“ Why Art Thou Cast Down, O My Soul?”

“ He has
forsaken me, and I am weary1
Of journeying on a path so dark and dreary.”2
“ And wherefore is it drear ? The birds are singing3
From boughs that shadows on the shine are flinging.”4
“ I hear no music when one Voice does fail me ;5
My light is quenched ; can day’s high noon avail me ?”6
“ And wherefore did He leave thee in thy sorrow ?7
He will return and comfort thee to-morrow.”8
“ Alas, too late I mourn ! He’ll let me wander9
Cheerless, alone, my lost estate to ponder.”10
“ For His forsaking, He more close will press
Where the sword pierced, and surely there will bless thee.”12
“ Ah, no ! His foes His footstool are, kept under13
By Him, whose hand had plucked their bars asunder.14
He wipes the tears from off the children’s faces,15
And with the kiss of peace the bride, embraces.”16
“ O sorrowing soul ! such grief might be thy token,17
’Tis not the slave’s will, but the child’s heeart broken ;18
’Tis not the rebel by His wrath o’ertaken,19
It is the bride one little hour forsaken.20
The Rebel frets not that his lord’s afar,21
The slave holds revel ’neath the morning star
But spouse and children yearn for His returning,23
And keep to welcome it the hearth-fires burning.”24