A Modern Mariana.

A well-trained wild vine climbs the cottage-wall,1
Losing itself beneath the thick-thatched eaves ;2
A honey-suckle blends its fretted leaves3
With a white jasmine on the porch ; while all4
In the trim garden to the front betrays5
The care of love ; no weeds deface the walk,6
There is no ill-cut bush or straggling stalk,7
No twig in the surrounding hedgerow strays8
Far from its parent stem ; behind the house9
An orchard and rich meadowlands extend,10
Girt by gold cornfields ; the gnarled fruit-trees bend11
Beneath their ripening loads, and lowing cows12
With steps of slow content pass in between :13
Within, all is as neat, or neater still ;14
Each implement of household-work doth fill.15
Its due-appointed station ; bright and clean16
The plates and dishes shine upon their shelves
The well-brushed hearth, the sand-bespeckled floor,18
The spinning-wheel, the brightly painted door,19
The dustless ornaments that warm themselves20
On the high mantel-piece, unite to shew21
That Industry and Order rule in the place.22
She sits at work within the porch; her face23
Shines calmly sad in the sun’s setting glow.24
And as the yellow light begins to fade,25
She murmurs low : ‘Had he been all he seemed,26
Ere he so left me—all I fondly dreamed—27
Oh ! what a track of joy it would have made28
‘ Of this poor life ! But no ; I will not dwell29
Thus on the past ; these are the thoughts that crossed,30
Like lightning streaks, the gloom where my soul, lost,31
Hopeless, and stunned, in its first anguish fell.32
‘No, let me rather think how, in His grace,33
Our Father led me from that black abyss ;34
How each day’s duties brought some happiness35
To my worn heart, and by degrees ’gan chase36
‘ The shadows from it ; how my care for those37
Who wept and suffered round me brought relief38
To my own sorrow, till my deepest grief39
Was broken, and my spirit found repose.40
‘ He left me—why, I know not—yet I love,41
Oh, how I love him still ! O God, Most High,42
Have mercy on him, and so purify43
Both him and me, that we may meet above !’44