In Memoriam.

Wintry sky and sunless,1
Piercing wind and bleak ;2
Within, a mourner tearless,3
Shuddering her woe to speak,4
Hears the words, without a sound,5
“ Everlasting arms around.”6
Human aid is powerless,7
Loving arms are gone8

Friendly voices cheerless,9
Work below seems done :10
Yet again those words resound,11
Everlasting arms around.”12
Is heavy heart desponding ?13
Cheering is the thought,14
Heaven, to its sighs responding,15
Sends this help unsought ;16
Hopes through throbbing pulse rebound,17
“ Everlasting arms around.”18
“ Around, beneath, above !19
Father, can it be,20
That Thou, in Thy great love,21
Dost’so encircle me ?”22
“ Yea, let faith arid hope abound,23
‘ Everlasting arms around.’”24
“ O Father, closer come ;25
On Thine arms I’ll rest,26
Waiting, all murmurs dumb,27
Till among the blest28
In Thy mansions still be found29
‘ Everlasting arms around.’”30
Though feeble, weary, faint,31
Doubting which the path,32
Thou wilt keep Thy saint ;33
“ She the promise hath34
While on earthly battle-ground,35
‘ Everlasting arms around.’”36