The Cedar Tree.

Lay her beneath the Cedar Tree,1
Whose dark and dainty tracery2
Shall cast its shadow on her bed,3
While solemn choirs, far overhead,4
Of cawing rooks shall to its boughs repair,5
And mourn for her that was so young and fair.6
Lay her beneath the Cedar Tree,7
Where soft winds rustle fitfully ;8
Where oft the timid deer shall stray9
To shelter from the noontide ray,10
And tread the spot where, in the earth laid low,11
Sleeps one who lived and suffered long ago.12
Nor mark the place with graven stone,13
Where now she lieth all alone :14
But raise where she doth sleep, a mound,15
And scatter lilies on the ground :16
Enough to shew that one doth here abide17
Who, like the flowers fading, drooped and died.18
There flitting bats shall court the gloom,19
And speed in circles round her tomb ;20
And oft the glow-worm, chaste and bright,21
Shall for her honour trim his light,22
For her whose life did, like his spark, appear23
In darkness, dying when her day drew near.24
Ah ! lay her in the cool deep shade25
By those o’erhanging branches made ;26
And when the summer heat is fierce,27
No baleful shaft to her shall pierce.28
Thus can she slumber on with tranquil breast,29
Who wearied of her life, and longed for rest.30
When Winter’s icy hand shall tear31
The leaves and strip the forest bare,32
The Cedar, clothed in verdure warm,33
Alone can shield her from the storm.34
So lay her gently down with tender love,35
Where the sad Cedar spreads its boughs above.36