Adeline. A Ballad.

The night was dark, the thunder rolled,1
In torrents the rain was pouring ;2
The lightning flash’d—’twas to unfold3
The breast of the ocean roaring :—4
Then, from the tower, gazed Adeline5
On the tempest’s wild commotion,6
And dim blue lights were seen to shine7
Afar on the foaming ocean !8
Alas ! she sighed, that one so dear,9
Should toss on the faithless billow,10
While thousands, void of doubt and fear,11
Repose on the downy pillow ;12
Hark !— ’tis the distant signal gun13
And lo ! as the lightning flashes,14
The crowds on yonder deck that run,15
As the sinking vessel crashes !16
No more she saw—no more she heard,17
For darkness begirt the ocean,18
Save the dismal wail of frighted bird,19
Or the yeasty waves’ commotion,20
Till morning woke ; and, on the beach,21
Did Adeline’s eyes discover,22
Beneath her tower, within her reach,23
The pale, pale face of her lover !24

Hark ! from her lattice to the breeze,25
How mournfully sweet she is singing !26
Now gazing wistful o’er the seas,27
And ever her white hands wringing :28
From festal bower, since that dread hour,29
Hath Adeline’s smile departed,30
And thus she sighs, at evening hour,31
The song of the broken-hearted !32
She was a star of beauty rare,33
O’er the brow of a twilight mountain ;34
A flower that spreads its bosom fair,35
By the side of a vernal fountain :36
There came a cloud, and veiled the star,37
From earth its light is banished ;38
There rose a flood, and, in the jar39
Of waters the young flower vanished !40