Bennett, Lucy A. (F)

Surname: Bennett
Forename(s): Lucy Ann
b. 8 January 1850. d. 10 March 1927. Nationality: English. VIAF.
Poet. Born in Falfield, Glou­ces­ter­shire. Educated at Penarth House in Somerset. Contributed to The Christian. Corresponded with Christina Rosetti. Active Methodist in her church community and attended several Keswick Conventions. Helped found two Christian colleges, All Nations College and Mount Hermon College. Biographical information: Hymnary; Reilly, Mid-Victorian Poetry, p. 38. (CC)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 1
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
To a Buttercup 1899 Good Words Poet 5145