Autumn Time.

I sing the mellowed autumn time ;1
The russet pears, the scarlet haws, the yellow sheaves of
autumn time.2
autumn time.2
The fading, falling autumn
time ;3
The rustling leaves, the saddened winds, the pallid mists
of autumn time.4
of autumn time.4
The scented, fragrant autumn time ;5
The clover balls, the moorland heath, the fresh-ploughed
earth of autumn time.6
earth of autumn time.6
The sober, tranquil autumn
time ;7
The chastened noons, the steadfast stars, the purple
glooms of autumn time.8
glooms of autumn time.8
The sweet, soft sounds of autumn time ;9
The twittering birds, the bleating flocks, the plaining
streams of autumn time.10
streams of autumn time.10
The resting, patient autumn
time ;11
The close-reaped fields, the dew-drenched grass, the
streaked skies of autumn time.12
streaked skies of autumn time.12
The grand, prophetic autumn
time ;13
For ripened hearts and sweetened souls called home to
God at autumn time.14
God at autumn time.14