Lines for Music.

’Twas in the glad season1
When roses are sweet,2
I led to the forest3
Thy slow, timid feet.4
Than those roses blushed deeper5
Thy forehead of snow ;6
Low murmured the waters,7
Thy voice was more low ;8
Yet heard I each accent,9
Each faint whispered tone
That bade me then hail thee11
My chosen—my own.12
The blackbird was trilling13
His blithe carol nigh,14
When ’neath the lime blossoms15
Thus met thou and I.16
Time passed—we were parted ;17
But o’er the sea foam,18
In grief or in gladness19
My heart journeyed home.20
In sleep I beheld thee,21
And waking, my thought
Still dwelt on the dreamings23
That dear vision brought.24
And ever I pondered25
With doubt’s weary pain—26
Oh, loved and long severed,27
When meet we again ?28
The bird, shall it warble29
Its blithe carol nigh,30
And ’neath the lime blossoms31
Yet meet thou and I ?32
’Tis o’er—the long absence—33
And leaveth no sign,34
Thine eyes are upon me,35
Thine hand is in mine.36
Again laugheth summer37
Her roses among,38
Again flows the river39
In music along.40
Again those soft accents41
Fall sweet on mine ear,42
As they tell me the tale43
My heart yearneth to hear.44
The blackbird is trilling45
His blithe carol nigh,46
As ’neath the lime blossoms47
Thus meet thou and I !48