The Poor Man’s Wedding.

I wed thee, girl, as poor men wed,1
To share a lot of toil and care ;2
No gems will deck our bridal bed,3
But love will strew his roses there.4
No cringing slaves, no menial throng5
Will seek, our nuptial hovel’s thatch ;6
No steeds will bear us swift along—7
For ours is not a Coburg match !8
I did not seek thee for thy gold,9
For wealth thy fancy might bestow ;10
My love was not a feeling sold,11
For e’en as I am, poor art thou.12
I wooed not with a tongue to which13
The lust of Mammon lent its art ;14
I do not wed thee to be rich—15
For mine is not a Coburg heart !16
Thou dost not take me to thine arms,17
By State necessity impelled,18
While condescension yields thy charms,19
To be with humble reverence held.20
I choose thee my poor lot to cheer,21
To shed a radiance.o’er my life,22
And not to frown or domineer—23
For thou art not a Coburg’s wife !24
When time the pleasing hope shall give25
That soon a pledge will bless our love,26
That in another we shall live—27
Another prized ourselves above —28
No Court physician:will be fee’d29
(Puffed in the publie prints) to watch,30
Lest some mishap should spoil the breed —31
For ours is not a Coburg match !32
And when our infant’s cry is heard—33
Sweet music to a parent’s ear—34
No flattery foul, no pomp absurd,35
Will greet the little stranger here.36
The public money will not keep37
Our babe, by princely titles styled ;38
Peers will not rock that babe to sleep—39
For ours will be no Coburg child !40
Oh, no ! our union will not bear41
The seal of interest—stamp of shame !42
But yet our lot will be more fair43
Than those who boast a higher name.44
For to unite us two, at least,45
No groaning people sighs and smarts !46
No nation’s taxes spread our feast—47
For ours, love, are not Royal hearts !48