Aileen’s Song.

The night is dark, the wind is high,1
And fiercely drives the sleet :2
It seems as all had vow’d that I3
And Carol should not meet.4
Yet well I know his dauntless heart,5
And well I know his
faith ;6
But one thing will his purpose thwart—7
And that one thing is Death8
They said that he was false to me,9
That he had bow’d to gold,10
And, where his heart could never be,11
His hand had basely sold :12
I did a while believe their guile,13
But soon I felt and knew,14
That Carol’s love as heaven above,15
As truth itself was true.16
More wild and loud the storm has grown,17
And darker is the night :18
Unmindful of a maiden’s moan,19
The moon withholds her light.20
Oh ! what if Carol lose the way,21
Or perish in the flood !22
The thought forbids my heart to play,23
And curdles all my blood !24
Look out, ye pitying stars above,25
Look out, thou gentle moon !26
Give light and guidance to my love,27
And bring him to me soon.28
Of all my earthly hopes and fears29
This night it bears the sum30
But wherefore blind myself with tears ?31
Oh, surely he will come !32