
Ay—light and careless be thy look—1
Let thy cold eyes on me2
Ne’er gleam but like the winter’s brook3
In freezing brilliancy.4
Let even my passing shadow be5
The eclipse of thy soul ;6
Fly where thou wilt, revertedly7
To me thy thoughts must roll.8

Morn shall but rise from ocean dim,9
To count how oft I’ve sung ;10
Thy brow was like its breaking beam11
The raven clouds among.12
The summer Noon, with glowing tongue13
Shall tell of him who vow’d14
Thy form shamed hers, while round thee clung15
The roses in a crowd.16
And passionate Darkness too shall hint,17
With its far-watching eyes,18
How I have deem’d thy beauty lent19
The night diviner dyes ;20
Away ! in vain thy falsehood flies21
Beyond the ocean’s bound ;22
For twined with nature’s memories, 23
My spirit wraps thee round.24