The Song of the Cossack.

Come, friend of the Cossack ! bright courser, come forth,1
And bound to the sound of the trump of the north !2
For pillage still ready, and fearless of scathe,3
Spring under me, steed, and lend pinions to death !4
No gold there may be on thy saddle or bit,5
But patience !— such prizes shall come to thee yet ;6
Thou faithful one, neigh, then, in haughtiest tones,7
And prance with thy hoofs upon nations and thrones !8
Peace, flying, to thee hath abandon’d the day ;9
The bulwarks of Europe are rent and away !10
Come, bear me to treasures of wealth! and, for thee,11
In the home of the arts shall thy stable soon be !12
Come, drink of the rebel-waved Seine, then, once more,13
Where the blood from thy hoofs has been twice laved before.14
Thou faithful one, neigh in thy haughtiest tones,15
And prance with thy hoofs upon nations and thrones
Priests, nobles, and princes upon us have cried,17
When press’d by the poor ones they crush’d in their pride,18
“ Come, save us,” they cry, “ and our lords ye shall reign—19
Slaves to you, we at home still may tyrants remain.”20
My lance I have lifted, and low it shall bring21
The cross of the priest and the crown of the king !22
Thou faithful one, neigh in thy haughtiest tones,23
And prance with thy hoofs upon nations and thrones
I saw a vast phantom aloft in the sky,25
And it gazed on our host with a flame-kindled eye.26
“ My reign is renew’d !” cried the shadowy form,27
And a huge sword it shook o’er the west, like a storm.28
It was Attila’s spirit—I knew it at once ;29
And the voice I obey, as should child of the Huns.30
Thou faithful one, neigh, then, in haughtiest tones,31
And prance with thy hoofs upon nations and thrones
The fame on which Europe so proudly looks back—33
Her knowledge, so weak in the hour of attack—34
All, all in that dust shall be swallow’d and swamp’d,35
Which rises wherever their hoof may have tramp’d.36
On, on in they course, then !— destroy without pause37
Their palaces, temples, tombs, manners, and laws !38
Neigh, faithful one, neigh in thy haughtiest tones, 39
And prance with thy hoofs upon nations and thrones