Home’s Harmony.

The lark may sing her sweetest song,1
As rising from the waving corn,2
On soaring wings, she skims along3
To welcome in the rising morn :4
Her sweetest song is nought to me,5
Compared to home’s sweet harmony.6
Deep in the woods, the nightingale,7
At midnight hour, may tune her lay,8
May pour upon the list’ning vale9
Her loveliest streams of melody :10
Lovely her midnight lay may be,11
But lovelier home’s sweet harmony.12
Sweet are the songsters of the spring,13
And of the summer’s sunny days,14
And autumn’s feathered warblers sing15
In rapturous strains their sweetest lays :16
Lovely the songs of bower and tree,17
But lovelier home’s sweet harmony.18
But oh, what cheers the winter-night,19
When all around is dark and gloom,20
When feathered songsters take their flight,21
Or fill a gloomy little tomb ?22
’Tis at such hours as these that we23
Prize most our home’s sweet harmony.24
Oh, when dark clouds above us lower,25
And life’s drear winter o’er us comes,26
’Tis then we feel your magic power,27
Ye songsters of our hearts and homes ;28
For soon the lowering clouds do flee29
From our dear home’s sweet harmony.30