Broome, Frederick Napier, Sir (M)

Surname: Broome
Forename(s): Frederick Napier
b. 18 November 1842. d. 26 November 1896. Nationality: English. VIAF.
Journalist, critic, poet, and colonial administrator in the British Empire. Born in Canada. Educated at Whitchurch Grammar School, Shropshire. Served as colonial administrator in Natal, Mauritius, Western Australia, and Barbados. Contributed to The Times. Author of Poems from New Zealand (1868) and The Stranger of Seriphos (1869). Biographical information: F. K. Crowley, Broome, Sir Frederick Napier, Australian Dictionary of Biography, (30 March 2020). (SP, SCM)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 3
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
At Sea 1869-07 The Cornhill Magazine Poet 12092
Sunset off the Azores 1869-07 Macmillan’s Magazine Poet 14413
Persistence 1871-07 The Cornhill Magazine Poet 12349