Horrida Bella.

Wrapped in War’s lurid guise, avenging forms1
Stalk through the land with ruthless, blood-stained feet,2
That leave crushed flowers and trampled unripe wheat,3
Mute witnesses to devastating storms.4
Stern reapers, heedless of man’s piteous tears5
And blinded eyes that cannot pierce the gloom,6
They come untimely harbingers of doom,7
And in their track a waste of barren years.8
Faith sees, and tears aside the horrid mask9
That hides the angels, on a glorious task10
Obedient, watching, whilst a hero falls,11
To gather each ripe soul, its work fulfilled,12
Its perfume perfect, as the Father willed :13
A fragrant blossom for the heavenly halls.14