
Words ! ye are powerless—at this scene of power,1
Feebly and idly from the tongue ye fall :2
Heart ! bear me witness how I felt that hour—3
The dim lone hour, when, night with veiling pall4
Deep’ning its wildness, Stonebyres met my sight.5
The white foam, flashing through the gulf profound,6
Made e’en stern midnight wear the smile of light,7
And the huge tumbling mass shook all around.8
I look’d below ; each hand, a rocky steep9
Guarded the calm’d and wider-bending stream :10
Wild trees, their love revealing e’en in sleep,11
Bent o’er the wave, whose murmurs bade them dream.12
There Peace might joy to watch the peeping flower—13
Above, reigns one sole thought, which speaks in thunder—