A winged cherub sits atop a man with large wings and a long beard. The cherub blows
a bubble out of a
pipe which he holds in his right hand. He holds a bowl with an unintelligible inscription
in his left hand (the inscription ends
with “IGHT ON”). The flying man is barefoot. He wears a robe and holds a scythe. Both
figures look over their right shoulders. Stars
and bubbles surround the two figures. The stars form a semicircular frame behind the
two figures. 1/4 page.
My Timepiece.

Decorated word “the” with a clock contained in the black, vertical curve of the letter
“T”. The clock
shows the time as 1:00. The letters “h” and “e” appear as white block letters. 1/8-page
illustration positioned to the left of
the poem letterpress
The hour has struck its advent and farewell ;1
And, hark ! another hour begins to beat !2
As when a crier stops and rings his bell,3
To cry a loss—then on with busy feet4
To raise the cry elsewhere ; our precious hours5
We lose, and balk them of their noblest use,6
And so disable our best gifts and powers,7
Or leave them open to the Fiend’s abuse ;8
Or, should I—the same moral to convey—9
A more derisive apologue subjoin,10
My clock’s a mocking thief, who steals my coin,11
Then, counting up the sum, as if to say,12
“ How many precious pieces I purloin !13
One, two, three, four”—trips daintily away.14
A man with a cane and a bag of mail walks through a cemetery. A dog trails behind
him. The man is framed
by a curved black border in front of a black rectangular frame. The building behind
the man reads “LOST”. In the background, a crowd
gathers around a cross-shaped tombstone. Four hourglasses with wings surround the
borders, each of which resembles a different
organism (a bird, a butterfly, an insect, and a bat). There are bubbles scattered
around the hourglasses, some of which have just popped. 1/4 page.