The Veto.
A New Song.
Dedicated to the Whig-Intrusion Section of the Non-Intrusion
Air— “ The Rogue’s March,” or “ Abram Newland.”

The Church and her laws often claim my applause :1
But some things I cannot agree to ;2
And most I detest, as a national pest,3
This newfangled freak of a Veto.4
O this detestable Veto,5
’Tis a thing you will never bring me to !6
It is certainly rude7
In a man to intrude,8
But you’ll never do good by the Veto.9
Good-will to increase, by the preaching of peace,10
Was a thing that the Church used to see to ;11
But family jars, and parochial wars,12
Are the fruits of this peaceable Veto.13
O what a peace-making Veto !14
What a mild and medicinal Veto ;15
Harmonious calls,16
In the shape of loud brawls,17
Attest the true use of the Veto.18
On a diligent search, our old Scottish Church19
Was the best from Kamschatka to Quito ;20
But now they insist that she cannot exist21
If deprived of this absolute Veto !22
O this infallible Veto !23
If Parliament would but agree to24
Our rational plan,25
To secure the best man,26
By the use of a reasonless Veto.27

Little schoolboys a voice now may claim in the choice28
Of the master they subject should be to :29
If his ferule appears rather sharp for their rears,30
They at once interpose with a veto.31
O such a convenient veto32
Every truant and dunce would agree to !33
That his bacon should be34
For ever birch-free,35
By this new saving clause of a Veto.36
In a different way, there are others who say—37
“ The foes of this measure are we too ;38
Could we even elect, ’twere of little effect,39
If we can’t, too, eject with a veto.”40
For O this most mischievous Veto41
Will make many a sly Jesuito ;42
Who, when urging his suit,43
Hides a huge cloven foot,44
Which he shows when he’s clear of the Veto.45
The clergy, we saw, made good use of the law,46
And hornings and captions could flee to ;47
But they alter their song when the law says they’re wrong,48
And illegally stick to their Veto.49
This unconstitutional Veto,50
Why will they so lawlessly flee to ?51
They should either relax52
Their annuity-tax,53
Or submit to the law on the Veto.54
When a claim they present— “ Pray, our stipends augment,”55
Which the Court interpones its decree to ;56
They sing mighty small, or say nothing at all,57
Of their views in regard to the Veto.58
O this unprincipled Veto,59
Which the Judges will ne’er bend the knee to !60
How the Church would look blue,61
If a chalder or two62
Were cut off from each cure by a Veto !63
The old friends of the Church they could leave in the lurch,64
And coquet with a Whig nominee too :65
For the Devil or Dan, I believe, to a man,66
They would vote if he promised the Veto.67
For all must give way to the Veto ;68
What is conscience or truth to the Veto ?69
Peace, order, and laws,70
Nay, the Protestant cause,71
Mustn’t stand in the way of the Veto.72
But I shrewdly suspect, if my news be correct,73
That the sense of the people’s with me too :74
If their protegé’s fate is entitled to weight,75
The country has veetoed the Veto.76
So to dwell any more on the Veto77
Would be tiresome to you and to me too :78
I’ve detain’d you too long—79
Here’s an end of my song,80
And I hope, too, an end of the Veto !81