When I Upon thy Bosom Lean.
In Burns’s “Epistle to J. Lapraik, an old Scottish
Bard,” which appears among his poetical productions,
the following lines occur :—
Bard,” which appears among his poetical productions,
the following lines occur :—

On fasten-een we had a rockin’,1
To ca’ the crack and weave our stockin’,2
An’ there was muckle fun an’ jokin’,3
Ye needna doubt ;4
At length we had a hearty yokin’5
At sang about.6
There was ae sang amang the rest,7
Aboon them ae it pleased me best,8
That some kind husband had addrest9
To some sweet wife ;10
It thirl’d the heart-strings through the breast,11
A ‘ to the life.12
The following is Lapraik’s song here referred to, as
slightly altered and improved by Burns :—
slightly altered and improved by Burns :—
When I upon thy bosom lean13
And fondly clasp thee a’ my ain,14
I glory in the sacred ties15
That made us ane, wha ance were twain :16
A mutual flame inspires us baith—17
The tender look, the melting kiss ;18
Even years shall ne’er destroy our love,19
But only gie us change o’ bliss.20
Hae I a wish ? it’s a’ for thee ;21
I ken thy wish is me to please ;22
Our moments pass sae smooth away,23
That numbers on us look and gaze.24
Weel pleas’d they see our happy days,25
Nor envy’s sel’ finds aught to blame ;26
And aye when weary cares arise,27
Thy bosom still shall be my hame.28
I’ll lay me there, and tak’ my rest ;29
And if that aught disturb my dear,30
I’ll bid her laugh her cares away,31
And beg her not to drap a tear.32
Hae I a joy ? it’s a’ her ain ;33
United still her heart and mine ;34
They’re like the woodbine round the tree,35
That’s twined till death shall them disjoin.36