I Sat in the Shadow.

I sat in the shadow all the day1
Thinking, the night will come down so soon,2
’Tis better to meet it thus half-way,3
Than feel the change from the glowing noon4
To the dearth and dark, or chilly gray5
At best, scarce lit by a waning moon.6
I sat in the shadow all the day,7
And turned my face away from the sun.8
The lads and lasses were making hay,9
Crowned with May blossoms every one ;10
The very work seemed a kind of play ;11
Children were laughing loud at the fun.12
Down sank the sun in the far sea’s foam ;13
Shivering I shrank from the twilight gray.14
The lads were helping the lasses home,15
Each his own chosen Queen of the May,16
With songs of cheer through the gathering gloam ;17
‘ Art cold or frightened ?’ I heard one say.18
Her heart gleamed out in her answer : ‘ Nay,19
Love, thy hand holdeth me safe and warm.’20
Babbling in dreams of their holiday,21
And fast asleep on their fathers’ arm,22
The tired out children in quiet lay,23
Seeing no darkness, fearing no harm.24
I sat in the shadow all the day.25
Saved I thus aught of loss or disgrace ?26
One of the lasses was called away27
Home to her glorious resting-place,28
Ere ever a dark cloud o’er her lay,29
Or shaded the sun smile on her face.30
One of the lads wears the garland gay31
Of flowers she shook from her golden hair32
Crossing the stile there over the way.33
He holds it gently with loving care,34
Hoping to meet her again next day,35
And shew it to her all fresh and fair.36
I chose the shadow all through the day.37
Perforce I suffer the dreary night,38
Without one charm to soften its sway,39
Or warmth of love, or memory bright ;40
Or flower whose fragrance still doth stay,41
Though the leaves look dull or dead outright.42
The lads and lasses are near me still ;43
They shew through the shadow gray and grim,44
Are feeling the dearth and damp and chill ;45
But their hearts are warm, their eyes not dim :46
Now, on the darkest side of the hill,47
I hear them singing their evening hymn :48
‘ Praise God ! thank God ! He gave us the day ;49
We do not doubt Him, though dark the night ;50
He gives us more than He takes away—51
Soon another morn will bless our sight.52
This sunlit day, though it could not stay,53
Has formed our dreams of the coming light !’54