Multiple people working in a field of wheat at night. There are two women standing
slightly off-centre. One woman has her
hands held up to her mouth as if she is shouting; the other woman is holding a scythe
over her head. There is a dog in the
background. Full-page frontispiece contained within a multiple-ruled rectangular border.
Sir Plume to Sacharissa : Who is Cross.

Thy voice it is so sweet, and let1
The music and the words agree,2
Lest I the meaning quite forget3
In listening to the melody :4
Tidings so harsh can never bear5
Transmission by so soft an air.6
Could I believe it were I told7
That gentle Philomela sung8
How that her heart as ice was cold,9
And love no pity from her wrung :10
Nay, I should swear my ears heard wrong11
To link such words to such a song.12
So, that thy servant may believe13
That surely he has heard aright,14
Some fitting message interweave15
With tones enfraught with all delight :16
Then may I take thee at thy word,17
Knowing that I have rightly heard.18