A Song in a Shower.

Heyday ! ’tis May-day ; the merry winds are blowing,1
Shaking snowy blossoms fast from yonder gnarlèd tree ;2
Rough and brown, through tender leaves, the knotted
stems are shewing,3
stems are shewing,3
Bearing little promise of the fruit that is to be.4
Blow, winds, blow ! we do not heed your bluster.5
Hard and fierce your tone may be, yet still your touch
is kind.6
is kind.6
Safe and warm the germs lie hid, in many a tiny
And we do not mind the blossom if the fruit is left
Heyday ! on May-day your eyes look sad and weary.9
Maiden, leaning listlessly against the gnarled tree,10
What has blown your hopes away, and left your life so
dreary ?11
dreary ?11
Where is your fine lover gone, that once we used to see ?12
Know, Child, know, you have lost a faithless wooer.13
You are young ; the world is wide—another you will
If the first was fair and false, the second may be truer ;15
So don’t regret the blossom when the fruit is left
Heyday ! the May-day of life is dawning o’er you.17
Many blessings this rough wind may blow to you to-day ;18
Store of patient readiness for what may be before you :19
Strength to bear the sunshine that may brighten up
your way.20
your way.20
Youth’s first dream in all its subtle sweetness,21
Passes like that snowy shower, at breath of wind
unkind ;22
unkind ;22
After, comes the lasting love, in all its rich complete-
ness ;23
ness ;23
So do not mourn the blossom when the fruit is left