The Keepsake (Keepske) 1838

A literary annual (1827-1857), edited by a series of high profile figures including the Countess of Blessington and Frederic Mansell Reynolds. Illustrated poetry in The Keepsake was written for expensive engravings of paintings, so that the poem illustrated the picture.

Poems appearing in this periodical


Total poems: 13
Poem title Poet(s) Date Vol etc. Transcribed? id #
The First 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 19–20 no 4452
The Last 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 21–22 no 4453
Azel 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 45–53 no 4454
On the Picture of a Greek Maiden 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 67–68 no 4455
Zuleikha 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 85–86 no 4456
Lines 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 125–127 no 4457
The Change 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 158 no 4459
Stanzas on the Ruins of Holyrood Chapel, at Blitheburgh, in Suffolk Strickland, Agnes 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 156–158 no 4458
A Youthful Abbot. Written for the christening fete of Charles Stuart Abbott, son of the Hon. Charles Abbott; March 12 Sheridan, Louisa Henrietta 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 193 no 4460
Sonnet to the River Waveney 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 241 no 4461
The Nightingale to the White Rose 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 270 no 4462
The Yew Tree 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 271 no 4463
Enigma 1838 The Keepsake Volume 1838, Page 272 no 4464