With my breath I drink the air1
That my land Provencè sends me,2
For a message always lends me3
Joy, from her most dear and fair.4
When they praise her I rejoice,5
Ask for more with trembling voice,6
Listen, listen night and morrow.7
For no country ’neath the sun8
Beats mine from Rozer to Vensa,9
From the sea to the Durensa :10
Nowhere equal joy is won.11
With my friends, when I did part,12
And with her I left my heart13
Who dispelled my deepest sorrow.14
Nothing harms me all the day15
While her sweet eyes stand before me,16
And her lips that rapture bore me.17
If I praise her no one may18
Call my rapturous word a lie,19
For the whole world can descry20
Nothing wrought in sweeter fashion.21
All the good I do or say22
Only to her grace is owing,23
For she made me wise and knowing,24
For she made me true and gay.25
If in glory I abound,26
To her praise it must redound27
Who inspires my songs with passion.28