
A passing shower beats on the castle wall,1
And from the staring gargoyle’s stony lips2
The summer rain into the courtyard drips,3
Where, idly watching the warm raindrops fall,4
Within the doorway’s gloom, white-robed you stand,5
Gold-haired Yolande.6
And I, a modern knight, have come to woo.7
In bygone days, amid the tourney’s fray,8
I would have fought for thee ; but in our day9
These things are changed ; yet, dearest, I am true ;10
Oh wear this ring for ever on thy hand ;11
Be mine, Yolande.12
Oh fairest daughter of a mighty race,13
Love comes to-day as it came long ago ;14
Though customs change, no changes it can know ;15
Ah ! do not hide the sunshine of thy face,16
But come with me through the enchanted land—17
Say yes, Yolande.18
She smiles, and leads me slowly through the hall ;19
Torn banners droop along the architrave20
Above the dinted armour of the brave,21
And pictured knights gaze on us from the wall ;22
Their hearts are cold—they cannot understand23
Our love, Yolande.24
In the soft quivering light the pale moon throws,25
The castle tower looks dim and far away ;26
Across the terrace silvery moonbeams stray ;27
We part ; but as she tosses me a rose,28
My jewelled circlet sparkles on her hand,29
My own Yolande.30