The Talisman.

Away with gems and ornaments, and braidings of the hair,1
Bright roses and the rainbow tints are for the young and fair ;2
The sombre foldings of my robe no glittering clasp confines,3
Yet hidden, resting on my breast, a golden emblem shines,4
I clasp it close this talisman, that ne’er was clasped in vain5
To calm the heart’s tumultuous throbs of anguish and of pain6
My pilgrimage on earth may be perchance through devious ways,7
Where joyous sunshine scattereth but dim and transient rays ;8
And wearied with the journey, in impatience or in pride,9
I often wish the pathway was a choice one and a wide,10
And lightly clasp the talisman, that ne’er was clasped in vain11
To calm the heart’s tumultuous throbs of anguish and of pain,12
I shield my precious treasure well from foolish scoffers’ eyes,—13
Its costliness they fathom not, its purity despise ;14
Yet hath it wondrous healing power to warm, and soothe, and
When chilling blasts strike cold and drear amid the wilderness16
Then clasp it close this talisman, that ne’er was clasped in vain17
To calm the heart’s tumultuous throbs of anguish and of pain,18
With supplicative lowly plaints, each day at morn and even,19
When guardian angels hover nigh to waft each sigh to Heaven ;20
Oh raise this hallowed emblem high, which, fragile as it seems,21
Mysteriously o’ershadoweth with bright and awful gleams !22
Say, need I name the talisman ? ’Tis known from shore to shore23
Close, closer clasp the priceless cross—the crucified adore !24