The Widower’s Dream.

I saw thee in the dreams of night,1
Loved spirit, near me stand ;2
Thy form was fresh, thy eyes were bright,3
As when on earthly land ;4
Yet in thy aspect I descried5
The sternness of unwonted pride,6
The air of high command ;7
I veil’d my face—I could not brook8
On that indignant brow to look.9

Oh! then with deep remorse I thought10
On all my wrongs to thee ;11
How oft my wandering feet had sought12
The haunts of frolic glee ;13
And how, amidst the giddy train,14
My smiles had hail’d their mirthful strain,15
False to thy memory ;16
Thy vows, which bless’d my early lot,17
Thy love, thy life, thy loss forgot.18
I raised my eyes—thy frown had fled ;19
The same soft, touching grace20
That once on earth its radiance shed,21
Again illumed thy face :22
Thy hazel eyes, so meek before,23
Look’d still more gentle than of yore,24
And shone with purer rays ;25
They smiled the sweetness of the dove ;26
They spoke forgiveness, pity, love.27
I woke in tears : the moon’s pale light28
Pour’d round its holy beam :—29
Oh! could that vision of the night30
Be but a fleeting dream?31
No, no! it surely came to call32
My erring steps from Folly’s thrall,33
And teach my heart to deem34
That life’s best joys must worthless be,35
If banishing one thought of thee.36