Lane, Clara (F)

Surname: Lane
Forename(s): Clara Sophia
b. 1826. d. 1918. Nationality: English. VIAF.
Illustrator and portrait painter. Cousin of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Lived in London. Exhibited at the Royal Academy and Society of Female Artists. Illustrated several works by Margaret Gatty, including Aunt Judy’s Tales (1859) and Nursery Tales (1860). Biographical information: National Portrait Gallery (25 November 2021); John Maynard, The Angel in the Nursery Library, Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies, vol 5, no. 1, 1999, pp. 62-63; Catherine Phillips, Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Visual World, Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 37, 121. (AC, CC)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 1
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
The Palimpsest 1859-12-03 Once a Week Illustrator 241