The Daffodil.

Foremost among the flowers of Spring,1
Welcome the bonnie daffodil,2
Before the budding cowslips ring3
Their bells on dale and hill.4
It comes as though in haste to greet5
The earliest sunbeams of March,6
That call the violets up to meet7
The young wreaths of the larch ;8
Before the wild Spring gales are still,9
Cometh the hardy daffodil !10
Where in the water’s cool depth dwells11
The quiet shadow of the skies,12
Beside old mossy village wells,13
The daffodils will rise.14
The fair, bright blossoms, year by year15
To their established haunts they come,16
When the robin’s carol soundeth near17
From out the black-thorn’s bloom ;18
By peasant’s hut and meadow-rill19
Standeth the golden daffodil.20
The daffodil ! there is a charm21
In that old pleasant Saxon word22
(As folded buds with sunlight warm23
To richer life are stirred)—24
A charm to move the heart with dreams25
Of sunny childhood’s free glad hours,26
Lost amid fields and running streams,27
Dimpled with April showers,28
And crofts round ivied granges, still29
The homes of the Spring daffodil.30
In ages past, it may have stood31
Upon the turf, as legends tell,32
When steed and rider in their blood33
Together fiercely fell ;34
Upon the hard-fought battle-field,35
It may have been that ancient flower36
Crushed ’neath the broken helm and shield37
Of Percy and Glendower ;38
And vizored warriors worn at will39
The bold crest of the daffodil.40
Yet stronger, purer spells are shrined41
Than aught of bygone chivalry42
Or dim tradition’s lore can bind,43
Sweet daffodil, in thee !44
About thy well-known countenance,45
Thoughts, memories, unnumbered throng,46
That like a glad soul-speaking glance,47
Or sudden burst of song,48
Have power the heart’s deep chords to thrill :49
Welcome, beloved daffodil !50