The Fatherless.

Seek not the smiling vale, sweet boy,1
With early wild flowers gay,2
Where birds pour forth a song of joy,3
And silvery waters play ;4
Though violets spring beneath thy feet,5
Though blossoms scent the air,6
No welcome shall thy presence greet,7
Thy father is not there.8
Seek not the room remembered well,9
Where often thou wouldst glide,10
Eager thy childish tale to tell,11
Close to thy father’s side ;12
How wouldst thou count his treasured books,13
And praise his pictures rare,14

But never shall a father’s looks15
Again rejoice thee there.16
Some bid thee turn to yonder mound,17
Where mournful yew-trees rise,18
And tell thee in that hallowed ground19
Thy cherished father lies ;20
Oh ! seek his grave with sorrowing heart,21
Strew it with flowrets fair,22
But ’tis thy father’s mortal part23
Alone that moulders there.24
He lives above the vaulted skies,25
With spirits pure and kind,26
And casts perchance his watchful eyes27
On those he left behind ;28
May all the counsels he has given,29
May all his pious care,30
Aid thee to turn thy thoughts on heaven,31
And lead thy footsteps there !32
Vain, dearest boy, thy earthward gaze,33
Vain thy beseeching sighs,34
The guardian of thy infant days35
Can glad not here thine eyes ;36
Yet still pursue thy search of love37
In faith, in hope, in prayer,38
Till thou shalt reach the realms above,39
And meet thy father there.40