A Unit.

One radiant dream makes all the night less gloomy ;1
One sunny ray lights all the earth around ;—2
And as a dream, a sunny ray from heaven,3
Is that sweet love, which I have sought and found !4
One beauteous flower scents all the air with roses ;5
One joyous bird makes all the echoes ring ;—6
And as a flower, a happy woodland songster,7
Is thy sweet love, which forces me to sing !8
One little brook brings gladness through the meadows ;9
One shady bough makes weariness depart ;—10
And as a fount, a leafy bower of shelter,11
Does thy sweet love cheer up my thirsty heart !12
One sparkling gem lights up the mine with brightness ;13
One rainbow arch throws glory o’er the sea ;—14
And as that arch, that sparkling gem of beauty,15
Does thy sweet love light all the world for me !16