A Woman’s Wisdom.

You blame me that I cannot love1
As you can love, my friend ;2
You call me heartless,—light of faith,—3
Because my fancies end !4
I do not say it is not true ;5
Oh no ! your words are right :6
But you who love, and I who laugh,7
Which gains most in the fight ?8
And why, if you were seeking love,9
Should you have turned to me ?—10
I, who of all who meet your gaze11
Have sworn inconstancy !12
Go further yet, poor heart, and seek13
For one who still can give ;14
Or, if your heartbreak prove too sharp,15
Curse me, my friend,—and live.16
Yes ! Once I cursed,—and lived. Alas !17
’Tis better far to die,18
Hands meekly clasped and prayerful19
Eyes upturned to the sky.20
I loved too well,—as you, my friend,21
Are loving me this hour ;22
Such loves die hard, are cursed, we know,23
With overwhelming power.24
My love went out,—as yours will do,—25
But after many years ;26
And in those years I was not glad,27
And bitter were my tears.28
My love was like your love, my friend,—29
It met with no return,30
In spite of passionate appeal,31
In spite of words that burn.32
But you who love, and I who laugh,33
May part at least in peace ;34
One day you’ll thank me for my words,35
One day your pain will cease.36