Evening Song of the Breton Fisherman.

A singing breeze in the yellow sail,1
Crisp white foam on the summer sea ;2
Sunset shadows and moonlight pale3
On yonder haven, where I would be.4
The toils of the day are over and past,5
The fisherman comes to his rest at last !6
The bells are ringing the vesper chime7
In buried cities beneath the sea ;8
And the calm of the holy eventime9
Has wrought its peace on the world and me.10
Ave Maria ! In mercy keep11
The resting land and the restless deep.12
The lighthouse flashes the beacon high,13
A golden path on the dark’ning sea ;14
A star shines out in the dusky sky,15
And faint lights glimmer along the quay.16
And I know what the Star of Home is worth17
When the heart of heaven beats close to earth.18