Song of the Happy Mother.
[From the German. ]

Look at me, my pretty boy,1
With thy golden ringlets flowing,2
Bright blue eyes, and cheeks all glowing :3
Was there ever such a one ?4
No ; I’m sure there can be none.5
Look at me, my sweetest boy,6
Rosy as a summer morning,7
Sweet as dew the leaves adorning :8
Was there ever such a one ?9
No; I’m sure there can be none.10
Look at me, my kindly boy,11
Nor too froward, nor too fearful,12
Ever kind and ever cheerful :13
Was there ever such a one ?14
No; I’m sure there can be none.15
Look at me, my darling boy,16
No sad naughty child could ever17
Be so loved and lovely—never.18
You may wish for one as fine, 19
But, good folks, you shan’t get mine.20
Should a merchant come to buy ;21
Let him ope his golden coffers,22
Would I take his richest offers ?23
Never—buy where’er he can,24
He should not get my pretty man !25