A Christmas Carol.

The Christmas bells are pealing sweet ;1
The snow lies thickly at our feet ;2
All, all around is calm and fair ;3
A holy stillness fills the air !4
Warbles the Robin on the spray,5
The holly spray :6
What does he say to-day, to-day,7
What does he say ?8
He sings the song of Peace—Good-will9
To all the nations of the earth ;10
He sings of Gratitude to Him11
Who for our sakes this day had birth ;12
He sings of Perfect Brotherhood,13
Of rendering for Evil—Good ;14
He sings of Injuries forgiven ;15
Of Love, that makes of earth a heaven !16
‘ Take ye, in my thanksgiving, part !’17
He carols from his little heart :18
‘ Make with mine own, your voices heard ;19
Let Man be grateful as the Bird !’20
All this the Robin sings to-day,21
To-day, to-day,22
Perched high upon the holly spray !23