Bird, H. M. (pseudonym Jetta Vogel, “Jetty Vogel”) (F)

Surname: Bird
Forename(s): H. M.
Poet, librettist, lyricist, and children’s writer. Pseudonyms: Jetty Vogel, Jetty Vogel. Chambers’s Journal ledger entry for Vogel’s poem The Lindsay’s Bride, published on 26 June 1886, lists the author as Miss H. Bird, of Westbury on Trym, Bristol (NLS Dep 341/369). Pseudonym identified from the BL. (AC)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 3
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
By the Greenwood 1867-04-13 Once a Week Poet 12145
The Lindsay’s Bridal 1886-06-26 Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal Poet 12985
A Spell 1894-03 Atalanta Poet 2297