The Young Bride’s Farewell.

Forget me not—forget me not—1
When, dearest! thou art far away;2
When happier fortunes gild thy lot,3
And heaven bestows a brighter day.4
Thou wilt not, then, thy faith betray;5
Thou wilt not from remembrance blot6
The parting vows we pledge to-day—7
Forget me not—forget me not!8
Think who, in hours of grief and gloom,9
When friends and kindred false had proved,10
Unchanging shared thy darker doom,11
And link’d her fate to thine unmoved,12
Reckless of all, save that she loved:—13
Nought heeded I, in that dear cot,14
Who blamed, or pitied, or reproved:—15
Forget me not—forget me not!16
Thou goest, to raise a fallen name,17
To win the wealth we long have spared:18
Dearest, wilt thou return the same?19
Bring me the heart none else hath shared,20
And thou shalt find me well prepared21
To live, to die in that lone spot22
Where all was mine I asked or cared—23
Forget me not—forget me not!24

If while with tears of love for thee25
Nightly my wakeful eyes are wet;26
while my cheek—where’er I be—27
Is pale with ceaseless fond regret,28
Thou wilt not all our love forget—29
Then shall I never be forgot,30
Nor needs my heart to whisper yet,31
Forget me not—forget me not!32