The True Lover.

To him whose love flows on—beyond the shore1
Of life, whose days are full of lonelinesses,2
But who within the heart’s remote recesses3
Hears the bright laughter of the living world ;—4
To him Delight is as a ringlet curled5
Around his finger for a little space,6
That, slipping, leaves him thinking of a face7
Which laughed and wept, but now shall weep no more.8
To him there is no treason in new love9
That wrongs not any old, no faith in giving10
To wantless dead the crumbs that feed the living,11
Devotion none in watching wakeless sleep,12
For him his friends descend not to the deep13
Of sunless graves, but with no clouded face14
Remain to cheer the remnant of his race15
Between the green earth and the stars above.16
To him indeed the world is as “ a stage ”17
From which there is no exit for the players,18
The scene is crowded with the dear delayers19
Whose part is over, but they do not go.20
But still he lives his part of joy or woe21
Unlearned, unacted, as the Master-will22
Dictates whose many-plotted dramas fill23
The theatre of life from age to age.24
To him each year a benefactor seems25
That leaves him stores of happiness and sorrow ;—26
He neither hugs to-day nor fears to-morrow ;27
He welcomes winter as he welcomes spring ;28
For he has shaken hands with suffering29
And seen the wings of joy, nor does he scorn30
The gift of any day however born,31
In mist of tears or in the light of dreams.32

To him the new is dearer for the old,33
To him the old for each new day is dearer,34
His unforgotten youth seems ever nearer,35
As though the ends of life were made to meet ;36
To him the mingled cup of bitter-sweet37
Is grown familiar as his daily bread,38
And in the awful dark he rests his head39
With a hushed confidence that is not bold.40
To him Death seems less terrible than sleep,41
For he has seen the happiness of dying,42
And no bad dreams disturb the tranquil lying43
Of those who bear green grass above the breast ;44
And if there be a waking after rest,45
He shall not wake alone, but he shall be46
With all he loves and all he longs to see ;47
And if he shall not wake—he shall not weep.48