To My Canary.

O Lady Betty, pert and bold,1
In dainty gown of palest gold,2
And fine pink stockings showing ;3
To me your eyes so round and bright4
Recall some other eyes to-night,5
Black eyes, too, just as knowing.6
You eat and drink with mincing geste,7
But only of the very best,8
With waste of seed unlawful ;9
And though forsooth you think you sing,10
Your voice is but a sorry thing—11
And her top notes were awful !12
You treat your mate with proud disdain,13
Although he tries your love to gain14
In simple honest fashion.15
Your prototype was just as stern,16
But trodden worms, you know, will
And love outlive its passion.18
Ah ! Lady Betty, take your ease,19
And flirt and twitter as you please ;20
Your life is brief and sunny.21
I sit alone and watch you here ;22
The other Betty ? Ah ! my dear,23
She married—and for money !24