Morning and Evening.

When first the glorious God of Day1
Flings wide his orient gates of gold,2
And striding on his kingly way,3
Bids Earth her varied charms unfold4
When flower-cups brim with fairy wine,5
And dew-pearls catch a ruddy glow,6
When song-birds wake their notes divine,7
And balmy breezes softly blow—8
Mead, wood, and dell, I love to pace,9
And greet dear Nature face to face.10
When western skies are royal red,11
And Even spreads her dusky veil,12
And love-lorn Luna overhead13
Draws forth the tuneful nightingale :14
When shepherds fold their fleecy care,15
And gaily chirp the green-grass choirs,16
When bat and moth whirl through the air,17
And glow-worms light their elfin fires—18
I love to roam o’er mead, o’er hill,19
And let my fancy sport at will.20