Figure descriptions
An Indian woman dressed in ornate clothing sits on a low throne and rests her arm
on her leg. The poem text identifies the
woman as Sacontala, a royal of India. She wears a dress with multiple patterns, a
long veil, and intricate beaded jewellery on her
head, neck, and across her chest. A woman sits on the ground at the foot of her throne
playing a string instrument. She also wears
multiple kinds of jewellery including a beaded headband. A dark-skinned shirtless
man kneels before Sacontala. He wears loose pants
and a long piece of fabric slung over his shoulder. The man bows his head and gestures
with palms up and both arms outstretched.
There is a basket of flowers on the ground between the man and the throne. Sacontala
looks down toward the man. On a lower step,
there are additional objects such as a feathered fan, a bowl, and a decorative jug.
In the background, there is a long draping
curtain and a large potted plant. From the shadows in the background, two women embrace
and fan Sacontala with a feathered fan.
Beside them, two children embrace while looking toward the throne. In the distance,
there is an onion-domed roof surrounded by
deciduous and palm trees. Full-page illustration contained within a multi-ruled border.