Our Wedding Day.

Our wedding day, dear heart,1
Well I remember2
How crisp the hoar-frost lay3
That chill December.4
I was a foolish thing.5
How my heart failed me ;6
Little you knew or guessed7
What ’t was that ailed me.8
I had my doubts of you.9
Only just fancy !10
Would you have thought it, Jack,11
Of your fond Nancy ?12
People kept telling me13
Men were deceivers ;14
Women most foolish folk,15
Heedless believers.16
Would you be kind ? I asked,17
And my heart fluttered ;18
True to the marriage vows19
Your lips had uttered ?20
Ten years ago, dear love—21
How the time passes,22
Jack ! drink my health again ;23
Fill up our glasses.24
Don’t wipe my tears away ;25
They ’re not for sadness.26
My heart is full to-day27
Only of gladness,28
How true you’ve been to me29
None can guess ever ;30
Husband, stand by me still,31
Never to sever.32
As o’er the frosty sky33
Wintry clouds hasten,34
Our joys in future, Jack,35
Trials may chasten.36
Still hand in hand we’ll step,37
Fearing no morrow ;38
Wind blows the clouds away,39
Love chases sorrow.40
Our wedding day is o’er—41
Twelve the clock’s striking.42
Look at me, Jack—am I43
Still to your liking ?44
Don’t say a word, you goose ;45
Only remember46
I love you better now47
Than that December.48