Tony’s Address to Mary.

Oh, Mary, heave a sigh for me,1
For me, your Tony true ;2
I am become as a man dumb—3
O let Hymen prompt you !4
My eye is vet as any sea,5
As you may know hereby ;6
O let me come, Mary, to tea,7
Or eat a bit o’ pie.8
Alas ! play no more merry tricks,9
My ardour vell you know ;10
In fear I am your heart is base ;11
Tolerate me, your beau.12
Ah me ! ve area silly set,13
To laud you vimen thus ;14
I hate you as a random sex,15
Ill luck I only curse.16
You said, you vixen, I may go,17
My missus Mary, stay ;18
O, can’t you read it my eye ?19
I burn as arid hay.20
A very vafer, here I sigh,21
My eye resolves in dew.22
To tie us, oh let Hymen come !23
Accept a Tony true.24