The Peasantry of England.

The Peasantry of England,1
The merry hearts and free ;2
The sword may boast a braver band—3
But give the scythe to me !4
Give me the fame of industry ;5
Worth all your classic tomes !6
God guard the English Peasantry,7
And grant them happy homes !8
The sinews of old England !9
The bulwarks of the soil !10
How much we owe each manly hand,11
Thus fearless of its toil !12
Oh, he who loves the harvest free,13
Will sing where’er he roams,14
God bless the English Peasantry,15
And give them happy homes !16
God speed the plough of England !17
We’ll hail it with three cheers :18
And here’s to those whose labour planned19
The all which life endears !20
May still the wealth of Industry21
Be seen where’er man roams ;22
A cheer for England’s Peasantry !23
God send them happy homes !24