My love shall neither sigh nor sab1
While men wear gold, and steel can stab,2
While moor-cocks, crow-birds, live i’ the
And flocks i’ the fold, and fish i’ the flood.4
When the linns o’ Clouden have ceased to
roar, 5
roar, 5
The glen to grien for the gorlines gore,6
And the buds to shoot on Dalgonar tree,7
Then look for days of dool to me.8

The moor-hen swears by her rough legs,9
She scorns the carle and his corn bags ;10
She’s fatter far on the heather top,11
Than the cankered carle on fold and crop.12
Let the hen beware of the foxes tooth—13
The carle of blight, and blast, and drowth ;14
But holm and hill, and moor and tree,15
Have crop, and flock, and fruit for me.16
When the hare has might to break my mesh,17
The feathers to flee wi’ the dead birds flesh,18
And the deer to bound o’er bank and river19
Wi’ an ounce o’ lead i’ th’ lapp o’ his liver.20
Then may I dread that want and woe21
Will crack my might, and crush me low ;22
Come maiden bonny, and frank, and free,23
Leave father and mother, and follow me.24