
will go into dark Gethsemane,1
In the night when none can see ;2
I will kneel by the side of Christ my Lord,3
And He will kneel down with me.4
I will Bow my head, for I may not look5
On that brow with its bloody dew,6
Nor into those eyes of awful pain,7
With the dread cross shining through.8
Then my soul rose up, as a man will rise9
Who hath high, stern words to speak,10
And said, “ Now what wilt thou do by Him11
With that sweat on brow and cheek ?12

“ Canst thou drink from the cup He proffers thee ?13
Canst thou quaff it at a breath ?14
For the dregs are sorrow and scorn and shame,15
The crown of thorns and death.16
“ Stand thou from afar, for thou canst not know17
That hour in Gethsemane.18
Thou canst only know, in thine own dim way,19
That He strove that night for thee.”20
So I stand afar, and I bow my head ;21
But I dare not look into those eyes,22
Whose depths have the depths of the night around,23
With the starlight in the skies.24
And my soul, as a friend will talk to a friend,25
Still whispers and speaks unto me,26
“ Thou canst only know in thine own dim way27
That hour in Gethsemane.”28