Fair Drinking.

A little learning is a dangerous thing :
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.”
A woman dressed in Roman clothing and a laurel wreath stands with a group of boys in front of an archway that reads “Pro Bono Publico.” She and the boys surround a multi-tiered fountain ornamented with an owl head. The woman holds an over-flowing chalice in one hand; her other hand is outstretched with her palm facing up. The liquid from the fountain flows throughout the illustration. One boy stands below the others and carries a pile of books, some of which he has dropped. He wears a large scholar’s cap, and the fountain liquid spills onto him. A decorated letter “T” is in the upper-right corner; this initial is part of the first word of the poem, “there’s.” 1/3 page.
There’s an old Pope-ish legend going,1
About the right of knowing,2
Which says it’s only for the upper classes,—3
Only for them the Muses’ tap is flowing,—4
And all below the salt must sit with empty
Not so,” says Education,6
I brew for all the nation,— 7
Drink, he who thirsts,—I sell by pint and
And this explains the quarrel.9
So ye who wish to be as learnèd10
As St. Augustine or St. Bernard,11
Cardan or Aristotle,12
Drink on (there’s none prevents) your fill ;13
Get boosey on the classic rill ;14
But the Pierides declare15
The Million waits to have its share ;16
So drink,—but pass the bottle !17