspAction> (correspondence action) contains a structured description of the place, the name of a person/organization and the date related to the sending/receiving of a message or any other action related to the correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
Module header
type describes the nature of the action.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Member of
Contained by
header: correspDesc
May contain
<correspAction type="sent">  <persName>Adelbert von Chamisso</persName>  <settlement>Vertus</settlement>  <date when="1807-01-29"/> </correspAction>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.correspActionPart"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element correspAction
   attribute type { text }?,
   ( tei_model.correspActionPart+ | tei_model.pLike+ )

Appendix A.1.54 <correspContext>

<correspContext> (correspondence context) provides references to preceding or following correspondence related to this piece of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: correspDesc
May contain
linking: ab
<correspContext>  <ptr type="nextsubtype="toAuthor"   target=""/>  <ptr type="prevsubtype="fromAuthor"   target=""/> </correspContext>
<correspContext>  <ref type="prev"   target=""> Previous letter of  <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName> to  <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:  <date when="1816-12-30">December 30, 1816</date>  </ref>  <ref type="next"   target=""> Next letter of  <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName> to  <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:  <date when="1817-01-05">January 5, 1817</date>  </ref> </correspContext>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.correspContextPart"
  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element correspContext

Appendix A.1.55 <correspDesc>

<correspDesc> (correspondence description) contains a description of the actions related to one act of correspondence. [2.4.6. Correspondence Description]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
core: note noteGrp p
linking: ab
<correspDesc>  <correspAction type="sent">   <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName>   <settlement>Dresden</settlement>   <date when="1817-06-23">23 June 1817</date>  </correspAction>  <correspAction type="received">   <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>   <settlement>Prag</settlement>  </correspAction>  <correspContext>   <ref type="prev"    target="">Previous letter of   <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName>      to <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:   <date from="1817-06-19to="1817-06-20">June 19/20, 1817</date>   </ref>   <ref type="next"    target="">Next letter of   <persName>Carl Maria von Weber</persName> to   <persName>Caroline Brandt</persName>:   <date when="1817-06-27">June 27, 1817</date>   </ref>  </correspContext> </correspDesc>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.correspDescPart"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element correspDesc
   ( tei_model.correspDescPart+ | tei_model.pLike+ )

Appendix A.1.56 <country>

<country> (country) contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The recommended source for codes to represent coded country names is ISO 3166.

<country key="DK">Denmark</country>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element country
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.57 <creation>

<creation> (creation) contains information about the creation of a text. [2.4.1. Creation 2.4. The Profile Description]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain

The <creation> element may be used to record details of a text's creation, e.g. the date and place it was composed, if these are of interest.

It may also contain a more structured account of the various stages or revisions associated with the evolution of a text; this should be encoded using the <listChange> element. It should not be confused with the <publicationStmt> element, which records date and place of publication.

<creation>  <date>Before 1987</date> </creation>
<creation>  <date when="1988-07-10">10 July 1988</date> </creation>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <elementRef key="listChange"/>
Schema Declaration
element creation
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   ( text | tei_model.limitedPhrase | listChange )*

Appendix A.1.58 <date>

<date> (date) contains a date in any format. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.6. The Revision Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 15.2.3. The Setting Description 13.4. Dates]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<date when="1980-02">early February 1980</date>
Given on the <date when="1977-06-12">Twelfth Day of June in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-seven of the Republic the Two Hundredth and first and of the University the Eighty-Sixth.</date>
<date when="1990-09">September 1990</date>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element date
   ( text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | )*

Appendix A.1.59 <dateline>

<dateline> (dateline) contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
May contain
<dateline>Walden, this 29. of August 1592</dateline>
<div type="chapter">  <p> <!-- ... --> and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.</p>  <closer>   <dateline>    <name type="place">Trieste-Zürich-Paris,</name>    <date>1914–1921</date>   </dateline>  </closer> </div>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="docDate"/>
Schema Declaration
element dateline
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_docDate

Appendix A.1.60 <death>

<death> (death) contains information about a person's death, such as its date and place. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

This attribute is not intended to express the cause of death.

calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<death when="1902-10-01"/>
<death when="1960-12-10">Passed away near <name type="place">Aix-la-Chapelle</name>, after suffering from cerebral palsy. </death>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element death
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.61 <del>

<del> (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

This element should be used for deletion of shorter sequences of text, typically single words or phrases. The <delSpan> element should be used for longer sequences of text, for those containing structural subdivisions, and for those containing overlapping additions and deletions.

The text deleted must be at least partially legible in order for the encoder to be able to transcribe it (unless it is restored in a <supplied> tag). Illegible or lost text within a deletion may be marked using the <gap> tag to signal that text is present but has not been transcribed, or is no longer visible. Attributes on the <gap> element may be used to indicate how much text is omitted, the reason for omitting it, etc. If text is not fully legible, the <unclear> element (available when using the additional tagset for transcription of primary sources) should be used to signal the areas of text which cannot be read with confidence in a similar way.

Degrees of uncertainty over what can still be read, or whether a deletion was intended may be indicated by use of the <certainty> element (see 21. Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility).

There is a clear distinction in the TEI between <del> and <surplus> on the one hand and <gap> or <unclear> on the other. <del> indicates a deletion present in the source being transcribed, which states the author's or a later scribe's intent to cancel or remove text. <surplus> indicates material present in the source being transcribed which should have been so deleted, but which is not in fact. <gap> or <unclear>, by contrast, signal an editor's or encoder's decision to omit something or their inability to read the source text. See sections Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription and Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for the relationship between these and other related elements used in detailed transcription.

<l>  <del rend="overtyped">Mein</del> Frisch <del rend="overstriketype="primary">schwebt</del> weht der Wind </l>
<del rend="overstrike">  <gap reason="illegiblequantity="5"   unit="character"/> </del>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element del

Appendix A.1.62 <derivation>

<derivation> (derivation) describes the nature and extent of originality of this text. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
Module corpus
type categorizes the derivation of the text.
Derived from att.typed
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Member of
Contained by
corpus: textDesc
May contain
dictionaries: lang

For derivative texts, details of the ancestor may be included in the source description.

<derivation type="original"/>
<derivation type="translation"  source="#rosette"/> <!-- ... --> <!-- in the sourceDesc: --> <bibl xml:id="rosette">  <author>de Béranger, Pierre-Jean</author>. <date>1839</date>. "<title level="a">Rosette</title>". In <editor>H. Fournier</editor>, ed. <title level="m">Œuvres complètes de Béranger</title>. <biblScope unit="volume">Vol 2</biblScope> (p. <biblScope unit="page">29-30</biblScope>). </bibl>
Content model
 <elementRef key="lang"/>
Schema Declaration
element derivation
   attribute type { text },

Appendix A.1.63 <desc>

<desc> (description) contains a short description of the purpose, function, or use of its parent element, or when the parent is a documentation element, describes or defines the object being documented. [22.4.1. Description of Components]
Module core
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
<dataSpec module="tei"  ident="teidata.point"  validUntil="2050-02-25">  <desc type="deprecationInfo"   versionDate="2018-09-14"   xml:lang="en">Several standards bodies, including NIST in the USA,    strongly recommend against ending the representation of a number    with a decimal point. So instead of <q>3.</q> use either <q>3</q>    or <q>3.0</q>.</desc> <!-- ... --> </dataSpec>
Member of
Contained by
May contain

When used in a specification element such as <elementSpec>, TEI convention requires that this be expressed as a finite clause, begining with an active verb.

Example Example of a <desc> element inside a documentation element.
<dataSpec module="tei"  ident="teidata.point">  <desc versionDate="2010-10-17"   xml:lang="en">defines the data type used to express a point in cartesian space.</desc>  <content>   <dataRef name="token"    restriction="(-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)"/>  </content> <!-- ... --> </dataSpec>
Example Example of a <desc> element in a non-documentation element.
<place xml:id="KERG2">  <placeName>Kerguelen Islands</placeName> <!-- ... -->  <terrain>   <desc>antarctic tundra</desc>  </terrain> <!-- ... --> </place>
Schematron A <desc> with a type of deprecationInfo should only occur when its parent element is being deprecated. Furthermore, it should always occur in an element that is being deprecated when <desc> is a valid child of that element.
<sch:rule context="tei:desc[ @type eq 'deprecationInfo']"> <sch:assert test="../@validUntil">Information about a deprecation should only be present in a specification element that is being deprecated: that is, only an element that has a @validUntil attribute should have a child <desc type="deprecationInfo">.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element desc
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.64 <distinct>

<distinct> identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage. [ Other Linguistically Distinct Material]
Module core
type specifies the sublanguage or register to which the word or phrase is being assigned
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
time specifies how the phrase is distinct diachronically
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
space specifies how the phrase is distinct diatopically
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
social specifies how the phrase is distinct diastratically
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Next morning a boy in that dormitory confided to his bosom friend, a <distinct type="ps_slang">fag</distinct> of Macrea's, that there was trouble in their midst which King <distinct type="archaic">would fain</distinct> keep secret.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element distinct
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute time { text }?,
   attribute space { text }?,
   attribute social { text }?,

Appendix A.1.65 <distributor>

<distributor> (distributor) supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for the distribution of a text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor> <distributor>Redwood and Burn Ltd</distributor>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element distributor

Appendix A.1.66 <district>

<district> (district) contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<placeName>  <district type="ward">Jericho</district>  <settlement>Oxford</settlement> </placeName>
<placeName>  <district type="area">South Side</district>  <settlement>Chicago</settlement> </placeName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element district
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.67 <div>

<div> (text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text. [4.1. Divisions of the Body]
Module textstructure
rhyme (rhyme scheme) specifies the rhyme scheme applicable to a group of verse lines.
Derived from att.metrical
Status Recommended
Datatype token
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(A div containing an act of a drama) Use this to contain an act in a dramatic poem which is organized into acts and scenes.
(A div containing a poem cycle) Use this to specify that a div contains several poems which constitute a cycle.
(A div containing a drama) Use this to contain a dramatic poem organized into acts and scenes.
(A div containing editorial content) Use this to identify a div (normally in the <front> or <back>) which contains editorial or critical material relating to a poem.
(DO NOT USE THIS. It is intended only to wrap the set of card items that appear on the home page.) DO NOT USE THIS. It should only be used on the index page of the site, or another page where the intention is to create tile/card boxes linking to listings pages.
(A div containing a letter) Use this to identify a div which contains a transcription of a letter (usually a letter to the editor of the periodical introducing one or more poems, which follow it).
(A div containing a linkGrp and an explanation of it) Only use this value for div elements inside the xml/linkGrps.xml file.
(DO NOT USE THIS. It is an interim value used only in automated processing.) (DO NOT USE THIS. It is an interim value used only in automated processing.)
(A div containing a poem) Use this to identify a div which contains a single poem.
(A div containing a scene of a drama) Use this to contain a scene in a dramatic poem which is organized into scenes or acts and scenes.
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: back body div front
May contain
<body>  <div type="part">   <head>Fallacies of Authority</head>   <p>The subject of which is Authority in various shapes, and the object, to repress all      exercise of the reasoning faculty.</p>   <div n="1type="chapter">    <head>The Nature of Authority</head>    <p>With reference to any proposed measures having for their object the greatest        happiness of the greatest number [...]</p>    <div n="1.1type="section">     <head>Analysis of Authority</head>     <p>What on any given occasion is the legitimate weight or influence to be attached to          authority [...] </p>    </div>    <div n="1.2type="section">     <head>Appeal to Authority, in What Cases Fallacious.</head>     <p>Reference to authority is open to the charge of fallacy when [...] </p>    </div>   </div>  </div> </body>
<sch:report test="(ancestor::tei:l or ancestor::tei:lg) and not(ancestor::tei:floatingText)"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, unless div is a descendant of floatingText. </sch:report>
<sch:report test="(ancestor::tei:p or ancestor::tei:ab) and not(ancestor::tei:floatingText)"> Abstract model violation: p and ab may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, unless div is a descendant of floatingText. </sch:report>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
   <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <sequence minOccurs="1"
     <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
      <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
      <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
     <sequence minOccurs="1"
      <alternate minOccurs="1"
       <elementRef key="schemaSpec"/>
       <classRef key="model.common"/>
      <classRef key=""
       minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <sequence minOccurs="0"
      <alternate minOccurs="1"
       <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
       <classRef key="model.divGenLike"/>
      <classRef key=""
       minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element div
   attribute rhyme { text }?,
   attribute type
    | "cycle"
    | "drama"
    | "editorial"
    | "homePageCards"
    | "letter"
    | "linkGrp"
    | "page"
    | "poem"
    | "scene"
      ( tei_model.divTop | )*,
            ( ( tei_model.divLike | tei_model.divGenLike ),* )+
          | (
               ( ( schemaSpec | tei_model.common ),* )+,
                  ( tei_model.divLike | tei_model.divGenLike ),
         ( tei_model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.68 <divGen>

<divGen> (automatically generated text division) indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear. [3.9.2. Index Entries]
Module core
type specifies what type of generated text division (e.g. index, table of contents, etc.) is to appear.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Valid values are application-dependent; those shown are of obvious utility in document production, but are by no means exhaustive.

Member of
Contained by
textstructure: back body div front
May contain
core: head

This element is intended primarily for use in document production or manipulation, rather than in the transcription of pre-existing materials; it makes it easier to specify the location of indices, tables of contents, etc., to be generated by text preparation or word processing software.

Example One use for this element is to allow document preparation software to generate an index and insert it in the appropriate place in the output. The example below assumes that the indexName attribute on <index> elements in the text has been used to specify index entries for the two generated indexes, named NAMES and THINGS:
<back>  <div1 type="backmat">   <head>Bibliography</head> <!-- ... -->  </div1>  <div1 type="backmat">   <head>Indices</head>   <divGen n="Index Nominumtype="NAMES"/>   <divGen n="Index Rerumtype="THINGS"/>  </div1> </back>
Example Another use for <divGen> is to specify the location of an automatically produced table of contents:
<front> <!--<titlePage>...</titlePage>-->  <divGen type="toc"/>  <div>   <head>Preface</head>   <p> ... </p>  </div> </front>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.headLike"
  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element divGen
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.69 <docAuthor>

<docAuthor> (document author) contains the name of the author of the document, as given on the title page (often but not always contained in a byline). [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
msdescription: msItem
May contain

The document author's name often occurs within a byline, but the <docAuthor> element may be used whether the <byline> element is used or not. It should be used only for the author(s) of the entire document, not for author(s) of any subset or part of it. (Attributions of authorship of a subset or part of the document, for example of a chapter in a textbook or an article in a newspaper, may be encoded with <byline> without <docAuthor>.)

<titlePage>  <docTitle>   <titlePart>Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four      Parts.</titlePart>  </docTitle>  <byline> By <docAuthor>Lemuel Gulliver</docAuthor>, First a Surgeon,    and then a Captain of several Ships</byline> </titlePage>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element docAuthor

Appendix A.1.70 <docDate>

<docDate> (document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
msdescription: msItem
May contain

Cf. the general <date> element in the core tag set. This specialized element is provided for convenience in marking and processing the date of the documents, since it is likely to require specialized handling for many applications. It should be used only for the date of the entire document, not for any subset or part of it.

<docImprint>Oxford, Clarendon Press, <docDate>1987</docDate> </docImprint>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element docDate

Appendix A.1.71 <docEdition>

<docEdition> (document edition) contains an edition statement as presented on a title page of a document. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: back front titlePage
May contain

Cf. the <edition> element of bibliographic citation. As usual, the shorter name has been given to the more frequent element.

<docEdition>The Third edition Corrected</docEdition>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element docEdition {, tei_macro.paraContent }

Appendix A.1.72 <docImprint>

<docImprint> (document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: back front titlePage
May contain

Cf. the <imprint> element of bibliographic citations. As with title, author, and editions, the shorter name is reserved for the element likely to be used more often.

<docImprint>Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987</docImprint>
Imprints may be somewhat more complex:
<docImprint>  <pubPlace>London</pubPlace> Printed for <name>E. Nutt</name>, at <pubPlace>Royal Exchange</pubPlace>; <name>J. Roberts</name> in <pubPlace>wick-Lane</pubPlace>; <name>A. Dodd</name> without <pubPlace>Temple-Bar</pubPlace>; and <name>J. Graves</name> in <pubPlace>St. James's-street.</pubPlace>  <date>1722.</date> </docImprint>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <elementRef key="pubPlace"/>
  <elementRef key="docDate"/>
  <elementRef key="publisher"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element docImprint
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_pubPlace
    | tei_docDate
    | tei_publisher

Appendix A.1.73 <docTitle>

<docTitle> (document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: back front titlePage
May contain
figures: figure
textstructure: titlePart
transcr: fw metamark space
<docTitle>  <titlePart type="main">The DUNCIAD, VARIOURVM.</titlePart>  <titlePart type="sub">WITH THE PROLEGOMENA of SCRIBLERUS.</titlePart> </docTitle>
Content model
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="titlePart"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element docTitle
   (*, ( tei_titlePart,* )+ )

Appendix A.1.74 <edition>

<edition> (edition) describes the particularities of one edition of a text. [2.2.2. The Edition Statement]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl monogr
header: editionStmt
May contain
<edition>First edition <date>Oct 1990</date> </edition> <edition n="S2">Students' edition</edition>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element edition {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.75 <editionStmt>

<editionStmt> (edition statement) groups information relating to one edition of a text. [2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Contained by
May contain
<editionStmt>  <edition n="S2">Students' edition</edition>  <respStmt>   <resp>Adapted by </resp>   <name>Elizabeth Kirk</name>  </respStmt> </editionStmt>
<editionStmt>  <p>First edition, <date>Michaelmas Term, 1991.</date>  </p> </editionStmt>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="edition"/>
   <classRef key="model.respLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element editionStmt
   ( tei_model.pLike+ | ( tei_edition, tei_model.respLike* ) )

Appendix A.1.76 <editor>

<editor> contains a secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item, for example the name of an individual, institution or organization, (or of several such) acting as editor, compiler, translator, etc. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors]
Module core
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain

A consistent format should be adopted.

Particularly where cataloguing is likely to be based on the content of the header, it is advisable to use generally recognized authority lists for the exact form of personal names.

<editor role="Technical_Editor">Ron Van den Branden</editor> <editor role="Editor-in-Chief">John Walsh</editor> <editor role="Managing_Editor">Anne Baillot</editor>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element editor
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.77 <editorialDecl>

<editorialDecl> (editorial practice declaration) provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
<editorialDecl>  <normalization>   <p>All words converted to Modern American spelling using      Websters 9th Collegiate dictionary   </p>  </normalization>  <quotation marks="all">   <p>All opening quotation marks converted to “ all closing      quotation marks converted to &amp;cdq;.</p>  </quotation> </editorialDecl>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.editorialDeclPart"/>
Schema Declaration
element editorialDecl
   ( tei_model.pLike | tei_model.editorialDeclPart )+

Appendix A.1.78 <education>

<education> (education) contains a description of the educational experience of a person. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<education>Left school at age 16</education>
<education from="1986-01-01"  to="1990-06-30">Attended <name>Cherwell School</name> </education>
<education notBefore="1685-07"  notAfter="1690-06">Anthony Hammond smuggled her into the University of Cambridge, where she was disguised as his male cousin, Jack. She remained there for some months learning grammar, logic, rhetoric, and ethics</education>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element education
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.79 <ellipsis>

<ellipsis> (deliberately marked omission) indicates a purposeful marking in the source document signalling that content has been omitted, and may also supply or describe the omitted content. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc
transcr: metamark

Unlike <gap>, which indicates content that the encoder cannot or chooses not to represent, <ellipsis> indicates a passage explicitly signalled in the source document as absent. The <ellipsis> element is not appropriate for every use of ellipsis points, such as when they indicate that a speaker is pausing.

<lg>  <l>What projects men make—what queer turns they take,</l>  <l>Since <emph>steam</emph> has improved our condition;</l>  <l>They never are still, but must cure or must kill</l>  <l>With steam physic or steam ammunition.</l>  <l>But a short time ago, to a quack you would go,</l>  <l>To steam a fat man to a thinner;</l>  <l>Now changed from all that, if you wish to get <emph>fat</emph>,</l>  <l>Come to Barton’s and eat a <emph>steam dinner!</emph>  </l>  <l>Oh dear! think of a scheme, odd though it seem—</l>  <l>I’m sure ’twill succeed if you make it by steam.</l> </lg> <lg>  <l>You may sleep, you may dream, you may travel by steam,</l>  <l>For the outcry is still to go faster;</l>  <l>And what does it reck, should you e’en break your neck,</l>  <l>If ’tis <emph>steam</emph> that brings on the disaster?</l>  <ellipsis resp="#ChambersEdnbrghJrnl1880">   <metamark function="multilineEllipsis"> * * * * </metamark>   <desc resp="#teiProjectEditor2021">The printer omits four lines here,      skipping the second half of the second octave, before the refrain.</desc>  </ellipsis>  <l>Oh dear! think of a scheme, odd though it seem—</l>  <l>I’m sure ’twill succeed if you make it by steam.</l> </lg>
<lg>  <l>You think you’ve lost your love </l>  <l>Well, I saw her yesterday </l>  <l>It’s you she's thinking of </l>  <l>And she told me what to say</l> </lg> <lg xml:id="chorus">  <label>[Refrain]</label>  <l>She says she loves you </l>  <l>And you know that can’t be bad </l>  <l>Yes, she loves you </l>  <l>And you know you should be glad</l> </lg> <lg>  <l>She said you hurt her so </l>  <l>She almost lost her mind </l>  <l>But now she said she knows </l>  <l>You’re not the hurting kind</l> </lg> <ellipsis>  <metamark>******</metamark>  <supplied copyOf="#chorus"/> </ellipsis>
Content model
  <elementRef key="metamark"/>
  <classRef key="model.descLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <elementRef key="supplied" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element ellipsis
   ( tei_metamark, tei_model.descLike?, supplied? )

Appendix A.1.80 <email>

<email> (electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered. [3.6.2. Addresses]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The format of a modern Internet email address is defined in RFC 2822

Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element email {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.81 <emph>

<emph> (emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
You took the car and did <emph>what</emph>?!!
<q>What it all comes to is this,</q> he said. <q>  <emph>What    does Christopher Robin do in the morning nowadays?</emph> </q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element emph {, tei_macro.paraContent }

Appendix A.1.82 <encodingDesc>

<encodingDesc> (encoding description) documents the relationship between an electronic text and the source or sources from which it was derived. [2.3. The Encoding Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain
<encodingDesc>  <p>Basic encoding, capturing lexical information only. All    hyphenation, punctuation, and variant spellings normalized. No    formatting or layout information preserved.</p> </encodingDesc>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.encodingDescPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element encodingDesc
   ( tei_model.encodingDescPart | tei_model.pLike )+

Appendix A.1.83 <epigraph>

<epigraph> (epigraph) contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page. [4.2.3. Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions 4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<epigraph xml:lang="la">  <cit>   <bibl>Lucret.</bibl>   <quote>    <l part="F">petere inde coronam,</l>    <l>Vnde prius nulli velarint tempora Musae.</l>   </quote>  </cit> </epigraph>
<sch:assert test="not(child::tei:cit)"> ERROR: do not use cit inside epigraph; just use the quote and bibl elements. </sch:assert>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.common"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element epigraph
   ( tei_model.common | )*

Appendix A.1.84 <event>

<event> (event) contains data relating to anything of significance that happens in time. [13.3.1. Basic Principles]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<listEvent>  <event when="1618-05-23"   xml:id="SecondDefPraguewhere="#Prague">   <eventName>1618 Defenestration of Prague</eventName>   <idno></idno>   <listPerson type="defenstrated">    <person>     <persName>Jaroslav Bořita z Martinic</persName>     <idno type="GND"></idno>    </person>    <person>     <persName>Vilém Slavata z Chlumu a Košumberka</persName>     <idno type="GND"></idno>    </person>    <person>     <persName>Filip Fabricius</persName>     <idno type="GND"></idno>    </person>   </listPerson>   <place xml:id="Prague">    <placeName>Prague</placeName>   </place>  </event>  <event from="1618to="1648"   xml:id="ThirtyYearsWar">   <eventName>Thirty Years’ War</eventName>   <idno></idno>   <event when="1643-03-19"    xml:id="BattleofRocroiwhere="#Rocroi">    <eventName>Battle of Rocroi</eventName>    <idno type="Wikidata"></idno>    <idno type="GND"></idno>    <place xml:id="Rocroi">     <placeName>Rocroi</placeName>     <location>      <geo decls="#WGS">49.926111 4.522222</geo>     </location>    </place>   </event>  </event> </listEvent>
<person>  <event type="matwhen="1972-10-12">   <label>matriculation</label>  </event>  <event type="gradwhen="1975-06-23">   <label>graduation</label>  </event> </person>
Content model
  <elementRef key="idno" minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.labelLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <elementRef key="eventName"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
   <elementRef key="idno"/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
  <classRef key="model.eventLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.personLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
   <elementRef key="listPerson"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.placeLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
   <elementRef key="listPlace"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <classRef key="model.objectLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="listRelation"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element event
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
      ( tei_model.pLike+ | tei_model.labelLike+ | tei_eventName+ ),
       | tei_model.biblLike
       | tei_linkGrp
       | tei_link
       | tei_idno
       | tei_ptr
      ( tei_model.personLike | tei_listPerson )*,
      ( tei_model.placeLike | tei_listPlace )*,
      ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.85 <eventName>

<eventName> (name of an event) contains a proper noun or noun phrase used to refer to an event. [13.2.4. Event Names]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<listEvent>  <event from="1939-09-01to="1945-09-02">   <eventName xml:lang="de">Zweiter Weltkrieg</eventName>   <eventName xml:lang="en">World War II</eventName>   <idno type="GND"></idno>   <idno type="Wikidata"></idno>   <event from="1939-09-01to="1939-10-06"    xml:id="UeberfallAufPolen">    <eventName xml:lang="de">Überfall auf Polen</eventName>    <eventName xml:lang="en">Invasion of Poland</eventName>    <idno type="GND"></idno>    <idno type="LOC"></idno>    <listPlace type="affected">     <place>      <placeName xml:lang="pl">Gdańsk</placeName>      <location>       <geo>54.350556, 18.652778</geo>      </location>     </place>    </listPlace>   </event>   <event from="1941-06-22to="1945-05-09">    <eventName xml:lang="de">Deutsch-Sowjetischer Krieg</eventName>    <eventName xml:lang="ru">Великая Отечественная война</eventName>    <idno type="GND"></idno>    <idno type="Wikidata"></idno>   </event>  </event> </listEvent>
<p>On <date when="1719-03-19">Monday</date>, <rs type="person">she</rs> was writing about the <eventName ref="#SecondDefPrague">1618 Defenestration of Prague</eventName> which initiated the <rs type="eventref="#ThirtyYearsWar">long war</rs>.</p>
<event from="2019-09-16to="2019-09-20"  xml:id="tei2019graz">  <eventName type="full">TEI 2019: What is text, really? TEI and beyond</eventName>  <eventName type="short">TEI 2019</eventName>  <note> The abstract leading to the <gi>eventName</gi> element is available at <ref target=""></ref>.    Other related documents are available through <ref target=""></ref>, as well as in the  <ref target="">TEI 2019 Zenodo community</ref>.  </note>  <listPerson type="LocalOrganizers">   <person>    <persName>     <surname>Raunig</surname>     <forename>Elisabeth</forename>    </persName>   </person>   <person>    <persName>     <surname>Scholger</surname>     <forename>Martina</forename>    </persName>   </person>   <person>    <persName>     <surname>Scholger</surname>     <forename>Walter</forename>    </persName>   </person>   <person>    <persName>     <surname>Steiner</surname>     <forename>Elisabeth</forename>    </persName>   </person>   <person>    <persName>     <surname>Vogeler</surname>     <forename>Georg</forename>    </persName>   </person>  </listPerson>  <place xml:lang="de">   <placeName>Universität Graz</placeName>   <location>    <address>     <addrLine>ReSoWi Gebäude</addrLine>     <addrLine>Universitätsstraße 15</addrLine>     <postCode>8010</postCode>     <settlement>Graz</settlement>     <country>Österreich</country>    </address>    <geo>15.451651587656 47.078215112534</geo>   </location>  </place>  <listRelation>   <relation active="#tei2019graz"    passive="#AnnualTEIConferencetype="CRMname="P31_is_instance_of"    ref=""/>  </listRelation> </event>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element eventName

Appendix A.1.86 <expan>

<expan> (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. [3.6.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The content of this element should be the expanded abbreviation, usually (but not always) a complete word or phrase. The <ex> element provided by the transcr module may be used to mark up sequences of letters supplied within such an expansion.

If abbreviations are expanded silently, this practice should be documented in the <editorialDecl>, either with a <normalization> element or a <p>.

The address is Southmoor <choice>  <expan>Road</expan>  <abbr>Rd</abbr> </choice>
<choice xml:lang="la">  <abbr>Imp</abbr>  <expan>Imp<ex>erator</ex>  </expan> </choice>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element expan {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.87 <extent>

<extent> (extent) describes the approximate size of a text stored on some carrier medium or of some other object, digital or non-digital, specified in any convenient units. [2.2.3. Type and Extent of File 2.2. The File Description Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 10.7.1. Object Description]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl monogr
May contain
<extent>3200 sentences</extent> <extent>between 10 and 20 Mb</extent> <extent>ten 3.5 inch high density diskettes</extent>
Example The <measure> element may be used to supply normalized or machine tractable versions of the size or sizes concerned.
<extent>  <measure unit="MiBquantity="4.2">About four megabytes</measure>  <measure unit="pagesquantity="245">245 pages of source    material</measure> </extent>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element extent {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.88 <facsimile>

<facsimile> contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Module transcr
Member of
Contained by
core: teiCorpus
textstructure: TEI
May contain
textstructure: back front
<facsimile>  <graphic url="page1.png"/>  <surface>   <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>   <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>  </surface>  <graphic url="page3.png"/>  <graphic url="page4.png"/> </facsimile>
<facsimile>  <surface ulx="0uly="0lrx="200lry="300">   <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>  </surface> </facsimile>
<sch:rule context="tei:facsimile//tei:line | tei:facsimile//tei:zone"> <sch:report test="child::text()[ normalize-space(.) ne '']"> A facsimile element represents a text with images, thus transcribed text should not be present within it. </sch:report> </sch:rule>
Content model
  <elementRef key="front" minOccurs="0"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
   <elementRef key="surface"/>
   <elementRef key="surfaceGrp"/>
  <elementRef key="back" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element facsimile
   ( tei_front?, ( tei_model.graphicLike | surface | surfaceGrp )+, tei_back? )

Appendix A.1.89 <faith>

<faith> (faith) specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person. [ Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<faith ref="">Manichaeism</faith>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element faith
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.90 <figDesc>

<figDesc> (description of figure) contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. [14.4. Specific Elements for Graphic Images]
Module figures
Contained by
figures: figure
May contain

This element is intended for use as an alternative to the content of its parent <figure> element ; for example, to display when the image is required but the equipment in use cannot display graphic images. It may also be used for indexing or documentary purposes.

<figure>  <graphic url="emblem1.png"/>  <head>Emblemi d'Amore</head>  <figDesc>A pair of naked winged cupids, each holding a    flaming torch, in a rural setting.</figDesc> </figure>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element figDesc {, tei_macro.limitedContent }

Appendix A.1.91 <figure>

<figure> (figure) groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure. [14.4. Specific Elements for Graphic Images]
Module figures
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<figure>  <head>The View from the Bridge</head>  <figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a    series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc>  <graphic url=""   scale="0.5"/> </figure>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.headLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.common"/>
  <elementRef key="figDesc"/>
  <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
Schema Declaration
element figure
    | tei_model.common
    | tei_figDesc
    | tei_model.graphicLike
    | tei_model.divBottom

Appendix A.1.92 <fileDesc>

<fileDesc> (file description) contains a full bibliographic description of an electronic file. [2.2. The File Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
Contained by
May contain

The major source of information for those seeking to create a catalogue entry or bibliographic citation for an electronic file. As such, it provides a title and statements of responsibility together with details of the publication or distribution of the file, of any series to which it belongs, and detailed bibliographic notes for matters not addressed elsewhere in the header. It also contains a full bibliographic description for the source or sources from which the electronic text was derived.

<fileDesc>  <titleStmt>   <title>The shortest possible TEI document</title>  </titleStmt>  <publicationStmt>   <p>Distributed as part of TEI P5</p>  </publicationStmt>  <sourceDesc>   <p>No print source exists: this is an original digital text</p>  </sourceDesc> </fileDesc>
Content model
   <elementRef key="titleStmt"/>
   <elementRef key="editionStmt"
   <elementRef key="extent" minOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="publicationStmt"/>
   <elementRef key="seriesStmt"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <elementRef key="notesStmt"
  <elementRef key="sourceDesc"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element fileDesc

Appendix A.1.93 <floatingText>

<floatingText> (floating text) contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes. [4.3.2. Floating Texts]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
May contain
figures: figure
textstructure: back body front group
transcr: fw metamark space

A floating text has the same content as any other <text> and may thus be interrupted by another floating text, or contain a <group> of tesselated texts.

<body>  <div type="scene">   <sp>    <p>Hush, the players begin...</p>   </sp>   <floatingText type="pwp">    <body>     <div type="act">      <sp>       <l>In Athens our tale takes place [...]</l>      </sp> <!-- ... rest of nested act here -->     </div>    </body>   </floatingText>   <sp>    <p>Now that the play is finished ...</p>   </sp>  </div> </body>
Content model
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="front"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <elementRef key="body"/>
   <elementRef key="group"/>
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="back"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element floatingText
      ( tei_front,* )?,
      ( tei_body | tei_group ),*,
      ( tei_back,* )?

Appendix A.1.94 <floruit>

<floruit> (floruit) contains information about a person's period of activity. [ Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<floruit notBefore="1066notAfter="1100"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element floruit
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.95 <foreign>

<foreign> (foreign) identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text. [ Foreign Words or Expressions]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The global xml:lang attribute should be supplied for this element to identify the language of the word or phrase marked. As elsewhere, its value should be a language tag as defined in 6.1. Language Identification.

This element is intended for use only where no other element is available to mark the phrase or words concerned. The global xml:lang attribute should be used in preference to this element where it is intended to mark the language of the whole of some text element.

The <distinct> element may be used to identify phrases belonging to sublanguages or registers not generally regarded as true languages.

This is heathen Greek to you still? Your <foreign xml:lang="la">lapis philosophicus</foreign>?
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element foreign {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.96 <forename>

<forename> (forename) contains a forename, given or baptismal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<persName>  <roleName>Ex-President</roleName>  <forename>George</forename>  <surname>Bush</surname> </persName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element forename

Appendix A.1.97 <front>

<front> (front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, abstracts, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body. [4.6. Title Pages 4. Default Text Structure]
Module textstructure
Contained by
textstructure: floatingText text
transcr: facsimile
May contain

Because cultural conventions differ as to which elements are grouped as front matter and which as back matter, the content models for the <front> and <back> elements are identical.

<front>  <epigraph>   <quote>Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla      pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: <q xml:lang="grc">Σίβυλλα τί        θέλεις</q>; respondebat illa: <q xml:lang="grc">ὰποθανεῖν θέλω.</q>   </quote>  </epigraph>  <div type="dedication">   <p>For Ezra Pound <q xml:lang="it">il miglior fabbro.</q>   </p>  </div> </front>
<front>  <div type="dedication">   <p>To our three selves</p>  </div>  <div type="preface">   <head>Author's Note</head>   <p>All the characters in this book are purely imaginary, and if the      author has used names that may suggest a reference to living persons      she has done so inadvertently. ...</p>  </div> </front>
<front>  <div type="abstract">   <div>    <head> BACKGROUND:</head>    <p>Food insecurity can put children at greater risk of obesity because        of altered food choices and nonuniform consumption patterns.</p>   </div>   <div>    <head> OBJECTIVE:</head>    <p>We examined the association between obesity and both child-level        food insecurity and personal food insecurity in US children.</p>   </div>   <div>    <head> DESIGN:</head>    <p>Data from 9,701 participants in the National Health and Nutrition        Examination Survey, 2001-2010, aged 2 to 11 years were analyzed.        Child-level food insecurity was assessed with the US Department of        Agriculture's Food Security Survey Module based on eight        child-specific questions. Personal food insecurity was assessed with        five additional questions. Obesity was defined, using physical        measurements, as body mass index (calculated as kg/m2) greater than        or equal to the age- and sex-specific 95th percentile of the Centers        for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts. Logistic        regressions adjusted for sex, race/ethnic group, poverty level, and        survey year were conducted to describe associations between obesity        and food insecurity.</p>   </div>   <div>    <head> RESULTS:</head>    <p>Obesity was significantly associated with personal food insecurity        for children aged 6 to 11 years (odds ratio=1.81; 95% CI 1.33 to        2.48), but not in children aged 2 to 5 years (odds ratio=0.88; 95%        CI 0.51 to 1.51). Child-level food insecurity was not associated        with obesity among 2- to 5-year-olds or 6- to 11-year-olds.</p>   </div>   <div>    <head> CONCLUSIONS:</head>    <p>Personal food insecurity is associated with an increased risk of        obesity only in children aged 6 to 11 years. Personal        food-insecurity measures may give different results than aggregate        food-insecurity measures in children.</p>   </div>  </div> </front>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.frontPart"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike.front"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
     <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
     <alternate minOccurs="0"
      <classRef key="model.div1Like"/>
      <classRef key="model.frontPart"/>
      <classRef key=""/>
     <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
     <alternate minOccurs="0"
      <classRef key="model.divLike"/>
      <classRef key="model.frontPart"/>
      <classRef key=""/>
   <sequence minOccurs="0">
    <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
     <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element front
       | tei_model.pLike
       | tei_model.pLike.front
               ( tei_model.div1Like | tei_model.frontPart | )*
          | (
               ( tei_model.divLike | tei_model.frontPart | )*
         ( tei_model.divBottom, ( tei_model.divBottom | )* )?

Appendix A.1.98 <funder>

<funder> (funding body) specifies the name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text. [2.2.1. The Title Statement]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl monogr
msdescription: msItem
May contain

Funders provide financial support for a project; they are distinct from sponsors (see element <sponsor>), who provide intellectual support and authority.

<funder>The National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency</funder> <funder>Directorate General XIII of the Commission of the European Communities</funder> <funder>The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation</funder> <funder>The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada</funder>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element funder
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.99 <fw>

<fw> (forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page. [11.6. Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter]
Module transcr
type classifies the material encoded according to some useful typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Where running heads are consistent throughout a chapter or section, it is usually more convenient to relate them to the chapter or section, e.g. by use of the rend attribute. The <fw> element is intended for cases where the running head changes from page to page, or where details of page layout and the internal structure of the running heads are of paramount importance.

<fw type="sigplace="bottom">C3</fw>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element fw
   attribute type { text },

Appendix A.1.100 <gap>

<gap> (gap) indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
reason (reason) gives the reason for omission
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
(editorial) for features omitted from transcription due to editorial policy
agent (agent) in the case of text omitted because of damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
(rubbing) damage results from rubbing of the leaf edges
(mildew) damage results from mildew on the leaf surface
(smoke) damage results from smoke
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc

The <gap>, <unclear>, and <del> core tag elements may be closely allied in use with the <damage> and <supplied> elements, available when using the additional tagset for transcription of primary sources. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

The <gap> tag simply signals the editors decision to omit or inability to transcribe a span of text. Other information, such as the interpretation that text was deliberately erased or covered, should be indicated using the relevant tags, such as <del> in the case of deliberate deletion.

<gap quantity="4unit="chars"  reason="illegible"/>
<gap quantity="1unit="essay"  reason="sampling"/>
<del>  <gap atLeast="4atMost="8unit="chars"   reason="illegible"/> </del>
<gap extent="several linesreason="lost"/>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.certLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element gap
   attribute reason
          | "deleted"
          | "editorial"
          | "illegible"
          | "inaudible"
          | "irrelevant"
          | "sampling"
   attribute agent { text }?,
   ( tei_model.descLike | tei_model.certLike )*

Appendix A.1.101 <gb>

<gb> (gathering beginning) marks the beginning of a new gathering or quire in a transcribed codex. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

By convention, <gb> elements should appear at the start of the first page in the gathering. The global n attribute indicates the number or other value used to identify this gathering in a collation.

The type attribute may be used to further characterize the gathering in any respect.

<gb n="iii"/> <pb n="2r"/> <!-- material from page 2 recto of gathering iii here --> <pb n="2v"/> <!-- material from page 2 verso of gathering iii here -->
Content model
Schema Declaration
element gb

Appendix A.1.102 <genName>

<genName> (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<persName>  <forename>Charles</forename>  <genName>II</genName> </persName>
<persName>  <surname>Pitt</surname>  <genName>the Younger</genName> </persName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element genName

Appendix A.1.103 <gender>

<gender> (gender) specifies the gender identity of a person, persona, or character. [ Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
value supplies a coded value for gender identity
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.gender separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

As with other culturally-constructed traits such as age and sex, the way in which this concept is described in different cultural contexts varies. The normalizing attributes are provided only as an optional means of simplifying that variety for purposes of interoperability or project-internal taxonomies for consistency, and should not be used where that is inappropriate or unhelpful. The content of the element may be used to describe the intended concept in more detail.

<gender value="W">woman</gender>
<gender value="NB">non-binary</gender>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element gender
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute value { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.104 <geoDecl>

<geoDecl> (geographic coordinates declaration) documents the notation and the datum used for geographic coordinates expressed as content of the <geo> element elsewhere within the document. [2.3.8. The Geographic Coordinates Declaration]
Module header
datum supplies a commonly used code name for the datum employed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
(World Geodetic System) a pair of numbers to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the World Geodetic System.[Default]
(Military Grid Reference System) the values supplied are geospatial entity object codes, based on
(ordnance survey great britain) the value supplied is to be interpreted as a British National Grid Reference.
(European Datum coordinate system) the value supplied is to be interpreted as latitude followed by longitude according to the European Datum coordinate system.
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
<geoDecl datum="OSGB36"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element geoDecl
   attribute datum { "WGS84" | "MGRS" | "OSGB36" | "ED50" }?,

Appendix A.1.105 <gloss>

<gloss> (gloss) identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase. [3.4.1. Terms and Glosses 22.4.1. Description of Components]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The target and cRef attributes are mutually exclusive.

We may define <term xml:id="tdpvrend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as <gloss target="#tdpv">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element gloss

Appendix A.1.106 <graphic>

<graphic> (graphic) indicates the location of a graphic or illustration, either forming part of a text, or providing an image of it. [3.10. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components 11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc

The mimeType attribute should be used to supply the MIME media type of the image specified by the url attribute.

Within the body of a text, a <graphic> element indicates the presence of a graphic component in the source itself. Within the context of a <facsimile> or <sourceDoc> element, however, a <graphic> element provides an additional digital representation of some part of the source being encoded.

<figure>  <graphic url="fig1.png"/>  <head>Figure One: The View from the Bridge</head>  <figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a    series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc> </figure>
<facsimile>  <surfaceGrp n="leaf1">   <surface>    <graphic url="page1.png"/>   </surface>   <surface>    <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>    <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>   </surface>  </surfaceGrp> </facsimile>
<facsimile>  <surfaceGrp n="leaf1xml:id="spi001">   <surface xml:id="spi001r">    <graphic type="normal"     subtype="thumbnailurl="spi/thumb/001r.jpg"/>    <graphic type="normalsubtype="low-res"     url="spi/normal/lowRes/001r.jpg"/>    <graphic type="normal"     subtype="high-resurl="spi/normal/highRes/001r.jpg"/>    <graphic type="high-contrast"     subtype="low-resurl="spi/contrast/lowRes/001r.jpg"/>    <graphic type="high-contrast"     subtype="high-resurl="spi/contrast/highRes/001r.jpg"/>   </surface>   <surface xml:id="spi001v">    <graphic type="normal"     subtype="thumbnailurl="spi/thumb/001v.jpg"/>    <graphic type="normalsubtype="low-res"     url="spi/normal/lowRes/001v.jpg"/>    <graphic type="normal"     subtype="high-resurl="spi/normal/highRes/001v.jpg"/>    <graphic type="high-contrast"     subtype="low-resurl="spi/contrast/lowRes/001v.jpg"/>    <graphic type="high-contrast"     subtype="high-resurl="spi/contrast/highRes/001v.jpg"/>    <zone xml:id="spi001v_detail01">     <graphic type="normal"      subtype="thumbnailurl="spi/thumb/001v-detail01.jpg"/>     <graphic type="normal"      subtype="low-res"      url="spi/normal/lowRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/>     <graphic type="normal"      subtype="high-res"      url="spi/normal/highRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/>     <graphic type="high-contrast"      subtype="low-res"      url="spi/contrast/lowRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/>     <graphic type="high-contrast"      subtype="high-res"      url="spi/contrast/highRes/001v-detail01.jpg"/>    </zone>   </surface>  </surfaceGrp> </facsimile>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.descLike"
  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element graphic

Appendix A.1.107 <group>

<group> (group) contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc. [4. Default Text Structure 4.3.1. Grouped Texts 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module textstructure
Contained by
textstructure: floatingText group text
May contain
<text> <!-- Section on Alexander Pope starts -->  <front> <!-- biographical notice by editor -->  </front>  <group>   <text> <!-- first poem -->   </text>   <text> <!-- second poem -->   </text>  </group> </text> <!-- end of Pope section-->
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
    <elementRef key="text"/>
    <elementRef key="group"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="text"/>
    <elementRef key="group"/>
    <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.divBottom"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element group
      ( tei_model.divTop | )*,
         ( tei_text | tei_group ),
         ( tei_text | tei_group | )*

Appendix A.1.108 <handNote>

<handNote> (note on hand) describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Module header
Contained by
May contain
<handNote scope="sole">  <p>Written in insular    phase II half-uncial with interlinear Old English gloss in an Anglo-Saxon pointed    minuscule.</p> </handNote>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element handNote

Appendix A.1.109 <head>

<head> (heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc. [4.2.1. Headings and Trailers]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The <head> element is used for headings at all levels; software which treats (e.g.) chapter headings, section headings, and list titles differently must determine the proper processing of a <head> element based on its structural position. A <head> occurring as the first element of a list is the title of that list; one occurring as the first element of a <div1> is the title of that chapter or section.

Example The most common use for the <head> element is to mark the headings of sections. In older writings, the headings or incipits may be rather longer than usual in modern works. If a section has an explicit ending as well as a heading, it should be marked as a <trailer>, as in this example:
<div1 n="Itype="book">  <head>In the name of Christ here begins the first book of the ecclesiastical history of    Georgius Florentinus, known as Gregory, Bishop of Tours.</head>  <div2 type="section">   <head>In the name of Christ here begins Book I of the history.</head>   <p>Proposing as I do ...</p>   <p>From the Passion of our Lord until the death of Saint Martin four hundred and twelve      years passed.</p>   <trailer>Here ends the first Book, which covers five thousand, five hundred and ninety-six      years from the beginning of the world down to the death of Saint Martin.</trailer>  </div2> </div1>
Example When headings are not inline with the running text (see e.g. the heading "Secunda conclusio") they might however be encoded as if. The actual placement in the source document can be captured with the place attribute.
<div type="subsection">  <head place="margin">Secunda conclusio</head>  <p>   <lb n="1251"/>   <hi rend="large">Potencia: habitus: et actus: recipiunt speciem ab obiectis<supplied>.</supplied>   </hi>   <lb n="1252"/>Probatur sic. Omne importans necessariam habitudinem ad proprium    [...]  </p> </div>
Example The <head> element is also used to mark headings of other units, such as lists:
With a few exceptions, connectives are equally useful in all kinds of discourse: description, narration, exposition, argument. <list rend="bulleted">  <head>Connectives</head>  <item>above</item>  <item>accordingly</item>  <item>across from</item>  <item>adjacent to</item>  <item>again</item>  <item> <!-- ... -->  </item> </list>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element head
    | tei_lg
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_model.inter
    | tei_model.lLike

Appendix A.1.110 <headItem>

<headItem> (heading for list items) contains the heading for the item or gloss column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.8. Lists]
Module core
Contained by
core: list
May contain

The <headItem> element may appear only if each item in the list is preceded by a <label>.

The simple, straightforward statement of an idea is preferable to the use of a worn-out expression. <list type="gloss">  <headLabel rend="smallcaps">TRITE</headLabel>  <headItem rend="smallcaps">SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD</headItem>  <label>bury the hatchet</label>  <item>stop fighting, make peace</item>  <label>at loose ends</label>  <item>disorganized</item>  <label>on speaking terms</label>  <item>friendly</item>  <label>fair and square</label>  <item>completely honest</item>  <label>at death's door</label>  <item>near death</item> </list>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element headItem {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.111 <headLabel>

<headLabel> (heading for list labels) contains the heading for the label or term column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.8. Lists]
Module core
Contained by
core: list
May contain

The <headLabel> element may appear only if each item in the list is preceded by a <label>.

The simple, straightforward statement of an idea is preferable to the use of a worn-out expression. <list type="gloss">  <headLabel rend="smallcaps">TRITE</headLabel>  <headItem rend="smallcaps">SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD</headItem>  <label>bury the hatchet</label>  <item>stop fighting, make peace</item>  <label>at loose ends</label>  <item>disorganized</item>  <label>on speaking terms</label>  <item>friendly</item>  <label>fair and square</label>  <item>completely honest</item>  <label>at death's door</label>  <item>near death</item> </list>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element headLabel {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.112 <hi>

<hi> (highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made. [ Emphatic Words and Phrases 3.3.2. Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<hi rend="gothic">And this Indenture further witnesseth</hi> that the said <hi rend="italic">Walter Shandy</hi>, merchant, in consideration of the said intended marriage ...
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element hi

Appendix A.1.113 <hyphenation>

<hyphenation> (hyphenation) summarizes the way in which hyphenation in a source text has been treated in an encoded version of it. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
eol (end-of-line) indicates whether or not end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in a text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
all end-of-line hyphenation has been retained, even though the lineation of the original may not have been.
end-of-line hyphenation has been retained in some cases.[Default]
all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining end-of-line hyphenation should be retained.
all end-of-line hyphenation has been removed: any remaining hyphenation occurred within the line.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<hyphenation eol="some">  <p>End-of-line hyphenation silently removed where appropriate</p> </hyphenation>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element hyphenation
   attribute eol { "all" | "some" | "hard" | "none" }?,

Appendix A.1.114 <idno>

<idno> (identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way. [13.3.1. Basic Principles 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2.5. The Series Statement Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module header
type categorizes the identifier, for example as an ISBN, Social Security number, etc.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
header: idno
character data

<idno> should be used for labels which identify an object or concept in a formal cataloguing system such as a database or an RDF store, or in a distributed system such as the World Wide Web. Some suggested values for type on <idno> are ISBN, ISSN, DOI, and URI.

<idno type="ISBN">978-1-906964-22-1</idno> <idno type="ISSN">0143-3385</idno> <idno type="DOI">10.1000/123</idno> <idno type="URI"></idno> <idno type="URI"></idno> <idno type="LT">Thomason Tract E.537(17)</idno> <idno type="Wing">C695</idno> <idno type="oldCat">  <g ref="#sym"/>345 </idno>
In the last case, the identifier includes a non-Unicode character which is defined elsewhere by means of a <glyph> or <char> element referenced here as #sym.
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="idno"/>
Schema Declaration
element idno
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   ( text | tei_model.gLike | tei_idno )*

Appendix A.1.115 <imprimatur>

<imprimatur> (imprimatur) contains a formal statement authorizing the publication of a work, sometimes required to appear on a title page or its verso. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: titlePage
May contain
<imprimatur>Licensed and entred acording to Order.</imprimatur>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element imprimatur {, tei_macro.paraContent }

Appendix A.1.116 <imprint>

<imprint> groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module core
Contained by
core: monogr
May contain
<imprint>  <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace>  <publisher>Clarendon Press</publisher>  <date>1987</date> </imprint>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="classCode"/>
   <elementRef key="catRef"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.imprintPart"/>
    <classRef key="model.dateLike"/>
   <elementRef key="respStmt" minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element imprint
      ( tei_classCode | tei_catRef )*,
         ( tei_model.imprintPart | tei_model.dateLike ),

Appendix A.1.117 <incipit>

<incipit> contains the incipit of a manuscript or similar object item, that is the opening words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric which might precede it, of sufficient length to identify the work uniquely; such incipits were, in former times, frequently used a means of reference to a work, in place of a title. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Module msdescription
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<incipit>Pater noster qui es in celis</incipit> <incipit defective="true">tatem dedit hominibus alleluia.</incipit> <incipit type="biblical">Ghif ons huden onse dagelix broet</incipit> <incipit>O ongehoerde gewerdighe christi</incipit> <incipit type="lemma">Firmiter</incipit> <incipit>Ideo dicit firmiter quia ordo fidei nostre probari non potest</incipit>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element incipit

Appendix A.1.118 <index>

<index> (index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose. [3.9.2. Index Entries]
Module core
indexName a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see, supplying a name to specify which index (of several) the index entry belongs to.
Status Optional

This attribute makes it possible to create multiple indexes for a text.

Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: index term
David's other principal backer, Josiah ha-Kohen <index indexName="NAMES">  <term>Josiah ha-Kohen b. Azarya</term> </index> b. Azarya, son of one of the last gaons of Sura <index indexName="PLACES">  <term>Sura</term> </index> was David's own first cousin.
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="term"/>
  <elementRef key="index" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element index
   attribute indexName { text }?,
   ( tei_term, tei_index? )*

Appendix A.1.119 <interpretation>

<interpretation> (interpretation) describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the text in addition to the transcription. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<interpretation>  <p>The part of speech analysis applied throughout section 4 was added by hand and has not    been checked</p> </interpretation>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element interpretation {, tei_model.pLike+ }

Appendix A.1.120 <item>

<item> (item) contains one component of a list. [3.8. Lists 2.6. The Revision Description]
Module core
Contained by
core: list
May contain

May contain simple prose or a sequence of chunks.

Whatever string of characters is used to label a list item in the copy text may be used as the value of the global n attribute, but it is not required that numbering be recorded explicitly. In ordered lists, the n attribute on the <item> element is by definition synonymous with the use of the <label> element to record the enumerator of the list item. In glossary lists, however, the term being defined should be given with the <label> element, not n.

<list rend="numbered">  <head>Here begin the chapter headings of Book IV</head>  <item n="4.1">The death of Queen Clotild.</item>  <item n="4.2">How King Lothar wanted to appropriate one third of the Church revenues.</item>  <item n="4.3">The wives and children of Lothar.</item>  <item n="4.4">The Counts of the Bretons.</item>  <item n="4.5">Saint Gall the Bishop.</item>  <item n="4.6">The priest Cato.</item>  <item> ...</item> </list>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element item

Appendix A.1.121 <keywords>

<keywords> (keywords) contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
Module header
scheme identifies the controlled vocabulary within which the set of keywords concerned is defined, for example by a <taxonomy> element, or by some other resource.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contained by
header: textClass
May contain
core: list term

Each individual keyword (including compound subject headings) should be supplied as a <term> element directly within the <keywords> element. An alternative usage, in which each <term> appears within an <item> inside a <list> is permitted for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated.

If no control list exists for the keywords used, then no value should be supplied for the scheme attribute.

<keywords scheme="">  <term>Babbage, Charles</term>  <term>Mathematicians - Great Britain - Biography</term> </keywords>
<keywords>  <term>Fermented beverages</term>  <term>Central Andes</term>  <term>Schinus molle</term>  <term>Molle beer</term>  <term>Indigenous peoples</term>  <term>Ethnography</term>  <term>Archaeology</term> </keywords>
Content model
  <elementRef key="term" minOccurs="1"
  <elementRef key="list"/>
Schema Declaration
element keywords
   attribute scheme { text }?,
   ( tei_term+ | tei_list )

Appendix A.1.122 <l>

<l> (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. [3.13.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.13. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<l met="x/x/x/x/x/real="/xx/x/x/x/">Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?</l>
<sch:rule context="tei:l"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '^\s')) or (child::*[1][self::tei:choice] and not(some $el in child::tei:choice[1]/child::* satisfies matches($el, '^\s')))"> ERROR: Poetic lines must not start with spaces.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:report test="ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:l[. = current()])]"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain lines or lg elements. </sch:report>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element l
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_model.inter

Appendix A.1.123 <label>

<label> (label) contains any label or heading used to identify part of a text, typically but not exclusively in a list or glossary. [3.8. Lists]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example Labels are commonly used for the headwords in glossary lists; note the use of the global xml:lang attribute to set the default language of the glossary list to Middle English, and identify the glosses and headings as modern English or Latin:
<list type="glossxml:lang="enm">  <head xml:lang="en">Vocabulary</head>  <headLabel xml:lang="en">Middle English</headLabel>  <headItem xml:lang="en">New English</headItem>  <label>nu</label>  <item xml:lang="en">now</item>  <label>lhude</label>  <item xml:lang="en">loudly</item>  <label>bloweth</label>  <item xml:lang="en">blooms</item>  <label>med</label>  <item xml:lang="en">meadow</item>  <label>wude</label>  <item xml:lang="en">wood</item>  <label>awe</label>  <item xml:lang="en">ewe</item>  <label>lhouth</label>  <item xml:lang="en">lows</item>  <label>sterteth</label>  <item xml:lang="en">bounds, frisks (cf. <cit>    <ref>Chaucer, K.T.644</ref>    <quote>a courser, <term>sterting</term>as the fyr</quote>   </cit>  </item>  <label>verteth</label>  <item xml:lang="la">pedit</item>  <label>murie</label>  <item xml:lang="en">merrily</item>  <label>swik</label>  <item xml:lang="en">cease</item>  <label>naver</label>  <item xml:lang="en">never</item> </list>
Example Labels may also be used to record explicitly the numbers or letters which mark list items in ordered lists, as in this extract from Gibbon's Autobiography. In this usage the <label> element is synonymous with the n attribute on the <item> element:
I will add two facts, which have seldom occurred in the composition of six, or at least of five quartos. <list rend="runontype="ordered">  <label>(1)</label>  <item>My first rough manuscript, without any intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.</item>  <label>(2) </label>  <item>Not a sheet has been seen by any human eyes, excepting those of the author and the    printer: the faults and the merits are exclusively my own.</item> </list>
Example Labels may also be used for other structured list items, as in this extract from the journal of Edward Gibbon:
<list type="gloss">  <label>March 1757.</label>  <item>I wrote some critical observations upon Plautus.</item>  <label>March 8th.</label>  <item>I wrote a long dissertation upon some lines of Virgil.</item>  <label>June.</label>  <item>I saw Mademoiselle Curchod — <quote xml:lang="la">Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus      amori.</quote>  </item>  <label>August.</label>  <item>I went to Crassy, and staid two days.</item> </list>
Note that the <label> might also appear within the <item> rather than as its sibling. Though syntactically valid, this usage is not recommended TEI practice.
Example Labels may also be used to represent a label or heading attached to a paragraph or sequence of paragraphs not treated as a structural division, or to a group of verse lines. Note that, in this case, the <label> element appears within the <p> or <lg> element, rather than as a preceding sibling of it.
<p>[...] <lb/>&amp; n’entrer en mauuais &amp; mal-heu- <lb/>ré meſnage. Or des que le conſente- <lb/>ment des parties y eſt le mariage eſt <lb/> arreſté, quoy que de faict il ne ſoit <label place="margin">Puiſſance maritale    entre les Romains.</label>  <lb/> conſommé. Depuis la conſomma- <lb/>tion du mariage la femme eſt ſoubs <lb/> la puiſſance du mary, s’il n’eſt eſcla- <lb/>ue ou enfant de famille : car en ce <lb/> cas, la femme, qui a eſpouſé vn en- <lb/>fant de famille, eſt ſous la puiſſance [...]</p>
In this example the text of the label appears in the right hand margin of the original source, next to the paragraph it describes, but approximately in the middle of it. If so desired the type attribute may be used to distinguish different categories of label.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element label

Appendix A.1.124 <lang>

<lang> (language name) contains the name of a language mentioned in etymological or other linguistic discussion. [9.3.4. Etymological Information]
Module dictionaries
Member of
Contained by
May contain

May contain character data mixed with phrase-level elements.

<entry>  <form>   <orth>publish</orth> ... </form>  <etym>   <lang>ME.</lang>   <mentioned>publisshen</mentioned>,  <lang>F.</lang>   <mentioned>publier</mentioned>, <lang>L.</lang>   <mentioned>publicare,      publicatum</mentioned>. <xr>See <ref>public</ref>; cf. <ref>2d -ish</ref>.</xr>  </etym> </entry>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element lang

Appendix A.1.125 <langUsage>

<langUsage> (language usage) describes the languages, sublanguages, registers, dialects, etc. represented within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage 2.4. The Profile Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
core: p
header: language
linking: ab
<langUsage>  <language ident="fr-CAusage="60">Québecois</language>  <language ident="en-CAusage="20">Canadian business English</language>  <language ident="en-GBusage="20">British English</language> </langUsage>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <elementRef key="language" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element langUsage
   ( tei_model.pLike+ | tei_language+ )

Appendix A.1.126 <language>

<language> (language) characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage]
Module header
ident (identifier) Supplies a language code constructed as defined in BCP 47 which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which may be referenced by the global xml:lang attribute.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.language
usage specifies the approximate percentage of the text which uses this language.
Status Optional
Datatype nonNegativeInteger
Contained by
header: langUsage
May contain

Particularly for sublanguages, an informal prose characterization should be supplied as content for the element.

<langUsage>  <language ident="en-USusage="75">modern American English</language>  <language ident="az-Arabusage="20">Azerbaijani in Arabic script</language>  <language ident="x-lapusage="05">Pig Latin</language> </langUsage>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element language
   attribute ident { text },
   attribute usage { text }?,

Appendix A.1.127 <lb>

<lb> (line beginning) marks the beginning of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

By convention, <lb> elements should appear at the point in the text where a new line starts. The n attribute, if used, indicates the number or other value associated with the text between this point and the next <lb> element, typically the sequence number of the line within the page, or other appropriate unit. This element is intended to be used for marking actual line breaks on a manuscript or printed page, at the point where they occur; it should not be used to tag structural units such as lines of verse (for which the <l> element is available) except in circumstances where structural units cannot otherwise be marked.

The type attribute may be used to characterize the line break in any respect. The more specialized attributes break, ed, or edRef should be preferred when the intent is to indicate whether or not the line break is word-breaking, or to note the source from which it derives.

Example This example shows typographical line breaks within metrical lines, where they occur at different places in different editions:
<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l> <l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l> <l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>
Example This example encodes typographical line breaks as a means of preserving the visual appearance of a title page. The break attribute is used to show that the line break does not (as elsewhere) mark the start of a new word.
<titlePart>  <lb/>With Additions, ne-<lb break="no"/>ver before Printed. </titlePart>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element lb

Appendix A.1.128 <lg>

<lg> (line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc. [3.13.1. Core Tags for Verse 3.13. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module core
rhyme (rhyme scheme) specifies the rhyme scheme applicable to a group of verse lines.
Derived from att.metrical
Status Recommended
Datatype token
Status Optional
Legal values are:
(Couplet) 2 lines that rhyme.
(Octave) 8-line stanza.
(Ottava rima) Ottava rima; eight-line iambic stanza rhyming abababcc.
(Quatrain) 4-line stanza.
(Ballad quatrain) Quatrain, either abab or abcb, in iambic lines alternative 4 stresses and 3 stresses.
(Quatrain in couplets) Quatrain rhyming aabb.
(English quatrain) 4-line stanza which ???.
(Hymn common meter) Hymn common meter; quatrain with a rhyme of abab in iambic lines of either 4:4 or 4:3. Sometimes hymnists join their quatrains, turning them into an octave.
(Tennysonian quatrain) Quatrain rhyming abba, as used for example in In Memoriam.
(Quintain) 5-line stanza.
(Septet) 7-line stanza.
(Sestet) 6-line stanza.
(Sonnet) 14 lines of intricate rhyme.
(Hybrid sonnet) A hybrid of Petrarchan and Shakespearean form.
(Petrarchan sonnet) Petrarchan (octave then sestet).
(Shakespearean sonnet) Shakespearean (4 quatrains then couplet).
(Spenserian) Nine iambic lines, the first eight written in pentameter with the last line written in either hexameter or alexandrine; ababbcbcc rhyme scheme.
(Tercet) 3-line stanza.
(Unclassified line group) A line group which resists categorization.
Member of
Contained by
May contain

contains verse lines or nested line groups only, possibly prefixed by a heading.

<lg type="free">  <l>Let me be my own fool</l>  <l>of my own making, the sum of it</l> </lg> <lg type="free">  <l>is equivocal.</l>  <l>One says of the drunken farmer:</l> </lg> <lg type="free">  <l>leave him lay off it. And this is</l>  <l>the explanation.</l> </lg>
<sch:assert test="count(descendant::tei:lg|descendant::tei:l|descendant::tei:gap) > 0">An lg element must contain at least one child l, lg, or gap element.</sch:assert>
<sch:report test="ancestor::tei:l[not(.//tei:note//tei:lg[. = current()])]"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain line groups. </sch:report>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.stageLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
   <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.stageLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element lg
   attribute rhyme { text }?,
   attribute type
    | "dvpp:lgOctave"
    | "dvpp:lgOctaveOttava"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrain"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainBallad"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainCouplets"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainEnglish"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainHymn"
    | "dvpp:lgQuatrainTennysonian"
    | "dvpp:lgQuintain"
    | "dvpp:lgSeptet"
    | "dvpp:lgSestet"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnet"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnetHybrid"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnetPetrarchan"
    | "dvpp:lgSonnetShakespearean"
    | "dvpp:lgSpenserian"
    | "dvpp:lgTercet"
    | "dvpp:lgUnclassified"
      ( tei_model.divTop | )*,
       | tei_model.stageLike
       | tei_model.labelLike
       | tei_model.pPart.transcriptional
       | tei_lg
       | tei_model.stageLike
       | tei_model.labelLike
       | tei_model.pPart.transcriptional
       | tei_lg
      ( tei_model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.129 <licence>

<licence> contains information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
header: availability
linking: annotation
May contain

A <licence> element should be supplied for each licence agreement applicable to the text in question. The target attribute may be used to reference a full version of the licence. The when, notBefore, notAfter, from or to attributes may be used in combination to indicate the date or dates of applicability of the licence.

<licence target=""> Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand Licence </licence>
<availability>  <licence target=""   notBefore="2013-01-01">   <p>The Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Licence      applies to this document.</p>   <p>The licence was added on January 1, 2013.</p>  </licence> </availability>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element licence
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.131 <linkGrp>

<linkGrp> (link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links. [16.1. Links]
Module linking
ana (The category of the linkGrp) The @ana attribute is used to categorize the relationship among a collection of linked poems.
Status Required
Legal values are:
(Consecutive poems) Poems published consecutively in a single issue (or, for literary annuals, a single volume) sharing the same page, but without any linked title or numbering.
(Linked as a series) Poems in an overtly linked series. Note that, to avoid confusing proliferation, we encode the largest set of linked groups for a poem series. For example, in the case of a set of poems published across nonconsecutive issues, we do not create linked groups for any subset of poems that are published in consecutive issues.
(Linked as a series in consecutive issues) Poems which are in a linked series in consecutive periodical issues (or, for literary annuals, in consecutive volumes), where there are no interruptions between issues.
(Linked as a series in non-consecutive issues) Poems which are in a linked series in periodical issues (or, for literary annuals, in volumes) which have at least one interruption between issues.
(Linked as a series in the same issue) Poems which are in a linked series in the same periodical issue, where the series does not continue beyond the issue.
(Multi-part poem) A single multi-part poem, by a single author and published in instalments over more than one issue (or, for literary annuals, more than one volume). Note the difference from an overtly linked series of separate poems. These are often narrative poem instalments.
(Poetic replies) Poems which give rise to poetic responses and the responses to them.
(The same poem published more than once) Duplicate poems of various types.
(Translations of the same poem) Translations of the same source poem.
(Quoted in the same prose item) Poems which are quoted in the same prose contribution.
(Subcollection) A series of poems gathered together to form a curated subcollection.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc ptr
linking: link

May contain one or more <link> or <ptr> elements.

A web or link group is an administrative convenience, which should be used to collect a set of links together for any purpose, not simply to supply a default value for the type attribute.

<linkGrp type="translation">  <link target="#CCS1 #SW1"/>  <link target="#CCS2 #SW2"/>  <link target="#CCS #SW"/> </linkGrp> <div type="volumexml:id="CCS"  xml:lang="fr">  <p>   <s xml:id="CCS1">Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure.</s>   <s xml:id="CCS2">Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n'avais pas le temps de me dire : "Je m'endors."</s>  </p> <!-- ... --> </div> <div type="volumexml:id="SWxml:lang="en">  <p>   <s xml:id="SW1">For a long time I used to go to bed early.</s>   <s xml:id="SW2">Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep."</s>  </p> <!-- ... --> </div>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.descLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="link"/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
Schema Declaration
element linkGrp
   attribute ana
    | "dvpp:lkLinkedSeries"
    | "dvpp:lkLinkedSeriesConsecutiveIssues"
    | "dvpp:lkLinkedSeriesNonConsecutiveIssues"
    | "dvpp:lkLinkedSeriesSameIssue"
    | "dvpp:lkPoemInstallments"
    | "dvpp:lkPoeticReplies"
    | "dvpp:lkSamePoem"
    | "dvpp:lkSamePoemTranslations"
    | "dvpp:lkSameProseItem"
    | "dvpp:lkSubcollection"
   ( tei_model.descLike*, ( tei_link | tei_ptr )+ )

Appendix A.1.132 <list>

<list> (list) contains any sequence of items organized as a list. [3.8. Lists]
Module core
type (type) describes the nature of the items in the list.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Previous versions of these Guidelines recommended the use of type on <list> to encode the rendering or appearance of a list (whether it was bulleted, numbered, etc.). The current recommendation is to use the rend or style attributes for these aspects of a list, while using type for the more appropriate task of characterizing the nature of the content of a list.

The formal syntax of the element declarations allows <label> tags to be omitted from lists tagged <list type="gloss">; this is however a semantic error.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

May contain an optional heading followed by a series of items, or a series of label and item pairs, the latter being optionally preceded by one or two specialized headings.

<list rend="numbered">  <item>a butcher</item>  <item>a baker</item>  <item>a candlestick maker, with  <list rend="bulleted">    <item>rings on his fingers</item>    <item>bells on his toes</item>   </list>  </item> </list>
<list type="syllogismrend="bulleted">  <item>All Cretans are liars.</item>  <item>Epimenides is a Cretan.</item>  <item>ERGO Epimenides is a liar.</item> </list>
<list type="litanyrend="simple">  <item>God save us from drought.</item>  <item>God save us from pestilence.</item>  <item>God save us from wickedness in high places.</item>  <item>Praise be to God.</item> </list>
Example The following example treats the short numbered clauses of Anglo-Saxon legal codes as lists of items. The text is from an ordinance of King Athelstan (924–939):
<div1 type="section">  <head>Athelstan's Ordinance</head>  <list rend="numbered">   <item n="1">Concerning thieves. First, that no thief is to be spared who is caught with      the stolen goods, [if he is] over twelve years and [if the value of the goods is] over      eightpence.   <list rend="numbered">     <item n="1.1">And if anyone does spare one, he is to pay for the thief with his          wergild — and the thief is to be no nearer a settlement on that account — or to          clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>     <item n="1.2">If, however, he [the thief] wishes to defend himself or to escape, he is          not to be spared [whether younger or older than twelve].</item>     <item n="1.3">If a thief is put into prison, he is to be in prison 40 days, and he may          then be redeemed with 120 shillings; and the kindred are to stand surety for him          that he will desist for ever.</item>     <item n="1.4">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,          or to bring him back there.</item>     <item n="1.5">And if he steals after that, they are to pay for him with his wergild,          whether to the king or to him to whom it rightly belongs; and everyone of those who          supported him is to pay 120 shillings to the king as a fine.</item>    </list>   </item>   <item n="2">Concerning lordless men. And we pronounced about these lordless men, from whom      no justice can be obtained, that one should order their kindred to fetch back such a      person to justice and to find him a lord in public meeting.   <list rend="numbered">     <item n="2.1">And if they then will not, or cannot, produce him on that appointed day,          he is then to be a fugitive afterwards, and he who encounters him is to strike him          down as a thief.</item>     <item n="2.2">And he who harbours him after that, is to pay for him with his wergild          or to clear himself by an oath of that amount.</item>    </list>   </item>   <item n="3">Concerning the refusal of justice. The lord who refuses justice and upholds      his guilty man, so that the king is appealed to, is to repay the value of the goods and      120 shillings to the king; and he who appeals to the king before he demands justice as      often as he ought, is to pay the same fine as the other would have done, if he had      refused him justice.   <list rend="numbered">     <item n="3.1">And the lord who is an accessory to a theft by his slave, and it becomes          known about him, is to forfeit the slave and be liable to his wergild on the first          occasionp if he does it more often, he is to be liable to pay all that he owns.</item>     <item n="3.2">And likewise any of the king's treasurers or of our reeves, who has been          an accessory of thieves who have committed theft, is to liable to the same.</item>    </list>   </item>   <item n="4">Concerning treachery to a lord. And we have pronounced concerning treachery to      a lord, that he [who is accused] is to forfeit his life if he cannot deny it or is      afterwards convicted at the three-fold ordeal.</item>  </list> </div1>
Note that nested lists have been used so the tagging mirrors the structure indicated by the two-level numbering of the clauses. The clauses could have been treated as a one-level list with irregular numbering, if desired.
<p>These decrees, most blessed Pope Hadrian, we propounded in the public council ... and they confirmed them in our hand in your stead with the sign of the Holy Cross, and afterwards inscribed with a careful pen on the paper of this page, affixing thus the sign of the Holy Cross. <list rend="simple">   <item>I, Eanbald, by the grace of God archbishop of the holy church of York, have      subscribed to the pious and catholic validity of this document with the sign of the Holy      Cross.</item>   <item>I, Ælfwold, king of the people across the Humber, consenting have subscribed with      the sign of the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Tilberht, prelate of the church of Hexham, rejoicing have subscribed with the      sign of the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Higbald, bishop of the church of Lindisfarne, obeying have subscribed with the      sign of the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Ethelbert, bishop of Candida Casa, suppliant, have subscribed with thef sign of      the Holy Cross.</item>   <item>I, Ealdwulf, bishop of the church of Mayo, have subscribed with devout will.</item>   <item>I, Æthelwine, bishop, have subscribed through delegates.</item>   <item>I, Sicga, patrician, have subscribed with serene mind with the sign of the Holy      Cross.</item>  </list> </p>
<sch:rule context="tei:list[@type='gloss']"> <sch:assert test="tei:label">The content of a "gloss" list should include a sequence of one or more pairs of a label element followed by an item element</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divTop"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="item"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <elementRef key="headLabel"
    <elementRef key="headItem"
    <sequence minOccurs="1"
     <elementRef key="label"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <elementRef key="item"/>
     <classRef key=""
      minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element list
   attribute type { text }?,
      ( tei_model.divTop | | tei_desc* )*,
         ( tei_item,* )+
       | (
            ( tei_label,*, tei_item,* )+
      ( tei_model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.133 <listAnnotation>

<listAnnotation> contains a list of annotations, typically encoded as <annotation>, <annotationBlock>, or <note>, possibly organized with nested <listAnnotation> elements. [16.10. The standOff Container]
Module linking
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The enclosed annotations may use the general-purpose <note> element; or, for annotations pertaining to transcriptions of speech, the special-purpose <annotationBlock> element; or the <annotation> element, which is intended to map cleanly onto the Web Annotation Data Model.

<standOff>  <listAnnotation>   <note target="#RotAM.4.15place="margin"    resp="#STCtype="gloss"> The spell begins to      break </note>   <note target="#RotAM.4.15place="bottom"    resp="#JLL"> The turning point of the poem...   </note>  </listAnnotation> </standOff> <!-- ... --> <lg xml:id="RotAM.4.15rhyme="ABCB">  <l>The self-same moment I could pray;</l>  <l>And from my neck so free</l>  <l>The albatross fell off, and sank</l>  <l>Like lead into the sea.</l> </lg>
<listAnnotation>  <annotationBlock corresp="#u1">   <spanGrp type="pos">    <span from="#e14.w1to="#e14.w1">CONJ</span>    <span from="#e14.w2to="#e14.w2">RELPRO</span>    <span from="#e14.w3to="#e14.w3">V</span>   </spanGrp>   <spanGrp type="prosody">    <span from="#T0to="#T1">faster</span>   </spanGrp>  </annotationBlock> <!-- ... annotationBlocks for #u2 through #u27 here --> </listAnnotation>
<listAnnotation>  <annotation xml:id="bgann1"   motivation="commenting"   target="#match(bg-c1p1s1,'Gallia.*omnis')">   <respStmt>    <resp>creator</resp>    <persName>Francis Kelsey</persName>   </respStmt>   <note>‘Gaul as a whole,’ contrasted with Gaul in the narrower sense, or Celtic Gaul; Celtic Gaul also is often called Gallia.</note>  </annotation>  <annotation xml:id="bgann2"   motivation="commenting"   target="#match(bg-c1p1s1,'Gallia.*divisa')">   <respStmt>    <resp>creator</resp>    <persName>Rice Holmes</persName>   </respStmt>   <note>Gallia...divisa: Notice the order of the words. ‘Gaul, taken as a whole, is divided’.</note>  </annotation>  <annotation xml:id="bgann3"   motivation="commentingtarget="#match(bg-c1p1s1,'Belgae')">   <respStmt>    <resp>creator</resp>    <persName>Arthur Tappan Walker</persName>   </respStmt>   <note>Belgae -arum m., the Belgae or Belgians</note>  </annotation>  <annotation xml:id="bgann4"   motivation="commentingtarget="#match(bg-c1p1s1,'Aquitani')">   <respStmt>    <resp>creator</resp>    <persName>Arthur Tappan Walker</persName>   </respStmt>   <note>Aquitani, -orum m.: the Aquitani, inhabiting southwestern Gaul</note>  </annotation>  <annotation xml:id="bgann5"   motivation="commentingtarget="#match(bg-c1p1s1,'Celtae')">   <respStmt>    <resp>creator</resp>    <persName>Arthur Tappan Walker</persName>   </respStmt>   <note>Celtae, -arum m: the Celtae or Celts</note>  </annotation>  <annotation xml:id="bgann6"   motivation="commenting"   target="#match(bg-c1p1s2,'Gallos(.|\n)*dividit')">   <respStmt>    <resp>creator</resp>    <persName>William Francis Allen</persName>    <persName>Joseph Henry Allen</persName>    <persName>Harry Pratt Judson</persName>   </respStmt>   <note>the verb is singular, because the two rivers make one boundary; as we should say,      ‘is divided by the line of the Seine and Marne.’</note>  </annotation> </listAnnotation> <!-- Elsewhere in the document --> <text>  <body>   <div type="edition">    <div type="textpartsubtype="chapter"     n="1xml:id="bg-c1">     <p n="1xml:id="bg-c1p1">      <seg n="1xml:id="bg-c1p1s1">Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam            Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur.</seg>      <seg n="2xml:id="bg-c1p1s2">Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis            Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit.</seg> <!-- ... -->     </p>    </div>   </div>  </body> </text>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.labelLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.annotationLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listAnnotation"/>
Schema Declaration
element listAnnotation
      ( tei_model.annotationLike | tei_listAnnotation )+

Appendix A.1.134 <listBibl>

<listBibl> (citation list) contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind. [3.12.1. Methods of Encoding Bibliographic References and Lists of References 2.2.7. The Source Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
header: biblFull
linking: anchor
msdescription: msDesc
transcr: fw
<listBibl>  <head>Works consulted</head>  <bibl>Blain, Clements and Grundy: Feminist Companion to    Literature in English (Yale, 1990)  </bibl>  <biblStruct>   <analytic>    <title>The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>   </analytic>   <monogr>    <title>The Penny Histories</title>    <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>    <imprint>     <publisher>OUP</publisher>     <date>1968</date>    </imprint>   </monogr>  </biblStruct> </listBibl>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
   <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="listRelation"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="relation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listRelation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element listBibl
      ( tei_model.milestoneLike | tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*,
         ( tei_model.milestoneLike | tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.135 <listEvent>

<listEvent> (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event. [13.3.1. Basic Principles]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<listEvent>  <head>Battles of the American Civil War: Kentucky</head>  <event xml:id="event01when="1861-09-19">   <label>Barbourville</label>   <desc>The Battle of Barbourville was one of the early engagements of      the American Civil War. It occurred September 19, 1861, in Knox      County, Kentucky during the campaign known as the Kentucky Confederate      Offensive. The battle is considered the first Confederate victory in      the commonwealth, and threw a scare into Federal commanders, who      rushed troops to central Kentucky in an effort to repel the invasion,      which was finally thwarted at the <ref target="#event02">Battle of        Camp Wildcat</ref> in October.</desc>  </event>  <event xml:id="event02when="1861-10-21">   <label>Camp Wild Cat</label>   <desc>The Battle of Camp Wildcat (also known as Wildcat Mountain and Camp      Wild Cat) was one of the early engagements of the American Civil      War. It occurred October 21, 1861, in northern Laurel County, Kentucky      during the campaign known as the Kentucky Confederate Offensive. The      battle is considered one of the very first Union victories, and marked      the first engagement of troops in the commonwealth of Kentucky.</desc>  </event>  <event xml:id="event03from="1864-06-11"   to="1864-06-12">   <label>Cynthiana</label>   <desc>The Battle of Cynthiana (or Kellar’s Bridge) was an engagement      during the American Civil War that was fought on June 11 and 12, 1864,      in Harrison County, Kentucky, near the town of Cynthiana. A part of      Confederate Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan's 1864 Raid into      Kentucky, the battle resulted in a victory by Union forces over the      raiders and saved the town from capture.</desc>  </event> </listEvent>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="listRelation"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.eventLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="relation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listRelation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element listEvent
      ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*,
      ( tei_model.eventLike+, ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )* )+

Appendix A.1.136 <listObject>

<listObject> (list of objects) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable physical object. [13.3.6. Objects]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The type attribute may be used to distinguish different types of objects.

<listObject>  <object xml:id="AlfredJewel">   <objectIdentifier>    <country>United Kingdom</country>    <region>Oxfordshire</region>    <settlement>Oxford</settlement>    <institution>University of Oxford</institution>    <repository>Ashmolean Museum</repository>    <collection>English Treasures</collection>    <idno type="ashmolean">AN1836p.135.371</idno>    <idno type="wikipedia"></idno>    <objectName>Alfred Jewel</objectName>   </objectIdentifier>   <physDesc>    <p> The Alfred Jewel is about 6.4 cm in length and is made of combination of filigreed <material>gold</material>        surrounding a polished teardrop shaped piece of transparent <material>quartz</material>. Underneath the rock crystal        is a cloisonné enamel image of a man with ecclesiastical symbols. The sides of the jewel holding the crystal in        place contain an openwork inscription saying "AELFRED MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN", meaning 'Alfred ordered me made'. </p>   </physDesc>   <history>    <origin>It is generally accepted that the Alfred Jewel dates from the <origDate>late 9th Century</origDate> and was        most likely made in <origPlace>England</origPlace>. </origin>    <provenance when="1693">The jewel was discovered in 1693 at Petherton Park, North Petherton in the English county of        Somerset, on land owned by Sir Thomas Wroth. North Petherton is about 8 miles away from Athelney, where King Alfred        founded a monastery. </provenance>    <provenance when="1698">A description of the Alfred Jewel was first published in 1698, in the Philosophical        Transactions of the Royal Society.</provenance>    <acquisition> It was bequeathed to Oxford University by Colonel Nathaniel Palmer (c. 1661-1718) and today is in the        Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. </acquisition>   </history>  </object> </listObject>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="listRelation"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.objectLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="relation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listRelation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element listObject
      ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*,
      ( tei_model.objectLike+, ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )* )+

Appendix A.1.137 <listOrg>

<listOrg> (list of organizations) contains a list of elements, each of which provides information about an identifiable organization. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of organizations of a particular type if convenient.

<listOrg>  <head>Libyans</head>  <org>   <orgName>Adyrmachidae</orgName>   <desc>These people have, in most points, the same customs as the Egyptians, but      use the costume of the Libyans. Their women wear on each leg a ring made of      bronze [...]</desc>  </org>  <org>   <orgName>Nasamonians</orgName>   <desc>In summer they leave their flocks and herds upon the sea-shore, and go up      the country to a place called Augila, where they gather the dates from the      palms [...]</desc>  </org>  <org>   <orgName>Garamantians</orgName>   <desc>[...] avoid all society or intercourse with their fellow-men, have no      weapon of war, and do not know how to defend themselves. [...]</desc> <!-- ... -->  </org> </listOrg>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="listRelation"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <alternate minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="org" minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="listOrg" minOccurs="1"
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="relation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listRelation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element listOrg
      ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*,
      ( ( tei_org | tei_listOrg )+, ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )* )+

Appendix A.1.138 <listPerson>

<listPerson> (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable person or a group of people, for example the participants in a language interaction, or the people referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2. Contextual Information 2.4. The Profile Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of people of a particular type if convenient.

<listPerson type="respondents">  <personGrp xml:id="PXXX"/>  <person xml:id="P1234sex="2age="mid"/>  <person xml:id="P4332sex="1age="mid"/>  <listRelation>   <relation type="personalname="spouse"    mutual="#P1234 #P4332"/>  </listRelation> </listPerson>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="listRelation"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <alternate minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.personLike"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listPerson"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="relation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listRelation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPerson
      ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*,
         ( tei_model.personLike | tei_listPerson )+,
         ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.139 <listPlace>

<listPlace> (list of places) contains a list of places, optionally followed by a list of relationships (other than containment) defined amongst them. [2.2.7. The Source Description 13.3.4. Places]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<listPlace type="offshoreIslands">  <place>   <placeName>La roche qui pleure</placeName>  </place>  <place>   <placeName>Ile aux cerfs</placeName>  </place> </listPlace>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="listRelation"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <alternate minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.placeLike"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listPlace"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="relation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listRelation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPlace
      ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*,
         ( tei_model.placeLike | tei_listPlace )+,
         ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*

Appendix A.1.140 <listPrefixDef>

<listPrefixDef> (list of prefix definitions) contains a list of definitions of prefixing schemes used in teidata.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using each scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc
Example In this example, two private URI scheme prefixes are defined and patterns are provided for dereferencing them. Each prefix is also supplied with a human-readable explanation in a <p> element.
<listPrefixDef>  <prefixDef ident="psn"   matchPattern="([A-Z]+)"   replacementPattern="personography.xml#$1">   <p> Private URIs using the <code>psn</code>      prefix are pointers to <gi>person</gi>      elements in the personography.xml file.      For example, <code>psn:MDH</code>      dereferences to <code>personography.xml#MDH</code>.   </p>  </prefixDef>  <prefixDef ident="bibl"   matchPattern="([a-z]+[a-z0-9]*)"   replacementPattern="$1">   <p> Private URIs using the <code>bibl</code> prefix can be      expanded to form URIs which retrieve the relevant      bibliographical reference from   </p>  </prefixDef> </listPrefixDef>
Content model
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="prefixDef"/>
   <elementRef key="listPrefixDef"/>
Schema Declaration
element listPrefixDef
   ( tei_desc*, ( tei_prefixDef | tei_listPrefixDef )+ )

Appendix A.1.141 <listRelation>

<listRelation> provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links. [ Personal Relationships]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc head p
linking: ab

May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a sequence of <relation> elements.

<listPerson>  <person xml:id="pp1"> <!-- data about person pp1 -->  </person>  <person xml:id="pp2"> <!-- data about person pp1 -->  </person> <!-- more person (pp3, pp4) elements here -->  <listRelation type="personal">   <relation name="parent"    active="#pp1 #pp2passive="#pp3 #pp4"/>   <relation name="spouse"    mutual="#pp1 #pp2"/>  </listRelation>  <listRelation type="social">   <relation name="employeractive="#pp1"    passive="#pp3 #pp5 #pp6 #pp7"/>  </listRelation> </listPerson>
The persons with identifiers pp1 and pp2 are the parents of pp3 and pp4; they are also married to each other; pp1 is the employer of pp3, pp5, pp6, and pp7.
<listPerson>  <person xml:id="en_pp1"> <!-- data about person en_pp1 -->  </person>  <person xml:id="en_pp2"> <!-- data about person en_pp2 -->  </person> <!-- more person (en_pp3, en_pp4) elements here --> </listPerson> <listPlace>  <place xml:id="en_pl1"> <!-- data about place en_pl1 -->  </place> <!-- more place (en_pl2, en_pl3) elements here --> </listPlace> <listRelation>  <relation name="residence"   active="#en_pp1 #en_pp2passive="#en_pl1"/> </listRelation>
The persons with identifiers en_pp1 and en_pp2 live in en_pl1.
<listRelation>  <p>All speakers are members of the Ceruli family, born in Naples.</p> </listRelation>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="relation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <elementRef key="listRelation"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Schema Declaration
element listRelation
      ( tei_model.pLike | ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )+ )

Appendix A.1.142 <location>

<location> (location) defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address. [13.3.4. Places]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<place>  <placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>  <location>   <geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>  </location> </place>
<place xml:id="BGbuildingtype="building">  <placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>  <location>   <country key="FR"/>   <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>   <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>   <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>   <placeName type="street">    <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>  </location> </place>
<place type="imaginary">  <placeName>Atlantis</placeName>  <location>   <offset>beyond</offset>   <placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>   </placeName>  </location> </place>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="precision"/>
  <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.placeNamePart"/>
  <classRef key="model.offsetLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.measureLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.addressLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element location
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
    | tei_model.labelLike
    | tei_model.placeNamePart
    | tei_model.offsetLike
    | tei_model.measureLike
    | tei_model.addressLike
    | tei_model.noteLike
    | tei_model.biblLike

Appendix A.1.143 <measure>

<measure> (measure) contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name. [3.6.3. Numbers and Measures]
Module core
type specifies the type of measurement in any convenient typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
unit (unit) indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units.
Derived from att.measurement
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Line-groups or stanzas)
(Poetic lines)
(Speeches (verse drama))
(Length in words)
(Average word length)
(End rhymes)
(Masculine rhymes) Final syllable rhymes exactly; for example, Keats/beets.
(Feminine rhymes) A rhyme that matched two or more syllables, usually at the end of a line. The final syllable(s) is usually unstressed. For example, Shelley/jelly.
(Dactylic rhymes) The last three syllables rhyme, and the stress is on the antepenultimate syllable.
(Half rhymes) Words have similar but not identical sounds.
(Eye rhymes) A visual rhyme where two words are spelled similarly but are pronounced differently.
(Identical rhymes) A case where the rhyming syllable(s) are identical.
(Syllabic rhymes) A case where the last syllable sounds the same, but the syllable is not stressed. For example, invisibly/certainly.
(Cross-stanza rhymes) A case where a line does not rhyme with any other line in its stanza, but clearly rhymes with one or more lines in other stanzas. Must be combined with one of the other rhyme type values.
(Internal rhyme) An instance of overt and obvious rhyme within a single line or across lines, with two words rhyming together.
(Anaphora) A sonic device in which the first component of a segment is repeated: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”. Minor variation may occur between repetitions.
(Epistrophe) A sonic device in which the last component of a segment is repeated: “…government of the people, by the people, for the people…”. Minor variation may occur between repetitions.
(Refrain) A sonic device in which a phrase, partial line, whole line, or multiple lines in a stanza or a sub-stanza is repeated, sometimes with minor variation, across multiple stanzas.
(Sonic device variant) An additional specifier to be combined with one of the sonic device types to specify that the repetition is not identical but a variant of the original instance.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example This example references a definition of a measurement unit declared in the TEI header:
<measure type="weight">  <num>2</num> pounds of flesh </measure> <measure type="currency">£10-11-6d</measure> <measure type="areaunitRef="#merk">2 <unit>merks</unit> of old extent</measure> <!-- In the TEI Header: --> <encodingDesc>  <unitDecl>   <unitDef xml:id="merktype="area">    <label>merk</label>    <placeName ref="#Scotland"/>    <desc>A merk was an area of land determined variably by its agricultural        productivity.</desc>   </unitDef>  </unitDecl> </encodingDesc>
<measure quantity="40unit="hogshead"  commodity="rum">2 score hh rum</measure> <measure quantity="12unit="count"  commodity="roses">1 doz. roses</measure> <measure quantity="1unit="count"  commodity="tulips">a yellow tulip</measure>
<head>Long papers.</head> <p>Speakers will be given 30 minutes each: 20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for discussion. Proposals should not exceed <measure max="500unit="count"   commodity="words">500    words</measure>. This presentation type is suitable for substantial research, theoretical or critical discussions.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element measure
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute unit
    | "lines"
    | "speeches"
    | "words"
    | "averageWordLength"
    | "rhymes"
    | "rhymeMasculine"
    | "rhymeFeminine"
    | "rhymeDactylic"
    | "rhymeHalf"
    | "rhymeEye"
    | "rhymeIdentical"
    | "rhymeSyllabic"
    | "rhymeCrossStanza"
    | "sdInRhyme"
    | "sdAnaphora"
    | "sdEpistrophe"
    | "sdRefrain"
    | "sdVariant"

Appendix A.1.144 <measureGrp>

<measureGrp> (measure group) contains a group of dimensional specifications which relate to the same object, for example the height and width of a manuscript page. [10.3.4. Dimensions]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
character data
<measureGrp type="leavesunit="mm">  <height scope="range">157-160</height>  <width quantity="105"/> </measureGrp> <measureGrp type="ruledAreaunit="mm">  <height scope="mostquantity="90"/>  <width scope="mostquantity="48"/> </measureGrp> <measureGrp type="boxunit="in">  <height quantity="12"/>  <width quantity="10"/>  <depth quantity="6"/> </measureGrp>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.measureLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element measureGrp
   ( text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.measureLike )*

Appendix A.1.145 <media>

<media> indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc. [3.10. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components]
Module core
mimeType (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
Derived from att.internetMedia
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc

The attributes available for this element are not appropriate in all cases. For example, it makes no sense to specify the temporal duration of a graphic. Such errors are not currently detected.

The mimeType attribute must be used to specify the MIME media type of the resource specified by the url attribute.

<figure>  <media mimeType="image/pngurl="fig1.png"/>  <head>Figure One: The View from the Bridge</head>  <figDesc>A Whistleresque view showing four or five sailing boats in the foreground, and a    series of buoys strung out between them.</figDesc> </figure>
<media mimeType="audio/wav"  url="dingDong.wavdur="PT10S">  <desc>Ten seconds of bellringing sound</desc> </media>
<media mimeType="video/mp4"  url="clip45.mp4dur="PT45Mwidth="500px">  <desc>A 45 minute video clip to be displayed in a window 500    px wide</desc> </media>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.descLike"
  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element media
   attribute mimeType { list { + } },

Appendix A.1.146 <meeting>

<meeting> contains the formalized descriptive title for a meeting or conference, for use in a bibliographic description for an item derived from such a meeting, or as a heading or preamble to publications emanating from it. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors]
Module core
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
drama: castList
figures: figure table
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: body div front group
May contain
<div>  <meeting>Ninth International Conference on Middle High German Textual Criticism, Aachen,    June 1998.</meeting>  <list type="attendance">   <head>List of Participants</head>   <item>    <persName>...</persName>   </item>   <item>    <persName>...</persName>   </item> <!--...-->  </list>  <p>...</p> </div>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element meeting
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.147 <mentioned>

<mentioned> marks words or phrases mentioned, not used. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
There is thus a striking accentual difference between a verbal form like <mentioned xml:id="X234xml:lang="el">eluthemen</mentioned> <gloss target="#X234">we were released,</gloss> accented on the second syllable of the word, and its participial derivative <mentioned xml:id="X235xml:lang="el">lutheis</mentioned> <gloss target="#X235">released,</gloss> accented on the last.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element mentioned {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.148 <metDecl>

<metDecl> (metrical notation declaration) documents the notation employed to represent a metrical pattern when this is specified as the value of a met, real, or rhyme attribute on any structural element of a metrical text (e.g. <lg>, <l>, or <seg>). [6.6. Metrical Notation Declaration 6.4. Rhyme and Metrical Analysis]
Module verse
type indicates whether the notation conveys the abstract metrical form, its actual prosodic realization, or the rhyme scheme, or some combination thereof.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–3 occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
(met attribute) declaration applies to the abstract metrical form recorded on the met attribute
(real attribute) declaration applies to the actual realization of the conventional metrical structure recorded on the real attribute
declaration applies to the rhyme scheme recorded on the rhyme attribute

By default, the <metDecl> element documents the notation used for metrical pattern and realization. It may also be used to document the notation used for rhyme scheme information; if not otherwise documented, the rhyme scheme notation defaults to the traditional ‘abab’ notation.

pattern (regular expression pattern) specifies a regular expression defining any value that is legal for this notation.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pattern

The value must be a valid regular expression per the World Wide Web Consortium's XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, Appendix F.

Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
core: note noteGrp p
linking: ab
verse: metSym

The encoder may choose whether to define the notation formally or informally. However, the two methods may not be mixed. That is, <metDecl> may contain either a sequence of <metSym> elements or, alternately, a series of paragraphs or other components. If the pattern attribute is specified and <metSym> elements are used, then all the codes appearing within the pattern attribute should be documented.

Only usable within the header if the verse module is used.

<metDecl xml:id="iptype="met"  pattern="((SU|US)USUSUSUS/)">  <metSym value="S">stressed syllable</metSym>  <metSym value="U">unstressed syllable</metSym>  <metSym value="/">metrical line boundary</metSym> </metDecl>
This example is intended for the far more restricted case typified by the Shakespearean iambic pentameter. Only metrical patterns containing exactly ten syllables, alternately stressed and unstressed, (except for the first two which may be in either order) to each metrical line can be expressed using this notation.
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
  <elementRef key="metSym" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element metDecl
   attribute type
         ( "met" | "real" | "rhyme" ),
         ( "met" | "real" | "rhyme" )?,
         ( "met" | "real" | "rhyme" )?
   attribute pattern { text }?,
   ( ( tei_model.pLike | tei_model.noteLike )+ | tei_metSym+ )

Appendix A.1.149 <metSym>

<metSym> (metrical notation symbol) documents the intended significance of a particular character or character sequence within a metrical notation, either explicitly or in terms of other <metSym> elements in the same <metDecl>. [6.6. Metrical Notation Declaration]
Module verse
value specifies the character or character sequence being documented.
Status Required
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
terminal specifies whether the symbol is defined in terms of other symbols (terminal is set to false) or in prose (terminal is set to true).
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Default true

The value true indicates that the element contains a prose definition of its meaning; the value false indicates that the element contains a definition of its meaning given using symbols defined elsewhere in the same <metDecl> element.

Contained by
verse: metDecl
May contain
<metSym value="x">a stressed syllable</metSym> <metSym value="o">an unstressed syllable</metSym> <metSym value="Aterminal="false">xoo</metSym>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element metSym
   attribute value { list { + } },
   attribute terminal { text }?,

Appendix A.1.150 <metamark>

<metamark> contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ Metamarks]
Module transcr
function describes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the metamark.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
target identifies one or more elements to which the metamark applies.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<surface>  <metamark function="usedrend="line"   target="#X2"/>  <zone xml:id="zone-X2">   <line>I am that halfgrown <add>angry</add> boy, fallen asleep</line>   <line>The tears of foolish passion yet undried</line>   <line>upon my cheeks.</line> <!-- ... -->   <line>I pass through <add>the</add> travels and <del>fortunes</del> of   <retrace>thirty</retrace>   </line>   <line>years and become old,</line>   <line>Each in its due order comes and goes,</line>   <line>And thus a message for me comes.</line>   <line>The</line>  </zone>  <metamark function="used"   target="#zone-X2">Entered - Yes</metamark> </surface>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element metamark
   attribute function { text }?,
   attribute target { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.151 <milestone>

<milestone> (milestone) marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements]
Module core
unit provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Omitted section or suggested omission) When the milestone represents the elision of material, or suggest (perhaps satirically) that material has been omitted.
(Break between cantos or major sections in a long poem) In the case of a long poem with obvious typographical section divisions, use this.
(Break between poems in a cycle) When a single file contains a cycle of poems, and these poems have some kind of typographical division, use this.
(Break between sections in prose) When encoding prose, if there is a typographical signal of a break between sections, use this.
(Change from one speaker to another) When there is a typographical signal showing transition from one speaker to another, use this.
(Break between stanzas) Where there is a typographical symbol or figure showing the break between stanzas, use this.
(Break between different types of content) When, for example, some introductory material precedes a poem, and there is a line between that material and the poem itself, use this.
<milestone type="line"  unit="section"  style="width: 80%;"/>
type (The typographical nature of the milestone (such as a horizontal line).) We use <milestone> when there is a typographical symbol or ornament which signals a break between units in the text.
Status Required
Legal values are:
(A horizontal line) A horizontal line across the page. By default, this is assumed to be centred, and to fill the whole width of the containing block. Use the style attribute to override these settings if you need to.
(A line of asterisks) A horizontal sequence of asterisks serving as a divider.
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

For this element, the global n attribute indicates the new number or other value for the unit which changes at this milestone. The special value unnumbered should be used in passages which fall outside the normal numbering scheme, such as chapter or other headings, poem numbers or titles, etc.

The order in which <milestone> elements are given at a given point is not normally significant.

<milestone n="23ed="Launit="Dreissiger"/> ... <milestone n="24ed="AVunit="verse"/> ...
<sch:rule context="tei:milestone[@type='asteriskLine']"> <sch:assert test="@n"> ERROR: if you add @type="asteriskLine", you must provide @n as well, to specify how many asterisks are in the line. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element milestone
   attribute unit
    | "canto"
    | "poem"
    | "section"
    | "speaker"
    | "stanza"
    | "transition"
   attribute type { "line" | "asteriskLine" },

Appendix A.1.152 <monogr>

<monogr> (monographic level) contains bibliographic elements describing an item (e.g. a book or journal) published as an independent item (i.e. as a separate physical object). [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels]
Module core
Contained by
May contain

May contain specialized bibliographic elements, in a prescribed order.

The <monogr> element may only occur only within a <biblStruct>, where its use is mandatory for the description of a monographic-level bibliographic item.

<biblStruct>  <analytic>   <author>Chesnutt, David</author>   <title>Historical Editions in the States</title>  </analytic>  <monogr>   <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</title>   <imprint>    <date when="1991-12">(December, 1991):</date>   </imprint>   <biblScope>25.6</biblScope>   <biblScope unit="pagefrom="377to="380">377–380</biblScope>  </monogr> </biblStruct>
<biblStruct type="book">  <monogr>   <author>    <persName>     <forename>Leo Joachim</forename>     <surname>Frachtenberg</surname>    </persName>   </author>   <title type="mainlevel="m">Lower Umpqua Texts</title>   <imprint>    <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>    <publisher>Columbia University Press</publisher>    <date>1914</date>   </imprint>  </monogr>  <series>   <title type="mainlevel="s">Columbia University Contributions to      Anthropology</title>   <biblScope unit="volume">4</biblScope>  </series> </biblStruct>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0">
     <elementRef key="author"/>
     <elementRef key="editor"/>
     <elementRef key="meeting"/>
     <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <elementRef key="author"/>
     <elementRef key="editor"/>
     <elementRef key="meeting"/>
     <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
    <elementRef key="title" minOccurs="1"
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
     <elementRef key="idno"/>
     <elementRef key="textLang"/>
     <elementRef key="editor"/>
     <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="1"
     <elementRef key="title"/>
     <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
     <elementRef key="idno"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <elementRef key="textLang"/>
     <elementRef key="author"/>
     <elementRef key="editor"/>
     <elementRef key="meeting"/>
     <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
    <elementRef key="authority"/>
    <elementRef key="idno"/>
  <elementRef key="availability"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.noteLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="edition"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="idno"/>
    <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
    <elementRef key="editor"/>
    <elementRef key="sponsor"/>
    <elementRef key="funder"/>
    <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
  <elementRef key="imprint"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="imprint"/>
   <elementRef key="extent"/>
   <elementRef key="biblScope"/>
Schema Declaration
element monogr
            ( tei_author | tei_editor | tei_meeting | tei_respStmt ),
            ( tei_author | tei_editor | tei_meeting | tei_respStmt )*,
             | tei_idno
             | tei_textLang
             | tei_editor
             | tei_respStmt
       | (
            ( tei_title | tei_model.ptrLike | tei_idno )+,
             | tei_author
             | tei_editor
             | tei_meeting
             | tei_respStmt
       | ( tei_authority, tei_idno )
          | tei_model.ptrLike
          | tei_editor
          | tei_sponsor
          | tei_funder
          | tei_respStmt
      ( tei_imprint | tei_extent | tei_biblScope )*

Appendix A.1.153 <msContents>

<msContents> (manuscript contents) describes the intellectual content of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object either as a series of paragraphs or as a series of structured manuscript items. [10.6. Intellectual Content]
Module msdescription
Contained by
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: object
May contain
core: p textLang
linking: ab
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: titlePage

Unless it contains a simple prose description, this element should contain at least one of the elements <summary>, <msItem>, or <msItemStruct>. This constraint is not currently enforced by the schema.

<msContents class="#sermons">  <p>A collection of Lollard sermons</p> </msContents>
<msContents>  <msItem n="1">   <locus>fols. 5r-7v</locus>   <title>An ABC</title>   <bibl>    <title>IMEV</title>    <biblScope>239</biblScope>   </bibl>  </msItem>  <msItem n="2">   <locus>fols. 7v-8v</locus>   <title xml:lang="frm">Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan</title>   <bibl>    <title>IMEV</title>    <biblScope>3747</biblScope>   </bibl>  </msItem>  <msItem n="3">   <locus>fol. 8v</locus>   <title>Truth</title>   <bibl>    <title>IMEV</title>    <biblScope>809</biblScope>   </bibl>  </msItem>  <msItem n="4">   <locus>fols. 8v-10v</locus>   <title>Birds Praise of Love</title>   <bibl>    <title>IMEV</title>    <biblScope>1506</biblScope>   </bibl>  </msItem>  <msItem n="5">   <locus>fols. 10v-11v</locus>   <title xml:lang="la">De amico ad amicam</title>   <title xml:lang="la">Responcio</title>   <bibl>    <title>IMEV</title>    <biblScope>16 &amp; 19</biblScope>   </bibl>  </msItem>  <msItem n="6">   <locus>fols. 14r-126v</locus>   <title>Troilus and Criseyde</title>   <note>Bk. 1:71-Bk. 5:1701, with additional losses due to mutilation throughout</note>  </msItem> </msContents>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="summary" minOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="textLang" minOccurs="0"/>
   <elementRef key="titlePage"
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="msItem"/>
    <elementRef key="msItemStruct"/>
Schema Declaration
element msContents
    | (
         ( tei_msItem | msItemStruct )*

Appendix A.1.154 <msDesc>

<msDesc> (manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object such as an early printed book. [10.1. Overview]
Module msdescription
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: head p
linking: ab
msdescription: msContents

Although the <msDesc> has primarily been designed with a view to encoding manuscript descriptions, it may also be used for other objects such as early printed books, fascicles, epigraphs, or any text-bearing objects that require substantial description. If an object is not text-bearing or the reasons for describing the object is not primarily the textual content, the more general <object> may be more suitable.

<msDesc>  <msIdentifier>   <settlement>Oxford</settlement>   <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>   <idno type="Bod">MS Poet. Rawl. D. 169.</idno>  </msIdentifier>  <msContents>   <msItem>    <author>Geoffrey Chaucer</author>    <title>The Canterbury Tales</title>   </msItem>  </msContents>  <physDesc>   <objectDesc>    <p>A parchment codex of 136 folios, measuring approx        28 by 19 inches, and containing 24 quires.</p>    <p>The pages are margined and ruled throughout.</p>    <p>Four hands have been identified in the manuscript: the first 44        folios being written in two cursive anglicana scripts, while the        remainder is for the most part in a mixed secretary hand.</p>   </objectDesc>  </physDesc> </msDesc>
<sch:rule context="tei:msContents|tei:physDesc|tei:history|tei:additional"> <sch:let name="gi" value="name(.)"/> <sch:report test="preceding-sibling::*[ name(.) eq $gi ] and not( following-sibling::*[ name(.) eq $gi ] )"> Only one <sch:name/> is allowed as a child of <sch:value-of select="name(..)"/>. </sch:report> </sch:rule>
Content model
  <elementRef key="msIdentifier"/>
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="msContents"/>
    <elementRef key="physDesc"/>
    <elementRef key="history"/>
    <elementRef key="additional"/>
    <elementRef key="msPart"/>
    <elementRef key="msFrag"/>
Schema Declaration
element msDesc
       | ( tei_msContents | physDesc | history | additional | msPart | msFrag )*

Appendix A.1.155 <msItem>

<msItem> (manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. [10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Module msdescription
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msContents msItem
May contain
<msItem class="#saga">  <locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>  <title>Agrip af Noregs konunga sögum</title>  <incipit>regi oc h<ex>ann</ex> setiho  <gap reason="illegibleextent="7"/>sc    heim se<ex>m</ex> þio</incipit>  <explicit>h<ex>on</ex> hev<ex>er</ex>   <ex>oc</ex>þa buit hesta .ij. aNan viþ    fé enh<ex>on</ex>o<ex>m</ex> aNan til    reiþ<ex>ar</ex>  </explicit>  <textLang mainLang="non">Old Norse/Icelandic</textLang> </msItem>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="locus"/>
   <elementRef key="locusGrp"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.titlepagePart"/>
    <classRef key="model.msItemPart"/>
    <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element msItem
      ( locus | locusGrp )*,
       | ( tei_model.titlepagePart | tei_model.msItemPart | )+

Appendix A.1.156 <name>

<name> (name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase. [3.6.1. Referring Strings]
Module core
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Proper nouns referring to people, places, and organizations may be tagged instead with <persName>, <placeName>, or <orgName>, when the TEI module for names and dates is included.

<name type="person">Thomas Hoccleve</name> <name type="place">Villingaholt</name> <name type="org">Vetus Latina Institut</name> <name type="personref="#HOC001">Occleve</name>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element name
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.158 <namespace>

<namespace> (namespace) supplies the formal name of the namespace to which the elements documented by its children belong. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
Module header
name specifies the full formal name of the namespace concerned.
Status Required
Datatype 0–1 occurrences of teidata.namespace separated by whitespace
Contained by
header: tagsDecl
May contain
header: tagUsage
<namespace name="">  <tagUsage gi="hioccurs="28withId="2"> Used only to mark English words    italicized in the copy text </tagUsage> </namespace>
Content model
 <elementRef key="tagUsage" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element namespace
   attribute name { ? },

Appendix A.1.159 <nationality>

<nationality> (nationality) contains an informal description of a person's present or past nationality or citizenship. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<nationality key="USnotBefore="1966"> Obtained US Citizenship in 1966</nationality>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element nationality
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.160 <normalization>

<normalization> (normalization) indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
method indicates the method adopted to indicate normalizations within the text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
normalization made silently[Default]
normalization represented using markup
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<editorialDecl>  <normalization method="markup">   <p>Where both upper- and lower-case i, j, u, v, and vv have been normalized, to modern      20th century typographical practice, the <gi>choice</gi> element has been used to      enclose <gi>orig</gi> and <gi>reg</gi> elements giving the original and new values      respectively. ... </p>  </normalization>  <normalization method="silent">   <p>Spacing between words and following punctuation has been regularized to zero spaces;      spacing between words has been regularized to one space.</p>  </normalization>  <normalization source="">   <p>Spelling converted throughout to Modern American usage, based on Websters 9th      Collegiate dictionary.</p>  </normalization> </editorialDecl>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element normalization
   attribute method { "silent" | "markup" }?,

Appendix A.1.161 <note>

<note> (note) contains a note or annotation. [3.9.1. Notes and Simple Annotation 2.2.6. The Notes Statement Notes and Statement of Language Notes within Entries]
Module core
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
<sch:rule context="tei:revisionDesc"> <sch:let name="status" value="@status"/> <sch:assert test="$status = 'generated' or (tei:change[@when and contains(., $status) and matches(@who, '^dvpp:prs_ed')])"> revisionDesc must include a change element with @who pointing to an editor (who="dvpp:prs_ed_xxx"), @when showing the date, and a brief description of the change made, including the value from the @status attribute. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Short biographical note.) This is a person's one-paragraph bio to be included on a listing page such as the team About page. The value shortBio should only be used for a note inside a <person> element in the personography. Use <p> elements for multi-paragraph biographical notes.
(Long biographical note.) This is a person's full-length bio to be included on their own site page. The value longBio should only be used for a note inside a <person> element in the personography. Use <p> elements for multi-paragraph biographical notes.
(Editorial note) Editorial notes are supplied by DVPP project team members, and should always be accompanied by a resp attribute specifying who provided the note.
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example In the following example, the translator has supplied a footnote containing an explanation of the term translated as "painterly":
And yet it is not only in the great line of Italian renaissance art, but even in the painterly <note place="bottomtype="gloss"  resp="#MDMH">  <term xml:lang="de">Malerisch</term>. This word has, in the German, two distinct meanings, one objective, a quality residing in the object, the other subjective, a mode of apprehension and creation. To avoid confusion, they have been distinguished in English as <mentioned>picturesque</mentioned> and <mentioned>painterly</mentioned> respectively. </note> style of the Dutch genre painters of the seventeenth century that drapery has this psychological significance. <!-- elsewhere in the document --> <respStmt xml:id="MDMH">  <resp>translation from German to English</resp>  <name>Hottinger, Marie Donald Mackie</name> </respStmt>
For this example to be valid, the code MDMH must be defined elsewhere, for example by means of a responsibility statement in the associated TEI header.
Example The global n attribute may be used to supply the symbol or number used to mark the note's point of attachment in the source text, as in the following example:
Mevorakh b. Saadya's mother, the matriarch of the family during the second half of the eleventh century, <note n="126anchored="true"> The alleged mention of Judah Nagid's mother in a letter from 1071 is, in fact, a reference to Judah's children; cf. above, nn. 111 and 54. </note> is well known from Geniza documents published by Jacob Mann.
However, if notes are numbered in sequence and their numbering can be reconstructed automatically by processing software, it may well be considered unnecessary to record the note numbers.
<sch:rule context="tei:person/tei:note"> <sch:assert test="@type=('shortBio', 'longBio')"> Notes inside person elements must have @type="shortBio" or @type="longBio". </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:note[@type='editorial']"> <sch:assert test="@resp"> Editorial notes must have @resp to specify who supplied them. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:note"> <sch:assert test="string-length(normalize-space(.)) gt 3"> Notes must not be empty.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element note
   attribute type { "shortBio" | "longBio" | "editorial" }?,

Appendix A.1.162 <noteGrp>

<noteGrp> (note group) contains a group of notes [ Encoding Grouped Notes]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example In the following example, there are two notes in different languages, each specifying the content of the annotation relating to the same fragment of text:
<p>(...) tamen reuerendos dominos archiepiscopum et canonicos Leopolienses necnon episcopum in duplicibus Quatuortemporibus <noteGrp>   <note xml:lang="en">Quatuor Tempora, so called dry fast days (Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday)      falling on each of the quarters of the year. In the first quarter they were called Cinerum      (following Ash Wednesday), second Spiritus (following Pentecost), third Crucis      (after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14th), and Luciae      in the fourth (after the feast of St. Lucia, December 13th).   </note>   <note xml:lang="pl">Quatuor Tempora, tzw. Suche dni postne (środa, piątek i sobota)      przypadające cztery razy w roku. W pierwszym kwartale zwały się Cinerum      (po Popielcu), w drugim Spiritus (po Zielonych Świętach), w trzecim Crucis      (po święcie Podwyższenia Krzyża 14 września), w czwartym Luciae      (po dniu św. Łucji 13 grudnia).   </note>  </noteGrp> totaliter expediui. </p>
Content model
  <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="note"/>
   <elementRef key="noteGrp"/>
Schema Declaration
element noteGrp
   ( tei_desc*, ( tei_note | tei_noteGrp )+ )

Appendix A.1.163 <notesStmt>

<notesStmt> (notes statement) collects together any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description. [2.2.6. The Notes Statement 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Contained by
May contain

Information of different kinds should not be grouped together into the same note.

<notesStmt>  <note>Historical commentary provided by Mark Cohen</note>  <note>OCR scanning done at University of Toronto</note> </notesStmt>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
  <elementRef key="relatedItem"/>
Schema Declaration
element notesStmt
   ( tei_model.noteLike | tei_relatedItem )+

Appendix A.1.164 <num>

<num> (number) contains a number, written in any form. [3.6.3. Numbers and Measures]
Module core
type indicates the type of numeric value.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

If a different typology is desired, other values can be used for this attribute.

value supplies the value of the number in standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
Values a numeric value.

The standard form used is defined by the TEI datatype teidata.numeric.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

Detailed analyses of quantities and units of measure in historical documents may also use the feature structure mechanism described in chapter 18. Feature Structures. The <num> element is intended for use in simple applications.

<p>I reached <num type="cardinalvalue="21">twenty-one</num> on my <num type="ordinalvalue="21">twenty-first</num> birthday</p> <p>Light travels at <num value="3E10">3×10<hi rend="sup">10</hi>  </num> cm per second.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element num
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute value { text }?,

Appendix A.1.165 <object>

<object> contains a description of a single identifiable physical object. [13.3.6. Objects]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: event listObject object
May contain
header: biblFull
linking: ab link linkGrp
msdescription: msContents msDesc

The <object> element is a recent addition to the TEI P5 Guidelines as of version 3.5.0 and as such may be more prone to further revision in the next few releases as its use develops. This may be particularly evident where its contents have been borrowed from <msDesc> and have yet to be generalized from their use in the context of manuscript descriptions.

The <object> element may be used for describing any object, text-bearing or not, though where the textuality of the object is the primary concern or a collection is mostly composed of manuscripts, encoders may prefer the <msDesc> element (a more specific form of <object>) which may be used not only to describe manuscripts but any form of text-bearing objects such as early printed books.

<listObject>  <object xml:id="Alfred_Jewel">   <objectIdentifier>    <country>United Kingdom</country>    <region>Oxfordshire</region>    <settlement>Oxford</settlement>    <institution>University of Oxford</institution>    <repository>Ashmolean Museum</repository>    <collection>English Treasures</collection>    <idno type="ashmolean">AN1836p.135.371</idno>    <idno type="wikipedia"></idno>    <objectName>Alfred Jewel</objectName>   </objectIdentifier>   <physDesc>    <p> The Alfred Jewel is about 6.4 cm in length and is made of combination of filigreed <material>gold</material>        surrounding a polished teardrop shaped piece of transparent <material>quartz</material>. Underneath the rock        crystal is a cloisonné enamel image of a man with ecclesiastical symbols. The sides of the jewel holding the        crystal in place contain an openwork inscription saying "AELFRED MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN", meaning 'Alfred ordered        me made'. </p>   </physDesc>   <history>    <origin>It is generally accepted that the Alfred Jewel dates from the <origDate>late 9th Century</origDate> and        was most likely made in <origPlace>England</origPlace>. </origin>    <provenance when="1693">The jewel was discovered in 1693 at Petherton Park, North Petherton in the English        county of Somerset, on land owned by Sir Thomas Wroth. North Petherton is about 8 miles away from Athelney,        where King Alfred founded a monastery. </provenance>    <provenance when="1698">A description of the Alfred Jewel was first published in 1698, in the Philosophical        Transactions of the Royal Society.</provenance>    <acquisition> It was bequeathed to Oxford University by Colonel Nathaniel Palmer (c. 1661-1718) and today is in        the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. </acquisition>   </history>  </object> </listObject> <!-- Elsewhere in document --> <p> The <objectName ref="#MinsterLovellJewel">Minster Lovell Jewel</objectName> is probably the most similar to the <objectName ref="#Alfred_Jewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster    Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>. </p>
<listObject>  <object xml:id="MaskOfTutankhamun">   <objectIdentifier>    <objectName xml:lang="en">Mask of Tutankhamun</objectName>    <idno type="carter">256a</idno>    <idno type="JournalD'Entrée">60672</idno>    <idno type="exhibition">220</idno>    <institution>Museum of Egyptian Antiquities</institution>    <address>     <street>15 Meret Basha</street>     <district>Ismailia</district>     <settlement>Cairo</settlement>     <country>Egypt</country>     <location>      <geo>30.047778, 31.233333</geo>     </location>    </address>   </objectIdentifier>   <msContents>    <p>The back and shoulders of the mask is inscribed with a protective spell in Egyptian hieroglyphs formed of ten        vertical and horizontal lines. This spell first appeared on masks in the Middle Kingdom at least 500 years        before Tutankhamun, and comes from chapter 151 of the <title>Book of the Dead</title>.</p>   </msContents>   <physDesc>    <p> The mask of Tutankhamun is 54cm x 39.3cm x 49cm. It is constructed from two layers of high-karat gold that        varies in thickness from 1.5-3mm. It weighs approximately 10.23kg and x-ray crystallography shows that it is        composed of two alloys of gold with a lighter 18.4 karat shade being used for the face and neck while a heavier        22.5 karat gold was used for the rest of the mask.</p>    <p>In the mask Tutankhamun wears a nemes headcloth which has the royal insignia of a cobra (Wadjet) and vulture        (Nekhbet) on it. These are thought respectively to symbolize Tutankhamun's rule of both Lower Egypt and Upper        Egypt. His ears are pierced for earrings. The mask has rich inlays of coloured glass and gemstones, including        lapis lazuli surrounding the eye and eyebrows, quartz for the eyes, obsidian for the pupils. The broad collar is        made up of carnelian, feldspar, turquoise, amazonite, faience and other stones.</p>   </physDesc>   <history>    <origin>     <p>The mask of Tutankhamun was created in <origPlace>Egypt</origPlace> around <origDate when="-1323type="circa">1323 BC</origDate>. It is a death mask of the 18th-dynasty ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun          who reigned 1332–1323 BC. </p>    </origin>    <provenance>     <p>The mask of Tutankhamun was found in his burial chamber at Theban Necropolis in the Valley of the Kings in          1922. On 28 October 1925 the excavation team led by English archaeologist Howard Carter opened the heavy          sarcophagus and three coffins and were the first people in around 3,250 years to see the mask of Tutankhamun.          Carter wrote in his diary: <quote> The pins removed, the lid was raised. The penultimate scene was disclosed –            a very neatly wrapped mummy of the young king, with golden mask of sad but tranquil expression, symbolizing            Osiris … the mask bears that god's attributes, but the likeness is that of Tut.Ankh.Amen – placid and            beautiful, with the same features as we find upon his statues and coffins. The mask has fallen slightly            back, thus its gaze is straight up to the heavens. </quote>     </p>    </provenance>    <acquisition> In December 1925, the mask was removed from the tomb, placed in a crate and transported 635        kilometres (395 mi) to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where it remains on public display. </acquisition>   </history>   <additional>    <adminInfo>     <custodialHist>      <custEvent when="1944">When it was discovered in 1925, the 2.5kg narrow gold beard was no longer attached to            the mask and was reattached to the chin by use of a wooden dowel in 1944.</custEvent>      <custEvent when="2014-08"> In August 2014 when the mask was removed from its display case for cleaning, the            beard fell off again. Those working in the museum unadvisedly used a quick-drying epoxy to attempt to fix            it, but left the beard off-centre. </custEvent>      <custEvent when="2015-01">The damage was noticed and repaired in January 2015 by a German-Egyptian team who            used beeswax, a material known to be used as adhesives by the ancient Egyptians.</custEvent>     </custodialHist>    </adminInfo>   </additional>  </object> </listObject>
Content model
  <elementRef key="objectIdentifier"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="msContents"/>
    <elementRef key="physDesc"/>
    <elementRef key="history"/>
    <elementRef key="additional"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
  <elementRef key="object" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element object
       | ( tei_msContents | physDesc | history | additional )*
      ( tei_model.noteLike | tei_model.biblLike | tei_linkGrp | tei_link )*,

Appendix A.1.166 <objectIdentifier>

<objectIdentifier> (object identifier) groups one or more identifiers or pieces of locating information concerning a single object. [13.3.6. Objects]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
namesdates: object
May contain
core: address
header: idno
<objectIdentifier>  <country>United Kingdom</country>  <region>Oxfordshire</region>  <settlement>Oxford</settlement>  <institution>University of Oxford</institution>  <repository>Ashmolean Museum</repository>  <collection>English Treasures</collection>  <idno type="ashmolean">AN1836p.135.371</idno>  <idno type="wikipedia"></idno>  <objectName>Alfred Jewel</objectName> </objectIdentifier>
<object xml:id="Excalibur-MultipleNames">  <objectIdentifier>   <objectName type="main">Excalibur</objectName>   <objectName type="alt">Caliburn</objectName>   <objectName xml:lang="cy">Caledfwlch</objectName>   <objectName xml:lang="cnx">Calesvol</objectName>   <objectName xml:lang="br">Kaledvoulc'h</objectName>   <objectName xml:lang="la">Caliburnus</objectName>   <country>Wales</country>  </objectIdentifier>  <p>Excalibur is the name for the legendary sword of King Arthur, in Welsh it is called Caledfwlch,    in Cornish it is called Calesvol, in Breton it is called Kaledvoulc'h, and in Latin it is called Caliburnus.    In some versions Excalibur's blade was engraved with phrases on opposite sides which in translation read:    "Take me up" and "Cast me away" (or similar).</p> </object>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.placeNamePart"/>
  <elementRef key="institution"/>
  <elementRef key="repository"/>
  <elementRef key="collection"/>
  <elementRef key="idno"/>
  <elementRef key="msName"/>
  <elementRef key="objectName"/>
  <elementRef key="altIdentifier"/>
  <elementRef key="address"/>
Schema Declaration
element objectIdentifier
    | institution
    | repository
    | collection
    | tei_idno
    | msName
    | tei_objectName
    | altIdentifier
    | tei_address

Appendix A.1.167 <objectName>

<objectName> (name of an object) contains a proper noun or noun phrase used to refer to an object. [13.2.5. Object Names]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<p> The <objectName ref="#MinsterLovellJewel">Minster Lovell Jewel</objectName> is probably the most similar to the <objectName ref="#AlfredJewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster    Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>. </p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element objectName
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.168 <occupation>

<occupation> (occupation) contains an informal description of a person's trade, profession or occupation. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
scheme indicates the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by supplying the identifier of a <taxonomy> element, or pointing to some other resource.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
code identifies an occupation code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The content of this element may be used as an alternative to the more formal specification made possible by its attributes; it may also be used to supplement the formal specification with commentary or clarification.

<occupation scheme="#occupationtaxonomy"  code="#acc">accountant</occupation>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element occupation
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute scheme { text }?,
   attribute code { text }?,

Appendix A.1.169 <offset>

<offset> (offset) marks that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<placeName key="NRPA1">  <offset>50 metres below the summit of</offset>  <geogName>   <geogFeat>Mount</geogFeat>   <name>Sinai</name>  </geogName> </placeName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element offset
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.170 <opener>

<opener> (opener) groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
textstructure: body div group postscript
May contain
<opener>  <dateline>Walden, this 29. of August 1592</dateline> </opener>
<opener>  <dateline>   <name type="place">Great Marlborough Street</name>   <date>November 11, 1848</date>  </dateline>  <salute>My dear Sir,</salute> </opener> <p>I am sorry to say that absence from town and other circumstances have prevented me from earlier enquiring...</p>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <elementRef key="argument"/>
  <elementRef key="byline"/>
  <elementRef key="dateline"/>
  <elementRef key="epigraph"/>
  <elementRef key="salute"/>
  <elementRef key="signed"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element opener
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_argument
    | tei_byline
    | tei_dateline
    | tei_epigraph
    | tei_salute
    | tei_signed

Appendix A.1.171 <org>

<org> (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people. [13.3.3. Organizational Data]
Module namesdates
role specifies a primary role or classification for the organization.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as artist, employer, familyGroup, or politicalParty, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <desc> for each <valItem> element in the schema specification of the project's customization.

Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
May contain
<org xml:id="JAMs">  <orgName>Justified Ancients of Mummu</orgName>  <desc>An underground anarchist collective spearheaded by  <persName>Hagbard Celine</persName>, who fight the Illuminati    from a golden submarine, the <name>Leif Ericson</name>  </desc>  <bibl>   <author>Robert Shea</author>   <author>Robert Anton Wilson</author>   <title>The Illuminatus! Trilogy</title>  </bibl> </org>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.nameLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.orgPart"/>
    <classRef key="model.milestoneLike"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
  <classRef key="model.personLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element org
   attribute role { list { + } }?,
       | (
          | tei_model.nameLike
          | tei_model.placeLike
          | tei_model.orgPart
          | tei_model.milestoneLike
       | tei_model.biblLike
       | tei_linkGrp
       | tei_link
       | tei_ptr

Appendix A.1.172 <orgName>

<orgName> (organization name) contains an organizational name. [13.2.2. Organizational Names]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
About a year back, a question of considerable interest was agitated in the <orgName key="PAS1type="voluntary">  <placeName key="PEN">Pennsyla.</placeName> Abolition Society </orgName> [...]
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element orgName
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.173 <orig>

<orig> (original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected. [3.5.2. Regularization and Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the original version in the copy text, <orig> may be used alone:
<l>But this will be a <orig>meere</orig> confusion</l> <l>And hardly shall we all be <orig>vnderstoode</orig> </l>
Example More usually, an <orig> will be combined with a regularized form within a <choice> element:
<l>But this will be a <choice>   <orig>meere</orig>   <reg>mere</reg>  </choice> confusion</l> <l>And hardly shall we all be <choice>   <orig>vnderstoode</orig>   <reg>understood</reg>  </choice> </l>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element orig {, tei_macro.paraContent }

Appendix A.1.174 <p>

<p> (paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose. [3.1. Paragraphs 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<p>Hallgerd was outside. <q>There is blood on your axe,</q> she said. <q>What have you    done?</q> </p> <p>  <q>I have now arranged that you can be married a second time,</q> replied Thjostolf. </p> <p>  <q>Then you must mean that Thorvald is dead,</q> she said. </p> <p>  <q>Yes,</q> said Thjostolf. <q>And now you must think up some plan for me.</q> </p>
<sch:report test="(ancestor::tei:ab or ancestor::tei:p) and not( ancestor::tei:floatingText |parent::tei:exemplum |parent::tei:item |parent::tei:note |parent::tei:q |parent::tei:quote |parent::tei:remarks |parent::tei:said |parent::tei:sp |parent::tei:stage |parent::tei:cell |parent::tei:figure )"> Abstract model violation: Paragraphs may not occur inside other paragraphs or ab elements. </sch:report>
<sch:report test="(ancestor::tei:l or ancestor::tei:lg) and not( ancestor::tei:floatingText |parent::tei:figure |parent::tei:note )"> Abstract model violation: Lines may not contain higher-level structural elements such as div, p, or ab, unless p is a child of figure or note, or is a descendant of floatingText. </sch:report>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element p

Appendix A.1.175 <particDesc>

<particDesc> (participation description) describes the identifiable speakers, voices, or other participants in any kind of text or other persons named or otherwise referred to in a text, edition, or metadata. [15.2. Contextual Information]
Module corpus
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
core: p
linking: ab

May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a structured list of persons and person groups, with an optional formal specification of any relationships amongst them.

<particDesc>  <listPerson>   <person xml:id="P-1234sex="2age="mid">    <p>Female informant, well-educated, born in        Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently.        Socio-Economic status B2.</p>   </person>   <person xml:id="P-4332sex="1">    <persName>     <surname>Hancock</surname>     <forename>Antony</forename>     <forename>Aloysius</forename>     <forename>St John</forename>    </persName>    <residence notAfter="1959">     <address>      <street>Railway Cuttings</street>      <settlement>East Cheam</settlement>     </address>    </residence>    <occupation>comedian</occupation>   </person>   <listRelation>    <relation type="personalname="spouse"     mutual="#P-1234 #P-4332"/>   </listRelation>  </listPerson> </particDesc>
This example shows both a very simple person description, and a very detailed one, using some of the more specialized elements from the module for Names and Dates.
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.personLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPerson"/>
   <elementRef key="listOrg"/>
Schema Declaration
element particDesc
    | ( tei_model.personLike | tei_listPerson | tei_listOrg )+

Appendix A.1.176 <pb>

<pb> (page beginning) marks the beginning of a new page in a paginated document. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element

A <pb> element should appear at the start of the page which it identifies. The global n attribute indicates the number or other value associated with this page. This will normally be the page number or signature printed on it, since the physical sequence number is implicit in the presence of the <pb> element itself.

The type attribute may be used to characterize the page break in any respect. The more specialized attributes break, ed, or edRef should be preferred when the intent is to indicate whether or not the page break is word-breaking, or to note the source from which it derives.

Example Page numbers may vary in different editions of a text.
<p> ... <pb n="145ed="ed2"/> <!-- Page 145 in edition "ed2" starts here --> ... <pb n="283ed="ed1"/> <!-- Page 283 in edition "ed1" starts here--> ... </p>
Example A page break may be associated with a facsimile image of the page it introduces by means of the facs attribute
<body>  <pb n="1facs="page1.png"/> <!-- page1.png contains an image of the page; the text it contains is encoded here -->  <p> <!-- ... -->  </p>  <pb n="2facs="page2.png"/> <!-- similarly, for page 2 -->  <p> <!-- ... -->  </p> </body>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element pb

Appendix A.1.177 <pc>

<pc> (punctuation character) contains a character or string of characters regarded as constituting a single punctuation mark. [17.1.2. Below the Word Level 17.4.2. Lightweight Linguistic Annotation]
Module analysis
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(A brace or bracket used to signify hung words.) A brace or bracket used to signify hung words, i.e. a word or words which are wrapped up (turnover) or wrapped down (turnunder) at the end of a line of verse. Tag all such punctuation with this value so that it can be ignored by the search engine.
force indicates the extent to which this punctuation mark conventionally separates words or phrases
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the punctuation mark is a word separator
the punctuation mark is not a word separator
the punctuation mark may or may not be a word separator
unit provides a name for the kind of unit delimited by this punctuation mark.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
pre indicates whether this punctuation mark precedes or follows the unit it delimits.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Member of
Contained by
May contain
character data
<phr>  <w>do</w>  <w>you</w>  <w>understand</w>  <pc type="interrogative">?</pc> </phr>
Example Example encoding of the German sentence Wir fahren in den Urlaub., encoded with attributes from att.linguistic discussed in section [[undefined AILALW]].
<s>  <w pos="PPERmsd="1.Pl.*.Nom">Wir</w>  <w pos="VVFINmsd="1.Pl.Pres.Ind">fahren</w>  <w pos="APPRmsd="--">in</w>  <w pos="ARTmsd="Def.Masc.Akk.Sg.">den</w>  <w pos="NNmsd="Masc.Akk.Sg.">Urlaub</w>  <pc pos="$.msd="--join="left">.</pc> </s>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="c"/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.edit"/>
Schema Declaration
element pc
   attribute type { "hung" },
   attribute force { "strong" | "weak" | "inter" }?,
   attribute unit { text }?,
   attribute pre { text }?,
   ( text | tei_model.gLike | c | tei_model.pPart.edit )*

Appendix A.1.178 <persName>

<persName> (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(Pseudonym) A pseudonym attached to a specific poem or used by a specific writer or group of writers.
(Allonym) The name of a real person attached to a work as though that person were the author, when in fact they are not. Usually used for satirical effect.
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<persName>  <forename>Edward</forename>  <forename>George</forename>  <surname type="linked">Bulwer-Lytton</surname>, <roleName>Baron Lytton of  <placeName>Knebworth</placeName>  </roleName> </persName>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element persName
   attribute type { "pseudo" | "allo" }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.179 <persPronouns>

<persPronouns> (personal pronouns) indicates the personal pronouns used, or assumed to be used, by the individual being described. [ Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
evidence (evidence) indicates support for the listed personal pronouns.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
(conjecture) The given value was selected based on assumptions by someone besides the person to whom this pronoun applies. As a result, the value may be erroneous.
(self identification) The given value has been explicitly stated or confirmed by the person to whom this pronoun applies.
(trusted third party) The given value has been supplied by another individual trusted by the encoder to know the preferences of the person to whom this pronoun applies.
value (value) supplies a regularized value for personal pronouns.
Status Recommended
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Sample values include:
(e) e/eirs
(he) he/him/his
(she) she/her/hers
(they) they/them/theirs

The sample values list shown here is intended to be reflective of English usage. There is nothing restricting users from defining lists reflective of other languages, e.g. elle, il, and ils.

Member of
Contained by
May contain
<person>  <persName>   <forename>SUE</forename>   <addName>the T. rex</addName>  </persName>  <residence>The Field Museum. Chicago, Illinois, United States.</residence>  <sex value="0"/>  <persPronouns value="they">they/them</persPronouns>  <note>   <cit>    <quote>Specimen FMNH PR 2081. Legendary Fossil. Apex        Predator. National Treasure. <emph style="text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:0.25rem;">Murderbird.</emph>    </quote>    <bibl>SUEtheTrex, Twitter biography.    <ptr target=""/>.        Accessed <date when="2020-03-25">March 25th, 2020</date>.</bibl>   </cit>  </note> </person>
<docAuthor>  <persName>Lal Zimman</persName>  <persPronouns value="he">(he/him/his)</persPronouns>  <ref target="#Name">(FAQ)</ref>  <persName type="IPA">[lɑɫ ˈzimn̩]</persName>  <email>zimman at ucsb dot edu</email>  <roleName>Assistant Professor of Linguistics</roleName>  <roleName>Affiliated Faculty in Feminist Studies</roleName>  <address>   <addrLine>South Hall 3518</addrLine>   <addrLine>University of California, Santa Barbara</addrLine>  </address> </docAuthor>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element persPronouns
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute evidence
      "conjecture" | "selfIdentification" | "trustedThirdParty"
   attribute value { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.180 <person>

<person> (person) provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source. [13.3.2. The Person Element 15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
role specifies a primary role or classification for the person.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as artist, employer, author, relative, or servant, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

sex specifies the sex of the person.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
(Not known)
(Not applicable)

Values for this attribute may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

gender specifies the gender of the person.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.gender separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

age specifies an age group for the person.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as infant, child, teen, adult, or senior, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
namesdates: event listPerson org
May contain

May contain either a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a sequence of more specific demographic elements drawn from the model.personPart class.

<person sex="Fage="adult">  <p>Female respondent, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic    status B2.</p> </person>
<person sex="intersexrole="god"  age="immortal">  <persName>Hermaphroditos</persName>  <persName xml:lang="grc">Ἑρμαφρόδιτος</persName> </person>
<person xml:id="Ovi01sex="Mrole="poet">  <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>  <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName>  <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC <placeName>    <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>    <country key="IT">Italy</country>   </placeName>  </birth>  <death notBefore="0017notAfter="0018">17 or 18 AD <placeName>    <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>    <country key="RO">Romania</country>   </placeName>  </death> </person>
Example The following exemplifies an adaptation of the vCard standard to indicate an unknown gender for a fictional character.
<person xml:id="arielgender="U">  <persName>Ariel</persName>  <note>Character in <title level="m">The Tempest</title>.</note> </person>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.personPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
Schema Declaration
element person
   attribute role { list { + } }?,
   attribute sex { list { ( "0" | "1" | "2" | "9" )+ } }?,
   attribute gender { list { + } }?,
   attribute age { text }?,
    | ( tei_model.personPart | | tei_ptr )*

Appendix A.1.181 <personGrp>

<personGrp> (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
role specifies the role of this group of participants in the interaction.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as movement, employers, relatives, or servants, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

sex specifies the sex of the participant group.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

gender specifies the gender of the participant group.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.gender separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

age specifies the age group of the participants.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as infant, child, teen, adult, or senior, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

size describes informally the size or approximate size of the group for example by means of a number and an indication of accuracy e.g. approx 200.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
corpus: particDesc
namesdates: event listPerson org
May contain

May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or any sequence of demographic elements in any combination.

The global xml:id attribute should be used to identify each speaking participant in a spoken text if the who attribute is specified on individual utterances.

<personGrp xml:id="pg1role="audience"  sex="mixedsize="approx 50"/>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.personPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element personGrp
   attribute role { text }?,
   attribute sex { list { + } }?,
   attribute gender { list { + } }?,
   attribute age { text }?,
   attribute size { list { + } }?,
   ( tei_model.pLike+ | ( tei_model.personPart | )* )

Appendix A.1.182 <persona>

<persona> provides information about one of the personalities identified for a given individual, where an individual has multiple personalities. [13.3.2. The Person Element]
Module namesdates
role specifies a primary role or classification for the persona.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as artist, employer, author, relative, or servant, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

sex specifies the sex of the persona.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or may refer to an external standard.

gender specifies the gender of the persona.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.gender separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

age specifies an age group for the persona.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, using arbitrary keywords such as infant, child, teen, adult, or senior, each of which should be associated with a definition. Such local definitions will typically be provided by a <valList> element in the project schema specification.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

Note that a persona is not the same as a role. A role may be assumed by different people on different occasions, whereas a persona is unique to a particular person, even though it may resemble others. Similarly, when an actor takes on or enacts the role of a historical person, they do not thereby acquire a new persona.

<person sex="Mage="adult">  <persona sex="M">   <persName>Dr Henry Jekyll</persName>  </persona>  <persona sex="Mage="youth">   <persName>Edward Hyde</persName>  </persona> </person>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.personPart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element persona
   attribute role { list { + } }?,
   attribute sex { list { + } }?,
   attribute gender { list { + } }?,
   attribute age { text }?,
   ( tei_model.pLike+ | ( tei_model.personPart | )* )

Appendix A.1.183 <place>

<place> (place) contains data about a geographic location [13.3.4. Places]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
namesdates: event listPlace org place
May contain
<place>  <country>Lithuania</country>  <country xml:lang="lt">Lietuva</country>  <place>   <settlement>Vilnius</settlement>  </place>  <place>   <settlement>Kaunas</settlement>  </place> </place>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.headLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <classRef key="model.pLike"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.placeStateLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.eventLike"/>
    <elementRef key="name"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <elementRef key="idno"/>
   <elementRef key="ptr"/>
   <elementRef key="linkGrp"/>
   <elementRef key="link"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.placeLike"/>
   <elementRef key="listPlace"/>
Schema Declaration
element place
       | (
          | tei_model.placeStateLike
          | tei_model.eventLike
          | tei_name
       | tei_model.biblLike
       | tei_idno
       | tei_ptr
       | tei_linkGrp
       | tei_link
      ( tei_model.placeLike | tei_listPlace )*

Appendix A.1.184 <placeName>

<placeName> (place name) contains an absolute or relative place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<placeName>  <settlement>Rochester</settlement>  <region>New York</region> </placeName>
<placeName>  <geogName>Arrochar Alps</geogName>  <region>Argylshire</region> </placeName>
<placeName>  <measure>10 miles</measure>  <offset>Northeast of</offset>  <settlement>Attica</settlement> </placeName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element placeName
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.185 <postBox>

<postBox> (postal box or post office box) contains a number or other identifier for some postal delivery point other than a street address. [3.6.2. Addresses]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
core: address
May contain Character data only

The position and nature of postal codes is highly country-specific; the conventions appropriate to the country concerned should be used.

<postBox>P.O. Box 280</postBox>
<postBox>Postbus 532</postBox>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element postBox {, text }

Appendix A.1.186 <postCode>

<postCode> (postal code) contains a numerical or alphanumeric code used as part of a postal address to simplify sorting or delivery of mail. [3.6.2. Addresses]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
core: address
May contain Character data only

The position and nature of postal codes is highly country-specific; the conventions appropriate to the country concerned should be used.

<postCode>HR1 3LR</postCode>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element postCode {, text }

Appendix A.1.187 <postscript>

<postscript> contains a postscript, e.g. to a letter. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
figures: figure table
May contain
<div type="letter">  <opener>   <dateline>    <placeName>Rimaone</placeName>    <date when="2006-11-21">21 Nov 06</date>   </dateline>   <salute>Dear Susan,</salute>  </opener>  <p>Thank you very much for the assistance splitting those    logs. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding as to the size of    the task. I really was not asking for help, only to borrow the    axe. Hope you had fun in any case.</p>  <closer>   <salute>Sincerely yours,</salute>   <signed>Seymour</signed>  </closer>  <postscript>   <label>P.S.</label>   <p>The collision occured on <date when="2001-07-06">06 Jul 01</date>.</p>  </postscript> </div>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.divTopPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.common"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.common"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottomPart"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element postscript
      ( | tei_model.divTopPart )*,
      ( | tei_model.common )*,
      ( tei_model.divBottomPart,* )*

Appendix A.1.188 <prefixDef>

<prefixDef> (prefix definition) defines a prefixing scheme used in teidata.pointer values, showing how abbreviated URIs using the scheme may be expanded into full URIs. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers]
Module header
ident supplies a name which functions as the prefix for an abbreviated pointing scheme such as a private URI scheme. The prefix constitutes the text preceding the first colon.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.prefix

The value is limited to teidata.prefix so that it may be mapped directly to a URI prefix.

Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab

The abbreviated pointer may be dereferenced to produce either an absolute or a relative URI reference. In the latter case it is combined with the value of xml:base in force at the place where the pointing attribute occurs to form an absolute URI in the usual manner as prescribed by XML Base.

<prefixDef ident="ref"  matchPattern="([a-z]+)"  replacementPattern="../../references/references.xml#$1">  <p> In the context of this project, private URIs with    the prefix "ref" point to <gi>div</gi> elements in    the project's global references.xml file.  </p> </prefixDef>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element prefixDef
   attribute ident { text },

Appendix A.1.189 <principal>

<principal> (principal researcher) supplies the name of the principal researcher responsible for the creation of an electronic text. [2.2.1. The Title Statement]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl
msdescription: msItem
May contain
<principal ref="">Gary Taylor</principal>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element principal
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.190 <profileDesc>

<profileDesc> (text-profile description) provides a detailed description of non-bibliographic aspects of a text, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, the participants and their setting. [2.4. The Profile Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
May contain

Although the content model permits it, it is rarely meaningful to supply multiple occurrences for any of the child elements of <profileDesc> unless these are documenting multiple texts.

<profileDesc>  <langUsage>   <language ident="fr">French</language>  </langUsage>  <textDesc n="novel">   <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel>   <constitution type="single"/>   <derivation type="original"/>   <domain type="art"/>   <factuality type="fiction"/>   <interaction type="none"/>   <preparedness type="prepared"/>   <purpose type="entertaindegree="high"/>   <purpose type="informdegree="medium"/>  </textDesc>  <settingDesc>   <setting>    <name>Paris, France</name>    <time>Late 19th century</time>   </setting>  </settingDesc> </profileDesc>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.profileDescPart"
  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element profileDesc {, tei_model.profileDescPart* }

Appendix A.1.191 <projectDesc>

<projectDesc> (project description) describes in detail the aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded, together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected. [2.3.1. The Project Description 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<projectDesc>  <p>Texts collected for use in the Claremont Shakespeare Clinic, June 1990</p> </projectDesc>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element projectDesc {, tei_model.pLike+ }

Appendix A.1.192 <ptr>

<ptr> (pointer) defines a pointer to another location. [3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain Empty element
<ptr target="#p143 #p144"/> <ptr target=""/> <ptr cRef="1.3.4"/>
<sch:report test="@target and @cRef">Only one of the attributes @target and @cRef may be supplied on <sch:name/>.</sch:report>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element ptr

Appendix A.1.193 <pubPlace>

<pubPlace> (publication place) contains the name of the place where a bibliographic item was published. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: docImprint
May contain
<publicationStmt>  <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher>  <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace>  <date>1989</date> </publicationStmt>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element pubPlace

Appendix A.1.194 <publicationStmt>

<publicationStmt> (publication statement) groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc. 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Contained by
May contain

Where a publication statement contains several members of the or model.publicationStmtPart.detail classes rather than one or more paragraphs or anonymous blocks, care should be taken to ensure that the repeated elements are presented in a meaningful order. It is a conformance requirement that elements supplying information about publication place, address, identifier, availability, and date be given following the name of the publisher, distributor, or authority concerned, and preferably in that order.

<publicationStmt>  <publisher>C. Muquardt </publisher>  <pubPlace>Bruxelles &amp; Leipzig</pubPlace>  <date when="1846"/> </publicationStmt>
<publicationStmt>  <publisher>Chadwyck Healey</publisher>  <pubPlace>Cambridge</pubPlace>  <availability>   <p>Available under licence only</p>  </availability>  <date when="1992">1992</date> </publicationStmt>
<publicationStmt>  <publisher>Zea Books</publisher>  <pubPlace>Lincoln, NE</pubPlace>  <date>2017</date>  <availability>   <p>This is an open access work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.</p>  </availability>  <ptr target=""/> </publicationStmt>
Content model
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key=""/>
   <classRef key="model.publicationStmtPart.detail"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element publicationStmt
    | tei_model.pLike+

Appendix A.1.195 <publisher>

<publisher> (publisher) provides the name of the organization responsible for the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
textstructure: docImprint
May contain

Use the full form of the name by which a company is usually referred to, rather than any abbreviation of it which may appear on a title page

<imprint>  <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace>  <publisher>Clarendon Press</publisher>  <date>1987</date> </imprint>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element publisher

Appendix A.1.196 <punctuation>

<punctuation> specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to punctuation marks in the original. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 3.2. Treatment of Punctuation]
Module header
marks indicates whether or not punctation marks have been retained as content within the text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
no punctuation marks have been retained
some punctuation marks have been retained
all punctuation marks have been retained
placement indicates the positioning of punctuation marks that are associated with marked up text as being encoded within the element surrounding the text or immediately before or after it.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
punctuation marks found at the start or end of a marked up text component are included within its surrounding element;
punctuation marks found at the start or end of a marked up text component appear immediately before or after the surrounding element
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<punctuation marks="all"  placement="internal">  <p>All punctuation marks in the source text have been retained and represented using the    appropriate Unicode code point. In cases where a punctuation mark and nearby markup convey    the same information (for example, a sentence ends with a question mark and is also tagged    as <gi>s</gi>) the punctuation mark is captured as content within the element.</p> </punctuation>
Example External placement of punctuation:
<p>I would agree with Saint Augustine that “<quote>An unjust law is no law at all</quote>.”</p>
Example Internal placement of punctuation:
<p>I would agree with Saint Augustine that <quote>“An unjust law is no law at all.”</quote> </p>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element punctuation
   attribute marks { "none" | "some" | "all" }?,
   attribute placement { "internal" | "external" }?,

Appendix A.1.197 <q>

<q> (quoted) contains material which is distinguished from the surrounding text using quotation marks or a similar method, for any one of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: direct speech or thought, technical terms or jargon, authorial distance, quotations from elsewhere, and passages that are mentioned but not used. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Module core
type (type) may be used to indicate whether the offset passage is spoken or thought, or to characterize it more finely.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
(spoken) representation of speech
(thought) representation of thought, e.g. internal monologue
(written) quotation from a written source
(so called) authorial distance
(foreign) foreign words
(distinct) linguistically distinct
technical term
(emph) rhetorically emphasized
(mentioned) refering to itself, not its normal referent
Member of
Contained by
May contain

May be used to indicate that a passage is distinguished from the surrounding text for reasons concerning which no claim is made. When used in this manner, <q> may be thought of as syntactic sugar for <hi> with a value of rend that indicates the use of such mechanisms as quotation marks.

It is spelled <q>Tübingen</q> — to enter the letter <q>u</q> with an umlaut hold down the <q>option</q> key and press <q>0 0 f c</q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element q
   attribute type
    | "thought"
    | "written"
    | "soCalled"
    | "foreign"
    | "distinct"
    | "term"
    | "emph"
    | "mentioned"

Appendix A.1.198 <quotation>

<quotation> (quotation) specifies editorial practice adopted with respect to quotation marks in the original. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
marks (quotation marks) indicates whether or not quotation marks have been retained as content within the text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
no quotation marks have been retained
some quotation marks have been retained
all quotation marks have been retained
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<quotation marks="none">  <p>No quotation marks have been retained. Instead, the <att>rend</att> attribute on the  <gi>q</gi> element is used to specify what kinds of quotation mark was used, according    to the following list: <list type="gloss">    <label>dq</label>    <item>double quotes, open and close</item>    <label>sq</label>    <item>single quotes, open and close</item>    <label>dash</label>    <item>long dash open, no close</item>    <label>dg</label>    <item>double guillemets, open and close</item>   </list>  </p> </quotation>
<quotation marks="all">  <p>All quotation marks are retained in the text and are represented by appropriate Unicode    characters.</p> </quotation>
<sch:report test="not(@marks) and not (tei:p)">On <sch:name/>, either the @marks attribute should be used, or a paragraph of description provided</sch:report>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element quotation
   attribute marks { "none" | "some" | "all" }?,

Appendix A.1.199 <quote>

<quote> (quotation) contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.1. Grouped Texts]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

If a bibliographic citation is supplied for the source of a quotation, the two may be grouped using the <cit> element.

Lexicography has shown little sign of being affected by the work of followers of J.R. Firth, probably best summarized in his slogan, <quote>You shall know a word by the company it keeps</quote> <ref>(Firth, 1957)</ref>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element quote

Appendix A.1.200 <rb>

<rb> (ruby base) contains the base text annotated by a ruby gloss. [3.4.2. Ruby Annotations]
Module core
Contained by
core: ruby
May contain
Example The word 你 好 nǐ hǎo (hello) is glossed in pinyin to provide a pronunciation guide.
<p xml:lang="zh"> <!--...-->  <ruby>   <rb></rb>   <rt place="above"></rt>  </ruby>  <ruby>   <rb></rb>   <rt place="above">hǎo</rt>  </ruby> <!--...--> </p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element rb

Appendix A.1.201 <ref>

<ref> (reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment. [3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References 16.1. Links]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The target and cRef attributes are mutually exclusive.

See especially <ref target="">the second sentence</ref>
See also <ref target="#locution">s.v. <term>locution</term> </ref>.
<sch:report test="@target and @cRef">Only one of the attributes @target' and @cRef' may be supplied on <sch:name/> </sch:report>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element ref

Appendix A.1.202 <refState>

<refState> (reference state) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the milestone method. [ Milestone Method 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration]
Module header
length specifies the fixed length of the reference component.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

When constructing a reference, if the reference component found is of numeric type, the length is made up by inserting leading zeros; if it is not, by inserting trailing blanks. In either case, reference components are truncated if necessary at the right hand side.

When seeking a reference, the length indicates the number of characters which should be compared. Values longer than this will be regarded as matching, if they start correctly. If no value is provided, the length is unlimited and goes to the next delimiter or to the end of the value.

delim (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
Contained by
header: refsDecl
May contain Empty element
<refState unit="bookdelim=":"/> <refState unit="linelength="4"/>
Content model
Schema Declaration
element refState
   attribute length { text }?,
   attribute delim { text }?,

Appendix A.1.203 <refsDecl>

<refsDecl> (references declaration) specifies how canonical references are constructed for this text. [ Milestone Method 2.3. The Encoding Description 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<refsDecl>  <cRefPattern matchPattern="([A-Za-z0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"   replacementPattern="#xpath(//body/div[@n='$1']/div[$2]/div3[$3])"/> </refsDecl>
This example is a formal representation for the referencing scheme described informally in the following example.
<refsDecl>  <p>References are made up by concatenating the value for the  <att>n</att> attribute on the highest level <gi>div</gi>    element, followed by a space, followed by the sequential    number of the next level <gi>div</gi> followed by a colon    followed by the sequential number of the next (and lowest)    level <gi>div</gi>.</p> </refsDecl>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <elementRef key="citeStructure"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="cRefPattern"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="refState" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element refsDecl
   ( tei_model.pLike+ | tei_citeStructure+ | tei_cRefPattern+ | tei_refState+ )

Appendix A.1.204 <reg>

<reg> (regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense. [3.5.2. Regularization and Normalization 12. Critical Apparatus]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the fact that the copy text has been regularized, <reg> may be used alone:
<q>Please <reg>knock</reg> if an <reg>answer</reg> is <reg>required</reg> </q>
Example It is also possible to identify the individual responsible for the regularization, and, using the <choice> and <orig> elements, to provide both the original and regularized readings:
<q>Please <choice>   <reg resp="#LB">knock</reg>   <orig>cnk</orig>  </choice> if an <choice>   <reg>answer</reg>   <orig>nsr</orig>  </choice> is <choice>   <reg>required</reg>   <orig>reqd</orig>  </choice> </q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element reg

Appendix A.1.205 <region>

<region> (region) contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<placeName>  <region type="staten="IL">Illinois</region> </placeName>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element region
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.206 <relatedItem>

<relatedItem> contains or references some other bibliographic item which is related to the present one in some specified manner, for example as a constituent or alternative version of it. [ Related Items]
Module core
target points to the related bibliographic element by means of an absolute or relative URI reference
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
header: notesStmt
May contain
header: biblFull
msdescription: msDesc

If the target attribute is used to reference the related bibliographic item, the element must be empty.

<biblStruct>  <monogr>   <author>Shirley, James</author>   <title type="main">The gentlemen of Venice</title>   <imprint>    <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>    <publisher>Readex Microprint</publisher>    <date>1953</date>   </imprint>   <extent>1 microprint card, 23 x 15 cm.</extent>  </monogr>  <series>   <title>Three centuries of drama: English, 1642–1700</title>  </series>  <relatedItem type="otherForm">   <biblStruct>    <monogr>     <author>Shirley, James</author>     <title type="main">The gentlemen of Venice</title>     <title type="sub">a tragi-comedie presented at the private house in Salisbury          Court by Her Majesties servants</title>     <imprint>      <pubPlace>London</pubPlace>      <publisher>H. Moseley</publisher>      <date>1655</date>     </imprint>     <extent>78 p.</extent>    </monogr>   </biblStruct>  </relatedItem> </biblStruct>
<sch:report test="@target and count( child::* ) > 0">If the @target attribute on <sch:name/> is used, the relatedItem element must be empty</sch:report> <sch:assert test="@target or child::*">A relatedItem element should have either a 'target' attribute or a child element to indicate the related bibliographic item</sch:assert>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0">
  <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element relatedItem
   attribute target { text }?,
   ( tei_model.biblLike | tei_model.ptrLike )?

Appendix A.1.207 <relation>

<relation> (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items. [ Personal Relationships]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
name supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
active identifies the ‘active’ participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
mutual supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
passive identifies the ‘passive’ participants in a non-mutual relationship.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
May contain
core: desc

Only one of the attributes active and mutual may be supplied; the attribute passive may be supplied only if the attribute active is supplied. Not all of these constraints can be enforced in all schema languages.

<relation type="socialname="supervisor"  active="#p1passive="#p2 #p3 #p4"/>
This indicates that the person with identifier p1 is supervisor of persons p2, p3, and p4.
<relation type="personalname="friends"  mutual="#p2 #p3 #p4"/>
This indicates that p2, p3, and p4 are all friends.
<relation type="CRM"  name="P89_falls_within"  active=""  passive=""/>
This indicates that there is a relation, defined by CIDOC CRM, between two resources identified by URLs.
<relation resp=""  ref=""  active=""  passive=""/>
This example records a relationship, defined by the SAWS ontology, between a passage of text identified by a CTS URN, and a variant passage of text in the Perseus Digital Library, and assigns the identification of the relationship to a particular editor (all using resolvable URIs).
<sch:assert test="@ref or @key or @name">One of the attributes 'name', 'ref' or 'key' must be supplied</sch:assert>
<sch:report test="@active and @mutual">Only one of the attributes @active and @mutual may be supplied</sch:report>
<sch:report test="@passive and not(@active)">the attribute 'passive' may be supplied only if the attribute 'active' is supplied</sch:report>
Content model
 <elementRef key="desc" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element relation
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute name { text }?,
   ( attribute active { list { + } }? | attribute mutual { list { + } }? ),
   attribute passive { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.208 <rendition>

<rendition> (rendition) supplies information about the rendition or appearance of one or more elements in the source text. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
Module header
scope where CSS is used, provides a way of defining ‘pseudo-elements’, that is, styling rules applicable to specific sub-portions of an element.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
styling applies to the first line of the target element
styling applies to the first letter of the target element
styling should be applied immediately before the content of the target element
styling should be applied immediately after the content of the target element
selector contains a selector or series of selectors specifying the elements to which the contained style description applies, expressed in the language specified in the scheme attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<rendition scheme="css"  selector="text, front, back, body, div, p, ab"> display: block; </rendition>
<rendition scheme="css"  selector="*[rend*=italic]"> font-style: italic; </rendition>

Since the default value of the scheme attribute is assumed to be CSS, the default expectation for this attribute, in the absence of scheme, is that CSS selector syntax will be used.

While rendition is used to point from an element in the transcribed source to a <rendition> element in the header which describes how it appears, the selector attribute allows the encoder to point in the other direction: from a <rendition> in the header to a collection of elements which all share the same renditional features. In both cases, the intention is to record the appearance of the source text, not to prescribe any particular output rendering.

Contained by
header: tagsDecl
May contain
<tagsDecl>  <rendition xml:id="r-centerscheme="css">text-align: center;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="r-smallscheme="css">font-size: small;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="r-largescheme="css">font-size: large;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="initcaps"   scope="first-letterscheme="css">font-size: xx-large</rendition> </tagsDecl>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element rendition
   attribute scope { text }?,
   attribute selector { text }?,

Appendix A.1.209 <residence>

<residence> (residence) describes a person's present or past places of residence. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<residence>Childhood in East Africa and long term resident of Glasgow, Scotland.</residence>
<residence notAfter="1997">Mbeni estate, Dzukumura region, Matabele land</residence> <residence notBefore="1903notAfter="1996">  <placeName>   <settlement>Glasgow</settlement>   <region>Scotland</region>  </placeName> </residence>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element residence
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.210 <resp>

<resp> (responsibility) contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility, or an organization's role in the production or distribution of a work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
Module core
ref (Reference to a canonical identifier for a specific responsibility.)
Status Required
Legal values are:
(Author of Afterword, Colophon, etc.) Use for a person or organization responsible for an afterword, postface, colophon, etc. but who is not the chief author of a work.
(Author of Introduction) Use for a person or organization responsible for an introduction, preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author.
(Author) Use for a person or organization chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text. This term may also be used when more than one person or body bears such responsibility.
(Compiler) Use for a person or organization who produces a work or publication by selecting and putting together material from the works of various persons or bodies.
(Creator) Use for a person or organization responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work.
(Consultant to a project) Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who is engaged specifically to provide an intellectual overview of a strategic or operational task and by analysis, specification, or instruction, to create or propose a cost-effective course of action or solution.
(Contributor) Use for a person or organization one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works. Do not use if the sole function in relation to a work is as author, editor, compiler or translator.
(Data Contributor) Use for a person or organization that submits data for inclusion in a database or other collection of data.
(Data Manager) Use for a person or organization responsible for managing databases or other data sources.
(Editor) Use for a person or organization who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.
(Facsimilist) Use for a person or organization that executed the facsimile.
(Illustrator) Use for person, family, or organization contributing to a resource by supplementing the primary content with drawings, diagrams, photographs, etc.In this project, use only for a single person identified the illustrator (or one of the illustrators) of a poem.
(Markup Editor) Use for a person or organization performing the coding of SGML, HTML, or XML markup of metadata, text, etc.
(Project Director) Use for a person or organization with primary responsibility for all essential aspects of a project, or that manages a very large project that demands senior level responsibility, or that has overall responsibility for managing projects, or provides overall direction to a project manager.
(Proofreader) Use for a person who corrects printed matter.
(Photographer) Use for a person or organization responsible for taking photographs, whether they are used in their original form or as reproductions.
(Programmer) Use for a person or organization responsible for the creation and/or maintenance of computer program design documents, source code, and machine-executable digital files and supporting documentation.
(Printer) Use for a person or organization who prints texts, whether from type or plates.
(Researcher) Use for a person or organization responsible for performing research.
(Research Team Head) Use for a person who directed or managed a research project.
(Research team member) Use for a person who participated in a research project but whose role did not involve direction or management of it.
(Transcriber) Use for a person who prepares a handwritten or typewritten copy from original material, including from dictated or orally recorded material. For makers of pen-facsimiles, use Facsimilist [fac].
(Translator) Use for a person or organization who renders a text from one language into another, or from an older form of a language into the modern form.
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Contained by
core: respStmt
May contain
core: date
character data

The attribute ref, inherited from the class att.canonical may be used to indicate the kind of responsibility in a normalized form by referring directly to a standardized list of responsibility types, such as that maintained by a naming authority, for example the list maintained at for bibliographic usage.

<respStmt>  <resp ref="">compiler</resp>  <name>Edward Child</name> </respStmt>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <elementRef key="date"/>
Schema Declaration
element resp
   attribute ref
    | "resp:aui"
    | "resp:aut"
    | "resp:com"
    | "resp:cre"
    | "resp:csp"
    | "resp:ctb"
    | "resp:dtc"
    | "resp:dtm"
    | "resp:edt"
    | "resp:fac"
    | "resp:ill"
    | "resp:mrk"
    | "resp:pdr"
    | "resp:pfr"
    | "resp:pht"
    | "resp:prg"
    | "resp:prt"
    | "resp:res"
    | "resp:rth"
    | "resp:rtm"
    | "resp:trc"
    | "resp:trl"
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   ( text | tei_date )+

Appendix A.1.211 <respStmt>

<respStmt> (statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply. May also be used to encode information about individuals or organizations which have played a role in the production or distribution of a bibliographic work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.2. The Edition Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: name resp
namesdates: orgName persName
<respStmt>  <resp>transcribed from original ms</resp>  <persName>Claus Huitfeldt</persName> </respStmt>
<respStmt>  <resp>converted to XML encoding</resp>  <name>Alan Morrison</name> </respStmt>
<sch:assert test="tei:persName[matches(@ref, '(dvpp:prs_)|(pros:[a-z]+\d+)')] or not(tei:persName)"> A <persName> inside a <respStmt> must have a @ref attribute pointing to a person in the personography file. For example: ref="dvpp:prs_ed_mdh". </sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="tei:resp[@ref=('resp:ill', 'resp:trl')] or tei:resp/tei:date"> Statements of responsibility for project work (transcribing, encoding, etc.) must have a date in the resp element. </sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="tei:resp[@ref=('resp:ill', 'resp:trl')] or tei:name or tei:persName[matches(@ref, '^dvpp:prs_.+_[a-z]+\d*$')]"> The @resp attribute id must be all lower-case.</sch:assert>
Content model
 <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <elementRef key="resp"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
   <elementRef key="name"/>
   <elementRef key="persName"/>
   <elementRef key="orgName"/>
Schema Declaration
element respStmt
   ( tei_resp, ( tei_name | tei_persName | tei_orgName ) )

Appendix A.1.212 <revisionDesc>

<revisionDesc> (revision description) summarizes the revision history for a file. [2.6. The Revision Description 2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components]
Module header
status (Document status) describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(The poem file has been generated based on database metadata.) An automated process has generated the TEI file for the poem, but no transcription or encoding has been done.
(The poem has been transcribed and encoded.) The poem has been fully transcribed and encoded, but not yet proofed.
(The transcription/encoding has been proofed.) A team member other than the original transcriber/encoder has proofed the transcription and encoding, but it has not yet been published.
(An expert team member has made a second pass through the encoding.) This value was introduced to account for the changes in CSS practices which came into effect in 2022, requiring all existing texts to be checked and their encoding altered to comply with the new approach. Texts with this value have not yet been published.
(The poem is ready for publication.) Alison has checked the poem and approved it for publication on the live site.
Contained by
header: teiHeader
linking: annotation
May contain
header: change

If present on this element, the status attribute should indicate the current status of the document. The same attribute may appear on any <change> to record the status at the time of that change. Conventionally <change> elements should be given in reverse date order, with the most recent change at the start of the list.

<revisionDesc status="embargoed">  <change when="1991-11-11who="#LB"> deleted chapter 10 </change> </revisionDesc>
Content model
 <elementRef key="change" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element revisionDesc
   attribute status
      "generated" | "encoded" | "proofed" | "verified" | "published"

Appendix A.1.213 <rhyme>

<rhyme> marks the rhyming part of a metrical line. [6.5. Rhyme]
Module verse
Status Optional
Datatype 1–2 occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
(Masculine rhyme) Final syllable rhymes exactly; for example, Keats/beets.
(Feminine rhyme) A rhyme that matched two or more syllables, usually at the end of a line. The final syllable(s) is usually unstressed. For example, Shelley/jelly.
(Dactylic rhyme) The last three syllables rhyme, and the stress is on the antepenultimate syllable.
(Half rhyme) Words have similar but not identical sounds.
(Eye rhyme) A visual rhyme where two words are spelled similarly but are pronounced differently.
(Identical rhyme) A case where the rhyming syllable(s) are identical.
(Syllabic rhyme) A case where the last syllable sounds the same, but the syllable is not stressed. For example, invisibly/certainly.
(Cross-stanza rhyme) A case where a line does not rhyme with any other line in its stanza, but clearly rhymes with one or more lines in other stanzas. Must be combined with one of the other rhyme type values.
label provides a label (usually a single letter) to identify which part of a rhyme scheme this rhyming string instantiates.
Status Recommended
Datatype token

Within a particular scope, all <rhyme> elements with the same value for their label attribute are assumed to rhyme with each other. The scope is defined by the nearest ancestor element for which the rhyme attribute has been supplied.

Member of
Contained by
May contain
<lg rhyme="abababcc">  <l>'Tis pity learned virgins ever <rhyme label="a">wed</rhyme>  </l>  <l>With persons of no sort of edu<rhyme label="b">cation</rhyme>,</l>  <l>Or gentlemen, who, though well born and <rhyme label="a">bred</rhyme>,</l>  <l>Grow tired of scientific conver<rhyme label="b">sation</rhyme>:</l>  <l>I don't choose to say much on this <rhyme label="a">head</rhyme>,</l>  <l>I'm a plain man, and in a single <rhyme label="b">station</rhyme>,</l>  <l>But — Oh! ye lords of ladies inte<rhyme label="c">llectual</rhyme>,</l>  <l>Inform us truly, have they not hen-<rhyme label="c">peck'd you all</rhyme>?</l> </lg>
<lg>  <l>Tyger! Tyger! burning <rhyme label="a">bright</rhyme>  </l>  <l>In the forests of the <rhyme label="a">night</rhyme>,</l>  <l>What immortal hand or <rhyme label="b">eye</rhyme>  </l>  <l>Could frame thy fearful <rhyme label="btype="eye-rhyme">symmetry</rhyme>?</l> </lg>
<lg>  <l>"Hark! Lakshman! Hark, again that <rhyme label="a">cry</rhyme>!</l>  <l>It is, — it is my husband's <rhyme label="b">voice</rhyme>!</l>  <l>hasten, to his succour <rhyme label="a">fly</rhyme>,</l>  <l>No more hast thou, dear friend, a <rhyme label="b">choice</rhyme>.</l>  <l>He calls on thee, perhaps his <rhyme label="c">foes</rhyme>  </l>  <l>Environ him on all sides <rhyme label="d">round</rhyme>,</l>  <l>That wail, — it means death's final <rhyme label="c">throes</rhyme>!</l>  <l>Why standest thou, as magic-<rhyme label="d">bound</rhyme>?</l> </lg>
<sch:report test="(@type and not(@label)) or (@label and not(@type))"  role="warning"> A <rhyme> element should have both @type and @label attributes. </sch:report>
<sch:report test="matches(., '[:;,\?!\.\-\s]$') and not(./descendant::tei:choice[not(following-sibling::node())])"> ERROR: <rhyme> elements should not include trailing spaces or punctuation. </sch:report>
<sch:assert test="string-length(normalize-space(.)) gt 0"> ERROR: <rhyme> elements must contain text. </sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="tei:rhyme[matches(@type, '\s')]"> <sch:assert test="contains(@type, 'dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza')"> ERROR: If a <rhyme> @type attribute has two values, one of them must be "dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza".</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:assert test="not(matches(., '^((bb)|(cc)|(dd)|(ff)|(gg)|(ll)|(mm)|(nn)|(pp)|(rr)|(ss)|(tt))'))"> ERROR: <rhyme> elements should not begin with a double consonant; usually the first of the pair should appear before the rhyme element and the second inside it. </sch:assert>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element rhyme
   attribute type
          | "dvpp:rhymeFeminine"
          | "dvpp:rhymeDactylic"
          | "dvpp:rhymeHalf"
          | "dvpp:rhymeEye"
          | "dvpp:rhymeIdentical"
          | "dvpp:rhymeSyllabic"
          | "dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza"
          | "dvpp:rhymeFeminine"
          | "dvpp:rhymeDactylic"
          | "dvpp:rhymeHalf"
          | "dvpp:rhymeEye"
          | "dvpp:rhymeIdentical"
          | "dvpp:rhymeSyllabic"
          | "dvpp:rhymeCrossStanza"
   attribute label { text }?,

Appendix A.1.214 <role>

<role> (role) contains the name of a dramatic role, as given in a cast list. [7.1.4. Cast Lists]
Module drama
gender specifies the gender of the role.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.gender separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

Member of
Contained by
drama: castItem
May contain

It is important to assign a meaningful ID attribute to the <role> element, since this ID is referred to by who attributes on many other elements.

<role xml:id="jt">Joan Trash</role> <roleDesc>A Ginger-bread-woman</roleDesc>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element role
   attribute gender { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.215 <roleDesc>

<roleDesc> (role description) describes a character's role in a drama. [7.1.4. Cast Lists]
Module drama
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<roleDesc>gentlemen of leisure</roleDesc>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element roleDesc {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.216 <roleName>

<roleName> (role name) contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain

A <roleName> may be distinguished from an <addName> by virtue of the fact that, like a title, it typically exists independently of its holder.

<persName>  <forename>William</forename>  <surname>Poulteny</surname>  <roleName>Earl of Bath</roleName> </persName>
<p>The <roleName role="solicitor_general">S.G.</roleName> is the only national public official, including the Supreme Court justices, required by statute to be “learned in the law.”</p>
<p>  <persName ref="#NJF">   <roleName role="solicitor_general">Solicitor General</roleName> Noel J. Francisco</persName>, representing the administration, asserted in rebuttal that there was nothing to disavow (...) <persName ref="#NJF">Francisco</persName> had violated the scrupulous standard of candor about the facts and the law that <roleName role="solicitor_general">S.G.s</roleName>, in Republican and Democratic administrations alike, have repeatedly said they must honor. </p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element roleName

Appendix A.1.217 <row>

<row> (row) contains one row of a table. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
Module figures
Contained by
figures: table
May contain
figures: cell
<row role="data">  <cell role="label">Classics</cell>  <cell>Idle listless and unimproving</cell> </row>
Content model
 <elementRef key="cell" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element row

Appendix A.1.218 <rs>

<rs> (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string. [13.2.1. Personal Names 3.6.1. Referring Strings]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<q>My dear <rs type="person">Mr. Bennet</rs>, </q> said <rs type="person">his lady</rs> to him one day, <q>have you heard that <rs type="place">Netherfield Park</rs> is let at last?</q>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element rs

Appendix A.1.219 <rt>

<rt> (ruby text) contains a ruby text, an annotation closely associated with a passage of the main text. [3.4.2. Ruby Annotations]
Module core
target supplies a pointer to the base being glossed by this ruby text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Schematron Enforce that either target or both from and to (or none) are used, but not target in combination with either from or to.
<sch:report test="../@from | ../@to">When target= is present, neither from= nor to= should be.</sch:report>

Should point to a single <rb> or an element that is inside an <rb>. To refer to multiple elements or text nodes at once use from and to.

from points to the starting point of the span of text being glossed by this ruby text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Schematron Enforce the presence of to iff there is a from.
<sch:assert test="../@to">When from= is present, the to= attribute of <sch:name/> is required.</sch:assert>
to points to the ending point of the span of text being glossed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Schematron Enforce the presence of from iff there is a to.
<sch:assert test="../@from">When to= is present, the from= attribute of <sch:name/> is required.</sch:assert>
Contained by
core: ruby
May contain

Where the place attribute is not provided on the <rt> element, the default assumption is that the ruby gloss is above where the text is horizontal, and to the right of the text where it is vertical.

Example The word 大統領 daitōryō (president) is glossed character by character in hiragana to provide a pronunciation guide.
<p style="writing-mode: vertical-rl"  xml:lang="ja"> <!--...-->  <ruby>   <rb></rb>   <rt place="right">だい</rt>  </ruby>  <ruby>   <rb></rb>   <rt place="right">とう</rt>  </ruby>  <ruby>   <rb></rb>   <rt place="right">りょう</rt>  </ruby> <!--...--> </p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element rt
   attribute target { text }?,
   attribute from { text }?,
   attribute to { text }?,

Appendix A.1.220 <ruby>

<ruby> (ruby container) contains a passage of base text along with its associated ruby gloss(es). [3.4.2. Ruby Annotations]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: rb rt
Example The word 入学試験 nyūgakushiken (university entrance exam) is glossed with a hiragana phonation guide.
<p xml:lang="ja"> <!--...-->  <ruby>   <rb>入学試験</rb>   <rt place="above">にゅうがくしけん</rt>  </ruby> <!--...--> </p>
Example This fictional example shows the initialism TEI glossed letter-by-letter with an IPA transcription.
<ruby>  <rb>T</rb>  <rt>ti:</rt> </ruby> <ruby>  <rb>E</rb>  <rt>i:</rt> </ruby> <ruby>  <rb>I</rb>  <rt></rt> </ruby>
Content model
  <elementRef key="rb" minOccurs="1"
  <elementRef key="rt" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element ruby
   ( tei_rb, tei_rt+ )

Appendix A.1.221 <said>

<said> (speech or thought) indicates passages thought or spoken aloud, whether explicitly indicated in the source or not, whether directly or indirectly reported, whether by real people or fictional characters. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Module core
aloud may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as having been vocalized or signed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue
<p> Celia thought privately, <said aloud="false">Dorothea quite despises Sir James Chettam;    I believe she would not accept him.</said> Celia felt that this was a pity. <!-- ... --> </p>

The value true indicates the encoded passage was expressed outwardly (whether spoken, signed, sung, screamed, chanted, etc.); the value false indicates that the encoded passage was thought, but not outwardly expressed.

direct may be used to indicate whether the quoted matter is regarded as direct or indirect speech.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue
Default true
<!-- in the header --><editorialDecl>  <quotation marks="none"/> </editorialDecl> <!-- ... --> <p>Tantripp had brought a card, and said that <said direct="false">there was a gentleman waiting in the lobby</said>. The courier had told him that <said direct="false">only Mrs. Casaubon was at home</said>, but he said <said direct="false">he was a relation of Mr. Casaubon's: would she see him?</said> </p>

The value true indicates the speech or thought is represented directly; the value false that speech or thought is represented indirectly, e.g. by use of a marked verbal aspect.

Member of
Contained by
May contain
<!-- in the header --><editorialDecl>  <quotation marks="all"/> </editorialDecl> <!-- ... --> <p>  <said>"Our minstrel here will warm the old man's heart with song, dazzle him with jewels and    gold"</said>, a troublemaker simpered. <said>"He'll trample on the Duke's camellias, spill    his wine, and blunt his sword, and say his name begins with X, and in the end the Duke    will say, <said>'Take Saralinda, with my blessing, O lordly Prince of Rags and Tags, O      rider of the sun!'</said>"</said> </p>
<p>  <said aloud="truerend="pre(“) post(”)">Hmmm</said>, said a small voice in his ear. <said aloud="truerend="pre(“) post(”)">Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see.    Not a bad mind either. there's talent, oh my goodness, yes — and a nice thirst to prove    yourself, now that's interesting. … So where shall I put you?</said> </p> <p>Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, <said aloud="falserend="italic">Not    Slytherin, not Slytherin</said>.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element said
   attribute aloud { text }?,
   attribute direct { text }?,

Appendix A.1.222 <salute>

<salute> (salutation) contains a salutation or greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
textstructure: body closer div front group opener
May contain
<salute>To all courteous mindes, that will voutchsafe the readinge.</salute>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element salute

Appendix A.1.223 <samplingDecl>

<samplingDecl> (sampling declaration) contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in selecting texts, or parts of a text, for inclusion in the resource. [2.3.2. The Sampling Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
core: p
linking: ab

This element records all information about systematic inclusion or omission of portions of the text, whether a reflection of sampling procedures in the pure sense or of systematic omission of material deemed either too difficult to transcribe or not of sufficient interest.

<samplingDecl>  <p>Samples of up to 2000 words taken at random from the beginning, middle, or end of each    text identified as relevant by respondents.</p> </samplingDecl>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element samplingDecl {, tei_model.pLike+ }

Appendix A.1.224 <schemaRef>

<schemaRef> (schema reference) describes or points to a related customization or schema file [2.3.10. The Schema Specification]
Module header
key the identifier used for the customization or schema
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xmlName
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
core: desc
<schemaRef type="interchangeODD"  url=""/> <schemaRef type="interchangeRNG"  url=""/> <schemaRef type="projectODD"  url="file:///schema/project.odd"/>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.descLike"
Schema Declaration
element schemaRef
   attribute key { text }?,

Appendix A.1.225 <scriptNote>

<scriptNote> describes a particular script distinguished within the description of a manuscript or similar resource. [10.7.2. Writing, Decoration, and Other Notations]
Module header
Contained by
May contain
<scriptNote scope="sole"/>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element scriptNote

Appendix A.1.226 <seg>

<seg> (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the ‘chunk’ level. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 6.2. Components of the Verse Line 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module linking
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The <seg> element may be used at the encoder's discretion to mark any segments of the text of interest for processing. One use of the element is to mark text features for which no appropriate markup is otherwise defined. Another use is to provide an identifier for some segment which is to be pointed at by some other element—i.e. to provide a target, or a part of a target, for a <ptr> or other similar element.

<seg>When are you leaving?</seg> <seg>Tomorrow.</seg>
<s>  <seg rend="capstype="initial-cap">So father's only</seg> glory was the ballfield. </s>
<seg type="preamble">  <seg>Sigmund, <seg type="patronym">the son of Volsung</seg>, was a king in Frankish country.</seg>  <seg>Sinfiotli was the eldest of his sons ...</seg>  <seg>Borghild, Sigmund's wife, had a brother ... </seg> </seg>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element seg

Appendix A.1.227 <segmentation>

<segmentation> (segmentation) describes the principles according to which the text has been segmented, for example into sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata, etc. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<segmentation>  <p>   <gi>s</gi> elements mark orthographic sentences and are numbered sequentially within    their parent <gi>div</gi> element </p> </segmentation>
<p>  <gi>seg</gi> elements are used to mark functional constituents of various types within each <gi>s</gi>; the typology used is defined by a <gi>taxonomy</gi> element in the corpus header <gi>classDecl</gi> </p>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element segmentation {, tei_model.pLike+ }

Appendix A.1.228 <series>

<series> (series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared. [ Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<series xml:lang="de">  <title level="s">Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen Fachinformatik</title>  <respStmt>   <resp>Herausgegeben von</resp>   <name type="person">Manfred Thaller</name>   <name type="org">Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte</name>  </respStmt>  <title level="s">Serie A: Historische Quellenkunden</title>  <biblScope>Band 11</biblScope> </series>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="title"/>
  <classRef key="model.ptrLike"/>
  <elementRef key="editor"/>
  <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
  <elementRef key="biblScope"/>
  <elementRef key="idno"/>
  <elementRef key="textLang"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <elementRef key="availability"/>
Schema Declaration
element series
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_title
    | tei_model.ptrLike
    | tei_editor
    | tei_respStmt
    | tei_biblScope
    | tei_idno
    | tei_textLang
    | tei_availability

Appendix A.1.229 <seriesStmt>

<seriesStmt> (series statement) groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. [2.2.5. The Series Statement 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Contained by
May contain
header: idno
linking: ab
<seriesStmt>  <title>Machine-Readable Texts for the Study of Indian Literature</title>  <respStmt>   <resp>ed. by</resp>   <name>Jan Gonda</name>  </respStmt>  <biblScope unit="volume">1.2</biblScope>  <idno type="ISSN">0 345 6789</idno> </seriesStmt>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
   <elementRef key="title" minOccurs="1"
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="editor"/>
    <elementRef key="respStmt"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="idno"/>
    <elementRef key="biblScope"/>
Schema Declaration
element seriesStmt
    | (
         ( tei_editor | tei_respStmt )*,
         ( tei_idno | tei_biblScope )*

Appendix A.1.230 <sex>

<sex> (sex) specifies the sex of an organism. [ Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
value supplies a coded value for sex
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace

Values for this attribute may be locally defined by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

As with other culturally-constructed traits such as age and gender, the way in which this concept is described in different cultural contexts varies. The normalizing attributes are provided only as an optional means of simplifying that variety for purposes of interoperability or project-internal taxonomies for consistency, and should not be used where that is inappropriate or unhelpful. The content of the element may be used to describe the intended concept in more detail.

<sex value="F">female</sex>
<sex value="I">Intersex</sex>
<sex value="TG F">Female (TransWoman)</sex>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element sex
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute value { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.231 <sic>

<sic> (Latin for thus or so) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate. [3.5.1. Apparent Errors]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
for his nose was as sharp as a pen, and <sic>a Table</sic> of green fields.
Example If all that is desired is to call attention to the apparent problem in the copy text, <sic> may be used alone:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <sic>we can</sic> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
Example It is also possible, using the <choice> and <corr> elements, to provide a corrected reading:
I don't know, Juan. It's so far in the past now — how <choice>  <sic>we can</sic>  <corr>can we</corr> </choice> prove or disprove anyone's theories?
for his nose was as sharp as a pen, and <choice>  <sic>a Table</sic>  <corr>a' babbld</corr> </choice> of green fields.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element sic {, tei_macro.paraContent }

Appendix A.1.232 <signed>

<signed> (signature) contains the closing salutation, etc., appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text. [4.2.2. Openers and Closers]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castList
figures: figure table
May contain
<signed>Thine to command <name>Humph. Moseley</name> </signed>
<closer>  <signed>Sign'd and Seal'd,  <list>    <item>John Bull,</item>    <item>Nic. Frog.</item>   </list>  </signed> </closer>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element signed

Appendix A.1.233 <soCalled>

<soCalled> (so called) contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics. [3.3.3. Quotation]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
To edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance, was what the knowing ones call <soCalled>nuts</soCalled> to Scrooge.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element soCalled {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.234 <socecStatus>

<socecStatus> (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social or economic status. [15.2.2. The Participant Description]
Module namesdates
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
scheme identifies the classification system or taxonomy in use, for example by pointing to a locally-defined <taxonomy> element or by supplying a URI for an externally-defined system.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
code identifies a status code defined within the classification system or taxonomy defined by the scheme attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The content of this element may be used as an alternative to the more formal specification made possible by its attributes; it may also be used to supplement the formal specification with commentary or clarification.

<socecStatus scheme="#rgcode="#ab1"/>
<socecStatus>Status AB1 in the RG Classification scheme</socecStatus>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element socecStatus
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute scheme { text }?,
   attribute code { text }?,

Appendix A.1.235 <sourceDesc>

<sourceDesc> (source description) describes the source(s) from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. [2.2.7. The Source Description]
Module header
Contained by
May contain
figures: table
header: biblFull
linking: ab
msdescription: msDesc
<sourceDesc>  <bibl>   <title level="a">The Interesting story of the Children in the Wood</title>. In  <author>Victor E Neuberg</author>, <title>The Penny Histories</title>.  <publisher>OUP</publisher>   <date>1968</date>. </bibl> </sourceDesc>
<sourceDesc>  <p>Born digital: no previous source exists.</p> </sourceDesc>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
  <alternate minOccurs="1"
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <classRef key="model.sourceDescPart"/>
   <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element sourceDesc
    | ( tei_model.biblLike | tei_model.sourceDescPart | tei_model.listLike )+

Appendix A.1.236 <sp>

<sp> (speech) contains an individual speech in a performance text, or a passage presented as such in a prose or verse text. [3.13.2. Core Tags for Drama 3.13. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.2. Speeches and Speakers]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
drama: castList
figures: cell figure
namesdates: occupation
transcr: metamark
May contain

The who attribute on this element may be used either in addition to the <speaker> element or as an alternative.

<sp>  <speaker>The reverend Doctor Opimian</speaker>  <p>I do not think I have named a single unpresentable fish.</p> </sp> <sp>  <speaker>Mr Gryll</speaker>  <p>Bream, Doctor: there is not much to be said for bream.</p> </sp> <sp>  <speaker>The Reverend Doctor Opimian</speaker>  <p>On the contrary, sir, I think there is much to be said for him. In the first place [...]</p>  <p>Fish, Miss Gryll — I could discourse to you on fish by the hour: but for the present I    will forbear [...]</p> </sp>
Content model
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="speaker"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="lg"/>
    <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.stageLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.attributable"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <elementRef key="q"/>
Schema Declaration
element sp
      ( tei_speaker,* )?,
          | tei_model.lLike
          | tei_model.pLike
          | tei_model.listLike
          | tei_model.stageLike
          | tei_model.attributable
         (* | tei_q )

Appendix A.1.237 <space>

<space> (space) indicates the location of a significant space in the text. [11.4.1. Space]
Module transcr
resp (responsible party) (responsible party) indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring the space
Derived from
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
dim (dimension) indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
the space is horizontal.
the space is vertical.

For irregular shapes in two dimensions, the value for this attribute should reflect the more important of the two dimensions. In conventional left-right scripts, a space with both vertical and horizontal components should be classed as vertical.

Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: desc

This element should be used wherever it is desired to record an unusual space in the source text, e.g. space left for a word to be filled in later, for later rubrication, etc. It is not intended to be used to mark normal inter-word space or the like.

By god if wommen had writen storyes As <space quantity="7unit="minims"/> han within her oratoryes
στρατηλάτ<space quantity="1unit="chars"/>ου
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.descLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.certLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element space
   attribute resp { list { + } }?,
   attribute dim { "horizontal" | "vertical" }?,
   ( tei_model.descLike | tei_model.certLike )*

Appendix A.1.238 <speaker>

<speaker> contains a specialized form of heading or label, giving the name of one or more speakers in a dramatic text or fragment. [3.13.2. Core Tags for Drama]
Module core
Contained by
core: sp
May contain

This element may be used to transcribe which character is speaking in a dramatic text as indicated by the source text; the who attribute of an <sp> element may be used to point to another element (typically a <role>) which provides information about the character speaking. Either or both may be used.

<sp who="#ni #rsa">  <speaker>Nancy and Robert</speaker>  <stage type="delivery">(speaking simultaneously)</stage>  <p>The future? ...</p> </sp> <list type="speakers">  <item xml:id="ni"/>  <item xml:id="rsa"/> </list>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element speaker {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.239 <sponsor>

<sponsor> (sponsor) specifies the name of a sponsoring organization or institution. [2.2.1. The Title Statement]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
core: bibl monogr
msdescription: msItem
May contain

Sponsors give their intellectual authority to a project; they are to be distinguished from funders (see element <funder>), who provide the funding but do not necessarily take intellectual responsibility.

<sponsor>Association for Computers and the Humanities</sponsor> <sponsor>Association for Computational Linguistics</sponsor> <sponsor ref="">Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing</sponsor>
Content model
 <macroRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element sponsor
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.240 <stage>

<stage> (stage direction) contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or fragment. [3.13.2. Core Tags for Drama 3.13. Passages of Verse or Drama 7.2.4. Stage Directions]
Module core
type indicates the kind of stage direction.
Status Recommended
Datatype 0–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
describes a setting.
describes an entrance.
describes an exit.
describes stage business.
is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
describes how a character speaks.
gives some detail about a character.
describes a location.
more than one of the above

If the value mixed is used, it must be the only value. Multiple values may however be supplied if a single stage direction performs multiple functions, for example is both an entrance and a modifier.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

The who attribute may be used to indicate more precisely the person or persons participating in the action described by the stage direction.

<stage type="setting">A curtain being drawn.</stage> <stage type="setting">Music</stage> <stage type="entrance">Enter Husband as being thrown off his horse and falls.</stage> <!-- Middleton : Yorkshire Tragedy --> <stage type="exit">Exit pursued by a bear.</stage> <stage type="business">He quickly takes the stone out.</stage> <stage type="delivery">To Lussurioso.</stage> <stage type="novelistic">Having had enough, and embarrassed for the family.</stage> <!-- Lorraine Hansbury : a raisin in in the sun --> <stage type="modifier">Disguised as Ansaldo.</stage> <stage type="entrance modifier">Enter Latrocinio disguised as an empiric</stage> <!-- Middleton: The Widow --> <stage type="location">At a window.</stage> <stage rend="inlinetype="delivery">Aside.</stage>
<l>Behold. <stage n="*place="margin">Here the vp<lb/>per part of the <hi>Scene</hi> open'd; when    straight appear'd a Heauen, and all the <hi>Pure Artes</hi> sitting on    two semi<lb/>circular ben<lb/>ches, one a<lb/>boue another: who sate thus till the rest of the  <hi>Prologue</hi> was spoken, which being ended, they descended in    order within the <hi>Scene,</hi> whiles the Musicke plaid</stage> Our Poet knowing our free hearts</l>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element stage
   attribute type
          | "entrance"
          | "exit"
          | "business"
          | "novelistic"
          | "delivery"
          | "modifier"
          | "location"
          | "mixed"

Appendix A.1.241 <standOff>

<standOff> Functions as a container element for linked data, contextual information, and stand-off annotations embedded in a TEI document. [16.10. The standOff Container]
Module linking
Member of
Contained by
core: teiCorpus
textstructure: TEI
May contain
Example This example shows an encoding of morphosyntactic features similar to the encoding system used by ISO 24611 (MAF).
<TEI xmlns="">  <teiHeader> <!-- ... -->  </teiHeader>  <text>   <body> <!-- ... -->    <p>     <w xml:id="w51">I</w>     <w xml:id="w52">wanna</w>     <w xml:id="w53">put</w>     <w xml:id="w54">up</w>     <w xml:id="w55">new</w>     <w xml:id="w56">wallpaper</w>     <pc>.</pc>    </p> <!-- ... -->   </body>  </text>  <standOff type="morphosyntax">   <spanGrp type="wordForm">    <span target="#w51ana="#fs01"/>    <span target="#w52ana="#fs02"/>    <span target="#w52ana="#fs03"/>    <span target="#w53 #w54ana="#fs04"/>    <span target="#w55ana="#fs05"/>    <span target="#w56ana="#fs06"/>   </spanGrp>   <fs xml:id="fs01">    <f name="lemma">     <string>I</string>    </f>    <f name="pos">     <symbol value="PP"/>    </f>   </fs>   <fs xml:id="fs02">    <f name="lemma">     <string>want</string>    </f>    <f name="pos">     <symbol value="VBP"/>    </f>   </fs>   <fs xml:id="fs03">    <f name="lemma">     <string>to</string>    </f>    <f name="pos">     <symbol value="TO"/>    </f>   </fs>   <fs xml:id="fs04">    <f name="lemma">     <string>put up</string>    </f>    <f name="pos">     <symbol value="VB"/>    </f>   </fs>   <fs xml:id="fs05">    <f name="lemma">     <string>new</string>    </f>    <f name="pos">     <symbol value="JJ"/>    </f>   </fs>   <fs xml:id="fs06">    <f name="lemma">     <string>wallpaper</string>    </f>    <f name="pos">     <symbol value="NN"/>    </f>   </fs>  </standOff> </TEI>
Example This example shows an encoding of contextual information which is referred to from the main text.
<TEI xmlns="">  <teiHeader> <!-- ... -->  </teiHeader>  <standOff>   <listPlace>    <place xml:id="LATL">     <placeName>Atlanta</placeName>     <location>      <region key="US-GA">Georgia</region>      <country key="USA">United States of America</country>      <geo>33.755 -84.39</geo>     </location>     <population when="1963"      type="interpolatedCensusquantity="489359"      source=""/>    </place>    <place xml:id="LBHM">     <placeName>Birmingham</placeName>     <location>      <region key="US-AL">Alabama</region>      <country key="USA">United States of America</country>      <geo>33.653333 -86.808889</geo>     </location>     <population when="1963"      type="interpolatedCensusquantity="332891"      source=""/>    </place>   </listPlace>  </standOff>  <text>   <body> <!-- ... -->    <p>Moreover, I am <choice>      <sic>congnizant</sic>      <corr>cognizant</corr>     </choice> of the interrelatedness of all communities and    <lb/>states. I cannot sit idly by in <placeName ref="#LATL">Atlanta</placeName> and not be concerned about what happens    <lb/>in <placeName ref="#LBHM">Birmingham</placeName>. <seg xml:id="FQ17">Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</seg> We    <lb/>are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment    <lb/>of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Never    <lb/>again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial <soCalled rendition="#Rqms">outside agitator</soCalled>     <lb/>idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered    <lb/>an outsider anywhere in this country.</p> <!-- ... -->   </body>  </text> </TEI>
<sch:assert test="@type or not(ancestor::tei:standOff)">This <sch:name/> element must have a @type attribute, since it is nested inside a <sch:name/> </sch:assert>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.standOffPart"
  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element standOff

Appendix A.1.242 <state>

<state> (state) contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization often at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. Basic Principles Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
header: biblFull
linking: ab
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: state

Where there is confusion between <trait> and <state> the more general purpose element <state> should be used even for unchanging characteristics. If you wish to distinguish between characteristics that are generally perceived to be time-bound states and those assumed to be fixed traits, then <trait> is available for the more static of these. The <state> element encodes characteristics which are sometimes assumed to change, often at specific times or over a date range, whereas the <trait> elements are used to record characteristics, such as eye-colour, which are less subject to change. Traits are typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder.

<state ref="#SCHOLtype="status">  <label>scholar</label> </state>
<org>  <orgName notAfter="1960">The Silver Beetles</orgName>  <orgName notBefore="1960">The Beatles</orgName>  <state type="membershipfrom="1960-08"   to="1962-05">   <desc>    <persName>John Lennon</persName>    <persName>Paul McCartney</persName>    <persName>George Harrison</persName>    <persName>Stuart Sutcliffe</persName>    <persName>Pete Best</persName>   </desc>  </state>  <state type="membershipnotBefore="1963">   <desc>    <persName>John Lennon</persName>    <persName>Paul McCartney</persName>    <persName>George Harrison</persName>    <persName>Ringo Starr</persName>   </desc>  </state> </org>
Content model
  <elementRef key="precision" minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="state" minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.headLike"
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <classRef key="model.pLike"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
     <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element state
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
       | (
            ( tei_model.noteLike | tei_model.biblLike )*
       | ( tei_model.labelLike | tei_model.noteLike | tei_model.biblLike )*

Appendix A.1.243 <stdVals>

<stdVals> (standard values) specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied. [2.3.3. The Editorial Practices Declaration 15.3.2. Declarable Elements]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<stdVals>  <p>All integer numbers are left-filled with zeroes to 8 digits.</p> </stdVals>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element stdVals {, tei_model.pLike+ }

Appendix A.1.244 <street>

<street> contains a full street address including any name or number identifying a building as well as the name of the street or route on which it is located. [3.6.2. Addresses]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
core: address
May contain

The order and presentation of house names and numbers and street names, etc., may vary considerably in different countries. The encoding should reflect the order which is appropriate in the country concerned.

<street>via della Faggiola, 36</street>
<street>  <name>Duntaggin</name>, 110 Southmoor Road </street>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element street {, tei_macro.phraseSeq }

Appendix A.1.245 <styleDefDecl>

<styleDefDecl> (style definition language declaration) specifies the name of the formal language in which style or renditional information is supplied elsewhere in the document. The specific version of the scheme may also be supplied. [2.3.5. The Default Style Definition Language Declaration]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
core: p
linking: ab
<styleDefDecl scheme="css"  schemeVersion="2.1"/> <!-- ... --> <tagsDecl>  <rendition xml:id="boldface">font-weight: bold;</rendition>  <rendition xml:id="italicstyle">font-style: italic;</rendition> </tagsDecl>
Content model
 <classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element styleDefDecl

Appendix A.1.246 <surname>

<surname> (surname) contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Member of
Contained by
May contain
<surname type="combine">St John Stevas</surname>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element surname

Appendix A.1.247 <table>

<table> (table) contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns. [14.1.1. TEI Tables]
Module figures
rows (rows) indicates the number of rows in the table.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

If no number is supplied, an application must calculate the number of rows.

Rows should be presented from top to bottom.

cols (columns) indicates the number of columns in each row of the table.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

If no number is supplied, an application must calculate the number of columns.

Within each row, columns should be presented left to right.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

Contains an optional heading and a series of rows.

Any rendition information should be supplied using the global rend attribute, at the table, row, or cell level as appropriate.

<table rows="4cols="4">  <head>Poor Men's Lodgings in Norfolk (Mayhew, 1843)</head>  <row role="label">   <cell role="data"/>   <cell role="data">Dossing Cribs or Lodging Houses</cell>   <cell role="data">Beds</cell>   <cell role="data">Needys or Nightly Lodgers</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Bury St Edmund's</cell>   <cell role="data">5</cell>   <cell role="data">8</cell>   <cell role="data">128</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Thetford</cell>   <cell role="data">3</cell>   <cell role="data">6</cell>   <cell role="data">36</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Attleboro'</cell>   <cell role="data">3</cell>   <cell role="data">5</cell>   <cell role="data">20</cell>  </row>  <row role="data">   <cell role="label">Wymondham</cell>   <cell role="data">1</cell>   <cell role="data">11</cell>   <cell role="data">22</cell>  </row> </table>
Content model
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.headLike"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="row"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <sequence minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.graphicLike"/>
    <classRef key=""
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.divBottom"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element table
   attribute rows { text }?,
   attribute cols { text }?,
      ( tei_model.headLike | )*,
         ( tei_row,* )+
       | ( tei_model.graphicLike,* )+
      ( tei_model.divBottom,* )*

Appendix A.1.248 <tagUsage>

<tagUsage> (element usage) documents the usage of a specific element within a specified document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration]
Module header
gi (generic identifier) specifies the name (generic identifier) of the element indicated by the tag, within the namespace indicated by the parent <namespace> element.
Status Required
occurs specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.count
withId (with unique identifier) specifies the number of occurrences of this element within the text which bear a distinct value for the global xml:id attribute.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.count
Contained by
header: namespace
May contain
<tagsDecl partial="true">  <rendition xml:id="itscheme="css"   selector="foreign, hi"> font-style: italic; </rendition> <!-- ... -->  <namespace name="">   <tagUsage gi="hioccurs="28withId="2"> Used to mark English words italicized in the copy text.</tagUsage>   <tagUsage gi="foreign">Used to mark non-English words in the copy text.</tagUsage> <!-- ... -->  </namespace> </tagsDecl>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.limitedContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element tagUsage
   attribute gi { text },
   attribute occurs { text }?,
   attribute withId { text }?,

Appendix A.1.249 <tagsDecl>

<tagsDecl> (tagging declaration) provides detailed information about the tagging applied to a document. [2.3.4. The Tagging Declaration 2.3. The Encoding Description]
Module header
partial indicates whether the element types listed exhaustively include all those found within <text>, or represent only a subset.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.truthValue

TEI recommended practice is to specify this attribute. When the <tagUsage> elements inside <tagsDecl> are used to list each of the element types in the associated <text>, the value should be given as false. When the <tagUsage> elements inside <tagsDecl> are used to provide usage information or default renditions for only a subset of the elements types within the associated <text>, the value should be true.

Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
<tagsDecl partial="true">  <rendition xml:id="rend-itscheme="css"   selector="emph, hi, name, title">font-style: italic;</rendition>  <namespace name="">   <tagUsage gi="hioccurs="467"/>   <tagUsage gi="titleoccurs="45"/>  </namespace>  <namespace name="">   <tagUsage gi="paraoccurs="10"/>  </namespace> </tagsDecl>
If the partial attribute were not specified here, the implication would be that the document in question contains only <hi>, <title>, and <para> elements.
Content model
  <elementRef key="rendition" minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="namespace" minOccurs="0"
Schema Declaration
element tagsDecl
   attribute partial { text }?,
   ( tei_rendition*, tei_namespace* )

Appendix A.1.250 <taxonomy>

<taxonomy> (taxonomy) defines a typology either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy. [2.3.7. The Classification Declaration]
Module header
Contained by
May contain

Nested taxonomies are common in many fields, so the <taxonomy> element can be nested.

<taxonomy xml:id="tax.b">  <bibl>Brown Corpus</bibl>  <category xml:id="tax.b.a">   <catDesc>Press Reportage</catDesc>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a1">    <catDesc>Daily</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a2">    <catDesc>Sunday</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a3">    <catDesc>National</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a4">    <catDesc>Provincial</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a5">    <catDesc>Political</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.a6">    <catDesc>Sports</catDesc>   </category>  </category>  <category xml:id="tax.b.d">   <catDesc>Religion</catDesc>   <category xml:id="tax.b.d1">    <catDesc>Books</catDesc>   </category>   <category xml:id="tax.b.d2">    <catDesc>Periodicals and tracts</catDesc>   </category>  </category> </taxonomy>
<taxonomy>  <category xml:id="literature">   <catDesc>Literature</catDesc>   <category xml:id="poetry">    <catDesc>Poetry</catDesc>    <category xml:id="sonnet">     <catDesc>Sonnet</catDesc>     <category xml:id="shakesSonnet">      <catDesc>Shakespearean Sonnet</catDesc>     </category>     <category xml:id="petraSonnet">      <catDesc>Petrarchan Sonnet</catDesc>     </category>    </category>    <category xml:id="haiku">     <catDesc>Haiku</catDesc>    </category>   </category>   <category xml:id="drama">    <catDesc>Drama</catDesc>   </category>  </category>  <category xml:id="meter">   <catDesc>Metrical Categories</catDesc>   <category xml:id="feet">    <catDesc>Metrical Feet</catDesc>    <category xml:id="iambic">     <catDesc>Iambic</catDesc>    </category>    <category xml:id="trochaic">     <catDesc>trochaic</catDesc>    </category>   </category>   <category xml:id="feetNumber">    <catDesc>Number of feet</catDesc>    <category xml:id="pentameter">     <catDesc>>Pentameter</catDesc>    </category>    <category xml:id="tetrameter">     <catDesc>>Tetrameter</catDesc>    </category>   </category>  </category> </taxonomy> <!-- elsewhere in document --> <lg ana="#shakesSonnet #iambic #pentameter">  <l>Shall I compare thee to a summer's day</l> <!-- ... --> </lg>
Content model
   <alternate minOccurs="1"
    <elementRef key="category"/>
    <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="1"
     <classRef key="model.descLike"
      minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
     <elementRef key="equiv" minOccurs="1"
     <elementRef key="gloss" minOccurs="1"
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <elementRef key="category"/>
     <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
   <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <elementRef key="category"/>
    <elementRef key="taxonomy"/>
Schema Declaration
element taxonomy
         ( tei_category | tei_taxonomy )+
       | (
            ( tei_model.descLike | equiv | tei_gloss )+,
            ( tei_category | tei_taxonomy )*
    | ( tei_model.biblLike, ( tei_category | tei_taxonomy )* )

Appendix A.1.251 <teiCorpus>

<teiCorpus> (TEI corpus) contains the whole of a TEI encoded corpus, comprising a single corpus header and one or more <TEI> elements, each containing a single text header and a text. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module core
version (version) specifies the version number of the TEI Guidelines against which this document is valid.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.version

Major editions of the Guidelines have long been informally referred to by a name made up of the letter P (for Proposal) followed by a digit. The current release is one of the many releases of the fifth major edition of the Guidelines, known as P5. This attribute may be used to associate a TEI document with a specific release of the P5 Guidelines, in the absence of a more precise association provided by the source attribute on the associated <schemaSpec>.

Member of
Contained by
core: teiCorpus
May contain
core: teiCorpus
header: teiHeader
linking: standOff
textstructure: TEI text
transcr: facsimile

Should contain one TEI header for the corpus, and a series of <TEI> elements, one for each text.

<teiCorpus version="3.3.0" xmlns="">  <teiHeader> <!-- header for corpus -->  </teiHeader>  <TEI>   <teiHeader> <!-- header for first text -->   </teiHeader>   <text> <!-- content of first text -->   </text>  </TEI>  <TEI>   <teiHeader> <!-- header for second text -->   </teiHeader>   <text> <!-- content of second text -->   </text>  </TEI> <!-- more TEI elements here --> </teiCorpus>
Content model
  <elementRef key="teiHeader"/>
  <classRef key="model.resource"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.describedResource"
   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element teiCorpus
   attribute version { text }?,
   ( tei_teiHeader, tei_model.resource*, tei_model.describedResource+ )

Appendix A.1.252 <teiHeader>

<teiHeader> (TEI header) supplies descriptive and declarative metadata associated with a digital resource or set of resources. [2.1.1. The TEI Header and Its Components 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module header
Contained by
core: teiCorpus
textstructure: TEI
May contain

One of the few elements unconditionally required in any TEI document.

<teiHeader>  <fileDesc>   <titleStmt>    <title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title>    <author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author>    <respStmt>     <resp>Originally prepared by</resp>     <name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name>    </respStmt>    <respStmt>     <resp>Revised and edited by</resp>     <name>Christine Avern-Carr</name>    </respStmt>   </titleStmt>   <publicationStmt>    <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>    <address>     <addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine>    </address>    <idno type="OTA">119</idno>    <availability>     <p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p>    </availability>    <date when="1968">1968</date>   </publicationStmt>   <sourceDesc>    <bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile,        1968)</bibl>   </sourceDesc>  </fileDesc>  <encodingDesc>   <projectDesc>    <p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling        concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the        editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p>   </projectDesc>   <editorialDecl>    <correction>     <p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p>    </correction>    <normalization>     <p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured          forms are not encoded.</p>    </normalization>   </editorialDecl>   <refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF">    <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"     replacementPattern="#xpath(//div1[@n='$1']/div2/[@n='$2']//lb[@n='$3'])">     <p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that          listed here: <list>       <item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi>       </item>       <item>a period</item>       <item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi>       </item>       <item>a space</item>       <item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi>       </item>      </list>     </p>    </cRefPattern>   </refsDecl>  </encodingDesc>  <revisionDesc>   <list>    <item>     <date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item>    <item>     <date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item>   </list>  </revisionDesc> </teiHeader>
Content model
  <elementRef key="fileDesc"/>
  <classRef key="model.teiHeaderPart"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <elementRef key="revisionDesc"
Schema Declaration
element teiHeader
   ( tei_fileDesc, tei_model.teiHeaderPart*, tei_revisionDesc? )

Appendix A.1.253 <term>

<term> (term) contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. [3.4.1. Terms and Glosses]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain

When this element appears within an <index> element, it is understood to supply the form under which an index entry is to be made for that location. Elsewhere, it is understood simply to indicate that its content is to be regarded as a technical or specialised term. It may be associated with a <gloss> element by means of its ref attribute; alternatively a <gloss> element may point to a <term> element by means of its target attribute.

In formal terminological work, there is frequently discussion over whether terms must be atomic or may include multi-word lexical items, symbolic designations, or phraseological units. The <term> element may be used to mark any of these. No position is taken on the philosophical issue of what a term can be; the looser definition simply allows the <term> element to be used by practitioners of any persuasion.

As with other members of the att.canonical class, instances of this element occuring in a text may be associated with a canonical definition, either by means of a URI (using the ref attribute), or by means of some system-specific code value (using the key attribute). Because the mutually exclusive target and cRef attributes overlap with the function of the ref attribute, they are deprecated and may be removed at a subsequent release.

A computational device that infers structure from grammatical strings of words is known as a <term>parser</term>, and much of the history of NLP over the last 20 years has been occupied with the design of parsers.
We may define <term xml:id="TDPV1rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as <gloss target="#TDPV1">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss>
We may define <term ref="#TDPV2rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> as <gloss xml:id="TDPV2">the relationship, expressed through discourse structure, between the implied author or some other addresser, and the fiction.</gloss>
We discuss Leech's concept of <term ref="myGlossary.xml#TDPV2rend="sc">discoursal point of view</term> below.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element term

Appendix A.1.254 <text>

<text> (text) contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample. [4. Default Text Structure 15.1. Varieties of Composite Text]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: teiCorpus
textstructure: TEI group
May contain
figures: figure
textstructure: back body front group
transcr: fw metamark space

This element should not be used to represent a text which is inserted at an arbitrary point within the structure of another, for example as in an embedded or quoted narrative; the <floatingText> is provided for this purpose.

<text>  <front>   <docTitle>    <titlePart>Autumn Haze</titlePart>   </docTitle>  </front>  <body>   <l>Is it a dragonfly or a maple leaf</l>   <l>That settles softly down upon the water?</l>  </body> </text>
Example The body of a text may be replaced by a group of nested texts, as in the following schematic:
<text>  <front> <!-- front matter for the whole group -->  </front>  <group>   <text> <!-- first text -->   </text>   <text> <!-- second text -->   </text>  </group> </text>
Content model
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="front"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <elementRef key="body"/>
   <elementRef key="group"/>
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
   <elementRef key="back"/>
   <classRef key=""
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element text
      ( tei_front,* )?,
      ( tei_body | tei_group ),*,
      ( tei_back,* )?

Appendix A.1.255 <textClass>

<textClass> (text classification) groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc. [2.4.3. The Text Classification]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: profileDesc
May contain
<taxonomy>  <category xml:id="acprose">   <catDesc>Academic prose</catDesc>  </category> <!-- other categories here --> </taxonomy> <!-- ... --> <textClass>  <catRef target="#acprose"/>  <classCode scheme="">001.9</classCode>  <keywords scheme="">   <list>    <item>End of the world</item>    <item>History - philosophy</item>   </list>  </keywords> </textClass>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="classCode"/>
  <elementRef key="catRef"/>
  <elementRef key="keywords"/>
Schema Declaration
element textClass
   ( tei_classCode | tei_catRef | tei_keywords )*

Appendix A.1.256 <textDesc>

<textDesc> (text description) provides a description of a text in terms of its situational parameters. [15.2.1. The Text Description]
Module corpus
Member of
Contained by
May contain
corpus: derivation
<textDesc n="Informal domestic conversation">  <channel mode="s"/>  <constitution type="single"/>  <derivation type="original"/>  <domain type="domestic"/>  <factuality type="mixed"/>  <interaction type="complete"   active="pluralpassive="many"/>  <preparedness type="spontaneous"/>  <purpose type="entertaindegree="high"/>  <purpose type="informdegree="medium"/> </textDesc>
Content model
  <classRef key="model.textDescPart"
  <elementRef key="purpose" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element textDesc {, ( tei_derivation, purpose+ ) }

Appendix A.1.257 <textLang>

<textLang> (text language) describes the languages and writing systems identified within the bibliographic work being described, rather than its description. [ Imprint, Size of a Document, and Reprint Information 10.6.6. Languages and Writing Systems]
Module core
mainLang (main language) supplies a code which identifies the chief language used in the bibliographic work.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.language
otherLangs (other languages) one or more codes identifying any other languages used in the bibliographic work.
Status Optional
Datatype 0–∞ occurrences of teidata.language separated by whitespace
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msContents msItem
May contain

This element should not be used to document the languages or writing systems used for the bibliographic or manuscript description itself: as for all other TEI elements, such information should be provided by means of the global xml:lang attribute attached to the element containing the description.

In all cases, languages should be identified by means of a standardized ‘language tag’ generated according to BCP 47. Additional documentation for the language may be provided by a <language> element in the TEI header.

<textLang mainLang="enotherLangs="la"> Predominantly in English with Latin glosses</textLang>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.specialPara"/>
Schema Declaration
element textLang
   attribute mainLang { text }?,
   attribute otherLangs { list { * } }?,

Appendix A.1.258 <time>

<time> (time) contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format. [3.6.4. Dates and Times]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
As he sat smiling, the quarter struck — <time when="11:45:00">the quarter to twelve</time>.
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element time
   ( text | tei_model.gLike | tei_model.phrase | )*

Appendix A.1.259 <title>

<title> (title) contains a title for any kind of work. [ Titles, Authors, and Editors 2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2.5. The Series Statement]
Module core
type classifies the title according to some convenient typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

This attribute is provided for convenience in analysing titles and processing them according to their type; where such specialized processing is not necessary, there is no need for such analysis, and the entire title, including subtitles and any parallel titles, may be enclosed within a single <title> element.

calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
level indicates the bibliographic level for a title, that is, whether it identifies an article, book, journal, series, or unpublished material.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(analytic) the title applies to an analytic item, such as an article, poem, or other work published as part of a larger item.
(monographic) the title applies to a monograph such as a book or other item considered to be a distinct publication, including single volumes of multi-volume works
(journal) the title applies to any serial or periodical publication such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper
(series) the title applies to a series of otherwise distinct publications such as a collection
(unpublished) the title applies to any unpublished material (including theses and dissertations unless published by a commercial press)

The level of a title is sometimes implied by its context: for example, a title appearing directly within an <analytic> element is ipso facto of level ‘a’, and one appearing within a <series> element of level ‘s’. For this reason, the level attribute is not required in contexts where its value can be unambiguously inferred. Where it is supplied in such contexts, its value should not contradict the value implied by its parent element.

Member of
Contained by
May contain

The attributes key and ref, inherited from the class att.canonical may be used to indicate the canonical form for the title; the former, by supplying (for example) the identifier of a record in some external library system; the latter by pointing to an XML element somewhere containing the canonical form of the title.

<title>Information Technology and the Research Process: Proceedings of a conference held at Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK, 18–21 July 1989</title>
<title>Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles: a machine readable edition</title>
<title type="full">  <title type="main">Synthèse</title>  <title type="sub">an international journal for    epistemology, methodology and history of    science</title> </title>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element title
   attribute type { text }?,
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
   attribute level { "a" | "m" | "j" | "s" | "u" }?,

Appendix A.1.260 <titlePage>

<titlePage> (title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
type classifies the title page according to any convenient typology.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

This attribute allows the same element to be used for volume title pages, series title pages, etc., as well as for the ‘main’ title page of a work.

Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msContents
textstructure: back front
May contain
<titlePage>  <docTitle>   <titlePart type="main">THOMAS OF Reading.</titlePart>   <titlePart type="alt">OR, The sixe worthy yeomen of the West.</titlePart>  </docTitle>  <docEdition>Now the fourth time corrected and enlarged</docEdition>  <byline>By T.D.</byline>  <figure>   <head>TP</head>   <p>Thou shalt labor till thou returne to duste</p>   <figDesc>Printers Ornament used by TP</figDesc>  </figure>  <docImprint>Printed at <name type="place">London</name> for <name>T.P.</name>   <date>1612.</date>  </docImprint> </titlePage>
Content model
  <classRef key=""
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <classRef key="model.titlepagePart"/>
  <alternate minOccurs="0"
   <classRef key="model.titlepagePart"/>
   <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element titlePage
   attribute type { text }?,
      ( tei_model.titlepagePart | )*

Appendix A.1.261 <titlePart>

<titlePart> (title part) contains a subsection or division of the title of a work, as indicated on a title page. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module textstructure
type (type) specifies the role of this subdivision of the title.
Derived from att.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Default main
Member of
Contained by
msdescription: msItem
textstructure: back docTitle front titlePage
May contain
<docTitle>  <titlePart type="main">THE FORTUNES    AND MISFORTUNES Of the FAMOUS    Moll Flanders, &amp;c.  </titlePart>  <titlePart type="desc">Who was BORN in NEWGATE,    And during a Life of continu'd Variety for    Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was    Twelve Year a <hi>Whore</hi>, five times a <hi>Wife</hi> (wherof    once to her own Brother) Twelve Year a <hi>Thief,</hi>    Eight Year a Transported <hi>Felon</hi> in <hi>Virginia</hi>,    at last grew <hi>Rich</hi>, liv'd <hi>Honest</hi>, and died a  <hi>Penitent</hi>.</titlePart> </docTitle>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element titlePart
   attribute type { text }?,

Appendix A.1.262 <titleStmt>

<titleStmt> (title statement) groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its content. [2.2.1. The Title Statement 2.2. The File Description]
Module header
Contained by
May contain
<titleStmt>  <title>Capgrave's Life of St. John Norbert: a machine-readable transcription</title>  <respStmt>   <resp>compiled by</resp>   <name>P.J. Lucas</name>  </respStmt> </titleStmt>
Content model
  <elementRef key="title" minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.respLike"
   minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema Declaration
element titleStmt
   ( tei_title+, tei_model.respLike* )

Appendix A.1.263 <trailer>

<trailer> contains a closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division of a text. [4.2.4. Content of Textual Divisions 4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module textstructure
Member of
Contained by
core: lg list
drama: castGroup
figures: figure table
May contain
<trailer>Explicit pars tertia</trailer>
<trailer>  <l>In stead of FINIS this advice <hi>I</hi> send,</l>  <l>Let Rogues and Thieves beware of <lb/>   <hi>Hamans</hi> END.</l> </trailer>
From EEBO A87070
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <elementRef key="lg"/>
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key="model.lLike"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Schema Declaration
element trailer
    | tei_lg
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_model.inter
    | tei_model.lLike

Appendix A.1.264 <trait>

<trait> (trait) contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range. [13.3.1. Basic Principles Personal Characteristics]
Module namesdates
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
May contain
header: biblFull
linking: ab
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: trait

Where there is confusion between <trait> and <state> the more general purpose element <state> should be used even for unchanging characteristics. If you wish to distinguish between characteristics that are generally perceived to be time-bound states and those assumed to be fixed traits, then <trait> is available for the more static of these. The <state> element encodes characteristics which are sometimes assumed to change, often at specific times or over a date range, whereas the <trait> elements are used to record characteristics, such as eye-colour, which are less subject to change. Traits are typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder.

<trait type="physical">  <label>Eye colour</label>  <desc>Blue</desc> </trait>
Content model
  <elementRef key="precision" minOccurs="0"
   <elementRef key="trait" minOccurs="1"
    <classRef key="model.headLike"
     minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <classRef key="model.pLike"
     minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <alternate minOccurs="0"
     <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
     <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
   <alternate minOccurs="0"
    <classRef key="model.labelLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.noteLike"/>
    <classRef key="model.biblLike"/>
Schema Declaration
element trait
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
       | (
            ( tei_model.noteLike | tei_model.biblLike )*
       | ( tei_model.labelLike | tei_model.noteLike | tei_model.biblLike )*

Appendix A.1.265 <unclear>

<unclear> (unclear) contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. [ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text 3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
reason indicates why the material is hard to transcribe.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
(background noise)
(eccentric ductus) indicates illegibility due to an unusual, awkward, or incompetent execution of a glyph or glyphs
<div>  <head>Rx</head>  <p>500 mg <unclear reason="illegible">placebo</unclear>  </p> </div>

One or more words may be used to describe the reason; usually each word will refer to a single cause.

agent Where the difficulty in transcription arises from damage, categorizes the cause of the damage, if it can be identified.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
damage results from rubbing of the leaf edges
damage results from mildew on the leaf surface
damage results from smoke
Member of
Contained by
May contain

The same element is used for all cases of uncertainty in the transcription of element content, whether for written or spoken material. For other aspects of certainty, uncertainty, and reliability of tagging and transcription, see chapter 21. Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility.

The <damage>, <gap>, <del>, <unclear> and <supplied> elements may be closely allied in use. See section Use of the gap, del, damage, unclear, and supplied Elements in Combination for discussion of which element is appropriate for which circumstance.

The hand attribute points to a definition of the hand concerned, as further discussed in section Document Hands.

<u> ...and then <unclear reason="background-noise">Nathalie</unclear> said ... </u>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>
Schema Declaration
element unclear
   attribute reason
          | "inaudible"
          | "faded"
          | "background_noise"
          | "eccentric_ductus"
   attribute agent { text }?,

Appendix A.1.266 <unit>

<unit> contains a symbol, a word or a phrase referring to a unit of measurement in any kind of formal or informal system. [3.6.3. Numbers and Measures]
Module core
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Example Here is an example of a <unit> element holding a unitRef attribute that points to a definition of the unit in the TEI header.
<measure>  <num>3</num>  <unit unitRef="#ell">ells</unit> </measure> <!-- In the TEI Header: --> <encodingDesc>  <unitDecl>   <unitDef xml:id="ell">    <label>ell</label>    <placeName ref="#iceland"/>    <desc>A unit of measure for cloth, roughly equivalent to 18 inches, or from an adult male’s elbow to the tip of the middle finger.</desc>   </unitDef>  </unitDecl> </encodingDesc>
<measure>  <num>2</num>  <unit>kg</unit> </measure>
<measure type="value">  <num>3</num>  <unit type="timeunit="min">minute</unit> </measure>
<measure type="interval">  <num atLeast="1.2">1.2</num> to <num atMost="5.6">5.6</num>  <unit type="velocityunit="km/h">km/h</unit> </measure>
<p>Light travels at <num value="3E10">3×10^10</num>  <unit type="rateunit="cm/s">   <unit type="space">cm</unit> per <unit type="time">second</unit>  </unit>.</p>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element unit

Appendix A.1.267 <unitDecl>

<unitDecl> (unit declarations) provides information about units of measurement that are not members of the International System of Units. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Member of
Contained by
header: encodingDesc
May contain
header: unitDef
<unitDecl>  <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">   <label xml:lang="ja"></label>   <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">kin</label>   <conversion fromUnit="#両toUnit="#斤"    formula="16"/>  </unitDef>  <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">   <label xml:lang="ja"></label>   <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">ryo</label>   <conversion fromUnit="#分toUnit="#両"    formula="4"/>  </unitDef>  <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">   <label xml:lang="ja"></label>   <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">Bu</label>   <conversion fromUnit="#銖toUnit="#分"    formula="6"/>  </unitDef>  <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">   <label xml:lang="ja"></label>   <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">Shu</label>  </unitDef> </unitDecl>
Content model
 <elementRef key="unitDef" minOccurs="1"
Schema Declaration
element unitDecl
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,

Appendix A.1.268 <unitDef>

<unitDef> (unit definition) contains descriptive information related to a specific unit of measurement. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration]
Module header
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Deprecated will be removed on 2024-11-11
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
Contained by
header: unitDecl
May contain
<unitDecl>  <unitDef xml:id="pechystype="length">   <label>πῆχυς</label>   <placeName ref="#athens"/>   <conversion fromUnit="#daktylos"    toUnit="#pechysformula="$fromUnit div 24"/>   <desc>Equivalent to a cubit or 24 daktyloi.</desc>  </unitDef>  <unitDef xml:id="daktylostype="length">   <label>δάκτυλος</label>   <placeName ref="#athens"/>   <desc>A basic unit of length equivalent to one finger (or the size of a thumb) in ancient Greece.</desc>  </unitDef> </unitDecl>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="1"
  <classRef key="model.labelLike"
  <classRef key="model.placeNamePart"
  <elementRef key="conversion"
  <elementRef key="unit" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema Declaration
element unitDef
   attribute calendar { list { + } }?,
    | tei_model.placeNamePart?
    | tei_conversion?
    | tei_unit?

Appendix A.1.269 <w>

<w> (word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word. [17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories 17.4.2. Lightweight Linguistic Annotation]
Module analysis
Member of
Contained by
May contain
analysis: pc w
figures: figure
transcr: fw metamark space
verse: caesura rhyme
character data
Example This example is adapted from the Folger Library’s Early Modern English Drama version of The Wits: a Comedy by William Davenant.
<l>  <w lemma="itpos="pn"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0100">IT</w>  <w lemma="havepos="vvz"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0110">hath</w>  <w lemma="bepos="vvn"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0120">been</w>  <w lemma="saypos="vvn"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0130">said</w>  <w lemma="ofpos="acp-p"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0140">of</w>  <w lemma="oldpos="j"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0150">old</w>  <pc xml:id="A19883-003-a-0160">,</pc>  <w lemma="thatpos="cs"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0170">that</w>  <w lemma="playpos="vvz"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0180">   <choice>    <orig>Playes</orig>    <reg>Plays</reg>   </choice>  </w>  <w lemma="bepos="vvb"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0190">are</w>  <w lemma="feastpos="n2"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0200">Feasts</w>  <pc xml:id="A19883-003-a-0210">,</pc> </l> <l xml:id="A19883-e100220">  <w lemma="poetpos="n2"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0220">Poets</w>  <w lemma="thepos="d"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0230">the</w>  <w lemma="cookpos="n2"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0240">   <choice>    <orig>Cookes</orig>    <reg>Cooks</reg>   </choice>  </w>  <pc xml:id="A19883-003-a-0250">,</pc>  <w lemma="andpos="cc"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0260">and</w>  <w lemma="thepos="d"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0270">the</w>  <w lemma="spectatorpos="n2"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0280">Spectators</w>  <w lemma="guestpos="n2"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0290">Guests</w>  <pc xml:id="A19883-003-a-0300">,</pc> </l> <l xml:id="A19883-e100230">  <w lemma="thepos="d"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0310">The</w>  <w lemma="actorpos="n2"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0320">Actors</w>  <w lemma="waiterpos="n2"   xml:id="A19883-003-a-0330">Waiters</w>  <pc xml:id="A19883-003-a-0340">:</pc> <!-- ... --> </l>
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <elementRef key="seg"/>
  <elementRef key="w"/>
  <elementRef key="m"/>
  <elementRef key="c"/>
  <elementRef key="pc"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
  <classRef key="model.lPart"/>
  <classRef key="model.hiLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.pPart.edit"/>
Schema Declaration
element w
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_seg
    | tei_w
    | m
    | c
    | tei_pc
    | tei_model.lPart
    | tei_model.hiLike
    | tei_model.pPart.edit

Appendix A.1.270 <xenoData>

<xenoData> (non-TEI metadata) provides a container element into which metadata in non-TEI formats may be placed. [2.5. Non-TEI Metadata]
Module header
Member of
Contained by
header: teiHeader
May contain ANY
Example This example presumes that the prefix dc has been bound to the namespace and the prefix rdf is bound to the namespace Note: The about attribute on the <rdf:Description> in this example gives a URI indicating the resource to which the metadata contained therein refer. The <rdf:Description> in the second <xenoData> block has a blank about, meaning it is pointing at the current document, so the RDF is about the document within which it is contained, i.e. the TEI document containing the <xenoData> block. Similarly, any kind of relative URI may be used, including fragment identifiers (see [[undefined SG-id]]). Do note, however, that if the contents of the <xenoData> block are to be extracted and used elsewhere, any relative URIs will have to be resolved accordingly.
<xenoData    xmlns:dc=""    xmlns:rdf="">  <rdf:RDF>   <rdf:Description rdf:about="">    <dc:title>The description of a new world, called the blazing-world</dc:title>    <dc:creator>The Duchess of Newcastle</dc:creator>    <dc:date>1667</dc:date>    <dc:identifier>British Library, 8407.h.10</dc:identifier>    <dc:subject>utopian fiction</dc:subject>   </rdf:Description>  </rdf:RDF> </xenoData> <xenoData>  <rdf:RDF>   <rdf:Description rdf:about="">    <dc:title>The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World, 1668</dc:title>    <dc:creator>Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of Newcastle</dc:creator>    <dc:publisher>Women Writers Project</dc:publisher>    <dc:date>2002-02-12</dc:date>    <dc:subject>utopian fiction</dc:subject>   </rdf:Description>  </rdf:RDF> </xenoData>
Example In this example, the prefix rdf is bound to the namespace, the prefix dc is bound to the namespace, and the prefix cc is bound to the namespace
<xenoData    xmlns:cc=""    xmlns:dc=""    xmlns:rdf="">  <rdf:RDF>   <cc:Work rdf:about="">    <dc:title>Applied Software Project Management - review</dc:title>    <dc:type rdf:resource=""/>    <dc:license rdf:resource=""/>   </cc:Work>   <cc:License rdf:about="">    <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>    <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>    <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>    <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>    <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>    <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/>   </cc:License>  </rdf:RDF> </xenoData>
Example In this example, the prefix dc is again bound to the namespace, and the prefix oai_dc is bound to the namespace
<xenoData    xmlns:dc=""    xmlns:oai_dc="">  <oai_dc:dc>   <dc:title>The colonial despatches of Vancouver Island and British      Columbia 1846-1871: 11566, CO 60/2, p. 291; received 13 November.      Trevelyan to Merivale (Permanent Under-Secretary)</dc:title>   <dc:date>1858-11-12</dc:date>   <dc:creator>Trevelyan</dc:creator>   <dc:publisher>University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media      Centre, and UVic Libraries</dc:publisher>   <dc:type>InteractiveResource</dc:type>   <dc:format>application/xhtml+xml</dc:format>   <dc:type>text</dc:type>   <dc:identifier></dc:identifier>   <dc:rights>This document is licensed under a Creative Commons …</dc:rights>   <dc:language>(SCHEME=ISO639) en</dc:language>   <dc:source>Transcribed from microfilm and/or original documents, and      marked up in TEI P5 XML. The interactive XHTML resource is generated      from the XHTML using XQuery and XSLT.</dc:source>   <dc:source>repository: CO</dc:source>   <dc:source>coNumber: 60</dc:source>   <dc:source>coVol: 2</dc:source>   <dc:source>page: 291</dc:source>   <dc:source>coRegistration: 11566</dc:source>   <dc:source>received: received 13 November</dc:source>   <dc:subject>Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward</dc:subject>   <dc:subject>Merivale, Herman</dc:subject>   <dc:subject>Elliot, T. Frederick</dc:subject>   <dc:subject>Moody, Colonel Richard Clement</dc:subject>   <dc:subject>Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer</dc:subject>   <dc:subject>Jadis, Vane</dc:subject>   <dc:subject>Carnarvon, Earl</dc:subject>   <dc:subject>British Columbia</dc:subject>   <dc:description>British Columbia correspondence: Public Offices      document (normally correspondence between government      departments)</dc:description>  </oai_dc:dc> </xenoData>
Example In this example, the prefix mods is bound to the namespace
<xenoData    xmlns:mods="">  <mods:mods>   <mods:titleInfo>    <mods:title>Academic adaptation and cross-cultural        learning experiences of Chinese students at American        universities</mods:title>    <mods:subTitle>a narrative inquiry</mods:subTitle>   </mods:titleInfo>   <mods:name type="personal"    authority="local">    <mods:namePart/>    <mods:role>     <mods:roleTerm authority="marcrelator"      type="text">Author</mods:roleTerm>    </mods:role>    <mods:affiliation>Northeastern University</mods:affiliation>    <mods:namePart type="given">Hong</mods:namePart>    <mods:namePart type="family">Zhang</mods:namePart>   </mods:name>   <mods:name type="personal"    authority="local">    <mods:namePart/>    <mods:role>     <mods:roleTerm authority="local"      type="text">Advisor</mods:roleTerm>    </mods:role>    <mods:namePart type="given">Liliana</mods:namePart>    <mods:namePart type="family">Meneses</mods:namePart>   </mods:name>    <!-- ... -->   <mods:typeOfResource>text</mods:typeOfResource>   <mods:genre>doctoral theses</mods:genre>   <mods:originInfo>    <mods:place>     <mods:placeTerm type="text">Boston (Mass.)</mods:placeTerm>    </mods:place>    <mods:publisher>Northeastern University</mods:publisher>    <mods:copyrightDate encoding="w3cdtf"     keyDate="yes">2013</mods:copyrightDate>   </mods:originInfo>   <mods:language>    <mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b"     type="code">eng</mods:languageTerm>   </mods:language>   <mods:physicalDescription>    <mods:form authority="marcform">electronic</mods:form>    <mods:digitalOrigin>born digital</mods:digitalOrigin>   </mods:physicalDescription> <!-- ... -->  </mods:mods> </xenoData>
Example This example shows GeoJSON embedded in <xenoData>. Note that JSON does not permit newlines inside string values. These must be escaped as \n. To avoid the accidental insertion of newlines by software, the use of xml:space is recommended. Blocks of JSON should be wrapped in CDATA sections, as they may contain characters illegal in XML.
<xenoData xml:space="preserve"> <![CDATA[ {     "features": [         {             "geometry": {                 "type": "Point",                 "coordinates": [                     68.388483,                     33.498616                 ]             },             "type": "Feature",             "id": "darmc-location-19727",             "properties": {                 "snippet": "Unknown; 330 BC - AD 300",                 "link": "",                 "description": "5M scale point location",                 "location_precision": "precise",                 "title": "DARMC location 19727"             }         }     ],     "id": "59694",     "subject": [         "dare:ancient=1",         "dare:feature=settlement",         "dare:major=0"     ],     "title": "Arachosiorum Oppidum/Alexandria",     "provenance": "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 6 B3 Arachosiorum Oppidum/Alexandria",     "placeTypeURIs": [         ""     ],     "details": "<p>The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Kalat-e-Ghilzai? AFG</p>",     "@context": {         "snippet": "dcterms:abstract",         "rights": "dcterms:rights",         "description": "dcterms:description",         "title": "dcterms:title",         "dcterms": "",         "subject": "dcterms:subject",         "uri": "@id",         "created": "dcterms:created"     },     "review_state": "published",     "type": "FeatureCollection",     "description": "An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 6 B3 Arachosiorum Oppidum/Alexandria",     "reprPoint": [         68.388483,         33.498616     ],     "placeTypes": [         "settlement"     ],     "bbox": [         68.388483,         33.498616,         68.388483,         33.498616     ],     "rights": "Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under CC-BY.",     "created": "2010-09-23T04:31:55Z",     "uri": "",     "creators": [         {             "username": null,             "name": "M.U. Erdosy"         }     ],     "@type": "Place" } ]]> </xenoData>
Note: the example above has been trimmed for legibility. The original may be found linked from Arachosiorum Oppidum/Alexandria. The contributors, listed per the license terms, are R. Talbert, Jeffrey Becker, W. Röllig, Tom Elliott, H. Kopp, DARMC, Sean Gillies, B. Siewert-Mayer, Francis Deblauwe, and Eric Kansa.
Content model
Schema Declaration
element xenoData
   ( text | anyElement_xenoData_1 )

Appendix A.2 Model classes

Appendix A.2.2 model.addressLike

model.addressLike groups elements used to represent a postal or email address. [1. The TEI Infrastructure]
Module tei
Used by
Members address affiliation email

Appendix A.2.3 model.annotationLike

model.annotationLike groups elements used to represent annotations. [16.10. The standOff Container]
Module tei
Used by
Members annotation note

Appendix A.2.4 model.annotationPart.body

model.annotationPart.body groups elements which may be used as an <annotation> body.
Module tei
Used by
Members note ptr ref

Appendix A.2.5 model.applicationLike

model.applicationLike groups elements used to record application-specific information about a document in its header.
Module tei
Used by
Members application

Appendix A.2.6 model.attributable

model.attributable groups elements that contain a word or phrase that can be attributed to a source. [3.3.3. Quotation 4.3.2. Floating Texts]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.quoteLike[cit quote] floatingText said

Appendix A.2.7 model.availabilityPart

model.availabilityPart groups elements such as licences and paragraphs of text which may appear as part of an availability statement [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module tei
Used by
Members licence

Appendix A.2.8 model.biblLike

Appendix A.2.9 model.biblPart

Appendix A.2.10 model.castItemPart

model.castItemPart groups component elements of an entry in a cast list, such as dramatic role or actor's name.
Module tei
Used by
Members role roleDesc

Appendix A.2.11 model.catDescPart

model.catDescPart groups component elements of the TEI header Category Description.
Module tei
Used by
Members textDesc

Appendix A.2.12 model.choicePart

model.choicePart groups elements (other than <choice> itself) which can be used within a <choice> alternation. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members abbr corr expan orig reg seg sic unclear

Appendix A.2.13 model.common

model.common groups common chunk- and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.divPart[model.lLike[l] model.pLike[ab p] lg sp] model.entryLike model.inter[model.attributable[model.quoteLike[cit quote] floatingText said] model.biblLike[bibl biblFull biblStruct listBibl msDesc] model.egLike model.labelLike[desc label] model.listLike[list listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation table] model.oddDecl model.stageLike[stage] castList] q

This class defines the set of chunk- and inter-level elements; it is used in many content models, including those for textual divisions.

Appendix A.2.14 model.correspActionPart

Appendix A.2.15 model.correspContextPart

model.correspContextPart groups elements which may appear as part of the correspContext element
Module tei
Used by
Members model.pLike[ab p] model.ptrLike[ptr ref] note noteGrp

Appendix A.2.16 model.correspDescPart

model.correspDescPart groups together metadata elements for describing correspondence
Module tei
Used by
Members correspAction correspContext note noteGrp

Appendix A.2.17 model.dateLike

model.dateLike groups elements containing temporal expressions. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 13.4. Dates]
Module tei
Used by
Members date time

Appendix A.2.18 model.descLike

model.descLike groups elements which contain a description of their function.
Module tei
Used by
Members desc

Appendix A.2.19 model.describedResource

model.describedResource groups elements which contain the content of a digital resource and its metadata; these elements may serve as the outermost or ‘root’ element of a TEI-conformant document [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members TEI teiCorpus

Appendix A.2.20 model.divBottom

Appendix A.2.21 model.divBottomPart

model.divBottomPart groups elements which can occur only at the end of a text division. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module tei
Used by
Members closer postscript signed trailer

Appendix A.2.22 model.divGenLike

model.divGenLike groups elements used to represent a structural division which is generated rather than explicitly present in the source.
Module tei
Used by
Members divGen

Appendix A.2.23 model.divLike

model.divLike groups elements used to represent un-numbered generic structural divisions.
Module tei
Used by
Members div

Appendix A.2.24 model.divPart

model.divPart groups paragraph-level elements appearing directly within divisions. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.lLike[l] model.pLike[ab p] lg sp

Note that this element class does not include members of the model.inter class, which can appear either within or between paragraph-level items.

Appendix A.2.25 model.divTop

model.divTop groups elements appearing at the beginning of a text division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.divTopPart[model.headLike[head] opener signed] model.divWrapper[argument byline dateline docAuthor docDate epigraph meeting salute]

Appendix A.2.26 model.divTopPart

model.divTopPart groups elements which can occur only at the beginning of a text division. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.headLike[head] opener signed

Appendix A.2.27 model.divWrapper

model.divWrapper groups elements which can appear at either top or bottom of a textual division. [4.2. Elements Common to All Divisions]
Module tei
Used by
Members argument byline dateline docAuthor docDate epigraph meeting salute

Appendix A.2.28 model.editorialDeclPart

model.editorialDeclPart groups elements which may be used inside <editorialDecl> and appear multiple times.
Module tei
Used by
Members correction hyphenation interpretation normalization punctuation quotation segmentation stdVals

Appendix A.2.29 model.emphLike

model.emphLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct and to which a specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Module tei
Used by
Members distinct emph foreign gloss mentioned soCalled term title

Appendix A.2.30 model.encodingDescPart

model.encodingDescPart groups elements which may be used inside <encodingDesc> and appear multiple times.
Module tei
Used by
Members appInfo classDecl editorialDecl geoDecl listPrefixDef metDecl projectDesc refsDecl samplingDecl schemaRef styleDefDecl tagsDecl unitDecl

Appendix A.2.31 model.eventLike

model.eventLike groups elements which describe events.
Module tei
Used by
Members event listEvent

Appendix A.2.32 model.frontPart

model.frontPart groups elements which appear at the level of divisions within front or back matter. [7.1. Front and Back Matter ]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.frontPart.drama[castList] divGen listBibl titlePage

Appendix A.2.33 model.frontPart.drama

model.frontPart.drama groups elements which appear at the level of divisions within front or back matter of performance texts only. [7.1. Front and Back Matter ]
Module tei
Used by
Members castList

Appendix A.2.35 groups globally available elements which perform a specifically editorial function. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members ellipsis gap space

Appendix A.2.36 groups globally available elements which describe the status of other elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members index link linkGrp

Elements in this class are typically used to hold groups of links or of abstract interpretations, or by provide indications of certainty etc. It may find be convenient to localize all metadata elements, for example to contain them within the same divison as the elements that they relate to; or to locate them all to a division of their own. They may however appear at any point in a TEI text.

Appendix A.2.37 model.graphicLike

model.graphicLike groups elements containing images, formulae, and similar objects. [3.10. Graphics and Other Non-textual Components]
Module tei
Used by
Members binaryObject graphic media

Appendix A.2.38 model.headLike

model.headLike groups elements used to provide a title or heading at the start of a text division.
Module tei
Used by
Members head

Appendix A.2.39 model.hiLike

model.hiLike groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct but to which no specific function can be attributed. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Module tei
Used by
Members hi q

Appendix A.2.40 model.highlighted

model.highlighted groups phrase-level elements which are typographically distinct. [3.3. Highlighting and Quotation]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.emphLike[distinct emph foreign gloss mentioned soCalled term title] model.hiLike[hi q]

Appendix A.2.41 model.imprintPart

model.imprintPart groups the bibliographic elements which occur inside imprints. [3.12. Bibliographic Citations and References]
Module tei
Used by
Members biblScope distributor pubPlace publisher

Appendix A.2.43 model.lLike

model.lLike groups elements representing metrical components such as verse lines.
Module tei
Used by
Members l

Appendix A.2.44 model.lPart

model.lPart groups phrase-level elements which may appear within verse only. [6.2. Components of the Verse Line]
Module tei
Used by
Members caesura rhyme

Appendix A.2.45 model.labelLike

model.labelLike groups elements used to gloss or explain other parts of a document.
Module tei
Used by
Members desc label

Appendix A.2.47 model.listLike

model.listLike groups list-like elements. [3.8. Lists]
Module tei
Used by
Members list listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation table

Appendix A.2.48 model.measureLike

model.measureLike groups elements which denote a number, a quantity, a measurement, or similar piece of text that conveys some numerical meaning. [3.6.3. Numbers and Measures]
Module tei
Used by
Members measure measureGrp num unit

Appendix A.2.49 model.milestoneLike

model.milestoneLike groups milestone-style elements used to represent reference systems. [1.3. The TEI Class System 3.11.3. Milestone Elements]
Module tei
Used by
Members anchor cb fw gb lb milestone pb

Appendix A.2.50 model.msItemPart

model.msItemPart groups elements which can appear within a manuscript item description.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.biblLike[bibl biblFull biblStruct listBibl msDesc] model.msQuoteLike[incipit title] model.quoteLike[cit quote] model.respLike[author editor funder meeting principal respStmt sponsor] idno msItem textLang

Appendix A.2.51 model.msQuoteLike

model.msQuoteLike groups elements which represent passages such as titles quoted from a manuscript as a part of its description.
Module tei
Used by
Members incipit title

Appendix A.2.52 model.nameLike

model.nameLike groups elements which name or refer to a person, place, or organization.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.nameLike.agent[name orgName persName] model.offsetLike[offset] model.persNamePart[addName forename genName nameLink persPronouns roleName surname] model.placeStateLike[model.placeNamePart[country district placeName region] location state trait] eventName idno lang objectName rs

A superset of the naming elements that may appear in datelines, addresses, statements of responsibility, etc.

Appendix A.2.53 model.nameLike.agent

model.nameLike.agent groups elements which contain names of individuals or corporate bodies. [3.6. Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and Addresses]
Module tei
Used by
Members name orgName persName

This class is used in the content model of elements which reference names of people or organizations.

Appendix A.2.54 model.noteLike

model.noteLike groups globally-available note-like elements. [3.9. Notes, Annotation, and Indexing]
Module tei
Used by
Members note noteGrp

Appendix A.2.55 model.objectLike

model.objectLike groups elements which describe objects.
Module tei
Used by
Members listObject object

Appendix A.2.56 model.offsetLike

model.offsetLike groups elements which can appear only as part of a place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module tei
Used by
Members offset

Appendix A.2.57 model.orgPart

model.orgPart groups elements which form part of the description of an organization.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.eventLike[event listEvent] listOrg listPerson listPlace

Appendix A.2.59 model.pLike.front

model.pLike.front groups paragraph-like elements which can occur as direct constituents of front matter. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module tei
Used by
Members argument byline dateline docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle epigraph head titlePart

Appendix A.2.61 model.pPart.edit

model.pPart.edit groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial correction and transcription. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.pPart.editorial[abbr choice expan] model.pPart.transcriptional[add corr del orig reg sic unclear]

Appendix A.2.62 model.pPart.editorial

model.pPart.editorial groups phrase-level elements for simple editorial interventions that may be useful both in transcribing and in authoring. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members abbr choice expan

Appendix A.2.63 model.pPart.transcriptional

model.pPart.transcriptional groups phrase-level elements used for editorial transcription of pre-existing source materials. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes]
Module tei
Used by
Members add corr del orig reg sic unclear

Appendix A.2.64 model.paraPart

model.paraPart groups elements that may appear in paragraphs and similar elements [3.1. Paragraphs]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.gLike[[ellipsis gap space][index link linkGrp] model.milestoneLike[anchor cb fw gb lb milestone pb] model.noteLike[note noteGrp] figure metamark] model.inter[model.attributable[model.quoteLike[cit quote] floatingText said] model.biblLike[bibl biblFull biblStruct listBibl msDesc] model.egLike model.labelLike[desc label] model.listLike[list listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation table] model.oddDecl model.stageLike[stage] castList] model.lLike[l] model.phrase[model.graphicLike[binaryObject graphic media] model.highlighted[model.emphLike[distinct emph foreign gloss mentioned soCalled term title] model.hiLike[hi q]] model.lPart[caesura rhyme][model.addressLike[address affiliation email] model.dateLike[date time] model.measureLike[measure measureGrp num unit] model.nameLike[model.nameLike.agent[name orgName persName] model.offsetLike[offset] model.persNamePart[addName forename genName nameLink persPronouns roleName surname] model.placeStateLike[model.placeNamePart[country district placeName region] location state trait] eventName idno lang objectName rs]] model.pPart.edit[model.pPart.editorial[abbr choice expan] model.pPart.transcriptional[add corr del orig reg sic unclear]] model.pPart.msdesc model.phrase.xml model.ptrLike[ptr ref] model.ptrLike.form model.segLike[pc seg w] model.specDescLike ruby] lg

Appendix A.2.65 model.persNamePart

model.persNamePart groups elements which form part of a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module namesdates
Used by
Members addName forename genName nameLink persPronouns roleName surname

Appendix A.2.66 model.persStateLike

model.persStateLike groups elements describing changeable characteristics of a person which have a definite duration, for example occupation, residence, or name.
Module tei
Used by
Members affiliation age education faith floruit gender nationality occupation persName persPronouns persona residence sex socecStatus state trait

These characteristics of an individual are typically a consequence of their own action or that of others.

Appendix A.2.67 model.personLike

model.personLike groups elements which provide information about people and their relationships.
Module tei
Used by
Members org person personGrp

Appendix A.2.70 model.placeLike

model.placeLike groups elements used to provide information about places and their relationships.
Module tei
Used by
Members place

Appendix A.2.71 model.placeNamePart

model.placeNamePart groups elements which form part of a place name. [13.2.3. Place Names]
Module tei
Used by
Members country district placeName region

Appendix A.2.72 model.placeStateLike

model.placeStateLike groups elements which describe changing states of a place.
Module tei
Used by
Members model.placeNamePart[country district placeName region] location state trait

Appendix A.2.73 model.profileDescPart

model.profileDescPart groups elements which may be used inside <profileDesc> and appear multiple times.
Module tei
Used by
Members abstract calendarDesc correspDesc creation langUsage particDesc textClass textDesc

Appendix A.2.74 model.ptrLike

Appendix A.2.75 groups the child elements of a <publicationStmt> element of the TEI header that indicate an authorising agent. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module tei
Used by
Members authority distributor publisher

The ‘agency’ child elements, while not required, are required if one of the ‘detail’ child elements is to be used. It is not valid to have a ‘detail’ child element without a preceding ‘agency’ child element.

See also model.publicationStmtPart.detail.

Appendix A.2.76 model.publicationStmtPart.detail

model.publicationStmtPart.detail groups the agency-specific child elements of the <publicationStmt> element of the TEI header. [2.2.4. Publication, Distribution, Licensing, etc.]
Module tei
Used by
Members model.ptrLike[ptr ref] address availability date idno pubPlace

A ‘detail’ child element may not occur unless an ‘agency’ child element precedes it.

See also

Appendix A.2.77 model.quoteLike

model.quoteLike groups elements used to directly contain quotations.
Module tei
Used by
Members cit quote

Appendix A.2.78 model.resource

model.resource groups separate elements which constitute the content of a digital resource, as opposed to its metadata. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Members facsimile standOff text

Appendix A.2.79 model.respLike

model.respLike groups elements which are used to indicate intellectual or other significant responsibility, for example within a bibliographic element.
Module tei
Used by
Members author editor funder meeting principal respStmt sponsor

Appendix A.2.80 model.segLike

model.segLike groups elements used for arbitrary segmentation. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Module tei
Used by
Members pc seg w

The principles on which segmentation is carried out, and any special codes or attribute values used, should be defined explicitly in the <segmentation> element of the <encodingDesc> within the associated TEI header.

Appendix A.2.81 model.stageLike

model.stageLike groups elements containing stage directions or similar things defined by the module for performance texts. [7.3. Other Types of Performance Text]
Module tei
Used by
Members stage

Stage directions are members of class inter: that is, they can appear between or within component-level elements.

Appendix A.2.82 model.standOffPart

Appendix A.2.83 model.teiHeaderPart

model.teiHeaderPart groups high level elements which may appear more than once in a TEI header.
Module tei
Used by
Members encodingDesc profileDesc xenoData

Appendix A.2.84 model.textDescPart

model.textDescPart groups elements used to categorize a text for example in terms of its situational parameters.
Module tei
Used by
Members derivation

Appendix A.2.85 model.titlepagePart

model.titlepagePart groups elements which can occur as direct constituents of a title page, such as <docTitle>, <docAuthor>, <docImprint>, or <epigraph>. [4.6. Title Pages]
Module tei
Used by
Members argument binaryObject byline docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle epigraph graphic imprimatur titlePart

Appendix A.3 Attribute classes

Appendix A.3.1 att.anchoring

att.anchoring (anchoring) provides attributes for use on annotations, e.g. notes and groups of notes describing the existence and position of an anchor for annotations.
Module tei
Members note noteGrp
anchored (anchored) indicates whether the copy text shows the exact place of reference for the note.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Default true

In modern texts, notes are usually anchored by means of explicit footnote or endnote symbols. An explicit indication of the phrase or line annotated may however be used instead (e.g. ‘page 218, lines 3–4’). The anchored attribute indicates whether any explicit location is given, whether by symbol or by prose cross-reference. The value true indicates that such an explicit location is indicated in the copy text; the value false indicates that the copy text does not indicate a specific place of attachment for the note. If the specific symbols used in the copy text at the location the note is anchored are to be recorded, use the n attribute.

targetEnd (target end) points to the end of the span to which the note is attached, if the note is not embedded in the text at that point.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

This attribute is retained for backwards compatibility; it may be removed at a subsequent release of the Guidelines. The recommended way of pointing to a span of elements is by means of the range function of XPointer, as further described in range().

<p>(...) tamen reuerendos dominos archiepiscopum et canonicos Leopolienses necnon episcopum in duplicibus Quatuortemporibus<anchor xml:id="A55234"/> totaliter expediui...</p> <!-- elsewhere in the document --> <noteGrp targetEnd="#A55234">  <note xml:lang="en"> Quatuor Tempora, so called dry fast days.  </note>  <note xml:lang="pl"> Quatuor Tempora, tzw. Suche dni postne.  </note> </noteGrp>

Appendix A.3.2 att.ascribed

att.ascribed provides attributes for elements representing speech or action that can be ascribed to a specific individual. [3.3.3. Quotation 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts]
Module tei
Members att.ascribed.directed[q said sp stage] change
who indicates the person, or group of people, to whom the element content is ascribed.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
In the following example from Hamlet, speeches (<sp>) in the body of the play are linked to <role> elements in the <castList> using the who attribute.
<castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="Barnardo">Bernardo</role> </castItem> <castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="Francisco">Francisco</role>  <roleDesc>a soldier</roleDesc> </castItem> <!-- ... --> <sp who="#Barnardo">  <speaker>Bernardo</speaker>  <l n="1">Who's there?</l> </sp> <sp who="#Francisco">  <speaker>Francisco</speaker>  <l n="2">Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.</l> </sp>

For transcribed speech, this will typically identify a participant or participant group; in other contexts, it will point to any identified <person> element.

Appendix A.3.3 att.ascribed.directed

att.ascribed.directed provides attributes for elements representing speech or action that can be directed at a group or individual. [3.3.3. Quotation 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts]
Module tei
Members q said sp stage
toWhom indicates the person, or group of people, to whom a speech act or action is directed.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
In the following example from Mary Pix's The False Friend, speeches (<sp>) in the body of the play are linked to <castItem> elements in the <castList> using the toWhom attribute, which is used to specify who the speech is directed to. Additionally, the <stage> includes toWhom to indicate the directionality of the action.
<castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="emil">Emilius.</role> </castItem> <castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="lov">Lovisa</role> </castItem> <castItem type="role">  <role xml:id="serv">A servant</role> </castItem> <!-- ... --> <sp who="#emil"  toWhom="#lov">  <speaker>Emil.</speaker>  <l n="1">My love!</l> </sp> <sp who="#lov"  toWhom="#emil">  <speaker>Lov.</speaker>  <l n="2">I have no Witness of my Noble Birth</l>  <stage who="emil"   toWhom="#serv">Pointing to her Woman.</stage>  <l>But that poor helpless wretch——</l> </sp>

To indicate the recipient of written correspondence, use the elements used in section 2.4.6. Correspondence Description, rather than a toWhom attribute.

Appendix A.3.4 att.breaking

att.breaking provides attributes to indicate whether or not the element concerned is considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements]
Module tei
Members cb gb lb milestone pb
break indicates whether or not the element bearing this attribute should be considered to mark the end of an orthographic token in the same way as whitespace.
Status Recommended
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include
the element bearing this attribute is considered to mark the end of any adjacent orthographic token irrespective of the presence of any adjacent whitespace
the element bearing this attribute is considered not to mark the end of any adjacent orthographic token irrespective of the presence of any adjacent whitespace
the encoding does not take any position on this issue.
In the following lines from the Dream of the Rood, linebreaks occur in the middle of the words lāðost and reord-berendum.
<ab> ...eƿesa tome iu icƿæs ȝeƿorden ƿita heardoſt . leodum la<lb break="no"/> ðost ærþan ichim lifes ƿeȝ rihtne ȝerymde reord be<lb break="no"/> rendum hƿæt me þaȝeƿeorðode ƿuldres ealdor ofer... </ab>

Appendix A.3.5 att.cReferencing

att.cReferencing provides attributes that may be used to supply a canonical reference as a means of identifying the target of a pointer.
Module tei
Members gloss ptr ref term
cRef (canonical reference) specifies the destination of the pointer by supplying a canonical reference expressed using the scheme defined in a <refsDecl> element in the TEI header
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text

The value of cRef should be constructed so that when the algorithm for the resolution of canonical references (described in section 16.2.5. Canonical References) is applied to it the result is a valid URI reference to the intended target.

The <refsDecl> to use may be indicated with the decls attribute.

Currently these Guidelines only provide for a single canonical reference to be encoded on any given <ptr> element.

Appendix A.3.6 att.calendarSystem

att.calendarSystem provides attributes for indicating calendar systems to which a date belongs. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 13.4. Dates]
Module tei
Members date docDate time
calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@calendar]"> <sch:assert test="string-length( normalize-space(.) ) gt 0"> @calendar indicates one or more systems or calendars to which the date represented by the content of this element belongs, but this <sch:name/> element has no textual content.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
He was born on <date calendar="#gregorian">Feb. 22, 1732</date> (<date calendar="#julian"  when="1732-02-22">Feb. 11, 1731/32, O.S.</date>).
He was born on <date calendar="#gregorian #julian"  when="1732-02-22">Feb. 22, 1732 (Feb. 11, 1731/32, O.S.)</date>.

Note that the calendar attribute declares the calendar system used to interpret the textual content of an element, as it appears on an original source. It does not modify the interpretation of the normalization attributes provided by att.datable.w3c, att.datable.iso, or att.datable.custom. Attributes from those first two classes are always interpreted as Gregorian or proleptic Gregorian dates, as per the respective standards on which they are based. The calender system used to interpret the last (att.datable.custom) may be specified with datingMethod.

Appendix A.3.7 att.canonical

att.canonical provides attributes that can be used to associate a representation such as a name or title with canonical information about the object being named or referenced. [13.1.1. Linking Names and Their Referents]
Module tei
Members att.naming[att.personal[addName eventName forename genName name objectName orgName persName placeName roleName surname] affiliation author birth country death district editor education event nationality occupation offset pubPlace region residence rs socecStatus state trait] authority catDesc correspDesc date distributor docAuthor docTitle faith funder meeting object principal publisher relation resp respStmt sponsor term time title unitDecl unitDef
key provides an externally-defined means of identifying the entity (or entities) being named, using a coded value of some kind.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<author>  <name key="Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)"   ref="">Victor Hugo</name> </author>

The value may be a unique identifier from a database, or any other externally-defined string identifying the referent. No particular syntax is proposed for the values of the key attribute, since its form will depend entirely on practice within a given project.

ref (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<name ref=""  type="person">Seamus Heaney</name>

The value must point directly to one or more XML elements or other resources by means of one or more URIs, separated by whitespace. If more than one is supplied the implication is that the name identifies several distinct entities.

Example In this contrived example, a canonical reference to the same organisation is provided in four different ways.
<author n="1">  <name ref=""   type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author>   <author n="2">  <name ref="nzvn:427308"   type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author>   <author n="3">  <name ref="./named_entities.xml#o427308"   type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author>   <author n="4">  <name key="name-427308"   type="organisation">New Zealand Parliament, Legislative Council</name> </author>
The first presumes the availability of an internet connection and a processor that can resolve a URI (most can). The second requires, in addition, a <prefixDef> that declares how the nzvm prefix should be interpreted. The third does not require an internet connection, but does require that a file named named_entities.xml be in the same directory as the TEI document. The fourth requires that an entire external system for key resolution be available.

The key attribute is more flexible and general-purpose, but its use in interchange requires that documentation about how the key is to be resolved be sent to the recipient of the TEI document. In contrast values of the ref attribute are resolved using the widely accepted protocols for a URI, and thus less documentation, if any, is likely required by the recipient in data interchange.

These guidelines provide no semantic basis or suggested precedence when both key and ref are provided. For this reason simultaneous use of both is not recommended unless documentation explaining the use is provided, probably in an ODD customizaiton, for interchange.

Appendix A.3.8 att.citeStructurePart

att.citeStructurePart provides attributes for selecting particular elements within a document.
Module header
Members citeData citeStructure
use (use) supplies an XPath selection pattern using the syntax defined in [[undefined XSLT3]]. The XPath pattern is relative to the context given in match, which will either be a sibling attribute in the case of <citeStructure> or on the parent <citeStructure> in the case of <citeData>.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.xpath

Appendix A.3.9 att.citing

att.citing provides attributes for specifying the specific part of a bibliographic item being cited. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Module tei
Members biblScope citedRange
unit identifies the unit of information conveyed by the element, e.g. columns, pages, volume, entry.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
(volume) the element contains a volume number.
the element contains an issue number, or volume and issue numbers.
(page) the element contains a page number or page range.
the element contains a line number or line range.
(chapter) the element contains a chapter indication (number and/or title)
the element identifies a part of a book or collection.
the element identifies a column.
the element identifies an entry number or label in a list of entries.
from specifies the starting point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
to specifies the end-point of the range of units indicated by the unit attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word

Appendix A.3.10 att.datable

att.datable provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain dates, times, or datable events. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 13.4. Dates]
Module tei
Members affiliation age application author birth change conversion country creation date death district docDate editor education event eventName faith floruit funder gender idno licence location meeting name nationality objectName occupation offset orgName persName persPronouns placeName principal region relation residence resp sex socecStatus sponsor state time title trait unitDecl unitDef
  • att.datable.w3c
    • @when
    • @notBefore
    • @notAfter
    • @from
    • @to
  • att.datable.iso
    • @when-iso
    • @notBefore-iso
    • @notAfter-iso
    • @from-iso
    • @to-iso
  • att.datable.custom
    • @when-custom
    • @notBefore-custom
    • @notAfter-custom
    • @from-custom
    • @to-custom
    • @datingPoint
    • @datingMethod
period supplies pointers to one or more definitions of named periods of time (typically <category>s, <date>s or <event>s) within which the datable item is understood to have occurred.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

This ‘superclass’ provides attributes that can be used to provide normalized values of temporal information. By default, the attributes from the att.datable.w3c class are provided. If the module for names & dates is loaded, this class also provides attributes from the att.datable.iso and att.datable.custom classes. In general, the possible values of attributes restricted to the W3C datatypes form a subset of those values available via the ISO 8601 standard. However, the greater expressiveness of the ISO datatypes may not be needed, and there exists much greater software support for the W3C datatypes.

Appendix A.3.11 att.datable.custom

att.datable.custom provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events to a custom dating system (i.e. other than the Gregorian used by W3 and ISO). [13.4. Dates]
Module namesdates
Members att.datable[affiliation age application author birth change conversion country creation date death district docDate editor education event eventName faith floruit funder gender idno licence location meeting name nationality objectName occupation offset orgName persName persPronouns placeName principal region relation residence resp sex socecStatus sponsor state time title trait unitDecl unitDef]
when-custom supplies the value of a date or time in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
The following are examples of custom date or time formats that are not valid ISO or W3C format normalizations, normalized to a different dating system
<p>Alhazen died in Cairo on the <date when="1040-03-06"   when-custom="431-06-12"> 12th day of Jumada t-Tania, 430 AH  </date>.</p> <p>The current world will end at the <date when="2012-12-21"   when-custom="">end of B'ak'tun 13</date>.</p> <p>The Battle of Meggidu (<date when-custom="Thutmose_III:23">23rd year of reign of Thutmose III</date>).</p> <p>Esidorus bixit in pace annos LXX plus minus sub <date when-custom="Ind:4-10-11">die XI mensis Octobris indictione IIII</date> </p>
Not all custom date formulations will have Gregorian equivalents.The when-custom attribute and other custom dating are not constrained to a datatype by the TEI, but individual projects are recommended to regularize and document their dating formats.
notBefore-custom specifies the earliest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
notAfter-custom specifies the latest possible date for the event in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
from-custom indicates the starting point of the period in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
<event xml:id="FIRE1"  datingMethod="#julian"  from-custom="1666-09-02"  to-custom="1666-09-05">  <head>The Great Fire of London</head>  <p>The Great Fire of London burned through a large part    of the city of London.</p> </event>
to-custom indicates the ending point of the period in some custom standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
datingPoint supplies a pointer to some location defining a named point in time with reference to which the datable item is understood to have occurred
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
datingMethod supplies a pointer to a <calendar> element or other means of interpreting the values of the custom dating attributes.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne eſtate, and deſcription of that Citie, written in the yeare <date when-custom="1598"  calendar="#julian"  datingMethod="#julian">1598</date>. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London.
In this example, the calendar attribute points to a <calendar> element for the Julian calendar, specifying that the text content of the <date> element is a Julian date, and the datingMethod attribute also points to the Julian calendar to indicate that the content of the when-custom attribute value is Julian too.
<date when="1382-06-28"  when-custom="6890-06-20"  datingMethod="#creationOfWorld"> μηνὶ Ἰουνίου εἰς <num>κ</num> ἔτους <num>ςωϞ</num> </date>
In this example, a date is given in a Mediaeval text measured ‘from the creation of the world’, which is normalized (in when) to the Gregorian date, but is also normalized (in when-custom) to a machine-actionable, numeric version of the date from the Creation.

Note that the datingMethod attribute (unlike calendar defined in att.datable) defines the calendar or dating system to which the date described by the parent element is normalized (i.e. in the when-custom or other X-custom attributes), not the calendar of the original date in the element.

Appendix A.3.12 att.datable.iso

att.datable.iso provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events using the ISO 8601:2004 standard. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 13.4. Dates]
Module namesdates
Members att.datable[affiliation age application author birth change conversion country creation date death district docDate editor education event eventName faith floruit funder gender idno licence location meeting name nationality objectName occupation offset orgName persName persPronouns placeName principal region relation residence resp sex socecStatus sponsor state time title trait unitDecl unitDef]
when-iso supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso
The following are examples of ISO date, time, and date & time formats that are not valid W3C format normalizations.
<date when-iso="1996-09-24T07:25+00">Sept. 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date> <date when-iso="1996-09-24T03:25-04">Sept. 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date> <time when-iso="1999-01-04T20:42-05">4 Jan 1999 at 8:42 pm</time> <time when-iso="1999-W01-1T20,70-05">4 Jan 1999 at 8:42 pm</time> <date when-iso="2006-05-18T10:03">a few minutes after ten in the morning on Thu 18 May</date> <time when-iso="03:00">3 A.M.</time> <time when-iso="14">around two</time> <time when-iso="15,5">half past three</time>
All of the examples of the when attribute in the att.datable.w3c class are also valid with respect to this attribute.
He likes to be punctual. I said <q>  <time when-iso="12">around noon</time> </q>, and he showed up at <time when-iso="12:00:00">12 O'clock</time> on the dot.
The second occurence of <time> could have been encoded with the when attribute, as 12:00:00 is a valid time with respect to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition specification. The first occurence could not.
notBefore-iso specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso
notAfter-iso specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso
from-iso indicates the starting point of the period in standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso
to-iso indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.iso

The value of these attributes should be a normalized representation of the date, time, or combined date & time intended, in any of the standard formats specified by ISO 8601:2004, using the Gregorian calendar.

If both when-iso and dur-iso are specified, the values should be interpreted as indicating a span of time by its starting time (or date) and duration. That is,
<date when-iso="2007-06-01dur-iso="P8D"/>
indicates the same time period as
<date when-iso="2007-06-01/P8D"/>

In providing a ‘regularized’ form, no claim is made that the form in the source text is incorrect; the regularized form is simply that chosen as the main form for purposes of unifying variant forms under a single heading.

Appendix A.3.13 att.datable.w3c

att.datable.w3c provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events conforming to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition. [3.6.4. Dates and Times 13.4. Dates]
Module tei
Members att.datable[affiliation age application author birth change conversion country creation date death district docDate editor education event eventName faith floruit funder gender idno licence location meeting name nationality objectName occupation offset orgName persName persPronouns placeName principal region relation residence resp sex socecStatus sponsor state time title trait unitDecl unitDef]
when supplies the value of the date or time in a standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
Examples of W3C date, time, and date & time formats.
<p>  <date when="1945-10-24">24 Oct 45</date>  <date when="1996-09-24T07:25:00Z">September 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date>  <time when="1999-01-04T20:42:00-05:00">Jan 4 1999 at 8 pm</time>  <time when="14:12:38">fourteen twelve and 38 seconds</time>  <date when="1962-10">October of 1962</date>  <date when="--06-12">June 12th</date>  <date when="---01">the first of the month</date>  <date when="--08">August</date>  <date when="2006">MMVI</date>  <date when="0056">AD 56</date>  <date when="-0056">56 BC</date> </p>
This list begins in the year 1632, more precisely on Trinity Sunday, i.e. the Sunday after Pentecost, in that year the <date calendar="#julian"  when="1632-06-06">27th of May (old style)</date>.
<opener>  <dateline>   <placeName>Dorchester, Village,</placeName>   <date when="1828-03-02">March 2d. 1828.</date>  </dateline>  <salute>To    Mrs. Cornell,</salute> Sunday <time when="12:00:00">noon.</time> </opener>
notBefore specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
notAfter specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
from indicates the starting point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
to indicates the ending point of the period in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.temporal.w3c
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@when]"> <sch:report test="@notBefore|@notAfter|@from|@to"  role="nonfatal">The @when attribute cannot be used with any other att.datable.w3c attributes.</sch:report> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@from]"> <sch:report test="@notBefore"  role="nonfatal">The @from and @notBefore attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@to]"> <sch:report test="@notAfter"  role="nonfatal">The @to and @notAfter attributes cannot be used together.</sch:report> </sch:rule>
<date from="1863-05-28to="1863-06-01">28 May through 1 June 1863</date>

The value of these attributes should be a normalized representation of the date, time, or combined date & time intended, in any of the standard formats specified by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, using the Gregorian calendar.

The most commonly-encountered format for the date portion of a temporal attribute is yyyy-mm-dd, but yyyy, --mm, ---dd, yyyy-mm, or --mm-dd may also be used. For the time part, the form hh:mm:ss is used.

Note that this format does not currently permit use of the value 0000 to represent the year 1 BCE; instead the value -0001 should be used.

Appendix A.3.14 att.datcat

att.datcat provides attributes that are used to align XML elements or attributes with the appropriate Data Categories (DCs) defined by an external taxonomy, in this way establishing the identity of information containers and values, and providing means of interpreting them. [9.5.2. Lexical View 18.3. Other Atomic Feature Values]
Module tei
Members att.lexicographic[lang] att.segLike[pc seg w] category tagUsage taxonomy
datcat provides a pointer to a definition of, and/or general information about, (a) an information container (element or attribute) or (b) a value of an information container (element content or attribute value), by referencing an external taxonomy or ontology. If valueDatcat is present in the immediate context, this attribute takes on role (a), while valueDatcat performs role (b).
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
valueDatcat provides a definition of, and/or general information about a value of an information container (element content or attribute value), by reference to an external taxonomy or ontology. Used especially where a contrast with datcat is needed.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
targetDatcat provides a definition of, and/or general information about, information structure of an object referenced or modeled by the containing element, by reference to an external taxonomy or ontology. This attribute has the characteristics of the datcat attribute, except that it addresses not its containing element, but an object that is being referenced or modeled by its containing element.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Example The example below presents the TEI encoding of the name-value pair <part of speech, common noun>, where the name (key) ‘part of speech’ is abbreviated as ‘POS’, and the value, ‘common noun’ is symbolized by ‘NN’. The entire name-value pair is encoded by means of the element <f>. In TEI XML, that element acts as the container, labeled with the name attribute. Its contents may be complex or simple. In the case at hand, the content is the symbol ‘NN’.The datcat attribute relates the feature name (i.e., the key) to the data category ‘part of speech’, while the attribute valueDatcat relates the feature value to the data category common noun. Both these data categories should be defined in an external and preferably open reference taxonomy or ontology.
<fs>  <f name="POS"   datcat="">   <symbol valueDatcat=""    value="NN"/>  </f> <!-- ... --> </fs>
‘NN’ is the symbol for common noun used e.g. in the CLAWS-7 tagset defined by the University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language at the University of Lancaster. The very same data category used for tagging an early version of the British National Corpus, and coming from the BNC Basic (C5) tagset, uses the symbol ‘NN0’ (rather than ‘NN’). Making these values semantically interoperable would be extremely difficult without a human expert if they were not anchored in a single point of an established reference taxonomy of morphosyntactic data categories. In the case at hand, the string is both a persistent identifier of the data category in question, as well as a pointer to a shared definition of common noun.While the symbols ‘NN’, ‘NN0’, and many others (often coming from languages other than English) are implicitly members of the container category ‘part of speech’, it is sometimes useful not to rely on such an implicit relationship but rather use an explicit identifier for that data category, to distinguish it from other morphosyntactic data categories, such as gender, tense, etc. For that purpose, the above example uses the datcat attribute to reference a definition of part of speech. The reference taxonomy in this example is the CLARIN Concept Registry.If the feature structure markup exemplified above is to be repeated many times in a single document, it is much more efficient to gather the persistent identifiers in a single place and to only reference them, implicitly or directly, from feature structure markup. The following example is much more concise than the one above and relies on the concepts of feature structure declaration and feature value library, discussed in chapter [[undefined FS]].
<fs>  <f name="POSfVal="#commonNoun"/> <!-- ... --> </fs>
The assumption here is that the relevant feature values are collected in a place that the annotation document in question has access to — preferably, a single document per linguistic resource, for example an <fsdDecl> that is XIncluded as a sibling of <text> or a child of <encodingDesc>; a <taxonomy> available resource-wide (e.g., in a shared header) is also an option.The example below presents an <fvLib> element that collects the relevant feature values (most of them omitted). At the same time, this example shows one way of encoding a tagset, i.e., an established inventory of values of (in the case at hand) morphosyntactic categories.
<fvLib n="POS values">  <symbol xml:id="commonNounvalue="NN"   datcat=""/>  <symbol xml:id="properNounvalue="NP"   datcat=""/> <!-- ... --> </fvLib>
Note that these Guidelines do not prescribe a specific choice between datcat and valueDatcat in such cases. The former is the generic way of referencing a data category, whereas the latter is more specific, in that it references a data category that represents a value. The choice between them comes into play where a single element — or a tight element complex, such as the <f>/<symbol> complex illustrated above — make it necessary or useful to distinguish between the container data category and its value.
Example In the context of dictionaries designed with semantic interoperability in mind, the following example ensures that the <pos> element is interpreted as the same information container as in the case of the example of <f name="POS"> above.
<gramGrp>  <pos datcat=""   valueDatcat="">NN</pos> </gramGrp>
Efficiency of this type of interoperable markup demands that the references to the particular data categories should best be provided in a single place within the dictionary (or a single place within the project), rather than being repeated inside every entry. For the container elements, this can be achieved at the level of <tagUsage>, although here, the valueDatcat attribute should be used, because it is not the <tagUsage> element that is associated with the relevant data category, but rather the element <pos> (or <case>, etc.) that is described by <tagUsage>:
<tagsDecl partial="true"> <!-- ... -->  <namespace name="">   <tagUsage gi="pos"    targetDatcat="">Contains the part of speech.</tagUsage>   <tagUsage gi="case"    targetDatcat="">Contains information about the grammatical case that the described form is inflected for.</tagUsage> <!-- ... -->  </namespace> </tagsDecl>
Another possibility is to shorten the URIs by means of the <prefixDef> mechanism, as illustrated below:
<listPrefixDef>  <prefixDef ident="ccrmatchPattern="pos"   replacementPattern=""/>  <prefixDef ident="ccrmatchPattern="adj"   replacementPattern=""/> </listPrefixDef> <!-- ... --> <entry> <!--...-->  <form>   <orth>isotope</orth>  </form>  <gramGrp>   <pos datcat="ccr:pos"    valueDatcat="ccr:adj">adj</pos>  </gramGrp> <!--...--> </entry>
This mechanism creates implications that are not always wanted, among others, in the case at hand, suggesting that the identifiers ‘pos’ and ‘adj’ belong to a namespace associated with the CLARIN Concept Repository (CCR), whereas that is solely a shorthand mechanism whose scope is the current resource. Documenting this clearly in the header of the dictionary is therefore advised.Yet another possibility is to associate the information about the relationship between a TEI markup element and the data category that it is intended to model already at the level of modeling the dictionary resource, that is, at the level of the ODD, in the <equiv> element that is a child of <elementSpec> or <attDef>.
Example The <taxonomy> element is a handy tool for encoding taxonomies that are later referenced by att.datcat attributes, but it can also act as an intermediary device, for example holding a fragment of an external taxonomy (or ‘flattening’ an external ontology) that is relevant to the project or document at hand. (It is also imaginable that, for the purpose of the project at hand, the local <taxonomy> element combines vocabularies that originate from more than one external taxonomy or ontology.) In such cases, the <taxonomy> creates a local layer of indirection: the att.datcat attributes internal to the resource may reference the <category> elements stored in the header (as well as the <taxonomy> element itself), whereas these same <category> and <taxonomy> elements use att.datcat attributes to reference the original taxonomy or ontology.
<encodingDesc> <!-- ... -->  <classDecl> <!-- ... -->   <taxonomy xml:id="UD-SYN"    datcat="">    <desc>     <term>UD syntactic relations</term>    </desc>    <category xml:id="acl"     valueDatcat="">     <catDesc>      <term>acl</term>: Clausal modifier of noun (adjectival clause)</catDesc>    </category>    <category xml:id="acl_relcl"     valueDatcat="">     <catDesc>      <term>acl:relcl</term>: relative clause modifier</catDesc>    </category>    <category xml:id="advcl"     valueDatcat="">     <catDesc>      <term>advcl</term>: Adverbial clause modifier</catDesc>    </category> <!-- ... -->   </taxonomy>  </classDecl> </encodingDesc>
The above fragment was excerpted from the GB subset of the ParlaMint project in April 2023, and enriched with att.datcat attributes for the purpose of illustrating the mechanism described here.Note that, in the ideal case, the values of att.datcat attributes should be persistent identifiers, and that the addressing scheme of Universal Dependencies is treated here as persistent for the sake of illustration. Note also that the contrast between datcat used on <taxonomy> on the one hand, and the valueDatcat used on <category> on the other, is not mandatory: both kinds of relations could be encoded by means of the generic datcat attribute, but using the former for the container and the latter for the content is more user-friendly.
Example The targetDatcat attribute is designed to be used in, e.g., feature structure declarations, and is analogous to the targetLang attribute of the att.pointing class, in that it describes the object that is being referenced, rather than the referencing object.
<fDecl name="POS"  targetDatcat="">  <fDescr>part of speech (morphosyntactic category)</fDescr>  <vRange>   <vAlt>    <symbol value="NN"     datcat=""/>    <symbol value="NP"     datcat=""/> <!-- ... -->   </vAlt>  </vRange> </fDecl>
Above, the <fDecl> uses targetDatcat, because if it were to use datcat, it would be asserting that it is an instance of the container data category part of speech, whereas it is not — it models a container (<f>) that encodes a part of speech. Note also that it is the <f> that is modeled above, not its values, which are used as direct references to data categories; hence the use of datcat in the <symbol> element.
Example The att.datcat attributes can be used for any sort of taxonomies. The example below illustrates their usefulness for describing usage domain labels in dictionaries on the example of the Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza by António de Morais Silva, retro-digitised in the MORDigital project.
<!-- in the dictionary header --><encodingDesc>  <classDecl>   <taxonomy xml:id="domains"> <!--...-->    <category xml:id="domain.medical_and_health_sciences">     <catDesc xml:lang="en">Medical and Health Sciences</catDesc>     <catDesc xml:lang="pt">Ciências Médicas e da Saúde</catDesc>     <category xml:id="domain.medical_and_health_sciences.medicine"      valueDatcat="">      <catDesc xml:lang="en">       <term>Medicine</term>       <gloss> <!--...-->       </gloss>      </catDesc>      <catDesc xml:lang="pt">       <term>Medicina</term>       <gloss> <!--...-->       </gloss>      </catDesc>     </category>    </category> <!--...-->   </taxonomy>  </classDecl> </encodingDesc> <!-- inside an <entry> element: --> <usg type="domain"  valueDatcat="#domain.medical_and_health_sciences.medicine">Med.</usg>
In the Morais dictionary, the relevant domain labels are in the header, getting referenced inside the dictionary, from <usg> elements. The vocabulary used for dictionary-internal labelling is in turn anchored in the MorDigital controlled vocabulary service of the NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH).

The TEI Abstract Model can be expressed as a hierarchy of attribute-value matrices (AVMs) of various types and of various levels of complexity, nested or grouped in various ways. At the most abstract level, an AVM consists of an information container and the value (contents) of that container.

A simple example of an XML serialization of such structures is, on the one hand, the opening and closing tags that delimit and name the container, and, on the other, the content enclosed by the two tags that constitues the value. An analogous example is an attribute name and the value of that attribute.

In a TEI XML example of two equivalent serializations expressing the name-value pair <part-of-speech,common-noun>, namely <pos>commonNoun</pos> and pos="common-noun", one would classify the element <pos> and the attribute pos as containers (mapping onto the first member of the relevant name-value pair), while the character data content of <pos> or the value of pos would be seen as mapping onto the second member of the pair.

The att.datcat class provides means of addressing the containers and their values, while at the same time providing a way to interpret them in the context of external taxonomies or ontologies. Aligning e.g. both the <pos> element and the pos attribute with the same value of an external reference point (i.e., an entry in an agreed taxonomy) affirms the identity of the concept serialised by both the element container and the attribute container, and optionally provides a definition of that concept (in the case at hand, the concept part of speech).

The value of the att.datcat attributes should be a PID (persistent identifier) that points to a specific — and, ideally, shared — taxonomy or ontology. Among the resources that can, to a lesser or greater extent, be used as inventories of (more or less) standardized linguistic categories are the GOLD ontology, CLARIN CCR, OLiA, or TermWeb's DatCatInfo, and also the Universal Dependencies inventory, on the assumption that its URIs are going to persist. It is imaginable that a project may choose to address a local taxonomy store instead, but this risks losing the advantage of interchangeability with other projects.

Historically, datcat and valueDatcat originate from the (now obsolete) ISO 12620:2009 standard, describing the data model and procedures for a Data Category Registry (DCR). The current version of that standard, ISO 12620-1, does not standardize the serialization of pointers, merely mentioning the TEI att.datcat as an example.

Note that no constraint prevents the occurrence of a combination of att.datcat attributes: the <fDecl> element, which is a natural bearer of the targetDatcat attribute, is an instance of a specific modeling element, and, in principle, could be semantically fixed by an appropriate reference taxonomy of modeling devices.

Appendix A.3.15 att.declaring

att.declaring provides attributes for elements which may be independently associated with a particular declarable element within the header, thus overriding the inherited default for that element. [15.3. Associating Contextual Information with a Text]
Module tei
Members ab back body div facsimile floatingText front gloss graphic group lg listAnnotation media msDesc object p ptr ref standOff term text
decls (declarations) identifies one or more declarable elements within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

The rules governing the association of declarable elements with individual parts of a TEI text are fully defined in chapter 15.3. Associating Contextual Information with a Text.

Appendix A.3.16 att.dimensions

att.dimensions provides attributes for describing the size of physical objects.
Module tei
Members add age birth date death del ellipsis floruit gap offset space state time trait unclear
unit names the unit used for the measurement
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
lines of text
(characters) characters of text
quantity specifies the length in the units specified
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
extent indicates the size of the object concerned using a project-specific vocabulary combining quantity and units in a single string of words.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<gap extent="5 words"/>
<height extent="half the page"/>
precision characterizes the precision of the values specified by the other attributes.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.certainty
scope where the measurement summarizes more than one observation, specifies the applicability of this measurement.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
measurement applies to all instances.
measurement applies to most of the instances inspected.
measurement applies to only the specified range of instances.

Appendix A.3.17 att.docStatus

att.docStatus provides attributes for use on metadata elements describing the status of a document.
Module tei
Members bibl biblFull biblStruct change msDesc object revisionDesc
status describes the status of a document either currently or, when associated with a dated element, at the time indicated.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
<revisionDesc status="published">  <change when="2010-10-21"   status="published"/>  <change when="2010-10-02status="cleared"/>  <change when="2010-08-02"   status="embargoed"/>  <change when="2010-05-01status="frozen"   who="#MSM"/>  <change when="2010-03-01status="draft"   who="#LB"/> </revisionDesc>

Appendix A.3.18 att.dvppAnalyticFigures

Module dvpp
Members figure
ana (analysis) Contains one or more pointers to elements containing interpretations of the nature or function of the bearing element.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
(Crying) Crying.
(Eating) Eating or drinking.
(Embrace) Embrace among living things.
(Gesture) Non-verbal gesture.
(Manual Labour) An action done or performed with the hands, involving physical rather than mental exertion (OED).
(Praying) The act or practice of offering or engaging in prayer (OED).
(Reading) Reading. Does not include books in illustrations that are not actively being read.
(Sleeping) Depiction of a living thing sleeping.
(Speech and Song) Verbal utterance including speech and song.
(Walking) Walking. Includes activities such as hiking, skipping, and running.
(Writing) Writing.
(Actions) Verbal or physical actions being performed.
(Concepts and Themes) Illustrations of abstract ideas relating to broader subjects.
(Death) Depiction of death and/or a dead body. Can include personifications of death.
(Disability) A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities (OED).
(Domestic) Attached to home; devoted to home life or duties; domesticated (OED).
(Poverty) Depiction of extreme destitution or lack of wealth.
(Relationship) Depicts a relationship among two or more living things.
(Familial) A relationship between family members.
(Romantic) Romantic relationship.
(Religion) Depiction of religion, faith, or spirituality. Includes religious figures and buildings.
(Christmas) The festival of the nativity of Christ, kept on the 25th of December (OED).
(Figure) Illustrated religious figures such as monks, bishops, the Pope. Can include non-Christian religious figures.
(Sickness) Depicts a living thing with ill-health or another form of illness.
(Travel) Depicts the action of journeying or travelling.
(Wealth) Depiction of richness, extravagance, and/or opulence, generally associated with money or material items.
(Work) Depicts a labour or work task in process.
(Fantasy and Supernatural) Can include beings, objects, and themes that belong to a realm that transcends the material world; includes divine, magical, or ghostly beings (OED).
(Being) A non-human entity.
(Angel) In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: a celestial being considered intermediate between God and humanity; typically acting as attendant or messengers (OED).
(Cherub) Angelic child or baby.
(Fairy) Supernatural being with human form (OED).
(Legend) Derives from a sacred text (e.g. the bible, a saint's life) (OED).
(Myth) Traditional story, involving supernatural beings or forces, which embodies and provides an explanation for something such as the early history of a society, a religious belief, or a natural phenomenon. (OED).
(Object) Fantastical or supernatural object. Does not materially exist.
(Living thing) All living things, including humans, flora and fauna.
(Animal) Animal.
(Bird) Bird.
(Insect) Insect.
(Person) One or more human beings.
(Adult) Adult. Gender unknown or unspecified.
(Elder) Elderly person. Can be used with man and/or woman tags.
(Man) Adult Man.
(Woman) Adult Woman.
(Child) Child. Gender unknown or unspecified.
(Baby) Baby.
(Boy) Boy.
(Girl) Girl.
(Crowd (10+)) Group of 10 or more people. Can include differents ages and genders.
(Historical Person (pre-Victorian)) Pre-Victorian person(s). Can include portraits presented as historical figures.
(Multiple (2-9)) Group of 2 to 9 people. Can include differents ages and genders.
(Portrait) Illustration of a person that usually depicts the head and shoulders (OED).
(Plant) Plant.
(Flower) Flower.
(Tree) Tree.
(Object) A material thing that can be seen, touched, or otherwise perceived (OED).
(Artwork) Any work of art (e.g. paintings, sculptures).
(Book) Book (also includes periodicals, bibles, sheet music).
(Domestic Object) Object primarily used in a domestic setting (e.g. timepieces, cookware, cutlery).
(Food) Consumable object (also includes beverages and food consumed by birds/animals).
(Musical Instrument) Musical instrument.
(Religious Object) Object primarily used in a religious context.
(Cross) Religious cross.
(Tool) Object primarily used as a tool (context-dependent).
(Transportation) Object primarily used for transportation.
(Bicycle) Bicycle or related vehicle (also includes unicycles and tricycles).
(Boat) Boat (e.g. row-boats and passenger ships).
(Horse) Horse used for transportation.
(Horse-drawn Vehicle) Horse-drawn vehicle (e.g. carriages and omnibuses).
(Train) Train.
(Weapon) Object primarily used as a weapon (context-dependent).
(Setting) The environment or surroundings in which a person, thing, or scene is ‘setʼ (OED).
(Body of Water) Any body of water (e.g. pond, lake, ocean).
(Seascape) Illustration entirely of the sea and/or shore (OED).
(Building) Building.
(Building Exterior) Exterior of one building.
(Building Interior) Interior of one building.
(Countryside) Illustration set in the country.
(Landscape) Illustration of natural inland scenery, taken from one point-of-view, with a wide vista (OED).
(Domestic Setting) Domestic setting (e.g. in a home).
(Foreign (non-British) Setting) Overtly set outside of Britain. Absence of value does not mean illustration is set in Britain.
(Garden) Overtly cultivated natural space, often enclosed and usually adjoining a building (OED).
(Historical Setting (pre-Victorian)) Pre-Victorian setting.
(Mountain) Mountain.
(Settlement) Human settlement.
(Rural Settlement) Rural settlement (e.g. farm, country). As opposed to urban settlement.
(Urban Settlement) Urban settlement (e.g. town, city). As opposed to rural settlement.
(Cityscape) Artistic representation of a city or urban area.

Appendix A.3.19 att.dvppAnalyticSound

Module dvpp
Members l lg seg
ana (analysis) Contains one or more pointers to elements containing interpretations of the nature or function of the bearing element.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Legal values are:
(Anaphora: Repetition of the first word or words of a segment.) A sonic device in which the first component of a segment is repeated: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”. Minor variation may occur between repetitions.
(Epistrophe: Repetition of the last word or words in a segment.) A sonic device in which the last component of a segment is repeated: “…government of the people, by the people, for the people…”. Minor variation may occur between repetitions.
(Internal rhyme: rhyming components within a line.) An instance of overt and obvious rhyme within a single line or across lines, with two words rhyming together.
(Refrain: Repetition of one or more lines, sentences or phrases anywhere in a poem, and often but not only at the end of a stanza.) A sonic device in which a phrase, partial line, whole line, or multiple lines in a stanza or a sub-stanza is repeated, sometimes with minor variation, across multiple stanzas.
(Variant: Specifies that the tagged sonic device is not identical to its precursor, merely similar.) An additional specifier to be combined with one of the sonic device types to specify that the repetition is not identical but a variant of the original instance.

Appendix A.3.20 att.edition

att.edition provides attributes identifying the source edition from which some encoded feature derives.
Module tei
Members cb gb lb milestone pb refState
ed (edition) supplies a sigil or other arbitrary identifier for the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
edRef (edition reference) provides a pointer to the source edition in which the associated feature (for example, a page, column, or line break) occurs at this point in the text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l> <l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l> <l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>
<listBibl>  <bibl xml:id="stapledon1937">   <author>Olaf Stapledon</author>,  <title>Starmaker</title>, <publisher>Methuen</publisher>, <date>1937</date>  </bibl>  <bibl xml:id="stapledon1968">   <author>Olaf Stapledon</author>,  <title>Starmaker</title>, <publisher>Dover</publisher>, <date>1968</date>  </bibl> </listBibl> <!-- ... --> <p>Looking into the future aeons from the supreme moment of the cosmos, I saw the populations still with all their strength maintaining the<pb n="411edRef="#stapledon1968"/>essentials of their ancient culture, still living their personal lives in zest and endless novelty of action, … I saw myself still preserving, though with increasing difficulty, my lucid con-<pb n="291edRef="#stapledon1937"/>sciousness;</p>

Appendix A.3.21 att.enjamb

att.enjamb (enjambement) provides attributes that may be used to indicate enjambement of the parent element. [6.2. Components of the Verse Line]
Module verse
Members l
enjamb (enjambement) indicates that the end of a verse line is marked by enjambement.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
the line is end-stopped
the line in question runs on into the next
the line is weakly enjambed
the line is strongly enjambed

The usual practice will be to give the value ‘yes’ to this attribute when enjambement is being marked, or the values ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ if degrees of enjambement are of interest; if no value is given, however, the attribute does not default to a value of ‘no’; this allows the attribute to be omitted entirely when enjambement is not of particular interest.

Appendix A.3.22 att.formula

att.formula provides attributes for defining a mathematical formula. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration]
Module tei
Members conversion
formula A formula is provided to describe a mathematical calculation such as a conversion between measurement systems.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xpath
<encodingDesc>  <unitDecl>   <unitDef xml:id="stadiumtype="linear">    <label>stadium</label>    <placeName ref="#rome"/>    <conversion fromUnit="#pes"     toUnit="#stadiumformula="$fromUnit * 625"/>    <desc>The stadium was a Roman unit of linear measurement equivalent to 625 pedes, or Roman feet.</desc>   </unitDef>  </unitDecl> </encodingDesc>
<encodingDesc>  <unitDecl>   <unitDef xml:id="wmwtype="power">    <label>whatmeworry</label>    <conversion fromUnit="#hpk"     toUnit="#wmwformula="$fromUnit * 1"/>    <desc>In the Potrzebie system of measures as introduced by Donald Knuth, the whatmeworry unit of power is equivalent to one hah per kovac.</desc>   </unitDef>   <unitDef xml:id="kwmwtype="power">    <label>kilowhatmeworry</label>    <conversion fromUnit="#wmw"     toUnit="#kwmwformula="$fromUnit div 1000"/>    <desc>The kilowhatmeworry is equivalent to 1000 whatmeworries.</desc>   </unitDef>   <unitDef xml:id="aptype="power">    <label>kilowhatmeworry</label>    <conversion fromUnit="#kwmw"     toUnit="#apformula="$fromUnit div 100"/>    <desc>One unit of aeolipower (A.P.) is equivalent to 100 kilowhatmeworries.</desc>   </unitDef>  </unitDecl> </encodingDesc>
<conversion fromUnit="#furlongsPerFortnight"  toUnit="#milesPerHour"  formula="$fromUnit cast as xs:decimal * 0.000372"/>
<conversion fromUnit="#deciday"  toUnit="hour"  formula="$fromUnit cast as xs:decimal * 144 div 60"/>

This attribute class provides formula for use in defining a value used in mathematical calculation. It can be used to store a mathematical operation needed to convert from one system of measurement to another. We use the teidata.xpath datatype to express this value in order to communicate mathematical operations on an XML node or nodes. The $fromUnit variable notation simplifies referencing of the fromUnit attribute on the parent <conversion> element. Note that ‘div’ is required to express the division operator in XPath.

Appendix A.3.23 provides attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Global Attributes]
Module tei
Members TEI ab abbr abstract add addName addrLine address affiliation age analytic anchor annotation appInfo application argument author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct binaryObject birth body byline cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef category cb cell change choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange classCode classDecl closer conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation date dateline death del derivation desc distinct distributor district div divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education ellipsis email emph encodingDesc epigraph event eventName expan extent facsimile faith figDesc figure fileDesc floatingText floruit foreign forename front funder fw gap gb genName gender geoDecl gloss graphic group handNote head headItem headLabel hi hyphenation idno imprimatur imprint incipit index interpretation item keywords l label lang langUsage language lb lg licence link linkGrp list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRelation location measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone monogr msContents msDesc msItem name nameLink namespace nationality normalization note noteGrp notesStmt num object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb pc persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName postBox postCode postscript prefixDef principal profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation q quotation quote rb ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation rendition residence resp respStmt revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName row rs rt ruby said salute samplingDecl schemaRef scriptNote seg segmentation series seriesStmt sex sic signed soCalled socecStatus sourceDesc sp space speaker sponsor stage standOff state stdVals street styleDefDecl surname table tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy teiCorpus teiHeader term text textClass textDesc textLang time title titlePage titlePart titleStmt trailer trait unclear unit unitDecl unitDef w xenoData
xml:id (identifier) provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype ID

The xml:id attribute may be used to specify a canonical reference for an element; see section 3.11. Reference Systems.

n (number) gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text

The value of this attribute is always understood to be a single token, even if it contains space or other punctuation characters, and need not be composed of numbers only. It is typically used to specify the numbering of chapters, sections, list items, etc.; it may also be used in the specification of a standard reference system for the text.

xml:lang (language) indicates the language of the element content using a ‘tag’ generated according to BCP 47.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.language
<p> … The consequences of this rapid depopulation were the loss of the last <foreign xml:lang="rap">ariki</foreign> or chief (Routledge 1920:205,210) and their connections to ancestral territorial organization.</p>

The xml:lang value will be inherited from the immediately enclosing element, or from its parent, and so on up the document hierarchy. It is generally good practice to specify xml:lang at the highest appropriate level, noticing that a different default may be needed for the <teiHeader> from that needed for the associated resource element or elements, and that a single TEI document may contain texts in many languages.

Only attributes with free text values (rare in these guidelines) will be in the scope of xml:lang.

The authoritative list of registered language subtags is maintained by IANA and is available at For a good general overview of the construction of language tags, see, and for a practical step-by-step guide, see

The value used must conform with BCP 47. If the value is a private use code (i.e., starts with x- or contains -x-), a <language> element with a matching value for its ident attribute should be supplied in the TEI header to document this value. Such documentation may also optionally be supplied for non-private-use codes, though these must remain consistent with their (IETF)Internet Engineering Task Force definitions.

xml:base provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
<div type="bibl">  <head>Selections from <title level="m">The Collected Letters of Robert Southey. Part 1: 1791-1797</title>  </head>  <listBibl xml:base="">   <bibl>    <ref target="letterEEd.26.3.xml">     <title>Robert Southey to Grosvenor Charles Bedford</title>, <date when="1792-04-03">3 April 1792</date>.    </ref>   </bibl>   <bibl>    <ref target="letterEEd.26.57.xml">     <title>Robert Southey to Anna Seward</title>, <date when="1793-09-18">18 September 1793</date>.    </ref>   </bibl>   <bibl>    <ref target="letterEEd.26.85.xml">     <title>Robert Southey to Robert Lovell</title>, <date from="1794-04-05"      to="1794-04-06">5-6 April, 1794</date>.    </ref>   </bibl>  </listBibl> </div>
xml:space signals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space

The XML specification provides further guidance on the use of this attribute. Note that many parsers may not handle xml:space correctly.

Appendix A.3.24 provides attributes allowing its member elements to specify one or more states or revision campaigns with which they are associated.
Module transcr
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addName addrLine address affiliation age analytic anchor annotation appInfo application argument author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct binaryObject birth body byline cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef category cb cell change choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange classCode classDecl closer conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation date dateline death del derivation desc distinct distributor district div divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education ellipsis email emph encodingDesc epigraph event eventName expan extent facsimile faith figDesc figure fileDesc floatingText floruit foreign forename front funder fw gap gb genName gender geoDecl gloss graphic group handNote head headItem headLabel hi hyphenation idno imprimatur imprint incipit index interpretation item keywords l label lang langUsage language lb lg licence link linkGrp list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRelation location measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone monogr msContents msDesc msItem name nameLink namespace nationality normalization note noteGrp notesStmt num object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb pc persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName postBox postCode postscript prefixDef principal profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation q quotation quote rb ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation rendition residence resp respStmt revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName row rs rt ruby said salute samplingDecl schemaRef scriptNote seg segmentation series seriesStmt sex sic signed soCalled socecStatus sourceDesc sp space speaker sponsor stage standOff state stdVals street styleDefDecl surname table tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy teiCorpus teiHeader term text textClass textDesc textLang time title titlePage titlePart titleStmt trailer trait unclear unit unitDecl unitDef w xenoData]
change points to one or more <change> elements documenting a state or revision campaign to which the element bearing this attribute and its children have been assigned by the encoder.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

Appendix A.3.25 provides attributes used to express correspondence between an element and all or part of a facsimile image or surface. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Module transcr
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addName addrLine address affiliation age analytic anchor annotation appInfo application argument author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct binaryObject birth body byline cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef category cb cell change choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange classCode classDecl closer conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation date dateline death del derivation desc distinct distributor district div divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education ellipsis email emph encodingDesc epigraph event eventName expan extent facsimile faith figDesc figure fileDesc floatingText floruit foreign forename front funder fw gap gb genName gender geoDecl gloss graphic group handNote head headItem headLabel hi hyphenation idno imprimatur imprint incipit index interpretation item keywords l label lang langUsage language lb lg licence link linkGrp list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRelation location measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone monogr msContents msDesc msItem name nameLink namespace nationality normalization note noteGrp notesStmt num object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb pc persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName postBox postCode postscript prefixDef principal profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation q quotation quote rb ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation rendition residence resp respStmt revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName row rs rt ruby said salute samplingDecl schemaRef scriptNote seg segmentation series seriesStmt sex sic signed soCalled socecStatus sourceDesc sp space speaker sponsor stage standOff state stdVals street styleDefDecl surname table tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy teiCorpus teiHeader term text textClass textDesc textLang time title titlePage titlePart titleStmt trailer trait unclear unit unitDecl unitDef w xenoData]
facs (facsimile) points to one or more images, portions of an image, or surfaces which correspond to the current element.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

Appendix A.3.26 provides a set of attributes for hypertextual linking. [16. Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment]
Module linking
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addName addrLine address affiliation age analytic anchor annotation appInfo application argument author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct binaryObject birth body byline cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef category cb cell change choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange classCode classDecl closer conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation date dateline death del derivation desc distinct distributor district div divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education ellipsis email emph encodingDesc epigraph event eventName expan extent facsimile faith figDesc figure fileDesc floatingText floruit foreign forename front funder fw gap gb genName gender geoDecl gloss graphic group handNote head headItem headLabel hi hyphenation idno imprimatur imprint incipit index interpretation item keywords l label lang langUsage language lb lg licence link linkGrp list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRelation location measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone monogr msContents msDesc msItem name nameLink namespace nationality normalization note noteGrp notesStmt num object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb pc persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName postBox postCode postscript prefixDef principal profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation q quotation quote rb ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation rendition residence resp respStmt revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName row rs rt ruby said salute samplingDecl schemaRef scriptNote seg segmentation series seriesStmt sex sic signed soCalled socecStatus sourceDesc sp space speaker sponsor stage standOff state stdVals street styleDefDecl surname table tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy teiCorpus teiHeader term text textClass textDesc textLang time title titlePage titlePart titleStmt trailer trait unclear unit unitDecl unitDef w xenoData]
corresp (corresponds) points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<group>  <text xml:id="t1-g1-t1"   xml:lang="mi">   <body xml:id="t1-g1-t1-body1">    <div type="chapter">     <head>He Whakamaramatanga mo te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876.</head>     <p></p>    </div>   </body>  </text>  <text xml:id="t1-g1-t2"   xml:lang="en">   <body xml:id="t1-g1-t2-body1"    corresp="#t1-g1-t1-body1">    <div type="chapter">     <head>An Act to regulate the Sale, Letting, and Disposal of Native Lands, 1876.</head>     <p></p>    </div>   </body>  </text> </group>
In this example a <group> contains two <text>s, each containing the same document in a different language. The correspondence is indicated using corresp. The language is indicated using xml:lang, whose value is inherited; both the tag with the corresp and the tag pointed to by the corresp inherit the value from their immediate parent.
<!-- In a placeography called "places.xml" --><place xml:id="LOND1"  corresp="people.xml#LOND2 people.xml#GENI1">  <placeName>London</placeName>  <desc>The city of London...</desc> </place> <!-- In a literary personography called "people.xml" --> <person xml:id="LOND2"  corresp="places.xml#LOND1 #GENI1">  <persName type="lit">London</persName>  <note>   <p>Allegorical character representing the city of <placeName ref="places.xml#LOND1">London</placeName>.</p>  </note> </person> <person xml:id="GENI1"  corresp="places.xml#LOND1 #LOND2">  <persName type="lit">London’s Genius</persName>  <note>   <p>Personification of London’s genius. Appears as an      allegorical character in mayoral shows.   </p>  </note> </person>
In this example, a <place> element containing information about the city of London is linked with two <person> elements in a literary personography. This correspondence represents a slightly looser relationship than the one in the preceding example; there is no sense in which an allegorical character could be substituted for the physical city, or vice versa, but there is obviously a correspondence between them.
sameAs points to an element that is the same as the current element.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
copyOf points to an element of which the current element is a copy.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

Any content of the current element should be ignored. Its true content is that of the element being pointed at.

next points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

It is recommended that the element indicated be of the same type as the element bearing this attribute.

prev (previous) points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

It is recommended that the element indicated be of the same type as the element bearing this attribute.

Appendix A.3.27 provides rendering attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme. [ Rendition Indicators]
Module tei
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addName addrLine address affiliation age analytic anchor annotation appInfo application argument author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct binaryObject birth body byline cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef category cb cell change choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange classCode classDecl closer conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation date dateline death del derivation desc distinct distributor district div divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education ellipsis email emph encodingDesc epigraph event eventName expan extent facsimile faith figDesc figure fileDesc floatingText floruit foreign forename front funder fw gap gb genName gender geoDecl gloss graphic group handNote head headItem headLabel hi hyphenation idno imprimatur imprint incipit index interpretation item keywords l label lang langUsage language lb lg licence link linkGrp list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRelation location measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone monogr msContents msDesc msItem name nameLink namespace nationality normalization note noteGrp notesStmt num object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb pc persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName postBox postCode postscript prefixDef principal profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation q quotation quote rb ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation rendition residence resp respStmt revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName row rs rt ruby said salute samplingDecl schemaRef scriptNote seg segmentation series seriesStmt sex sic signed soCalled socecStatus sourceDesc sp space speaker sponsor stage standOff state stdVals street styleDefDecl surname table tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy teiCorpus teiHeader term text textClass textDesc textLang time title titlePage titlePart titleStmt trailer trait unclear unit unitDecl unitDef w xenoData]
rend (rendition) indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
<head rend="align(center) case(allcaps)">  <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her <lb/>  <hi rend="case(mixed)">New Blazing-World</hi>. </head>

These Guidelines make no binding recommendations for the values of the rend attribute; the characteristics of visual presentation vary too much from text to text and the decision to record or ignore individual characteristics varies too much from project to project. Some potentially useful conventions are noted from time to time at appropriate points in the Guidelines. The values of the rend attribute are a set of sequence-indeterminate individual tokens separated by whitespace.

style contains an expression in some formal style definition language which defines the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<head style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps">  <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her <lb/>  <hi style="font-variant: normal">New Blazing-World</hi>. </head>

Unlike the attribute values of rend, which uses whitespace as a separator, the style attribute may contain whitespace. This attribute is intended for recording inline stylistic information concerning the source, not any particular output.

The formal language in which values for this attribute are expressed may be specified using the <styleDefDecl> element in the TEI header.

If style and rendition are both present on an element, then style overrides or complements rendition. style should not be used in conjunction with rend, because the latter does not employ a formal style definition language.

rendition points to a description of the rendering or presentation used for this element in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<head rendition="#ac #sc">  <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her <lb/>  <hi rendition="#normal">New Blazing-World</hi>. </head> <!-- elsewhere... --> <rendition xml:id="sc"  scheme="css">font-variant: small-caps</rendition> <rendition xml:id="normal"  scheme="css">font-variant: normal</rendition> <rendition xml:id="ac"  scheme="css">text-align: center</rendition>

The rendition attribute is used in a very similar way to the class attribute defined for XHTML but with the important distinction that its function is to describe the appearance of the source text, not necessarily to determine how that text should be presented on screen or paper.

If rendition is used to refer to a style definition in a formal language like CSS, it is recommended that it not be used in conjunction with rend. Where both rendition and rend are supplied, the latter is understood to override or complement the former.

Each URI provided should indicate a <rendition> element defining the intended rendition in terms of some appropriate style language, as indicated by the scheme attribute.

Appendix A.3.28 provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it. [ Sources, certainty, and responsibility 3.5. Simple Editorial Changes Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes 17.3. Spans and Interpretations 13.1.1. Linking Names and Their Referents]
Module tei
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addName addrLine address affiliation age analytic anchor annotation appInfo application argument author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct binaryObject birth body byline cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef category cb cell change choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange classCode classDecl closer conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation date dateline death del derivation desc distinct distributor district div divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education ellipsis email emph encodingDesc epigraph event eventName expan extent facsimile faith figDesc figure fileDesc floatingText floruit foreign forename front funder fw gap gb genName gender geoDecl gloss graphic group handNote head headItem headLabel hi hyphenation idno imprimatur imprint incipit index interpretation item keywords l label lang langUsage language lb lg licence link linkGrp list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRelation location measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone monogr msContents msDesc msItem name nameLink namespace nationality normalization note noteGrp notesStmt num object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb pc persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName postBox postCode postscript prefixDef principal profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation q quotation quote rb ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation rendition residence resp respStmt revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName row rs rt ruby said salute samplingDecl schemaRef scriptNote seg segmentation series seriesStmt sex sic signed soCalled socecStatus sourceDesc sp space speaker sponsor stage standOff state stdVals street styleDefDecl surname table tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy teiCorpus teiHeader term text textClass textDesc textLang time title titlePage titlePart titleStmt trailer trait unclear unit unitDecl unitDef w xenoData]
cert (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.probCert
Legal values are:
(Probably true)
(Possibly true)
(Perhaps true)
resp (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

To reduce the ambiguity of a resp pointing directly to a person or organization, we recommend that resp be used to point not to an agent (<person> or <org>) but to a <respStmt>, <author>, <editor> or similar element which clarifies the exact role played by the agent. Pointing to multiple <respStmt>s allows the encoder to specify clearly each of the roles played in part of a TEI file (creating, transcribing, encoding, editing, proofing etc.).

Blessed are the <choice>  <sic>cheesemakers</sic>  <corr resp="#editorcert="high">peacemakers</corr> </choice>: for they shall be called the children of God.
<!-- in the <text> ... --><lg> <!-- ... -->  <l>Punkes, Panders, baſe extortionizing    sla<choice>    <sic>n</sic>    <corr resp="#JENS1_transcriber">u</corr>   </choice>es,</l> <!-- ... --> </lg> <!-- in the <teiHeader> ... --> <!-- ... --> <respStmt xml:id="JENS1_transcriber">  <resp when="2014">Transcriber</resp>  <name>Janelle Jenstad</name> </respStmt>

Appendix A.3.29 provides attributes used by elements to point to an external source. [ Sources, certainty, and responsibility 3.3.3. Quotation 8.3.4. Writing]
Module tei
Members[TEI ab abbr abstract add addName addrLine address affiliation age analytic anchor annotation appInfo application argument author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct binaryObject birth body byline cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef category cb cell change choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange classCode classDecl closer conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation date dateline death del derivation desc distinct distributor district div divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education ellipsis email emph encodingDesc epigraph event eventName expan extent facsimile faith figDesc figure fileDesc floatingText floruit foreign forename front funder fw gap gb genName gender geoDecl gloss graphic group handNote head headItem headLabel hi hyphenation idno imprimatur imprint incipit index interpretation item keywords l label lang langUsage language lb lg licence link linkGrp list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRelation location measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone monogr msContents msDesc msItem name nameLink namespace nationality normalization note noteGrp notesStmt num object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset opener org orgName orig p particDesc pb pc persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName postBox postCode postscript prefixDef principal profileDesc projectDesc ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation q quotation quote rb ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation rendition residence resp respStmt revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName row rs rt ruby said salute samplingDecl schemaRef scriptNote seg segmentation series seriesStmt sex sic signed soCalled socecStatus sourceDesc sp space speaker sponsor stage standOff state stdVals street styleDefDecl surname table tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy teiCorpus teiHeader term text textClass textDesc textLang time title titlePage titlePart titleStmt trailer trait unclear unit unitDecl unitDef w xenoData]
source specifies the source from which some aspect of this element is drawn.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@source]"> <sch:let name="srcs"  value="tokenize( normalize-space(@source),' ')"/> <sch:report test="( self::tei:classRef | self::tei:dataRef | self::tei:elementRef | self::tei:macroRef | self::tei:moduleRef | self::tei:schemaSpec ) and $srcs[2]"> When used on a schema description element (like <sch:value-of select="name(.)"/>), the @source attribute should have only 1 value. (This one has <sch:value-of select="count($srcs)"/>.) </sch:report> </sch:rule>

The source attribute points to an external source. When used on an element describing a schema component (<classRef>, <dataRef>, <elementRef>, <macroRef>, <moduleRef>, or <schemaSpec>), it identifies the source from which declarations for the components should be obtained.

On other elements it provides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn.

In either case, the location may be provided using any form of URI, for example an absolute URI, a relative URI, a private scheme URI of the form tei:x.y.z, where x.y.z indicates the version number, e.g. tei:4.3.2 for TEI P5 release 4.3.2 or (as a special case) tei:current for whatever is the latest release, or a private scheme URI that is expanded to an absolute URI as documented in a <prefixDef>.

When used on elements describing schema components, source should have only one value; when used on other elements multiple values are permitted.

<p> <!-- ... --> As Willard McCarty (<bibl xml:id="mcc_2012">2012, p.2</bibl>) tells us, <quote source="#mcc_2012">‘Collaboration’ is a problematic and should be a contested    term.</quote> <!-- ... --> </p>
<p> <!-- ... -->  <quote source="#chicago_15_ed">Grammatical theories are in flux, and the more we learn, the    less we seem to know.</quote> <!-- ... --> </p> <!-- ... --> <bibl xml:id="chicago_15_ed">  <title level="m">The Chicago Manual of Style</title>, <edition>15th edition</edition>. <pubPlace>Chicago</pubPlace>: <publisher>University of    Chicago Press</publisher> (<date>2003</date>), <biblScope unit="page">p.147</biblScope>. </bibl>
<elementRef key="psource="tei:2.0.1"/>
Include in the schema an element named <p> available from the TEI P5 2.0.1 release.
<schemaSpec ident="myODD"  source="mycompiledODD.xml"> <!-- further declarations specifying the components required --> </schemaSpec>
Create a schema using components taken from the file mycompiledODD.xml.

Appendix A.3.30 att.handFeatures

att.handFeatures provides attributes describing aspects of the hand in which a manuscript is written. [ Document Hands]
Module tei
Members handNote scriptNote
scribe gives a name or other identifier for the scribe believed to be responsible for this hand.
Status Optional
scribeRef points to a full description of the scribe concerned, typically supplied by a <person> element elsewhere in the description.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
script characterizes the particular script or writing style used by this hand, for example secretary, copperplate, Chancery, Italian, etc.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of separated by whitespace
scriptRef points to a full description of the script or writing style used by this hand, typically supplied by a <scriptNote> element elsewhere in the description.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
medium describes the tint or type of ink, e.g. brown, or other writing medium, e.g. pencil
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
scope specifies how widely this hand is used in the manuscript.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
this hand is used through most of the manuscript
this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript

Usually either script or scriptRef, and similarly, either scribe or scribeRef, will be supplied.

Appendix A.3.31 att.internetMedia

att.internetMedia provides attributes for specifying the type of a computer resource using a standard taxonomy.
Module tei
Members[binaryObject graphic media] ptr ref
mimeType (MIME media type) specifies the applicable multimedia internet mail extension (MIME) media type
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace
Example In this example mimeType is used to indicate that the URL points to a TEI XML file encoded in UTF-8.
<ref mimeType="application/tei+xml; charset=UTF-8"  target=""/>

This attribute class provides an attribute for describing a computer resource, typically available over the internet, using a value taken from a standard taxonomy. At present only a single taxonomy is supported, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Media Type system. This typology of media types is defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RFC 2046. The list of types is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The mimeType attribute must have a value taken from this list.

Appendix A.3.32 att.lexicographic

att.lexicographic provides a set of attributes for specifying standard and normalized values, grammatical functions, alternate or equivalent forms, and information about composite parts. [9.2. The Structure of Dictionary Entries]
Module dictionaries
Members lang
expand (expand) gives an expanded form of information presented more concisely in the dictionary
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<gramGrp>  <pos expand="noun">n</pos> </gramGrp>
split (split) gives the list of split values for a merged form
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
value (value) gives a value which lacks any realization in the printed source text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
location (location) indicates an <anchor> element typically elsewhere in the document, but possibly in another document, which is the original location of this component.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
mergedIn (merged into) gives a reference to another element, where the original appears as a merged form.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
opt (optional) indicates whether the element is optional or not
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.truthValue
Default false

Appendix A.3.33 att.lexicographic.normalized

att.lexicographic.normalized provides attributes for usage within word-level elements in the analysis module and within lexicographic microstructure in the dictionaries module.
Module analysis
Members att.lexicographic[lang] att.linguistic[pc w]
norm (normalized) provides the normalized/standardized form of information present in the source text in a non-normalized form
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
Normalization of part-of-speech information within a dictionary entry.
<gramGrp>  <pos norm="noun">n</pos> </gramGrp>
Normalization of a source form in a tokenized historical corpus.
<s>  <w>for</w>  <w norm="virtue's">vertues</w>  <w>sake</w> </s>
<s>  <w norm="persuasion">perswasion</w>  <w>of</w>  <w norm="Unity">Vnitie</w> </s>
Example of normalization from Aviso. Relation oder Zeitung. Wolfenbüttel, 1609. In: Deutsches Textarchiv.
<s>  <w norm="freiwillig">freywillig</w>  <pc norm=","   join="left">/</pc>  <w norm="unbedrängt">vnbedraͤngt</w>  <w norm="und">vnd</w>  <w norm="unverhindert">vnuerhindert</w> </s>
<w norm="Teil">Theyll</w>
<w norm="Freude">Frewde</w>
orig (original) gives the original string or is the empty string when the element does not appear in the source text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
Example from a language documentation project of the Mixtepec-Mixtec language (ISO 639-3: 'mix'). This is a use case where speakers spell something incorrectly but we would like to preserve it for any number of reasons, the use of orig is essential and could have uses for both the speaker to see past mistakes, researchers to get insight into how untrained speakers write their language instinctually (in contrast to prescribed convention), etc.:
<w orig="ntsa sia'i">ntsasia'i</w>
Example from the EarlyPrint project. Fragment of text where obvious errors have been corrected but the original forms remain recorded:
<w lemma="he"  pos="pns"  xml:id="b1afj-003-a-0950">he</w> <w lemma="have"  pos="vvz"  xml:id="b1afj-003-a-0960">hath</w> <w lemma="bring"  pos="vvn"  xml:id="b1afj-003-a-0970">brought</w> <w lemma="forth"  pos="av"  xml:id="b1afj-003-a-0980"  orig="sorth">forth</w>
An example from the EarlyPrint project showing the use of both norm and orig. The orig attribute preserves the original version (sometimes with spelling errors, often with printer abbreviations), the element content resolves printer abbreviations but retains the original orthography, and the norm attribute holds normalized values:
<w lemma="commandment"  pos="n1"  norm="commandment"  xml:id="b9avr-018-a-7720"  orig="commandemēt">commandement</w>

It needs to be stressed that the two attributes in this class are meant for strictly lexicographic and linguistic uses, and not for editorial interventions. For the latter, the mechanism based on <choice>, <orig>, and <reg> needs to be employed.

Appendix A.3.34 att.linguistic

att.linguistic provides a set of attributes concerning linguistic features of tokens, for usage within token-level elements, specifically <w> and <pc> in the analysis module. [17.4.2. Lightweight Linguistic Annotation]
Module analysis
Members pc w
lemma provides a lemma (base form) for the word, typically uninflected and serving both as an identifier (e.g. in dictionary contexts, as a headword), and as a basis for potential inflections.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<w lemma="wife">wives</w>
<w lemma="Arznei">Artzeneyen</w>
lemmaRef provides a pointer to a definition of the lemma for the word, for example in an online lexicon.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
<w type="verb"  lemma="hit"  lemmaRef="">hitt<m type="suffix">ing</m> </w>
pos (part of speech) indicates the part of speech assigned to a token (i.e. information on whether it is a noun, adjective, or verb), usually according to some official reference vocabulary (e.g. for German: STTS, for English: CLAWS, for Polish: NKJP, etc.).
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
The German sentence ‘Wir fahren in den Urlaub.’ tagged with the Stuttgart-Tuebingen-Tagset (STTS).
<s>  <w pos="PPER">Wir</w>  <w pos="VVFIN">fahren</w>  <w pos="APPR">in</w>  <w pos="ART">den</w>  <w pos="NN">Urlaub</w>  <w pos="$.">.</w> </s>
The English sentence ‘We're going to Brazil.’ tagged with the CLAWS-5 tagset, arranged inline (with significant whitespace).
<p><w pos="PNP">We</w><w pos="VBB">'re</w> <w pos="VVG">going</w> <w pos="PRP">to</w> <w pos="NP0">Brazil</w><pc pos="PUN">.</pc></p>         
The English sentence ‘We're going on vacation to Brazil for a month!’ tagged with the CLAWS-7 tagset and arranged sequentially.
<p>  <w pos="PPIS2">We</w>  <w pos="VBR">'re</w>  <w pos="VVG">going</w>  <w pos="II">on</w>  <w pos="NN1">vacation</w>  <w pos="II">to</w>  <w pos="NP1">Brazil</w>  <w pos="IF">for</w>  <w pos="AT1">a</w>  <w pos="NNT1">month</w>  <pc pos="!">!</pc> </p>
msd (morphosyntactic description) supplies morphosyntactic information for a token, usually according to some official reference vocabulary (e.g. for German: STTS-large tagset; for a feature description system designed as (pragmatically) universal, see Universal Features).
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
<ab>  <w pos="PPER"   msd="1.Pl.*.Nom">Wir</w>  <w pos="VVFIN"   msd="1.Pl.Pres.Ind">fahren</w>  <w pos="APPR"   msd="--">in</w>  <w pos="ART"   msd="Def.Masc.Akk.Sg">den</w>  <w pos="NN"   msd="Masc.Akk.Sg">Urlaub</w>  <pc pos="$."   msd="--">.</pc> </ab>
join when present, provides information on whether the token in question is adjacent to another, and if so, on which side.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
Legal values are:
the token is not adjacent to another
there is no whitespace on the left side of the token
there is no whitespace on the right side of the token
there is no whitespace on either side of the token
the token overlaps with another; other devices (specifying the extent and the area of overlap) are needed to more precisely locate this token in the character stream
The example below assumes that the lack of whitespace is marked redundantly, by using the appropriate values of join.
<s>  <pc join="right">"</pc>  <w join="left">Friends</w>  <w>will</w>  <w>be</w>  <w join="right">friends</w>  <pc join="both">.</pc>  <pc join="left">"</pc> </s>
Note that a project may make a decision to only indicate lack of whitespace in one direction, or do that non-redundantly. The existing proposal is the broadest possible, on the assumption that we adopt the "streamable view", where all the information on the current element needs to be represented locally.
The English sentence ‘We're going on vacation.’ tagged with the CLAWS-5 tagset, arranged sequentially, tagged on the assumption that only the lack of the preceding whitespace is indicated.
<p>  <w pos="PNP">We</w>  <w pos="VBB"   join="left">'re</w>  <w pos="VVG">going</w>  <w pos="PRP">on</w>  <w pos="NN1">vacation</w>  <pc pos="PUN"   join="left">.</pc> </p>

The definition of this attribute is adapted from ISO MAF (Morpho-syntactic Annotation Framework), ISO 24611:2012.


These attributes make it possible to encode simple language corpora and to add a layer of linguistic information to any tokenized resource. See section 17.4.2. Lightweight Linguistic Annotation for discussion.

Appendix A.3.35 att.locatable

att.locatable provides attributes for referencing locations by pointing to entries in a canonical list of places. [2.3.9. The Unit Declaration States, Traits, and Events]
Module tei
Members conversion event
where indicates one or more locations by pointing to a <place> element or other canonical description.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

Appendix A.3.36 att.measurement

att.measurement provides attributes to represent a regularized or normalized measurement.
Module tei
Members measure measureGrp unit
unit (unit) indicates the units used for the measurement, usually using the standard symbol for the desired units.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
(metre) SI base unit of length
(kilogram) SI base unit of mass
(second) SI base unit of time
(hertz) SI unit of frequency
(pascal) SI unit of pressure or stress
(ohm) SI unit of electric resistance
(litre) 1 dm³
(tonne) 10³ kg
(hectare) 1 hm²
(ångström) 10⁻¹⁰ m
(decibel) see remarks, below
(kilobit) 10³ or 1000 bits
(kibibit) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bits
(kilobyte) 10³ or 1000 bytes
(kibibyte) 2¹⁰ or 1024 bytes
(megabyte) 10⁶ or 1 000 000 bytes
(mebibyte) 2²⁰ or 1 048 576 bytes

If the measurement being represented is not expressed in a particular unit, but rather is a number of discrete items, the unit count should be used, or the unit attribute may be left unspecified.

Wherever appropriate, a recognized SI unit name should be used (see further; The list above is indicative rather than exhaustive.

unitRef points to a unique identifier stored in the xml:id of a <unitDef> element that defines a unit of measure.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
quantity (quantity) specifies the number of the specified units that comprise the measurement
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
commodity (commodity) indicates the substance that is being measured
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace

In general, when the commodity is made of discrete entities, the plural form should be used, even when the measurement is of only one of them.

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@unitRef]"> <sch:report test="@unit" role="info">The @unit attribute may be unnecessary when @unitRef is present.</sch:report> </sch:rule>
This attribute class provides a triplet of attributes that may be used either to regularize the values of the measurement being encoded, or to normalize them with respect to a standard measurement system.
<l>So weren't you gonna buy <measure quantity="0.5unit="gal"   commodity="ice cream">half    a gallon</measure>, baby</l> <l>So won't you go and buy <measure quantity="1.893unit="L"   commodity="ice cream">half    a gallon</measure>, baby?</l>

The unit should normally be named using the standard symbol for an SI unit (see further; However, encoders may also specify measurements using informally defined units such as lines or characters.

Appendix A.3.37 provides attributes for specifying display and related properties of external media.
Module tei
Members binaryObject graphic media
width Where the media are displayed, indicates the display width
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.outputMeasurement
height Where the media are displayed, indicates the display height
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.outputMeasurement
scale Where the media are displayed, indicates a scale factor to be applied when generating the desired display size
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric

Appendix A.3.38 att.metrical

att.metrical defines a set of attributes that certain elements may use to represent metrical information. [6.4. Rhyme and Metrical Analysis]
Module verse
Members att.divLike[div lg] att.segLike[pc seg w] l
met (metrical structure, conventional) contains a user-specified encoding for the conventional metrical structure of the element.
Status Recommended
Datatype token

The pattern may be specified by means of either a standard term for the kind of metrical unit (e.g. hexameter) or an encoded representation for the metrical pattern (e.g. +--+-+-+-+-). In either case, the notation used should be documented by a <metDecl> element within the <encodingDesc> of the associated header.

Where this attribute is not specified, the metrical pattern for the element concerned is understood to be inherited from its parent.

real (metrical structure, realized) contains a user-specified encoding for the actual realization of the conventional metrical structure applicable to the element.
Status Optional
Datatype token

The pattern may be specified by means of either a standard term for the kind of metrical unit (e.g. hexameter) or an encoded representation for the metrical pattern (e.g. +--+-+-+-+-). In either case, the notation used should be documented by a <metDecl> element within the <encodingDesc> of the associated header.

Where this attribute is not specified, the metrical realization for the element concerned is understood to be identical to that specified or implied for the met attribute.

rhyme (rhyme scheme) specifies the rhyme scheme applicable to a group of verse lines.
Status Recommended
Datatype token

By default, the rhyme scheme is expressed as a string of alphabetic characters each corresponding with a rhyming line. Any non-rhyming lines should be represented by a hyphen or an X. Alternative notations may be defined as for met by use of the <metDecl> element in the TEI header.

When the default notation is used, it does not make sense to specify this attribute on any unit smaller than a line. Nor does the default notation provide any way to record internal rhyme, or to specify non-conventional rhyming practice. These extensions would require user-defined alternative notations.

Appendix A.3.39 att.milestoneUnit

att.milestoneUnit provides attributes to indicate the type of section which is changing at a specific milestone. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements Milestone Method 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration]
Module core
Members milestone refState
unit provides a conventional name for the kind of section changing at this milestone.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
physical page breaks (synonymous with the <pb> element).
column breaks.
line breaks (synonymous with the <lb> element).
any units termed book, liber, etc.
individual poems in a collection.
cantos or other major sections of a poem.
changes of speaker or narrator.
stanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
acts within a play.
scenes within a play or act.
sections of any kind.
passages not present in the reference edition.
passages present in the text, but not to be included as part of the reference.
<milestone n="23"  ed="La"  unit="Dreissiger"/> ... <milestone n="24"  ed="AV"  unit="verse"/> ...

If the milestone marks the beginning of a piece of text not present in the reference edition, the special value absent may be used as the value of unit. The normal interpretation is that the reference edition does not contain the text which follows, until the next <milestone> tag for the edition in question is encountered.

In addition to the values suggested, other terms may be appropriate (e.g. Stephanus for the Stephanus numbers in Plato).

The type attribute may be used to characterize the unit boundary in any respect other than simply identifying the type of unit, for example as word-breaking or not.

Appendix A.3.40 att.msClass

att.msClass provides attributes to indicate text type or classification. [10.6. Intellectual Content 10.6.1. The msItem and msItemStruct Elements]
Module msdescription
Members msContents msItem
class identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item by pointing to other elements or resources defining the classification concerned.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

Appendix A.3.41 att.msExcerpt

att.msExcerpt (manuscript excerpt) provides attributes used to describe excerpts from a manuscript placed in a description thereof. [10.6. Intellectual Content]
Module msdescription
Members incipit msContents msItem quote
defective indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue

In the case of an incipit, indicates whether the incipit as given is defective, i.e. the first words of the text as preserved, as opposed to the first words of the work itself. In the case of an explicit, indicates whether the explicit as given is defective, i.e. the final words of the text as preserved, as opposed to what the closing words would have been had the text of the work been whole.

Appendix A.3.42 att.naming

att.naming provides attributes common to elements which refer to named persons, places, organizations etc. [3.6.1. Referring Strings 13.3.7. Names and Nyms]
Module tei
Members att.personal[addName eventName forename genName name objectName orgName persName placeName roleName surname] affiliation author birth country death district editor education event nationality occupation offset pubPlace region residence rs socecStatus state trait
role may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
nymRef (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

The value must point directly to one or more XML elements by means of one or more URIs, separated by whitespace. If more than one is supplied, the implication is that the name is associated with several distinct canonical names.

Appendix A.3.43 att.notated

att.notated provides attributes to indicate any specialised notation used for element content.
Module tei
Members listAnnotation quote seg w
notation names the notation used for the content of the element.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Appendix A.3.44 att.patternReplacement

att.patternReplacement provides attributes for regular-expression matching and replacement. [16.2.3. Using Abbreviated Pointers Milestone Method 2.3.6. The Reference System Declaration Search-and-Replace Method]
Module header
Members cRefPattern prefixDef
matchPattern specifies a regular expression against which the values of other attributes can be matched.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pattern

The syntax used should follow that defined by W3C XPath syntax. Note that parenthesized groups are used not only for establishing order of precedence and atoms for quantification, but also for creating subpatterns to be referenced by the replacementPattern attribute.

replacementPattern specifies a ‘replacement pattern’, that is, the skeleton of a relative or absolute URI containing references to groups in the matchPattern which, once subpattern substitution has been performed, complete the URI.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.replacement

The strings $1, $2 etc. are references to the corresponding group in the regular expression specified by matchPattern (counting open parenthesis, left to right). Processors are expected to replace them with whatever matched the corresponding group in the regular expression.

If a digit preceded by a dollar sign is needed in the actual replacement pattern (as opposed to being used as a back reference), the dollar sign must be written as %24.

Appendix A.3.45 att.personal

att.personal (attributes for components of names usually, but not necessarily, personal names) common attributes for those elements which form part of a name usually, but not necessarily, a personal name. [13.2.1. Personal Names]
Module tei
Members addName eventName forename genName name objectName orgName persName placeName roleName surname
full indicates whether the name component is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
(yes) the name component is spelled out in full.[Default]
(abbreviated) the name component is given in an abbreviated form.
(initial letter) the name component is indicated only by one initial.
sort (sort) specifies the sort order of the name component in relation to others within the name.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

Appendix A.3.46 att.placement

att.placement provides attributes for describing where on the source page or object a textual element appears. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions Additions and Deletions]
Module tei
Members add figure fw head label metamark note noteGrp rt stage trailer
place specifies where this item is placed.
Status Recommended
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
at the top of the page
at the foot of the page
in the margin (left, right, or both)
on the opposite, i.e. facing, page
on the other side of the leaf
above the line
to the right, e.g. to the right of a vertical line of text, or to the right of a figure
below the line
to the left, e.g. to the left of a vertical line of text, or to the left of a figure
at the end of e.g. chapter or volume.
within the body of the text.
in a predefined space, for example left by an earlier scribe.
<add place="margin">[An addition written in the margin]</add> <add place="bottom opposite">[An addition written at the foot of the current page and also on the facing page]</add>
<note place="bottom">Ibid, p.7</note>

Appendix A.3.47 att.pointing

att.pointing provides a set of attributes used by all elements which point to other elements by means of one or more URI references. [ Language Indicators 3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References]
Module tei
Members[linkGrp] annotation calendar catRef citedRange gloss licence link note noteGrp ptr ref term
targetLang specifies the language of the content to be found at the destination referenced by target, using a ‘language tag’ generated according to BCP 47.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.language
<sch:rule context="tei:*[not(self::tei:schemaSpec)][@targetLang]"> <sch:assert test="@target">@targetLang should only be used on <sch:name/> if @target is specified.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<linkGrp xml:id="pol-swh_aln_2.1-linkGrp">  <ptr xml:id="pol-swh_aln_2.1.1-ptr"   target="pol/UDHR/text.xml#pol_txt_1-head"   type="tuv"   targetLang="pl"/>  <ptr xml:id="pol-swh_aln_2.1.2-ptr"   target="swh/UDHR/text.xml#swh_txt_1-head"   type="tuv"   targetLang="sw"/> </linkGrp>
In the example above, the <linkGrp> combines pointers at parallel fragments of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: one of them is in Polish, the other in Swahili.

The value must conform to BCP 47. If the value is a private use code (i.e., starts with x- or contains -x-), a <language> element with a matching value for its ident attribute should be supplied in the TEI header to document this value. Such documentation may also optionally be supplied for non-private-use codes, though these must remain consistent with their (IETF)Internet Engineering Task Force definitions.

target specifies the destination of the reference by supplying one or more URI References
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

One or more syntactically valid URI references, separated by whitespace. Because whitespace is used to separate URIs, no whitespace is permitted inside a single URI. If a whitespace character is required in a URI, it should be escaped with the normal mechanism, e.g. TEI%20Consortium.

evaluate (evaluate) specifies the intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.
if the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.
no further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer's target.

If no value is given, the application program is responsible for deciding (possibly on the basis of user input) how far to trace a chain of pointers.

Appendix A.3.48 provides a set of attributes common to all elements which enclose groups of pointer elements. [16. Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment]
Module tei
Members linkGrp
domains optionally specifies the identifiers of the elements within which all elements indicated by the contents of this element lie.
Status Optional
Datatype 2–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace

If this attribute is supplied every element specified as a target must be contained within the element or elements named by it. An application may choose whether or not to report failures to satisfy this constraint as errors, but may not access an element of the right identifier but in the wrong context. If this attribute is not supplied, then target elements may appear anywhere within the target document.

targFunc (target function) describes the function of each of the values of the target attribute of the enclosed <link>, <join>, or <alt> tags.
Status Optional
Datatype 2–∞ occurrences of teidata.word separated by whitespace

The number of separate values must match the number of values in the target attribute in the enclosed <link>, <join>, or <alt> tags (an intermediate <ptr> element may be needed to accomplish this). It should also match the number of values in the domains attribute, of the current element, if one has been specified.

Appendix A.3.49 att.ranging

att.ranging provides attributes for describing numerical ranges.
Module tei
Members att.dimensions[add age birth date death del ellipsis floruit gap offset space state time trait unclear] measure num
atLeast gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
atMost gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
min where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
max where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.numeric
confidence specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by min and max, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.probability
The MS. was lost in transmission by mail from <del rend="overstrike">  <gap reason="illegible"   extent="one or two lettersatLeast="1atMost="2unit="chars"/> </del> Philadelphia to the Graphic office, New York.
Americares has been supporting the health sector in Eastern Europe since 1986, and since 1992 has provided <measure atLeast="120000000unit="USD"  commodity="currency">more than $120m</measure> in aid to Ukrainians.

Appendix A.3.50 att.resourced

att.resourced provides attributes by which a resource (such as an externally held media file) may be located.
Module tei
Members graphic media schemaRef
url (uniform resource locator) specifies the URL from which the media concerned may be obtained.
Status Required
Datatype teidata.pointer

Appendix A.3.51 att.segLike

att.segLike provides attributes for elements used for arbitrary segmentation. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 17.1. Linguistic Segment Categories]
Module tei
Members pc seg w
function (function) characterizes the function of the segment.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

Attribute values will often vary depending on the type of element to which they are attached. For example, a <cl>, may take values such as coordinate, subject, adverbial etc. For a <phr>, such values as subject, predicate etc. may be more appropriate. Such constraints will typically be implemented by a project-defined customization.

Appendix A.3.52 att.sortable

att.sortable provides attributes for elements in lists or groups that are sortable, but whose sorting key cannot be derived mechanically from the element content. [9.1. Dictionary Body and Overall Structure]
Module tei
Members bibl biblFull biblStruct correspAction event idno item list listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation msDesc object org person personGrp persona place relation term
sortKey supplies the sort key for this element in an index, list or group which contains it.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
David's other principal backer, Josiah ha-Kohen <index indexName="NAMES">  <term sortKey="Azarya_Josiah_Kohen">Josiah ha-Kohen b. Azarya</term> </index> b. Azarya, son of one of the last gaons of Sura was David's own first cousin.

The sort key is used to determine the sequence and grouping of entries in an index. It provides a sequence of characters which, when sorted with the other values, will produced the desired order; specifics of sort key construction are application-dependent

Dictionary order often differs from the collation sequence of machine-readable character sets; in English-language dictionaries, an entry for 4-H will often appear alphabetized under ‘fourh’, and McCoy may be alphabetized under ‘maccoy’, while A1, A4, and A5 may all appear in numeric order ‘alphabetized’ between ‘a-’ and ‘AA’. The sort key is required if the orthography of the dictionary entry does not suffice to determine its location.

Appendix A.3.53 att.spanning

att.spanning provides attributes for elements which delimit a span of text by pointing mechanisms rather than by enclosing it. [ Additions and Deletions 1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Module tei
Members cb gb index lb metamark milestone pb
spanTo indicates the end of a span initiated by the element bearing this attribute.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
Schematron The @spanTo attribute must point to an element following the current element
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@spanTo]"> <sch:assert test="id(substring(@spanTo,2)) and following::*[@xml:id=substring(current()/@spanTo,2)]">The element indicated by @spanTo (<sch:value-of select="@spanTo"/>) must follow the current element <sch:name/> </sch:assert> </sch:rule>

The span is defined as running in document order from the start of the content of the pointing element to the end of the content of the element pointed to by the spanTo attribute (if any). If no value is supplied for the attribute, the assumption is that the span is coextensive with the pointing element. If no content is present, the assumption is that the starting point of the span is immediately following the element itself.

Appendix A.3.54 att.styleDef

att.styleDef provides attributes to specify the name of a formal definition language used to provide formatting or rendition information.
Module tei
Members rendition styleDefDecl
scheme identifies the language used to describe the rendition.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Legal values are:
Cascading Stylesheet Language
Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
Informal free text description
A user-defined rendition description language

If no value for the @scheme attribute is provided, then the default assumption should be that CSS is in use.

schemeVersion supplies a version number for the style language provided in scheme.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.versionNumber
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@schemeVersion]"> <sch:assert test="@scheme and not(@scheme = 'free')"> @schemeVersion can only be used if @scheme is specified. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>

If schemeVersion is used, then scheme should also appear, with a value other than free.

Appendix A.3.55 att.tableDecoration

att.tableDecoration provides attributes used to decorate rows or cells of a table. [14. Tables, Formulæ, Graphics, and Notated Music]
Module figures
Members cell row
role (role) indicates the kind of information held in this cell or in each cell of this row.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Suggested values include:
labelling or descriptive information only.
data values.[Default]

When this attribute is specified on a row, its value is the default for all cells in this row. When specified on a cell, its value overrides any default specified by the role attribute of the parent <row> element.

rows (rows) indicates the number of rows occupied by this cell or row.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count
Default 1

A value greater than one indicates that this cell spans several rows. Where several cells span multiple rows, it may be more convenient to use nested tables.

cols (columns) indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell or row.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count
Default 1

A value greater than one indicates that this cell or row spans several columns. Where an initial cell spans an entire row, it may be better treated as a heading.

Appendix A.3.56 att.timed

att.timed provides attributes common to those elements which have a duration in time, expressed either absolutely or by reference to an alignment map. [8.3.5. Temporal Information]
Module tei
Members binaryObject ellipsis gap media
start indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element begins.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

If no value is supplied, the element is assumed to follow the immediately preceding element at the same hierarchic level.

end indicates the location within a temporal alignment at which this element ends.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

If no value is supplied, the element is assumed to precede the immediately following element at the same hierarchic level.

Appendix A.3.57 att.transcriptional

att.transcriptional provides attributes specific to elements encoding authorial or scribal intervention in a text when transcribing manuscript or similar sources. [ Additions and Deletions]
Module tei
Members add del rt
status indicates the effect of the intervention, for example in the case of a deletion, strikeouts which include too much or too little text, or in the case of an addition, an insertion which duplicates some of the text already present.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
Sample values include:
all of the text indicated as an addition duplicates some text that is in the original, whether the duplication is word-for-word or less exact.
part of the text indicated as an addition duplicates some text that is in the original
some text at the beginning of the deletion is marked as deleted even though it clearly should not be deleted.
some text at the end of the deletion is marked as deleted even though it clearly should not be deleted.
some text at the beginning of the deletion is not marked as deleted even though it clearly should be.
some text at the end of the deletion is not marked as deleted even though it clearly should be.
some text in the deletion is not marked as deleted even though it clearly should be.
the deletion is not faulty.[Default]

Status information on each deletion is needed rather rarely except in critical editions from authorial manuscripts; status information on additions is even less common.

Marking a deletion or addition as faulty is inescapably an interpretive act; the usual test applied in practice is the linguistic acceptability of the text with and without the letters or words in question.

cause documents the presumed cause for the intervention.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
seq (sequence) assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.count

Appendix A.3.58 att.typed

att.typed provides attributes that can be used to classify or subclassify elements in any way. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes 17.1.1. Words and Above 3.6.1. Referring Strings 3.7. Simple Links and Cross-References 3.6.5. Abbreviations and Their Expansions 3.13.1. Core Tags for Verse 7.2.5. Speech Contents 4.1.1. Un-numbered Divisions 4.1.2. Numbered Divisions 4.2.1. Headings and Trailers 4.4. Virtual Divisions Personal Relationships Core Elements for Transcriptional Work 16.1.1. Pointers and Links 16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 12.2. Linking the Apparatus to the Text Defining Content Models: RELAX NG 8.3. Elements Unique to Spoken Texts Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists]
Module tei
Members[linkGrp] TEI ab abbr add addName affiliation age anchor application bibl biblStruct binaryObject birth calendar castItem cb change cit corr correspAction correspDesc country date death del derivation desc distinct district div divGen education event eventName faith figure floatingText forename fw gb genName gender gloss graphic group head idno incipit label lb lg link list listAnnotation listBibl listEvent listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation location measure measureGrp media milestone msDesc name nameLink nationality note noteGrp num object objectName occupation offset org orgName pb pc persName persPronouns place placeName ptr quote rb ref reg region relatedItem relation residence rhyme roleName rs rt ruby schemaRef seg sex socecStatus space standOff state surname table teiCorpus term text time title titlePage titlePart trailer trait unit unitDef w xenoData
type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
<div type="verse">  <head>Night in Tarras</head>  <lg type="stanza">   <l>At evening tramping on the hot white road</l>   <l></l>  </lg>  <lg type="stanza">   <l>A wind sprang up from nowhere as the sky</l>   <l></l>  </lg> </div>

The type attribute is present on a number of elements, not all of which are members of att.typed, usually because these elements restrict the possible values for the attribute in a specific way.

subtype (subtype) provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

The subtype attribute may be used to provide any sub-classification for the element additional to that provided by its type attribute.

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@subtype]"> <sch:assert test="@type">The <sch:name/> element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype unless also categorized in general with @type</sch:assert> </sch:rule>

When appropriate, values from an established typology should be used. Alternatively a typology may be defined in the associated TEI header. If values are to be taken from a project-specific list, this should be defined using the <valList> element in the project-specific schema description, as described in Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists .

Appendix A.3.59 att.written

att.written provides attributes to indicate the hand in which the content of an element was written in the source being transcribed. [1.3.1. Attribute Classes]
Module tei
Members att.transcriptional[add del rt] ab closer div figure fw head hi label note noteGrp opener p postscript salute seg signed stage text trailer
hand points to a <handNote> element describing the hand considered responsible for the content of the element concerned.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer

Appendix A.4 Macros

Appendix A.4.1 macro.abContent

macro.abContent (anonymous block content) defines the content of anonymous block elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.paraPart"/>
  <elementRef key="ab"/>
tei_macro.abContent = ( text | tei_model.paraPart | tei_ab )*

Appendix A.4.2 macro.limitedContent

macro.limitedContent (paragraph content) defines the content of prose elements that are not used for transcription of extant materials. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
tei_macro.limitedContent =
   ( text | tei_model.limitedPhrase | tei_model.inter )*

Appendix A.4.3 macro.paraContent

macro.paraContent (paragraph content) defines the content of paragraphs and similar elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.paraPart"/>
tei_macro.paraContent = ( text | tei_model.paraPart )*

Appendix A.4.4 macro.phraseSeq

macro.phraseSeq (phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and phrase-level elements. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.attributable"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
tei_macro.phraseSeq =
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.attributable
    | tei_model.phrase

Appendix A.4.5 (limited phrase sequence) defines a sequence of character data and those phrase-level elements that are not typically used for transcribing extant documents. [1.4.1. Standard Content Models]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.limitedPhrase"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
Declaration =
   ( text | tei_model.limitedPhrase | )*

Appendix A.4.6 macro.specialPara

macro.specialPara ('special' paragraph content) defines the content model of elements such as notes or list items, which either contain a series of component-level elements or else have the same structure as a paragraph, containing a series of phrase-level and inter-level elements. [1.3. The TEI Class System]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <alternate minOccurs="0"
  <classRef key="model.gLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
  <classRef key="model.inter"/>
  <classRef key="model.divPart"/>
  <classRef key=""/>
tei_macro.specialPara =
    | tei_model.gLike
    | tei_model.phrase
    | tei_model.inter
    | tei_model.divPart

Appendix A.5 Datatypes

Appendix A.5.1 teidata.certainty

teidata.certainty defines the range of attribute values expressing a degree of certainty.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <valList type="closed">
  <valItem ident="high"/>
  <valItem ident="medium"/>
  <valItem ident="low"/>
  <valItem ident="unknown"/>
tei_teidata.certainty = "high" | "medium" | "low" | "unknown"

Certainty may be expressed by one of the predefined symbolic values high, medium, or low. The value unknown should be used in cases where the encoder does not wish to assert an opinion about the matter.

Appendix A.5.2 teidata.count

teidata.count defines the range of attribute values used for a non-negative integer value used as a count.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
tei_teidata.count = xsd:nonNegativeInteger

Any positive integer value or zero is permitted

Appendix A.5.3 teidata.duration.iso

teidata.duration.iso defines the range of attribute values available for representation of a duration in time using ISO 8601 standard formats
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.duration.iso = token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" }
<time dur-iso="PT0,75H">three-quarters of an hour</time>
<date dur-iso="P1,5D">a day and a half</date>
<date dur-iso="P14D">a fortnight</date>
<time dur-iso="PT0.02S">20 ms</time>

A duration is expressed as a sequence of number-letter pairs, preceded by the letter P; the letter gives the unit and may be Y (year), M (month), D (day), H (hour), M (minute), or S (second), in that order. The numbers are all unsigned integers, except for the last, which may have a decimal component (using either . or , as the decimal point; the latter is preferred). If any number is 0, then that number-letter pair may be omitted. If any of the H (hour), M (minute), or S (second) number-letter pairs are present, then the separator T must precede the first ‘time’ number-letter pair.

For complete details, see ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times.

Appendix A.5.4 teidata.duration.w3c

teidata.duration.w3c defines the range of attribute values available for representation of a duration in time using W3C datatypes.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="duration"/>
tei_teidata.duration.w3c = xsd:duration
<time dur="PT45M">forty-five minutes</time>
<date dur="P1DT12H">a day and a half</date>
<date dur="P7D">a week</date>
<time dur="PT0.02S">20 ms</time>

A duration is expressed as a sequence of number-letter pairs, preceded by the letter P; the letter gives the unit and may be Y (year), M (month), D (day), H (hour), M (minute), or S (second), in that order. The numbers are all unsigned integers, except for the S number, which may have a decimal component (using . as the decimal point). If any number is 0, then that number-letter pair may be omitted. If any of the H (hour), M (minute), or S (second) number-letter pairs are present, then the separator T must precede the first ‘time’ number-letter pair.

For complete details, see the W3C specification.

Appendix A.5.5 teidata.enumerated

teidata.enumerated defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single XML name taken from a list of documented possibilities.
Module tei
Used by
teidata.gender teidata.sexElement:
Content model
 <dataRef key="teidata.word"/>
tei_teidata.enumerated = teidata.word

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace.

Typically, the list of documented possibilities will be provided (or exemplified) by a value list in the associated attribute specification, expressed with a <valList> element.

Appendix A.5.6 teidata.gender

teidata.gender defines the range of attribute values used to represent the gender of a person, persona, or character.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
tei_teidata.gender = teidata.enumerated

Values for attributes using this datatype may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

Values for this datatype should not be used to encode morphological gender (cf. <gen>, msd as defined in att.linguistic, and 9.3.1. Information on Written and Spoken Forms).

Appendix A.5.7 teidata.language

teidata.language defines the range of attribute values used to identify a particular combination of human language and writing system. [6.1. Language Identification]
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="language"/>
   <valItem ident=""/>
tei_teidata.language = xsd:language | ( "" )

The values for this attribute are language ‘tags’ as defined in BCP 47. Currently BCP 47 comprises RFC 5646 and RFC 4647; over time, other IETF documents may succeed these as the best current practice.

A ‘language tag’, per BCP 47, is assembled from a sequence of components or subtags separated by the hyphen character (-, U+002D). The tag is made of the following subtags, in the following order. Every subtag except the first is optional. If present, each occurs only once, except the fourth and fifth components (variant and extension), which are repeatable.

The IANA-registered code for the language. This is almost always the same as the ISO 639 2-letter language code if there is one. The list of available registered language subtags can be found at It is recommended that this code be written in lower case.
The ISO 15924 code for the script. These codes consist of 4 letters, and it is recommended they be written with an initial capital, the other three letters in lower case. The canonical list of codes is maintained by the Unicode Consortium, and is available at The IETF recommends this code be omitted unless it is necessary to make a distinction you need.
Either an ISO 3166 country code or a UN M.49 region code that is registered with IANA (not all such codes are registered, e.g. UN codes for economic groupings or codes for countries for which there is already an ISO 3166 2-letter code are not registered). The former consist of 2 letters, and it is recommended they be written in upper case; the list of codes can be searched or browsed at The latter consist of 3 digits; the list of codes can be found at
An IANA-registered variation. These codes ‘are used to indicate additional, well-recognized variations that define a language or its dialects that are not covered by other available subtags’.
An extension has the format of a single letter followed by a hyphen followed by additional subtags. These exist to allow for future extension to BCP 47, but as of this writing no such extensions are in use.
private use
An extension that uses the initial subtag of the single letter x (i.e., starts with x-) has no meaning except as negotiated among the parties involved. These should be used with great care, since they interfere with the interoperability that use of RFC 4646 is intended to promote. In order for a document that makes use of these subtags to be TEI-conformant, a corresponding <language> element must be present in the TEI header.

There are two exceptions to the above format. First, there are language tags in the IANA registry that do not match the above syntax, but are present because they have been ‘grandfathered’ from previous specifications.

Second, an entire language tag can consist of only a private use subtag. These tags start with x-, and do not need to follow any further rules established by the IETF and endorsed by these Guidelines. Like all language tags that make use of private use subtags, the language in question must be documented in a corresponding <language> element in the TEI header.

Examples include

Chinese written in traditional script as used in Hong Kong
English as spoken in Sierra Leone
Spanish as spoken in Mexico
Spanish as spoken in Latin America

The W3C Internationalization Activity has published a useful introduction to BCP 47, Language tags in HTML and XML.

Appendix A.5.8 defines the range of attribute values expressed as an XML Name.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="Name"/>
Declaration = xsd:Name

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see for example they cannot include whitespace or begin with digits.

Appendix A.5.9 teidata.namespace

teidata.namespace defines the range of attribute values used to indicate XML namespaces as defined by the W3C Namespaces in XML Technical Recommendation.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef restriction="\S+" name="anyURI"/>
tei_teidata.namespace = xsd:anyURI { pattern = "\S+" }

The range of syntactically valid values is defined by RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax

Appendix A.5.10 teidata.numeric

teidata.numeric defines the range of attribute values used for numeric values.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="double"/>
  <dataRef name="token"
  <dataRef name="decimal"/>
tei_teidata.numeric =
   xsd:double | token { pattern = "(\-?[\d]+/\-?[\d]+)" } | xsd:decimal

Any numeric value, represented as a decimal number, in floating point format, or as a ratio.

To represent a floating point number, expressed in scientific notation, ‘E notation’, a variant of ‘exponential notation’, may be used. In this format, the value is expressed as two numbers separated by the letter E. The first number, the significand (sometimes called the mantissa) is given in decimal format, while the second is an integer. The value is obtained by multiplying the mantissa by 10 the number of times indicated by the integer. Thus the value represented in decimal notation as 1000.0 might be represented in scientific notation as 10E3.

A value expressed as a ratio is represented by two integer values separated by a solidus (/) character. Thus, the value represented in decimal notation as 0.5 might be represented as a ratio by the string 1/2.

Appendix A.5.11 teidata.outputMeasurement

teidata.outputMeasurement defines a range of values for use in specifying the size of an object that is intended for display.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.outputMeasurement =
      pattern = "[\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?(%|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax)"
<figure>  <head>The TEI Logo</head>  <figDesc>Stylized yellow angle brackets with the letters <mentioned>TEI</mentioned> in    between and <mentioned>text encoding initiative</mentioned> underneath, all on a white    background.</figDesc>  <graphic height="600pxwidth="600px"   url=""/> </figure>

These values map directly onto the values used by XSL-FO and CSS. For definitions of the units see those specifications; at the time of this writing the most complete list is in the CSS3 working draft.

Appendix A.5.12 teidata.pattern

teidata.pattern defines attribute values which are expressed as a regular expression.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"/>
tei_teidata.pattern = token
A regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings. They are usually used to give a concise description of a set, without having to list all elements. For example, the set containing the three strings Handel, Händel, and Haendel can be described by the pattern H(ä|ae?)ndel (or alternatively, it is said that the pattern H(ä|ae?)ndel matches each of the three strings)

This TEI datatype is mapped to the XSD token datatype, and may therefore contain any string of characters. However, it is recommended that the value used conform to the particular flavour of regular expression syntax supported by XSD Schema.

Appendix A.5.13 teidata.point

teidata.point defines the data type used to express a point in cartesian space.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.point =
   token { pattern = "(-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)" }
<facsimile>  <surface ulx="0uly="0lrx="400lry="280">   <zone points="220,100 300,210 170,250 123,234">    <graphic url="handwriting.png"/>   </zone>  </surface> </facsimile>

A point is defined by two numeric values, which should be expressed as decimal numbers. Neither number can end in a decimal point. E.g., both 0.0,84.2 and 0,84 are allowed, but 0.,84. is not.

Appendix A.5.14 teidata.pointer

teidata.pointer defines the range of attribute values used to provide a single URI, absolute or relative, pointing to some other resource, either within the current document or elsewhere.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef restriction="\S+" name="anyURI"/>
tei_teidata.pointer = xsd:anyURI { pattern = "\S+" }

The range of syntactically valid values is defined by RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. Note that the values themselves are encoded using RFC 3987 Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) mapping to URIs. For example, is encoded as while http://موقع.وزارة-الاتصالات.مصر/ is encoded as http://xn--4gbrim.xn----rmckbbajlc6dj7bxne2c.xn--wgbh1c/

Appendix A.5.15 teidata.prefix

teidata.prefix defines a range of values that may function as a URI scheme name.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.prefix = token { pattern = "[a-z][a-z0-9\+\.\-]*" }

This datatype is used to constrain a string of characters to one that can be used as a URI scheme name according to RFC 3986, section 3.1. Thus only the 26 lowercase letters a–z, the 10 digits 0–9, the plus sign, the period, and the hyphen are permitted, and the value must start with a letter.

Appendix A.5.16 teidata.probCert

teidata.probCert defines a range of attribute values which can be expressed either as a numeric probability or as a coded certainty value.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef key="teidata.probability"/>
  <dataRef key="teidata.certainty"/>
tei_teidata.probCert = teidata.probability | teidata.certainty

Appendix A.5.17 teidata.probability

teidata.probability defines the range of attribute values expressing a probability.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="double"/>
tei_teidata.probability = xsd:double

Probability is expressed as a real number between 0 and 1; 0 representing certainly false and 1 representing certainly true.

Appendix A.5.18 teidata.replacement

teidata.replacement defines attribute values which contain a replacement template.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
tei_teidata.replacement = text

Appendix A.5.19 defines the range of attribute values used to identify the sex of an organism.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
Declaration = teidata.enumerated

Values for attributes using this datatype may be defined locally by a project, or they may refer to an external standard.

Appendix A.5.20 teidata.temporal.iso

teidata.temporal.iso defines the range of attribute values expressing a temporal expression such as a date, a time, or a combination of them, that conform to the international standard Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="date"/>
  <dataRef name="gYear"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gDay"/>
  <dataRef name="gYearMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonthDay"/>
  <dataRef name="time"/>
  <dataRef name="dateTime"/>
  <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.temporal.iso =
 | xsd:gYear
 | xsd:gMonth
 | xsd:gDay
 | xsd:gYearMonth
 | xsd:gMonthDay
 | xsd:time
 | xsd:dateTime
 | token { pattern = "[0-9.,DHMPRSTWYZ/:+\-]+" }

If it is likely that the value used is to be compared with another, then a time zone indicator should always be included, and only the dateTime representation should be used.

For all representations for which ISO 8601:2004 describes both a basic and an extended format, these Guidelines recommend use of the extended format.

Appendix A.5.21 teidata.temporal.w3c

teidata.temporal.w3c defines the range of attribute values expressing a temporal expression such as a date, a time, or a combination of them, that conform to the W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition specification.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="date"/>
  <dataRef name="gYear"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gDay"/>
  <dataRef name="gYearMonth"/>
  <dataRef name="gMonthDay"/>
  <dataRef name="time"/>
  <dataRef name="dateTime"/>
tei_teidata.temporal.w3c =
 | xsd:gYear
 | xsd:gMonth
 | xsd:gDay
 | xsd:gYearMonth
 | xsd:gMonthDay
 | xsd:time
 | xsd:dateTime

If it is likely that the value used is to be compared with another, then a time zone indicator should always be included, and only the dateTime representation should be used.

Appendix A.5.22 teidata.text

teidata.text defines the range of attribute values used to express some kind of identifying string as a single sequence of Unicode characters possibly including whitespace.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="string"/>
tei_teidata.text = string

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘token’ in which whitespace and other punctuation characters are permitted.

Appendix A.5.23 teidata.truthValue

teidata.truthValue defines the range of attribute values used to express a truth value.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="boolean"/>
tei_teidata.truthValue = xsd:boolean

The possible values of this datatype are 1 or true, or 0 or false.

This datatype applies only for cases where uncertainty is inappropriate; if the attribute concerned may have a value other than true or false, e.g. unknown, or inapplicable, it should have the extended version of this datatype: teidata.xTruthValue.

Appendix A.5.24 teidata.version

teidata.version defines the range of attribute values which may be used to specify a TEI or Unicode version number.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.version = token { pattern = "[\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,2}" }

The value of this attribute follows the pattern specified by the Unicode consortium for its version number ( A version number contains digits and fullstop characters only. The first number supplied identifies the major version number. A second and third number, for minor and sub-minor version numbers, may also be supplied.

Appendix A.5.25 teidata.versionNumber

teidata.versionNumber defines the range of attribute values used for version numbers.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.versionNumber =
   token { pattern = "[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*(\.[\d]+[a-z]*[\d]*){0,3}" }

Appendix A.5.26 teidata.word

teidata.word defines the range of attribute values expressed as a single word or token.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="token"
tei_teidata.word = token { pattern = "[^\p{C}\p{Z}]+" }

Attributes using this datatype must contain a single ‘word’ which contains only letters, digits, punctuation characters, or symbols: thus it cannot include whitespace.

Appendix A.5.27 teidata.xTruthValue

teidata.xTruthValue (extended truth value) defines the range of attribute values used to express a truth value which may be unknown.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
  <dataRef name="boolean"/>
   <valItem ident="unknown"/>
   <valItem ident="inapplicable"/>
tei_teidata.xTruthValue = xsd:boolean | ( "unknown" | "inapplicable" )

In cases where where uncertainty is inappropriate, use the datatype teidata.TruthValue.

Appendix A.5.28 teidata.xmlName

teidata.xmlName defines attribute values which contain an XML name.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
 <dataRef name="NCName"/>
tei_teidata.xmlName = xsd:NCName

The rules defining an XML name form a part of the XML Specification.

Appendix A.5.29 teidata.xpath

teidata.xpath defines attribute values which contain an XPath expression.
Module tei
Used by
Content model
tei_teidata.xpath = text

Any XPath expression using the syntax defined in 6.2..

When writing programs that evaluate XPath expressions, programmers should be mindful of the possibility of malicious code injection attacks. For further information about XPath injection attacks, see the article at OWASP.

Appendix A.6 Constraints

<sch:rule context="tei:author[not(parent::tei:bibl[@xml:id])]"> <sch:assert test="@ref"> ERROR: author elements must have the @ref attribute pointing to a person record (ref="pros:abcd1"). </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[self::tei:birth or self::tei:death]"> <sch:assert test="not(child::text())"> ERROR: birth and death elements should not contain text; they should only have attributes such as @when, @cert, and @precision. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="@ana"> <sch:let name="vals"  value="tokenize(normalize-space(.), '\s+')"/> <sch:assert test="not('dvpp:sdVariant' = $vals) or (count($vals) = 2)"> ERROR: @ana value sdVariant must be combined with one of the other @ana values. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:rendition | tei:*/@style"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '(italics)')) or self::rendition[starts-with(@xml:id, 'dvpp')]"> ERROR: rendition elements and style attributes must be well-formed CSS rulesets ending with a semi-colon. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:rendition | tei:*/@style"> <sch:assert test="not(contains(., 'line-spacing'))"> ERROR: 'line-spacing' is not a CSS property. Did you mean 'line-height'? </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:TEI"> <sch:let name="fname"  value="concat(@xml:id, '\.xm.')"/> <sch:assert test="matches(document-uri(/), $fname)"> ERROR: The @xml:id of your document (<sch:value-of select="@xml:id"/>) does not match the document file name (<sch:value-of select="document-uri(/)"/>). </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@xml:id][not(local-name() = ('TEI', 'taxonomy', 'bibl', 'category', 'person', 'org', 'listPerson', 'linkGrp') or self::tei:div[@type='linkGrp'] or self::tei:rendition[starts-with(@xml:id, 'dvpp')])]"> <sch:let name="ancestorId"  value="ancestor::tei:TEI/@xml:id/replace(., '^(pom_\d+_).+', '$1')"/> <sch:assert test="starts-with(@xml:id, $ancestorId) or matches(@xml:id, '((staticSearch)|(_rstrc_))')"> ERROR: The @xml:id of elements in the body of your document (<sch:value-of select="@xml:id"/>) does not match the template from the root TEI element (<sch:value-of select="$ancestorId"/>). </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:TEI"> <sch:assert test="matches(document-uri(root()), '[/\\]pages[/\\]') or matches(@xml:id, '(personography)|(prosopography)|(redirects)|(taxonomies)|(bibliography)|(template)|(facsViewer)|(linkGrps)|(pom_\d+_[a-z_0-9]+(_CORRECTED)?$)')"> ERROR: The @xml:id of your document (<sch:value-of select="@xml:id"/>) does not match the template we expect e.g. (pom_5555_poem_title). </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:rendition"> <sch:assert test="matches(., '^\s*([^:;\s]+:\s*[^:;]+;\s*)+\s*$') or starts-with(@xml:id, 'dvpp')"> ERROR: rendition elements must be well-formed CSS rulesets ending with a semi-colon. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="@style"> <sch:assert test="matches(., '^\s*([^:;\s]+:\s*[^:;]+;\s*)+\s*$')"> ERROR: @style attributes must be well-formed CSS rulesets ending with a semi-colon. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:person[ancestor::tei:TEI[starts-with(@xml:id, 'prosopography')]][not(@corresp)]"> <sch:assert test="descendant::tei:name[@type='displayName']"> ERROR: person elements in the prosopography must have a name element with @type="displayName". </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:ns prefix="sch"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="tei"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="xs"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="xsl"  uri=""/> <sch:ns prefix="eg"  uri=""/>
<sch:rule context="tei:TEI[@xml:id='linkGrps']/descendant::tei:linkGrp[not(@xml:id)]"> <sch:let name="maxId"  value="max((for $i in //tei:linkGrp[@xml:id][matches(xs:string(@xml:id), '^lkg_\d+$')]/@xml:id return xs:integer(substring-after($i, '_'))))"/> <sch:let name="nextId"  value="'lkg_' || xs:string($maxId + 1)"/> <sch:assert test="@xml:id"> ERROR: linkGrp elements must have a unique xml:id. The next available id is <sch:value-of select="$nextId"/> </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:linkGrp/tei:ptr"> <sch:assert test="not(@target = following-sibling::tei:ptr/@target)"> ERROR: Each ptr in a linkGrp must have a unique target. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:linkGrp/tei:ptr"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(@target, '\.xml\s*$'))"> ERROR: ptr targets in linkGrps must not end with ".xml".</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:linkGrp/tei:ptr"> <sch:assert test="@target and starts-with(@target, 'dvpp:')"> ERROR: ptr targets in linkGrps must begin with the 'dvpp:' prefix. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:linkGrp[@xml:id]"> <sch:assert test="matches(xs:string(@xml:id), '^lkg_\d+$')"> ERROR: linkGrp elements must have ids of the form lkg_123. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="text()[not(ancestor::tei:eg|ancestor::*:egXML|ancestor::tei:code|ancestor::tei:tag|ancestor::tei:ref | ancestor::tei:person | ancestor::tei:teiHeader)]"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '[^\-]--[^\-]'))"  sqf:fix="doubleDashToEmDash"> Double hyphens should not be used for dashes. Please use the EM Dash (U+2014 or —) instead. </sch:assert> <sqf:fix id="doubleDashToEmDash">  <sqf:description>   <sqf:title>Replace double hyphens with —.</sqf:title>  </sqf:description>  <sqf:stringReplace regex="--">—</sqf:stringReplace> </sqf:fix> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="text()[not(ancestor::tei:eg|ancestor::*:egXML|ancestor::tei:code|ancestor::tei:tag|ancestor::tei:ref | ancestor::tei:person | ancestor::tei:sic)]"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '(('''')|(‘‘)|(’’))'))"> A pair of single quotes should probably be a double quote. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[@resp]"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(@resp, '#dvpp:'))"> Don't use a hash before a dvpp: URI. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:l"> <sch:assert test="not(descendant::tei:pb)"> ERROR: pb elements should not occur within l (line) elements. If a page-break occurs within a line, break the line using @next and @prev. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:text/descendant::text()[not(ancestor::tei:eg|ancestor::*:egXML|ancestor::tei:code|ancestor::tei:tag|ancestor::tei:ref)]"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '[^\s][''ʼ]'))"  sqf:fix="fixStraightApostrophes">Straight apostrophes and modifier-letter apostrophes are not allowed in transcriptions and editorial content; use curly apostrophes. You can type a curly apostrophe with Alt (or Option) + the apostrophe key. </sch:assert> <sqf:fix id="fixStraightApostrophes">  <sqf:description>   <sqf:title>Convert straight or modifier apostrophes to curly.</sqf:title>  </sqf:description>  <sqf:stringReplace regex="([^\s])[ʼ']"   flags="i">$1’</sqf:stringReplace> </sqf:fix> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:div/text() | tei:lg/text()"> <sch:assert test="not(matches(., '[a-z]+.*[\r\n]'))"  sqf:fix="tagBlockAsStanza"> Untagged text should probably be tagged as a stanza or a paragraph. </sch:assert> <sqf:fix id="tagBlockAsStanza">  <sqf:description>   <sqf:title>Tag this block as one or more stanzas.</sqf:title>  </sqf:description>  <sqf:replace match=".">   <xsl:for-each select="tokenize( replace( replace( replace(., '^\s*([^\s])', '$1'), '([^\s])\s*$', '$1'), '(\s*[\r\n]){2,}', ' '), ' ')">    <xsl:message>     <xsl:value-of select="."/>    </xsl:message>    <xsl:text/>    <xsl:element name="lg">     <xsl:attribute name="rhyme"      select="'PENDING'"/>     <xsl:for-each select="tokenize(., '\n')">      <xsl:if test="normalize-space(.) != ''">       <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ', if (matches(., '^\s')) then replace(., '^(\s+).+', '$1') else '', ' ')"/>       <xsl:element name="l">        <xsl:value-of select="replace(., '^\s+', '')"/>       </xsl:element>      </xsl:if>     </xsl:for-each>     <xsl:text/>    </xsl:element>    <xsl:text/>   </xsl:for-each>  </sqf:replace> </sqf:fix> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:person[not(@xml:id) and not(@corresp)]"> <sch:assert test="@xml:id"> ERROR: person elements must have a unique xml:id. Please type the first four letters of the id you need, and the next available id will be shown. </sch:assert> </sch:rule> <sch:rule context="tei:person[matches(@xml:id, '^[a-z]{4,4}$')]"> <sch:let name="letters"  value="xs:string(@xml:id)"/> <sch:let name="maxId"  value="max((0, for $i in //tei:person[@xml:id][matches(xs:string(@xml:id), '^' || $letters || '\d+$')]/@xml:id return xs:integer(substring($i, 5))))"/> <sch:let name="nextId"  value="$letters || xs:string($maxId + 1)"/> <sch:assert test="@xml:id[string-length(.) gt 4]"> NOTE: <sch:value-of select="$nextId"/> is the next available id for the letter prefix <sch:value-of select="$letters"/>. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:person[ancestor::tei:TEI[starts-with(@xml:id, 'prosopography')]]"> <sch:assert test="@xml:id and matches(@xml:id, '^[a-z]{4,4}\d+$')"> ERROR: xml:ids of persons in the prosopography must match the pattern abcd1 (four lower-case letters followed by one or more digits). </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:person[ancestor::tei:TEI[starts-with(@xml:id, 'prosopography')]]"> <sch:assert test="child::tei:persName/tei:name[@type='displayName']"> ERROR: Every person record in the prosopography must include a name with @type="displayName". </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:TEI[descendant::tei:catRef[contains(@target, 'authorshipPseudonymous')]]"> <sch:assert test="descendant::tei:author/tei:persName[@type='pseudo']"> ERROR: pseudonymous poems must include a persName with @type="pseudo" in the author element. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:*[self::tei:author or self::tei:persName][@ref]"> <sch:assert test="matches(@ref, '^[a-z]+:')"> ERROR: @ref elements pointing to people must have a prefix (pros: or pers:). </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:titleStmt"> <sch:report role="warning"  test="ancestor::tei:TEI/tei:text/descendant::tei:lg and not(tei:respStmt[tei:resp/@ref='resp:mrk'])" sqf:fix="insertRespStmt"> Don't forget to insert <respStmt> elements to describe the roles played by team members in creating this file. </sch:report> <sqf:fix id="insertRespStmt">  <sqf:description>   <sqf:title>Insert a respStmt</sqf:title>  </sqf:description>  <sqf:replace match="." node-type="element"   target="titleStmt">   <xsl:copy-of select="@*|node()"/>   <xsl:text/>   <xsl:element name="respStmt">    <xsl:text/>    <xsl:element name="resp">     <xsl:attribute name="ref"      select="'resp:mrk'"/>     <xsl:text/>     <xsl:element name="date">      <xsl:attribute name="when"       select="year-from-dateTime(current-dateTime())"/>     </xsl:element>     <xsl:text/>    </xsl:element>    <xsl:text/>    <xsl:element name="persName">     <xsl:attribute name="ref"      select="'dvpp:prs_ed_xxx'"/>     <xsl:text/>     <xsl:element name="forename">FORENAME</xsl:element>     <xsl:text/>     <xsl:element name="surname">SURNAME</xsl:element>     <xsl:text/>    </xsl:element>    <xsl:text/>   </xsl:element>   <xsl:text/>  </sqf:replace> </sqf:fix> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:revisionDesc[@status]"> <sch:let name="statusVal" value="@status"/> <sch:assert test="$statusVal = 'generated' or tei:change[contains(., $statusVal)]"  sqf:fix="insertChangeElement"> revisionDesc elements should have a change element documenting the assignment of the current status. </sch:assert> <sqf:fix id="insertChangeElement">  <sqf:description>   <sqf:title>Insert a change element into revisionDesc.</sqf:title>  </sqf:description>  <sqf:user-entry name="userId"   default="'prs_ed_xxx'">   <sqf:description>    <sqf:title>What is your DVPP user id?</sqf:title>   </sqf:description>  </sqf:user-entry>  <sqf:add position="first-child">   <xsl:variable name="today"    select="format-date(current-date(), '[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]')"/>   <xsl:element name="change">    <xsl:attribute name="who"     select="concat('dvpp:', $userId)"/>    <xsl:attribute name="when"     select="$today"/>    <xsl:text>Set status to '</xsl:text>    <xsl:value-of select="$statusVal"/>    <xsl:text>'.</xsl:text>   </xsl:element>  </sqf:add> </sqf:fix> </sch:rule>
<sch:rule context="tei:TEI[tei:facsimile/tei:graphic][tei:text/tei:body[descendant::tei:l or descendant::tei:sp]]"> <sch:assert test="tei:text/tei:body[descendant::tei:pb]"> ERROR: You must have at least one pb element in your transcription. The first pb should be the first child of the body element. </sch:assert> </sch:rule>
The DVPP Team. Date: 2024-03-05