Song of the Winds.

Hurra—hurra—hurra !1
Exultingly let us sing, for we,2
Of all nature’s creatures, alone are free.3
The earth hath a zone, and the sea hath a bound,4
But our rest and our home have never been found.5
We play with the clouds on the mountain’s brow,6
We wreathe on the flowers in the vale below,7
We lash up the waves in our boisterous mirth,8
Or idly roam through the bright lands of earth.9
Oh ! whatever we will we do, for we,10
Of all nature’s creatures, alone are free.11
Hurra—hurra—hurra !12
Let us boldly, proudly sing, for we,13
Of all nature’s creatures, the mightiest be.14
A nation’s navies went forth to fight,15
We swept o’er the waters—and where was their might ?16
We flew o’er the earth in sport as we passed,17
The kings of the forest were strewn on the blast ;18
We paused in our wrath where a city lay,19
And its beauty and pride have passed away,20
Oh ! whatever we will we do, for we,21
Of all nature’s creatures, the mightiest be.22
Hurra—hurra—hurra !23
Let us gladly, gaily sing, for we,24
Of all nature’s creatures, the merriest be.25
We dance on the flowers of the joyous spring,26
We cradle to rest where the bright birds sing
We play with the tress upon Beauty’s brow,28
Or kiss the rich gems on her breast of snow ;29
We scatter perfumes in our wayward flight,30
Or melody breathe through the starry night.31
Oh ! whatever we will we do, for we,32
Of all nature’s creatures, the merriest be.33
Hurra—hurra—hurra !34
Triumphantly let us sing, for we35
O’er the human soul hold mastery.36
For the blood of the merchant-prince grows cold37
As we toss on the waves his heaps of gold ;38
And mother and maid turn pale with fear39
As the tone of our midnight wail they hear ;40
And the mariner’s heart beats quick for life41
As we revel and rave in our reckless strife.42
Oh ! nothing in all the wide earth or sea43
Can boast of such mighty power as we.44