In Memoriam.

Wintry sky and sunless,1
Piercing wind and bleak ;2
Within, a mourner tearless,3
Shuddering her woe to speak,4
Hears the words, without a sound,5
Everlasting arms around.”6
Human aid is powerless,7
Loving arms are gone8
Friendly voices cheerless,9
Work below seems done :10
Yet again those words resound,11
Everlasting arms around.”12
Is heavy heart desponding ?13
Cheering is the thought,14
Heaven, to its sighs responding,15
Sends this help unsought ;16
Hopes through throbbing pulse rebound,17
Everlasting arms around.”18
Around, beneath, above !19
Father, can it be,20
That Thou, in Thy great love,21
Dost’so encircle me ?”22
Yea, let faith arid hope abound,23
Everlasting arms around.’”24
O Father, closer come ;25
On Thine arms I’ll rest,26
Waiting, all murmurs dumb,27
Till among the blest28
In Thy mansions still be found29
Everlasting arms around.’”30
Though feeble, weary, faint,31
Doubting which the path,32
Thou wilt keep Thy saint ;33
She the promise hath34
While on earthly battle-ground,35
Everlasting arms around.’”36